Tag Archives: elicitation


One of the biggest challenges is scheduling availability and finding times when key stakeholders are available to participate in elicitation sessions. Stakeholders often have very busy schedules with competing priorities and demands on their time. As a result, it can be difficult to schedule elicitation activities when all important stakeholders are present. There are a few things that can help address this challenge. First, elicitation activities need to be planned out well in advance so stakeholders have as much notice as possible to allocate time. It also helps to understand stakeholders’ schedules and find times that are relatively less busy if full availability is not possible. Another option is to conduct elicitation in shorter iterative sessions if multi-hour sessions are not feasible.

Ensuring participation from the full range of important stakeholders can also be difficult. Not all stakeholders view requirements engineering as a top priority and some may be reluctant to participate. Senior management support for the elicitation process is important to secure involvement from those who may not see direct value. It also helps to socialize the elicitation approach across stakeholder groups in advance and explain how their input will be used and how the final system may impact their work or needs. Making the process as inclusive as possible and valuing all perspectives can encourage participation. One-on-one interviews may be needed in some cases to elicit relevant information from reluctant stakeholders.

Gaining a shared understanding of problems, potential solutions, and key requirements among diverse stakeholder groups can also pose coordination challenges. Stakeholders often have very different backgrounds, domain expertise, priorities, and opinions that must be reconciled. During elicitation, facilitation is important to ensure all views are heard and understood and to guide the discussion toward consensus where possible. Mapping how different requirements interact and impact one another can help stakeholders develop a system-level perspective. Iterative elicitation allows refining understanding over time as viewpoints evolve. Having stakeholders from different backgrounds jointly analyze case studies or user scenarios can foster collaboration.

Eliciting an appropriate level of detail without over-specifying certain requirements or leaving others too vague also requires careful coordination. Doing too much detailed analysis too soon may overlook important high-level needs, but insufficient detail leaves room for misinterpretation later on. An incremental, iterative approach helps address this by first focusing on core needs before delving into specifics. Allowing flexibility to revisit requirements as understanding improves is also important. Soliciting examples and metrics where applicable helps add precision without being overly constraining prematurely. Continued involvement of stakeholders throughout the project will also aid balancing levels of detail as needs evolve.

Perspectives often change over time as various project-related uncertainties are resolved and new insights emerge. Maintaining current, traceable requirements becomes an ongoing coordination effort. Updating stakeholders on project progress helps ensure their needs and priorities are still accurately reflected in requirements. Periodic review and refinement sessions with key stakeholders can help validate requirements remain relevant and complete any gaps. Changes in organizational strategy or the introduction of new technologies may also necessitate revisiting certain requirements. Having processes for change requests, version control, and impact analysis supports coordinating an evolving set of requirements aligned with changing needs.

Successfully coordinating elicitation efforts requires addressing challenges related to scheduling, participation, reconciling diverse views, balancing levels of detail and ensuring requirements stay up-to-date. With careful planning, open communication, an iterative approach and ongoing involvement of stakeholders, these challenges can be overcome to develop a shared understanding of user needs and a comprehensive set of well-coordinated requirements. Continual coordination throughout the project helps validate requirements maintain strategic alignment as projects evolve.