Tag Archives: campus


To successfully expand the app’s information to additional campus sites and off-campus housing areas, a strategic multi-phase expansion plan would need to be developed and implemented. The first phase would involve researching and mapping out all potential new campus and housing areas that could be included. Data would be collected on the locations, building addresses, amenities available at each site, parking options, public transportation access, and other relevant details. Market research should also be done to understand student demand and desire for information on these new areas.

Once all potential expansion sites are identified and mapped out, the second phase would involve content creation. Detailed profiles would need to be developed for each new campus building and off-campus housing community or complex that will be added. High-quality photos should be taken both inside and outside to provide users a feel for each location. Floor plans and maps showing room/unit layouts, common areas, etc. would help orient users. Information on housing types (apartments, dorms, townhomes), room/unit sizes, capacity, rental rates/costs, leasing terms and any special offers should be researched and included. Details on each location’s amenities like fitness facilities, study areas, dining options, parking, safety features and more would offer value to users.

The third phase would focus on user interface and experience design. The app’s existing map-based interface would need to be expanded and optimized to easily display all the new campus and housing locations. Users should be able to seamlessly navigate between original and expansion areas without confusion. New filter and search functionality may need to be added to help users quickly find what they need across all locations. The profile pages for individual campus buildings and housing communities also need to be redesigned to be consistent yet highlight unique details for each. Considerations around load times, bandwidth usage and overall user experience across different devices must be made. Quality assurance testing would help validate the new design.

Phase four involves actually populating the app with all the new content and profiles created. Highly trained content editors should methodically input all location, amenity and profile details gathered into the new maps, interface and database framework established. Rigorous quality control checks are crucial to ensure all facts are accurately portrayed. Any discrepancies between research and what gets published must be resolved. APIs or integrations may need developing to dynamically pull some data like photos, floor plans or rental rates directly from their origin sources on an ongoing basis.

In phase five, an extensive marketing and communications campaign launches to promote the expansion across campus and into the local community. Targeted ads, emails, and push notifications keep current users informed. Orientation events, fairs and demonstrations introduce the updated app to new students. Press releases, articles in school publications and posts on social media spread the word more broadly. On-site signage and flyers provide visibility at each new location added. Ongoing success metrics help measure engagement and assess what refinements could boost usage further.

The sixth phase focuses on ongoing content updates, improvements and additional expansion increments over time. Processes ensure all information stays fresh and reflects any changes at campus buildings or housing partners. User feedback guides further refinement of features, interface and experience. Periodic reviews determine if new areas exist that warrant inclusion or if ones covered should potentially be removed due to lack of relevance or demand. Partnerships or other APIs continue evolving integration of external data sources. Regular software updates address any bugs while optimization keeps performance optimized as usage grows.

By following a phased, methodical approach that thoroughly researches new areas, creates valuable profiles and maps, carefully designs integration into the app experience, quality assures expansion implementation, aggressively promotes the updates, then maintains and refines ongoing – the institution can steadily expand housing and campus coverage while delivering consistent, high-quality information to better serve students across more locations. Commitment to this process enables continued progress toward the goal of being a comprehensive one-stop resource for all on- and off-campus living and campus life needs.