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The first step in deploying the database application to end users is to ensure it is in a stable and complete state to be tested by others. All functionality should be implemented, bugs should be minimized, and performance should be adequate. It’s a good idea to do internal testing by other teams within the organization before exposing the application externally. This helps catch any major issues prior to sharing with end users.

Once internal testing is complete, the application needs to be prepared for external deployment. The deployment package should contain everything needed to install and run the application. This would include executables, configuration files, database scripts to set up the schema and seed data, documentation, and a readme file explaining how to get started. The deployment package is typically distributed as a downloadable file or files that can be run on the target system.

The next step is to determine the deployment strategy. Will it be a closed or controlled beta with a small number of selected users, or an open public beta? A controlled beta allows issues to be identified and fixed in a limited setting before widespread release, while an open beta garners broader feedback. The deployment strategy needs to be chosen based on the complexity of the application, goals of the beta period, and risk tolerance.

With the deployment package and strategy determined, it’s time to engage with users to participate in the beta. For a controlled beta, relevant people within the target user community should be directly contacted to request their participation. An open call for participation can also be used. When recruiting beta testers, it’s important to be clear about the purpose being feedback and testing rather than fully rolled-out production usage. Testers need to understand and accept that bugs may be encountered.

Each beta tester is provided with access to install and run the application from the deployment package. During onboarding, testers should be given documentation on application features and workflows, as well as guidelines on providing feedback. It’s useful to have testers sign a non-disclosure agreement and terms of use if it’s a controlled beta of an unreleased application.

With the application deployed, the feedback period begins. Testers use the application for its intended purposes, exploring features and attempting different tasks. They document any issues experienced, such as bugs, usability problems, missing features, or requests for enhancements. Feedback should be collected periodically through online questionnaires, interviews, support tickets, or other predefined mechanisms.

Throughout the beta, the development team monitors incoming feedback and works to address high priority problems. Fixes are deployed to testers as new versions of the application package. This continual feedback-implement-test cycle allows improvements to be made based on real-world usage experiences. As major issues are resolved, more testers may be onboarded to further stress test the application.

Once the feedback period ends, all input from testers is analyzed to finalize any outstanding work. Common feedback themes may indicate deeper problems or opportunities for enhancements. User experience metrics like task success rates and task completion times provide quantitative insights. The development team reviews all data to decide if the application is ready for general release, or if another beta cycle is needed.

When ultimately ready for launch, the final deployment package is published through appropriate channels for the intended user base. For example, a consumer-facing app would be released to Android and iOS app stores, while an enterprise product may be deployed through internal tools and support portals. Comprehensive documentation including setup guides, tutorials and product handbooks support the production rollout.

Deploying a database application to end users for testing and improvement is a structured process. It requires technical, process and communications work to carefully manage a productive feedback period, continually refine the product based on experiences, and validate readiness for production usage. The feedback obtained directly from target users is invaluable for creating a high quality application that genuinely meets real-world needs.