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The first step is to find an existing open source project that interests you and that you think you could potentially contribute value to. Some good places to search for open source projects include GitHub, SourceForge, GitLab, and similar platforms where many open source developers host and manage their code. You’ll want to browse through projects in areas that align with your skills and interests. Consider factors like the project’s activity level, number of open issues, how beginner-friendly it seems, and whether the codebase looks accessible enough for you to potentially make meaningful contributions as a new contributor.

Once you’ve identified a few potential projects, review their documentation to understand what types of contributions they are looking for and any guidelines they have for new contributors. Pay close attention to contribution guidelines and style guides, as following these properly will be important for having your code merged. You may also want to look at the project’s issue tracker to get a sense of common issues and potential ones you could help resolve. At this point, it’s a good idea to join the project’s communication channels like Slack or Discord if they have them to start to engage with core developers.

With a potential project in mind, the next step is to pick an issue or feature that interests you and seems achievable within the scope of a capstone. Review the issue description and any conversations thoroughly to fully understand what is being requested. You may need to ask clarifying questions in the issue. For enhancements or new features without an existing issue, you’ll need to provide a clear proposal in a new issue before beginning code work. Get explicit agreement that your proposed contribution would be a good fit for the project.

With an agreed upon task, you are ready to start coding! Be sure to fork the project’s repository to your own GitHub or other hosting account before making any code changes. As you work, document your process through comments in the code and updates in the applicable issue. Write thorough tests to validate your code works as intended. Check any style guides and follow the project’s code formatting and quality standards. Commit changes to your fork frequently with detailed, self-explanatory commit messages.

Once you have completed your task and tested your changes, you are ready to submit a pull request for review. A high-quality pull request is important, so take time to write a description clearly explaining your changes and how to test them. Request reviews from one or more core committers listed on the project. Be sure to address all feedback in the pull request conversations, even making additional commits if needed. Having an effective review process is important to learn from before the code is merged.

With all feedback addressed, the pull request is ready for final merging once all reviewers have approved. Celebrate your first open source contribution! Consider additional issues you could take on, or ways to otherwise continue engaging with and supporting the community. You’ll want to document your experience contributing to the open source project as part of your capstone paper or report. Highlight what you learned, challenges you overcame, and how contributing aligns with your academic and career interests and goals going forward.

Maintaining a good relationship with the open source project you contributed to can be valuable for references or future collaboration opportunities. Continue engaging on communication channels, consider taking on more significant issues, or potentially helping with overall project management tasks if your contributions are appreciated. Promoting your work on social media is also an excellent way to demonstrate your skills and experience to potential employers.

Contributing to an open source project can be a highly rewarding learning experience when done right. Taking the time to thoughtfully select a project, clearly define the scope of your work, communicate effectively, and thoroughly test your code will serve you well throughout your software development career. It’s a process that takes patience but pays off in learning valuable new skills that can also be highlighted on your resume or capstone. With practice, contributing to open source can become very natural ways to both learn and give back to the community.


An open source approach to developing electric vehicle charging infrastructure has the potential to provide substantial benefits to local communities and businesses. By making the technical standards, software, hardware designs, and other aspects of EV charging stations open and available for anyone to use freely, it lowers the barriers to entry for more widespread adoption.

When infrastructure development is led through cooperative open collaboration rather than limited to just a few large corporations, it allows for much more localized and tailored solutions. Local governments, businesses and organizations are empowered to take EV charging deployment into their own hands in a way that makes the most sense for their specific needs and resources. They can work together to strategize optimal placement of stations that best serves local drivers while stimulate local economic activity.

Rather than relying solely on large network providers that may prioritize more dense urban areas for financial reasons, an open source model enables grassroots “from the ground up” development. Rural and smaller communities that are often overlooked can still advance electrification and the associated community benefits. They have the freedom to customize solutions based on their unique geographies, landscapes, traffic patterns and land-use characteristics.

Localized control over infrastructure also means optimizing placement based on an intimate understanding of local transportation behaviors and synergies between public and private destinations people frequent most. Charging stations can be situated conveniently next to popular shopping areas, parks, attractions and workplaces to encourage EV adoption. With an open framework that welcomes collaboration between all stakeholders, this kind of hyperlocal optimization becomes much more achievable.

Small and medium-sized local businesses also gain greater empowerment to directly participate in and benefit from EV charging growth. Shops, restaurants and other enterprises can choose to host stations on their properties to attract EV drivers looking for a convenient place to charge while patronizing local establishments. This provides new opportunities for small business marketing and promotion. Independent operators of public chargers can also flourish by identifying gaps and demand that major network companies overlook.

An open source model fosters localized business innovation around EV charging technology and services. Enterprises and entrepreneurial teams are free to develop novel hardware add-ons, payment systems, mobile apps and other ancillary solutions without the restrictions of proprietary standards. This spawns new local tech jobs and companies. Independent suppliers and installers can more easily enter the market to meet the demands of customized community solutions. The resulting boosts to local enterprise and employment have significant positive economic ripple effects.

By keeping costs down through open cooperation rather than vendor lock-in, funding and maintaining public charging infrastructure also becomes more financially viable for community groups and local governments. Municipalities get more budget flexibility to support widespread deployment that strengthen their value propositions and attract new residents and businesses in a high-tech sustainable way. Leveraging the efficiencies of volunteerism and public/private partnerships magnifies the impact of scarce tax dollars.

Perhaps most importantly, an open approach emphasizes accessibility and inclusiveness over profitable network growth alone. Used together with creative policies, this can help overcome range anxiety for lower-income drivers who still want to reap the environmental and financial benefits of electric transport. Community-based programs provide opportunities for used EV and public charger sharing that extend electrification more broadly. When charging access is a right not dependent on corporate interests or subscription fees, the clean mobility future becomes available to all.

An open source model for EV charging infrastructure development unlocks immense benefits for local communities and businesses large and small. It empowers localized innovation,optimization and economic opportunity that corporate approaches struggle to match.Most of all, it puts control back in the hands of citizens and stakeholders on the ground to guide electrification in a way that best serves their unique needs and values. When scaled broadly, this citizen-powered approach can accelerate society’s shift to sustainable transportation faster than any top-down framework.