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The validation rubric aids the dissertation committee in assessing the quality and legitimacy of doctoral research presented in the dissertation. It outlines criteria used to ensure the dissertation meets Walden’s standards for doctoral-level work. The rubric contains three major categories that must each be thoroughly addressed for a passing score: research components, writing, and oral defense.

The research components category focuses on assessing how well the student conducted their scholarly research and investigation. It contains numerous sub-criteria for the dissertation committee to evaluate, such as the problem statement/purpose, literature review, research design and methodology, data analysis, findings, and significance/recommendations. For each sub-criteria, the rubric provides descriptors to guide assessment on levels of performance from “below expectations” to “exemplary.” Some key things students must demonstrate include a clear problem statement and purpose for the study, a robust review of current literature surrounding the research topic, well-planned and -rationalized research design and methodology, valid and rigorous data analysis procedures, sound findings directly linked to the research questions/hypotheses, and meaningful significance and recommendations supported by the research.

The writing category centers on the dissertation’s conveyance through written work. Sub-criteria cover aspects like structure, style/mechanics, APA formatting, and information literacy. Students must meet high standards regarding their ability to compose the dissertation in a logical, well-organized structure with coherent and cohesive flow between elements. Writing style must adhere to standard conventions of grammar, mechanics, and language usage appropriate for doctoral-level work. Strict APA formatting is required for citations, references, tables, figures, headings, etc. throughout. Students also need to effectively locate, evaluate, and synthesize high-quality information from credible scholarly sources.

The oral defense category relates to assessing the student’s ability to discuss and defend their research presented in the dissertation. Criteria appraise preparation, responses to questions, use of visuals, and communication/presentation style. At the oral defense meeting, students should demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of their research study and be prepared to thoughtfully and thoroughly answer questions from committee members. Any visual aids used, such as PowerPoint slides, must meet scholarly standards and effectively support the presentation. Overall communication and presentation style during the defense should be clear, logical, confident, and conducted with expertise of doctoral candidates.

To achieve a passing score on the validation rubric and thereby earn their doctoral degree, students must meet criteria for all three categories at a high level of accomplishment that satisfies Walden’s stringent requirements. The student’s work should clearly represent original research and thinking making a meaningful contribution to the field and performed at the quality and intellectual standards expected for doctoral candidates. A sub-par performance on any aspect could result in failures or the need for further revisions before another defense. The validation rubric rigorously assesses the overall quality, legitimacy, and rigor of scholarship to ensure Walden doctoral research prepares graduates with the training necessary to affect positive change in their professions, organizations, and society. Meeting all parameters at exemplary levels is vital for students to validate mastery of doctoral-level research and writing skills upon which their degrees are conferred.

The dissertation validation rubric contains robust criteria across research components, writing, and oral defense categories that Walden doctoral students must fully satisfy to gain approval of their original research work. Thorough preparation, diligent and careful work at all stages of the research process, strict adherence to standard formatting and quality guidelines, and expert demonstration of scholarship during the oral defense are fundamental requirements. Only by earning high scores on all aspects as assessed by the rubric can students achieve validation of achieving doctoral competency based on an exemplary dissertation. The rubric thereby plays a pivotal role for the university and committee in ensuring the academic and intellectual rigor associated with earning a Ph.D. from Walden is maintained.