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Ontario has various policies and financial incentives in place to encourage the adoption and growth of solar energy. One of the key policies is the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) Program which was launched in 2009. The FIT Program offers guaranteed prices and contracts for renewable energy systems, including solar PV, that generate electricity for 20 years. The prices offered through the FIT Program aimed to make solar energy economically viable and provided certainty for investors.

In addition to the prices paid for solar electricity, the FIT Program also includes domestic content requirements which mandate that a portion of solar projects must utilize locally sourced solar panels and components. This local content policy helped grow Ontario’s solar manufacturing industries. While the FIT Program is no longer open to new large solar projects, the existing contracts are still honoring the guaranteed prices for the full 20-year terms which continues to incentivize growth in the solar sector.

For small residential and farm-sized solar PV systems under 10 kW, Ontario offers a microFIT Program. The microFIT Program operates similarly to the FIT Program in that it provides 20-year contracts with guaranteed prices for solar electricity exported to the grid. This makes small-scale home and farm solar very financially attractive options. The microFIT Program is still open and continues to sign new small projects.

In addition to these feed-in programs, there are also several provincial rebate programs that lower the upfront costs of installing solar PV systems. The Solar Homes rebate offers a rebate of up to $10,000 off the pre-tax costs of a solar installation for eligible homes. There are also rebates available for installing solar hot water or solar air systems through programs like the Renewable Homes rebate. These rebates serve to make the initial investment in solar substantially more affordable.

At the provincial level, Ontario exempts the full assessed value of solar energy equipment from property taxes for eligible renewable energy generation systems through the Property Tax Assessment for Solar Energy Equipment Regulation. This regulation removes disincentives that might otherwise exist from higher property taxes due to adding solar equipment. The province also eliminated the debt retirement charge and smart meter entity charge from electricity bills for eligible renewable energy projects which further reduces operating costs.

In addition to direct financial supports, the Government of Ontario has enacted legislation and targets to grow the use of renewable energy. The Green Energy Act established renewable energy goals for the province, including phasing out coal-fired generation and mandated that renewable sources contribute a specified percentage of energy use each year. Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan commits to eliminating all coal-fired generation by 2030 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 37% from 1990 levels by 2030 in part by expanding solar and other renewable energy deployment. Building codes are also evolving to promote solar-ready requirements for new construction.

At the municipal level, many Ontario cities and regions have also enacted supplementary policies and incentives to spur additional solar energy adoption. Some municipalities offer property tax incentives for renewable energy. Numerous cities have approved community power programs that enable groups of residents to purchase renewable energy as a bulk purchase. Municipal zoning practices are also helping make it easier to install solar panels on homes and businesses.

Through a combination of long-term electricity purchase guarantees, upfront cost rebates, favorable tax policies and legislation mandating increased renewable energy use – Ontario has put in place a comprehensive policy framework and financial incentives aimed at making solar power cost effective and driving continued growth in the solar energy sector across the province. While some initial incentive programs have wound down, many supports remain in place and Ontario continues to see strong growth in both its small-scale and utility-scale solar industries. The multitude of provincial and municipal programs and policies have played a major role in Ontario becoming a Canadian leader in installed solar capacity.


The first step is to conduct an energy audit of the building to identify potential energy efficiency upgrades that could be implemented. A professional energy auditor will inspect the building to evaluate areas where energy is being wasted through inefficiencies. They will examine the building envelope (walls, windows, roof), lighting systems, HVAC equipment, appliances/plug loads, and industrial processes (if applicable).

The energy auditor will document the existing equipment, materials, and operations and note where upgrades could result in energy and cost savings. Common areas of focus include improving insulation, upgrading to higher efficiency heating and cooling systems, installing programmable thermostats, switching to LED lighting, improving building automation controls, installing variable speed drives on motors, and upgrading refrigeration equipment. The energy audit report will present recommended energy conservation measures (ECMs) that are technically feasible for the building.

Once potential ECMs have been identified, the next step is to research the costs and potential savings associated with each measure. Obtain quotes from contractors to understand capital costs for purchasing and installing new equipment. Be sure to account for soft costs like design fees, permitting, and commissioning. The energy auditor or contractors should provide estimated annual energy savings in units (kWh, therm, etc.) for each ECM based on building usage patterns and efficiency improvements.

To calculate potential cost savings, the annual energy cost savings must be determined for each ECM. Take the estimated annual energy savings and multiply by the current energy rates paid for that utility. Be sure to use the most recent 12 months of energy bills to establish an accurate baseline for current consumption and costs. Sometimes an ECM may reduce demand charges as well, so accounting for any demand-based cost reductions is important.

Calculate simple paybacks by dividing the installed project cost for each ECM by its annual energy cost savings. Compare simple paybacks to average equipment/material life spans to evaluate if savings will cover costs over the effective life of the improvements. ECMs with paybacks less than 5-7 years are generally good candidates for implementing from a financial perspective.

In addition to paybacks, the expected useful life and expected maintenance costs of new and replaced equipment should be considered. Switching to longer-lasting, more durable products may lower life-cycle costs even if initial paybacks are longer. Potential incentives or tax credits for improving efficiency must also be accounted for as these can significantly reduce upfront project costs and improve overall economics.

To evaluate the total potential benefits, the annual energy cost savings from implementing all recommended ECMs should be summed. This will provide the estimated total amount that could be saved each year by making all of the upgrades. Calculate cumulative savings over time by multiplying annual savings by the analysis period, usually 10-20 years based on average equipment/component lives. Also consider non-energy benefits like improved comfort, air quality, operational savings from optimized controls, reduced maintenance needs, or increased property value.

Performing a detailed energy audit and thorough economic analysis of potential cost savings from efficiency upgrades provides building owners the information needed to prioritize projects, optimize investment decisions, and accurately forecast returns on investment from implementing energy conservation measures. With the growing incentives and shortening paybacks available, comprehensive energy efficiency projects can deliver significant cost reductions while also reducing environmental impact.

Carefully researching and quantifying potential energy and cost savings is key to properly evaluating a building’s efficiency improvement opportunities. A full energy audit followed by thorough analysis of costs, savings, incentives, and financial metrics like payback and return on investment allows owners to make well-informed decisions about optimizing their building’s performance through strategic energy efficiency upgrades. With accurate savings estimates, projects can deliver verified financial and operational benefits year after year.


Batteries play a crucial role in making renewable energy sources like solar and wind power more viable options for widespread grid integration. As the production and capability of batteries continues to improve, battery storage is becoming an increasingly important technology for enabling the large-scale adoption of intermittent renewable power sources. Various types of batteries are being developed and applied to store excess renewable energy and discharge it when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. Some of the most promising battery technologies currently being advanced for renewable energy storage applications include lithium-ion, redox flow, zinc-bromine, and sodium-based batteries.

Lithium-ion battery technology has seen tremendous advancements in recent decades and remains the dominant chemistry used for most electric vehicles and consumer electronics. For utility-scale energy storage, lithium-ion is also increasingly common due to its high energy density and relatively fast recharge rates. Manufacturers are working to drive down costs through innovations in materials and production processes. longer-lasting electrolytes and electrodes are extending cycle life. New lithium-ion chemistries using lithium iron phosphate, lithium titanate, and high-nickel cathodes offer improved safety characteristics compared to earlier generations. Startup companies like Ambri, Enervault, and CellCube are developing liquid metal batteries that could store renewable energy for weeks at a time at grid-scale with lithium-ion-like recharge speeds.

Redox flow batteries offer an alternative battery architecture well-suited for multi-megawatt, prolonged duration applications. With their liquid electrolytes circulating in external tanks disconnected from the battery structure, flow batteries can be scaled up or down according to power and storage needs. They also have a potentially longer lifespan than lithium-ion. Recent flow battery advancements include improved electrolyte chemistry and materials like all-vanadium, zinc-bromine, and polysulfide bromide designs that maintain high roundtrip efficiency over thousands of charge/discharge cycles. Companies such as Sumitomo Electric, Redflow, and ESS Inc are optimizing flow battery chemistries and system designs for renewable energy storage.

Beyond lithium-ion and flow batteries, other types are in earlier stages of commercialization but showing promise. Zinc-bromine batteries can deliver energy at competitive costs for multi-hour storage and are stable in high ambient temperatures. Form Energy is developing a low-cost iron-air battery suitable for seasonal storage of renewable energy for the grid. Ambient temperature sodium-ion and sodium-sulfur batteries offer lower costs than lithium-ion and could provide renewable energy storage measured in days rather than hours. These technologies are still in the demonstration phase but may gain traction if cost and performance targets are met.

All of these battery innovations aim to overcome challenges limiting renewable adoption like the intermittent nature of wind and solar resources. With sufficient energy storage capacity, renewable power can be available on-demand around the clock to displace fossil fuel generation. Batteries coupled with variable renewable sources improve power quality and grid stability compared to intermittent wind and solar alone. The goal of battery manufacturers is to achieve costs low enough that renewable energy plus storage becomes cheaper than new fossil fuel infrastructure over the lifetime of the projects. If scalable, economical battery storage solutions continue advancing, they have the potential to transform electricity grids worldwide and enable a transition to high shares of renewable energy.

Battery technology is rapidly progressing to enable the integration of higher levels of variable wind and solar power onto electricity grids. Lithium-ion remains strongly positioned for short-duration applications while newer battery types like redox flow, sodium, and iron-air show promise for longer-duration storage necessary for renewable energy at multi-day scale. With ongoing cost reductions and performance improvements, it’s realistic to envision a future with terawatt-scale amounts of wind and solar generation working symbiotically with battery storage to supply clean, reliable electricity around the clock. Further battery innovations will be integral to fully realizing that renewable energy future.


The Green Energy Corridor project is a major initiative by the Government of India to promote grid integration of renewable energy and transmission of large quantity of energy from renewable sources located in resource rich regions to energy deficit areas. It was launched in 2015 with the aim of evacuating over 50 GW of renewable energy by 2022.

Wind and solar power projects are often located in remote locations far from load centers due to availability of abundant renewable energy resources. This poses significant challenges for integration of the renewable energy into the grid and its transmission over long distances to demand centers. The existing power transmission infrastructure in India was primarily designed to carry power from large fossil fuel power plants located near cities and towns. It was not equipped to handle bulk power from renewable energy projects located in dispersed rural areas.

The Green Energy Corridor project aims to address this issue by strengthening the transmission network and setting up new transmission lines that can facilitate grid integration of renewable energy projects and carry renewable power across states to major consumption centers. It involves building about 10,000 circuit kms of transmission lines along with upgrading 28 gigawatts (GW) of existing grids and creating new grids of 26 GW capacity across seven renewable energy rich states by 2022.

The impact of this ambitious project on renewable energy financing has been highly significant. By developing a strong pan-India ultra high voltage transmission superhighway exclusively for renewable energy, it has boosted investor confidence in the sector. The key impacts are as follows:

It has substantially reduced infrastructure related risks which were a major hurdle for large scale investments in renewable projects earlier. With the green corridor in place, developers now have assurance that there will be no issues of power evacuation or transmission bottlenecks once projects are commissioned.

Foreign and domestic institutional investors are showing greater interest in funding large utility scale renewable projects knowing that connectivity to the national grid has been significantly enhanced. This has resulted in bigger ticket sizes of renewable investments.

Financing costs have come down substantially as lenders perceive renewable projects as less risky given the robust offtake agreements through central/state utilities and the green corridor ensuring smooth power transmission.

Risk perceptions related to land acquisition, environmental clearances and obtaining transmission connectivity approvals have reduced. This has made under-construction projects more bankable and helped the renewable sector attract debt financing at lower interest rates.

Viability of projects located in remote resource rich areas but far from demand centers has improved multi-fold. The corridor creates new renewable energy zones and greatly expands geographical areas suitable for large scale renewable development across the country.

State-run Power Finance Corporation and REC Ltd. have become more aggressive in lending to renewable projects with assurance of bulk power evacuation. Their overall lending portfolio to clean energy space has grown significantly post the green corridor announcement increasing total investments.

It has created conditions conducive for development of ultra mega renewable parks. Investment proposals for setting up solar and wind parks with capacities of 5000-10,000 MW each have been announced based on availability of strong transmission network to handle bulk power generation.

The green corridor acts as a major catalyst to help India achieve its ambitious target of having 175 GW renewable capacity, including 100GW of solar and 60GW of wind power, by 2022. By facilitating large scale, grid-connected renewable energy deployment across key states, it aims to make clean energy the mainstay of India’s energy security and ease pressure on limited fossil reserves.

The Green Energy Corridor project has boosted investor confidence in renewable energy sector tremendously by resolving the infrastructure bottlenecks on power evacuation side. It is enabling a scale and geographical spread of renewable investments in the country that would not have been possible otherwise. It has put India on track to becoming a leading global producer of renewable power.


One of the major challenges faced in developing renewable energy projects is acquiring the necessary land area to install the required infrastructure. Renewable energy technologies such as solar farms, wind farms, and hydroelectric projects require large amounts of relatively undisturbed land space to implement on a utility scale. The land acquisition process can be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive which delays projects and increases costs.

For solar and wind farms, the footprint needed per megawatt (MW) of installed capacity is significant. A typical solar farm may require 5-10 acres of land per MW while a wind farm generally needs 150-250 acres per MW. With the goal of deploying hundreds of MW or even multiple gigawatts (GW) of renewable capacity, land needs escalate quickly. Finding contiguous parcels of land that are suitable in size, have access roads and transmission infrastructure, and have no environmental or community constraints is a major challenge.

Ownership of suitable land parcels is also an issue as renewable energy companies must negotiate with private landowners to lease or purchase the rights to develop projects. Private landowners do not always want to sell or lease portions of their property for renewable energy use which limits options. Agricultural or rural land is often the most economical for renewables but farmers and ranchers may be hesitant to remove acres from production. Cultural attachment to family land also acts as a deterrent at times.

When suitable publicly owned land is available, new challenges emerge. Federal, state, or local government entities oversee public lands and require extensive approvals, environmental reviews, stakeholder engagement processes, and competitive bidding between renewable energy developers. Even if a developer is selected, public agencies are sometimes criticized for “selling off” public assets or impacting viewsheds and recreation. Local communities also raise concerns about impacts to ecosystems, heritage sites, and rural character.

Transmission capacity is another major barrier as renewable energy facilities are often sited in remote or rural areas far from existing transmission lines and population centers where the power is needed. Acquiring rights-of-way and traversing private lands to build new transmission infrastructure to intertie projects adds time, complexity and cost to land development efforts. Transmission siting is governed by a complex federal, state, and sometimes local regulatory framework which slows the process down significantly. Interconnection studies and upgrades at substations must also be planned.

State and local level regulations can also hinder land acquisition. Some jurisdictions have imposed moratoriums on certain types of renewable energy development until new siting and permitting guidelines are established. Comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances need revisions to openly accommodate utility-scale renewable facilities. Restrictive setback distances from property lines, environmentally sensitive areas, or residential zones limit development options. Other regulations addressing decommissioning plans, stormwater management, and cultural/historic resource protection introduce uncertainty.

Environmental review and permitting processes take considerable time. Regulators thoroughly assess impacts to wildlife habitats, endangered species, wetlands, water resources, archaeological sites, and more before approvals are granted. Previously undisturbed greenfield sites usually face greater regulatory hurdles than already developed industrial lands. Legal challenges and appeals from opponents anxious to “not in my backyard” types of projects further protract the timeline.

Weighing all these challenges, it typically takes renewable energy developers 3-7 years on average just to acquire land, obtain permits and approvals, build new transmission infrastructure, and start construction of a major utility-scale renewable project. The lengthy process drives up soft costs significantly and challenges the economic viability of projects. Innovation in siting strategies, streamlined regulations, transmission coordination, and communitybenefits agreements have helped to accelerate development in some areas but land acquisition remains one of the most complex barriers for renewable energy. With sufficient political and social will, many challenges could be overcome or mitigated to unlock more suitable lands for large-scale clean power generation.