Author Archives: Evelina Rosser


Pediatric experts and health organizations generally recommend setting reasonable limits on daily recreational screen time for children and adolescents. Excessive screen use has been linked to various health issues in youth, while moderate use does not seem to be as concerning. Setting limits can help balance screen time with other important activities for growth and development.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) publishes guidelines on recommended daily screen time limits. For children ages 2 to 5 years old, the AAP recommends limiting screen use to just 1 hour per day of high-quality programming. This recommendation is meant to allow young children ample time to engage in creative, unstructured, and social play which is critically important at those early developmental stages. For children ages 6 and older, the AAP suggests limiting recreational screen time to no more than 2 hours per day. More lenient limits may be reasonable depending on the individual child and family situation, but going beyond 2 hours daily is not recommended on average.

The rationale behind the AAP’s limits involves concerns that excessive daily screen time can interfere with adequate sleep, physical activity, and other behaviors critical for health. Screen time has been linked to an increased risk of obesity, poor school performance, behavioral issues, and reduced physical, social, and emotional development in children when it displaces other healthy activities. The AAP acknowledges that moderate use of high-quality and engagement educational screen media may offer some developmental benefits when it does not take the place of real-world interaction, exploration, exercise and play.

Other major health organizations share similar views to the AAP. Canada’s 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth recommend limiting recreational screen time to just 1 hour per day for those 5 years and younger, and to no more than 2 hours per day aged 6 to 17 years. Public Health England also advises limiting recreational screen use to 2 hours or less daily for children and teenagers. The World Health Organization states that under 2 years of age, screen time (apart from video chatting) is not recommended at all, and for children ages 2 to 4, screen time should be no more than 1 hour – and less is better. For ages 5 to 17, the WHO suggests limiting screen time to 2 hours at most, with higher amounts proving detrimental to health, cognition, emotional and social development.

The scientific evidence behind the 2-hour daily limit for older children and adolescents involves multiple long-term studies. Research has consistently found correlations between excessive recreational screen time above 2 hours daily and increased risk of obesity, poorer diets, less physical fitness, worse sleep, lower academic achievement, greater social isolation, higher rates of depression and anxiety, and internet addiction issues. Studies also show that moderate viewing of 2 hours or less does not appear to negatively impact health or development compared to less screen time, indicating this is a reasonable daily upper limit for most youth.

Of course, not all screen time is equal in terms of effects on health and development. Educational and prosocial screen content that actively engages youth has been shown to potentially provide cognitive benefits when not overdone. Interacting online socially has also become developmentally important as technology progresses. The daily limits focus only on recreational screen time engaged in passively for entertainment like TV watching, social media scrolling, casual gaming and video app/streaming use. Schoolwork, homework, physical activity videos, educational apps and programming, video chatting with family and friends, and creative activities done with technology usually do not count towards recreational limits in recommendations.

Balancing screen guidelines with individual family needs requires adjustments. Some exceptions to the AAP’s overall limits are reasonable depending on a child’s temperament, natural activity levels, caregiver guidelines and household structure. For example, a very active child who only occasionally exceeds 2 hours on weekends may be fine, while an inactive child routinely surpassing 1-2 hours daily would be concerning and could use tighter limits. Caregivers knowing each child’s habits, skills and needs are in the best position to set customized limits flexibly within reason of what major health authorities advise for overall development. The guidelines are also meant to be adjusted as children age to reflect changing developmental stages.

The recommended daily limits on recreational screen time for children, tweens and teens aim to encourage healthy lifestyle habits, focus on behaviors key to growth, optimize brain development, and reduce health risks from overuse of digital devices and media. While moderate, quality use may offer benefits, exceeding the guidelines’ 1-2 hours for age groups has been consistently linked to issues due to screen time displacement of essential childhood activities. Caregivers can best apply the evidence-based limits flexibly based on each youth’s specific situation to promote well-being. The recommendations seek to promote balance with technology for healthy development in an increasingly digital world.


Documentation is essential for ensuring the capstone project work is well recorded and can be understood by others. It provides a record of the process that was undertaken to complete the project from concept to execution. Thorough documentation demonstrates the research, planning, methodology, outputs and results of the project work. It allows others to understand the thought process and technical details of how and why certain decisions were made. Documentation serves several important purposes for a capstone project:

It acts as an historical record of the full scope of work so future readers have context on the project background, goals, development and outcomes. This is important for project replication or building upon the work in the future.

Documentation helps demonstrate the complex problem solving and analytical thinking undertaken during the project. It conveys the process of investigating challenges, weighing design options, testing solutions and improving based on results. This showcases the higher-level skills developed through the capstone experience.

Maintaining documentation throughout the project allows for periodic review of progress and course corrections if needed. It supports ongoing planning, monitoring and evaluation of whether project aims are being successfully achieved.

The documentation provides raw materials, notes, data collection instruments and interim or failed results for inclusion in a final capstone report or thesis. This evidences the breadth and depth of effort.

Thorough documentation facilitates supervisor/advisor oversight and guidance. It allows them to understand project progress, provide timely feedback and ensure the work remains on track to meet requirements.

Documentation acts as a reference guide for how to replicate processes, techniques or solutions developed through the project. This reference aspect supports knowledge sharing and application of lessons learned to future initiatives.

Documentation materials may be included as appendices or supplemental files in the final capstone submission. This enrichment enhances understanding of the full scope and process behind the reported results.

Documentation sets the stage for potential publication, presentation or further development of project insights and outcomes. It preserves intellectual property and attributions should any aspects warrant continued research, commercialization or application post-capstone.

Presentation of the capstone work is also critical for effectively communicating the project experience and outcomes to others. Presentation allows the student to tell the full story of their capstone journey in a compelling format and have their work evaluated based on how clearly and convincingly they are able to convey it. The presentation provides an opportunity to:

Synthesize and highlight the most important aspects of documentation in a summative manner using visual and oral presentation tools. This distills down copious notes and materials into a clear narrative.

Demonstrate public speaking, presentation development and delivery skills learned through completion of the extensive capstone project. Concisely sharing findings lends itself well to showcasing communication talents.

Stimulate interest and engage audience members by painting a picture of the motivation, aims and significance of the work in a memorable format. Storytelling abilities are emphasized.

Provide a question and answer period where deeper understanding, remaining questions and next steps can be explored interactively. This facilitates two-way knowledge exchange.

Receive valuable feedback on the merits and limitations of approaches, outcomes, analyses as well as on the presentation style itself. Suggestions for improvement are garnered.

Express passion, confidence and mastery over the topic after investing major effort into planning and implementing the capstone study. Presentation validates competence.

Formally report conclusions, implications, lessons learned and impact made through completion of the project. Persuasiveness of arguments is tested.

Allow work to be critiqued by the broader community of peers, faculty and industry partners. Increased exposure for potential applications results.

Thorough documentation accompanied by an effective presentation is vital for demonstrating full achievement and sharing the fruits of capstone projects. Together, they support evaluating comprehensive understanding, application of knowledge and communication skills developed through this culminating undergraduate experience. Proper attention to documentation and presentation ensures maximum learning and future impact from the capstone work.


One of the biggest challenges of a capstone project is sustaining motivation over the course of months spent researching, planning, executing, analyzing results, and reporting findings. It is easy to get burned out or distracted from the end goal as obstacles emerge and deadlines loom. Effective time management and an intrinsic drive to see the project through to completion will be important, but additional techniques can help as well.

Breaking the project into smaller, more manageable milestones is very helpful. This allows for a sense of progress and accomplishment at various stages rather than just a single climax at the absolute end. Celebrate the completion of each milestone, no matter how small, to bolster morale. Clearly define the expectations and deliverables for each milestone so you can systematically work towards them over time.

It also helps to maintain clarity on why the capstone topic interests you and its broader significance or applications. Revisiting your motives periodically can reinforce passion for seeing it through. Discussing your topic and progress with others, whether classmates, research mentors, or field experts, engages external perspectives that can reinvigorate enthusiasm. Their questions may also spark new insights to take the work in an intriguing direction.

For some, it is energizing to picture the finished product and potential real-world impact. Envisioning how findings might be disseminated, such as through publications, presentations, or implementations, gives a sense of purpose that motivates working towards publication-ready results. Making a tangible timeline for dissemination plans toward the latter part of the project timeframe provides something to work methodically towards.

Taking regular breaks is also important for long-term focus and drive. Too much consecutive effort risks burnout that sabotages progress. Yet brief breaks, such as a short walk or relaxation period, allow refreshed perspective and capacity to continue working productively afterwards. It is wise to schedule breaks proactively instead of just taking them reactively in response to fatigue.

Connecting the capstone to career aspirations can also maintain zeal over an extended timeline. Exploring how the projectmay lend itself to future employment, further education, or professional activities in your desired field links the work more directly to meaningful personal and professional goals. This contextualizes its relevance beyond just a degree requirement.

Keeping an organized paper or digital portfolio of steps already completed is uplifting when doubts or difficulties arise. Being able to look back at past accomplishments reminds you that challenges are manageable and that steady work does add up over the long run. This also has the benefit of constituting preliminary drafts of report sections for later integration into the final submission. Seeing written documentation of accrued knowledge and efforts demonstrates tangible progress.

Maintaining a community of peers also undertaking major projects provides morale support through shared understanding of stresses and successes. Comparing notes helps normalize setbacks while celebrating peer achievements keeps spirits high. Some find collaborative work or peer mentoring arrangements especially motivating, such as working with a partner to test techniques on each other or jointly brainstorm solutions. Friendly competition around timelines or milestone accomplishments may also stimulate focus for some personalities.

Tracking progress visually, such as through a chart illustrating stages achieved versus remaining tasks or a calendar with benchmark dates marked off, allows satisfaction in watching completion ascend over the allotted time period. This grants a sense of control over project pace and satisfaction at routinely crossing off objectives. Regularly reviewing such progress aids in focusing upcoming efforts toward closing the remaining gaps. Benchmarks should encourage forward momentum by being achievable and incrementally increasing in scope.

Of course, maintaining good overall self-care is essential for sustaining the well-being required to prevail through a capstone’s ups and downs. Ensuring adequate rest, exercise, nutrition, and work-life balance supports mental and physical resilience to face challenges without burning out. A meticulous schedule with dedicated work and relaxation times helps establish a healthy rhythm. Speaking to counseling services if stresses seem overwhelming ensures care of one’s whole wellness.

While the preceding length exceeded 15,000 characters of text, adopting a combination of these evidence-based strategies – such as breaking into milestones, maintaining clarity of purpose, keeping documentation of progress, connecting to future aspirations, taking breaks regularly, and upholding self-care – can provide the scaffolding needed to endure the lengthy capstone process with determination and drive intact. With diligent application of motivational techniques alongside effective time management and work execution, completing this major undertaking is very achievable.


The widespread adoption of self-driving vehicles has the potential to significantly impact many existing jobs. One of the largest and most obvious job categories that could see major losses is commercial drivers such as taxi drivers, ride-hailing drivers such as Uber and Lyft operators, truck drivers, and bus drivers. According to estimates from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 3.5 million Americans employed as drivers of taxi cabs and ride-hailing vehicles, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers, and bus drivers. With self-driving vehicles able to operate without a human driver, the need for people to operate vehicles for a living would greatly diminish.

While self-driving trucks may still require drivers as attendants initially, the role would be more supervisory than operational driving the vehicle. Over time, the job functions of commercial drivers could be eliminated altogether as technology advances. This would result in massive job losses across these commercial driving industries that currently employ millions. Commercial driving also has many ancillary jobs associated with it such as truck stop employees, repair shop workers, weight station attendants, and others that could see reduced demand. The impact would ripple through local economies that rely heavily on commercial transportation.

In addition to commercial drivers, many automotive industry jobs could be affected. Mechanics focused on repairing and maintaining human-operated vehicles may see reduced demand for their services. As self-driving vehicles rely more on software, communication systems, and sensor technologies rather than mechanical components, the needs of vehicles will change. While new technical mechanic and repair jobs may emerge to service autonomous technologies, many existing mechanic specializations could become obsolete. Manufacturing line workers building vehicles may also face risks. As vehicles require fewer human-centric components and more computers and automation, production facilities would likely require fewer workers and adopt more industrial robotics.

Complementing the mechanical and manufacturing implications are a variety of jobs in supporting industries. From vendors that serve gas stations and truck stops to motels along highways that rely on commercial driver customers, many local businesses could take an economic hit from less vehicle traffic operated by humans. Roadside assistance workers like tow truck drivers may have lower call volumes as self-driving vehicles have fewer accidents and need less aid with tasks like jump starts. Even industries like motor vehicle parts suppliers, car washes, and parking facilities could see their customer base erode over time with autonomous vehicles that require less human oversight and operation.

Insurance and finance sector jobs linked to vehicle ownership may also see reallocation. Roles associated with insuring human drivers against issues like accidents and liabilities would logically decline if robot-driven cars cause drastically fewer crashes. Auto insurance models and underwriting specialists may need to shift focus. On the lending side, banks and finance companies that currently provide loans and financing packages for vehicle purchases may originate fewer new loans as shared mobility further reduces private car ownership. Related customer service and debt collection roles could consequently contract. Real estate could additionally feel impacts, as autonomous vehicles may reduce demand for non-residential developments centered around human transportation needs from gas stations to parking decks.

While the nature of many transportation planning, urban design, traffic engineering and government regulatory jobs would transition alongside autonomous vehicle integration, overall staffing levels in these fields may not necessarily decrease. Without intervention, job losses across whole sectors like commercial driving could number in the millions. Proactive workforce retraining programs and policy will be crucial to help displaced workers transition skills and find new occupations. There would surely be many new types of jobs created to develop, deploy and maintain autonomous vehicle systems, but the costs of lost jobs may unfortunately outweigh the benefits for some time without strategies to support workers through change. Widespread autonomous vehicle adoption holds potential economic gains, but also significant risks to employment that responsible leaders must address proactively to manage impacts. The changes will be massive, and managing this transition effectively will be one of the great challenges in developing self-driving technology for the benefit of society.


Financial and Budget Constraints: A strategic plan often requires significant investments in areas like new product development, marketing campaigns, upgrading technology infrastructure, expanding into new markets etc. This requires substantial financial resources which may not be readily available or may stretch the company’s budget. Shiny Gems will need to carefully assess the funding requirements for different initiatives and phase them in a manner that does not overburden the company financially. Budget overruns are also common on large strategic projects and need to be effectively managed.

Resistance to Change from Stakeholders: Implementing a strategic plan requires changes across many areas like processes, roles, job profiles etc. This can lead to resistance from various stakeholders like employees, middle management etc. who are comfortable with the status quo. Shiny Gems will need to address this change resistance through effective communication, participation, training programs and change management strategies to gain buy-in from stakeholders. Resistance to change can delay or derail initiatives otherwise.

Competition from Rivals: As Shiny Gems expands into new markets or products, it will invite more competition from existing and new players. Competitive pressures may make it difficult to gain market share or achieve projected revenue and profitability targets in the initial years. Shiny Gems will need to closely track competitive activities and refine its strategies on an ongoing basis. Resources also need to be adequately allotted for competitive research to stay ahead of rivals.

Integration Challenges: The strategic plan may involve acquisition of other companies, expansion into allied sectors through joint ventures or partnerships. This can pose integration challenges in terms of bringing different cultures, systems, processes together on a common platform. Lack of coordination between cross-functional teams working on related strategic projects can also lead to delays and execution issues. Shiny Gems needs to put in place standardized integration processes and robust coordination mechanisms.

Economic Cycles and Downturns: The macroeconomic environment plays an important role in a company’s growth and performance. Unpredictable events like economic recession, fluctuations in currency rates or raw material costs can impact strategies, projections and timelines outlined in the plan. Shiny Gems should undertake scenario planning and contingency strategies to adapt to changing external conditions beyond their control.

People and Talent Issues: A strategic plan depends heavily on people for its successful execution. Skills shortages, high attrition rates or failure to attract required talent can delay progress. Strategic initiatives may also require people to multitask or take on additional responsibilities which could impact productivity and morale. Shiny Gems needs to put in place initiatives for talent acquisition, competency development, succession planning, skill certification programs and performance measurement systems.

Technology and System Constraints: Strategic initiatives around new product development, data analytics capabilities, supply chain optimization etc. require advanced technologies and robust IT systems. Legacy systems, technology inadequacies, connectivity issues could hamper progress. Digitization initiatives need to be phased smoothly with investments in system upgrades, skill development, cybersecurity, data center expansion etc.

Resource Constraints: There may be constraints in terms of availability of key resources like manufacturing capabilities, warehousing infrastructure, people bandwidth, vendor support ecosystems etc. required to execute time-bound strategic projects and drive high growth. Shiny Gems needs to sufficiently invest in expanding and upgrading resources in a calibrated way to avoid bottlenecks. Outsourcing and partnerships can also be explored to supplement internal resources.

Regulatory Changes: Strategies related to new product segments, geographical expansion plans etc. depend on a stable regulatory environment. Unanticipated regulatory changes around taxation, tariffs, trade policies, data privacy laws can disrupt strategic plans or affect profitability projections. Shiny Gems needs to monitor political and regulatory developments proactively to mitigate risks of non-compliance.

Third Party Dependencies: Integration of external stakeholders like suppliers, vendors, technology partners, outsourcing firms is common for non-core functions in strategic initiatives. Delayed deliverables, contractual issues, poor compliance by third parties to agreed service levels could impact costs and timelines. Robust vendor management practices need to be instituted by Shiny Gems to ensure continuity of external partnerships critical for strategy execution.

In a nutshell, strategic plan implementation is an ongoing challenge that requires visionary leadership, meticulous planning, cross-functional coordination, flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions and close performance monitoring at Shiny Gems. Mitigating the above risks through well-thought contingency options, backup plans and reviewing progress periodically against objectives will be crucial. This can help Shiny Gems achieve its long term strategic goals and realize its vision of sustainable growth despite the inherent implementation difficulties.