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Here are 9 signs that someone secretly loves you according to research in psychology and based on my experience advising people:

  1. They pay attention to details about you.

Someone who is secretly in love with you will pay close attention to even small details about you. They will remember things you mention in passing about your interests, dislikes, friends, hobbies and preferences. This is because they find you fascinating and want to impress you by demonstrating they were really listening when you spoke.

When you’re with them, they maintain strong eye contact and focus intently on what you say. They also might casually drop into conversation details about you to show they were really paying attention. This subconsciously conveys to their crush that they view them as a priority.

  1. They value your opinions above others.

If someone loves you secretly, they will genuinely care about your thoughts, views and perspectives on various matters. Even if others disagree with you, they will still see value in your opinion. They want to understand how your mind works and will refrain from outrightly dismissing your views, instead considering them thoughtfully.

At times, they may even pretend to agree with your stance on issues just to avoid an argument that could risk upsetting you. They are keen to maintain your good opinion of them at all times, so your words carry special weight in their mind.

  1. They feel nervous and awkward around you.

Strong feelings of love that are still hidden can translate to anxiety in your presence. As someone secretly pines for your affection, being with you makes them nervous about concealing their true motives. Their heart races and they get flustered, struggling to act natural.

Signs of this include fidgeting, rambling unnecessarily when speaking, making clumsy gestures or prone to blushing easily around you. Maintaining eye contact may feel challenging as shy glances are often thrown your way. This is due to an influx of feel-good hormones like cortisol and adrenaline released in their system by their pent-up emotions for you.

  1. They copy your mannerisms and habits.

Have you noticed the person acting strangely similar to you lately – from adopting your unique phrases to mimicking the way you laugh or tilt your head? Imitating your traits is a covert tactic used by those secretly in love. It makes them feel closer and more familiar to their crush.

By emulating your body language, facial expressions, tone of voice or other habits, they hope to form an unconscious bond and feel more emotionally aligned with you. You become their role model as copying your manner helps them read your character better and understand you on a deeper level. It’s an attempt at winning your approval through resemblance.

  1. They go out of their way to help and support you.

Someone with a hidden romantic yearning will offer unusually enthusiastic assistance whenever you require it. From carrying your bags to volunteering for tasks just to spend more time in your presence, their motivation will surpass social obligations. Rather than seek rewards, their kindness stems from a place of true care and affection.

Whether it’s listening to your worries for hours, running errands or helping you achieve your goals, they derive quiet joy from your happiness and progress. Generosity of spirit without expecting returns is a powerful sign they possess deep feelings which they aren’t yet owning up to.

  1. They keep finding excuses to be around you.

Rather than being direct about their interest, someone secretly crushing will contrive reasons to interact with you frequently. From casual workouts together to intense study sessions at odd hours, everyday activities become opportunities for closeness. They may join similar community events just to see you there.

While speaking to others, your name often surfaces casually in their stories. Spending precious free moments wherever you are becomes their priority despite a busy schedule. Subconsciously, every shared moment feels meaningful to them as their heart yearns for your company constantly.

  1. They prioritize your needs over hanging out with friends.

If plans with friends conflict with commitments to you, someone with well-hidden feelings of romance will readily pick you. They might even invent an obligation coming up to decline others whilst ensuring availability for you. Missing social events is worthwhile if it means bonding privately with their crush instead.

Helping you takes precedence over various responsibilities or personal desires. Your happiness and comfort rank high on their list as suppressed infatuation simmers beneath the surface. They are motivated to offer help selflessly just to evoke fondness and gratitude from you.

  1. They remember special occasions and buy thoughtful gifts.

Paying attention to birthdays, achievements and meaningful dates in your life reveals the level of care someone harboring a secret crush has for you. They take time out to prepare heartfelt gifts, greeting cards, care packages or mix tapes tailored to your interests and inside jokes.

Thought replaced commercial value as they pour emotional investment into presents hoping to bring a smile. Being recognized on personal milestones feels special to them and strengthens their private connection, even without admission of underlying sentiment. It’s a subtle way of expressing affection within acceptable social norms.

  1. Unplanned physical touches linger longer than usual.

When laughter, excitement or accidental proximity results in skin contact, someone repressing fond feelings will experience electric chemistry and struggle to separate immediately. A helping hand might linger on the small of your back longer than socially appropriate. The thrill of intimacy, however brief, is meaningful to them on an unconscious level.

Even casual side hugs or soft brushes feel more intimate than intended. While respecting boundaries, covert attraction influences their need for these fleeting yet vivid moments which fuel vivid daydreams later on. Pheromonal responses are further ignited by delightful proximity to their secret object of desire.

Secretly nursing feelings for someone generates a cocktail of emotions difficult to hide completely. While words aren’t spoken, little actions and behavioral tics might betray the amorousYearnings of somebody not ready to be fully vulnerable yet. With patience and empathy, we can decoding these unconscious clues to understand human nature on a deeper level. Healthy communication is key once trust is gained.