Tag Archives: buckets


AWS S3 is a cloud-based storage service that allows users to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web. Users can use the S3 service to build scalable applications and websites by storing files like images, videos, documents, backups and archives in S3 buckets. Media files from various sources need to be ingested or uploaded into these S3 buckets in a reliable, secure and automated manner. There are multiple ways this media file ingestion process can be configured based on the specific requirements and workflows.

Some common methods for ingesting media files into S3 buckets include:

Direct Upload via S3 SDK/CLI: The most basic way is to directly upload files to S3 using the AWS SDKs or CLI tools from the client/application side. Code can be written to upload files programmatically from a source folder to the target S3 bucket location. This method does not support workflows that require triggering the ingestion process from external sources like CMS, DAM, encoding systems etc.

S3 Transfer Acceleration: For larger files like video, Transfer Acceleration can be used which leverages CloudFront’s globally distributed edge locations. It parallelizes data transfer and routes uploads over multiple network paths from client to S3 region to achieve faster upload speeds even for files being uploaded from locations far away from regional S3 buckets.

SFTP/FTPS Ingestion: Specialized SFTP/FTPS servers can be deployed like Amazon SFTP or third party tools that can bridge SFTP/FTPS servers to listen and capture files dropped into dedicated folders, parse metadata etc and trigger ingestion workflow that uploads files to S3 and updates status/metadata in databases. Schema and workflow tools like AWS Step Functions can orchestrate the overall process.

Watch Folders on EC2: A scaled cluster of EC2 instances across regions can be deployed with watch folders configured using tools like AWS DataSync, Rsync etc. As files land in these monitored folders, they can trigger Lambda functions which will copy or sync files to S3 and optionally perform processing/transcoding using services like Elastic Transcoder before or during upload to S3.

API/Webhook Triggers: External systems like CMS, PIM, DAM support REST API triggers to signal availability of new assets for media ingestion pipelines. A Lambda function can be triggered which fetches files via pre-signed URLs, does any processing and uploads resultant files to S3 along with metadata updates via databases.

Kinesis Video Streams: For continuous live video streams from encoders, Kinesis Video Streams can be used to reliably ingest streams which get archived in HLS/DASH format to S3 for on-demand playback later. Kinesis Analytics can also be used for running SQL on video streams for insights before archival.

Bucket Notifications: S3 bucket notifications allow configuring SNS/SQS triggers whenever new objects are created in a bucket. This can be used to handle ingestion asynchronously by decoupling actual upload of files in S3 from any downstream workflows like processing, metadata updates etc. Helps implementing a loosely coupled asynchronous event-driven ingestion pipeline.

AWS Elemental MediaConnect: For high-scale, low-latency live video ingestion from encoders, MediaConnect flow can pull streams from multiple encoders simultaneously, encrypt/package and push reliable streams to S3 storage while publishing to CDN for live viewing. Integrates tightly with MediaLive, Elemental Conductor for orchestration.

MediaTailor: Ad insertion and tail slate insertion system allows broadcasters to insert dynamic ads in their live content which gets ingested into S3 origin. Integrates with affiliate workflows for dynamic content delivery and monetization.

Once files land in S3, various downstream tasks like metadata extraction, transcoding optimization, access controls, replication across regions can be implemented using Lambda, MediaConvert, Athena, Glue etc trigged by S3 notifications. Overall the goal is designing loosely coupled secure asynchronous media ingestion pipelines that can scale elastically based on business needs. Proper monitoring using tools like CloudWatch and logging helps ensuring reliability and observability of media file transfer to S3.