Tag Archives: advancements


Excel in Microsoft 365 has undergone significant enhancements and new features to improve productivity and drive better insights from data. Some of the biggest new additions and improvements include:

Microsoft introduced XLOOKUP, a new lookup and reference function that makes it easier to look up values and return matches from a table or range. XLOOKUP allows lookups from left to right or top to bottom. It also supports approximate matching, which returns the closest match if an exact match is not found. This is a powerful function that simplifies tasks that previously required more complex INDEX/MATCH formulas.

Pivotal tableau capabilities were added to Excel to make it easier for users to analyze and visualize their data. Tableaus let users interactively sort, filter, and analyze data in a pivot table style user interface directly from the Excel sheets. Users can now gain valuable insights through visualized pivot views of their data without leaving Excel.

Excel added dynamic arrays that allow for new in-memory calculations across entire ranges and tables of data at once, without the limitations of copying down formulas. Functions like SEQUENCE, GROWTH, FIND, etc. now return full column or row arrays instead of single values. This enables auto-filling of patterns and series as well as more powerful what-if analysis through scenarios.

Conditional formatting rules were updated to support dynamic arrays. Users can now apply conditional formats to entire tables and ranges based on array formulas, instead of having to copy down formats for each cell. This streamlines tasks like highlighting outliers, thresholds, and trends across large datasets.

To simplify working with external data, Query options were added to directly import data from the web without needing to write Data queries or depend on Power Query. queries can import live web pages as well as static data from URLs. Users can also refresh imported data on a schedule if needed.

A Data Navigator view was introduced to conveniently browse and manage imported Excel data. Users can see a visual representation of their imported data along with related sheets, views, and queries in one centralized window. This interface makes managing multiple imports, refreshes, and queries much more accessible.

Excel automatically created charts from imported data to give instant visual summaries. Users can interactively modify these charts directly to gain insights without needing to build visualizations from scratch each time. With dynamic data linked to the original queries, charts always reflect the latest data.

Excel’s formatting capabilities were expanded with new features like Text Adjust and Optical Character Recognition. Text Adjust automatically sizes and positions text to fill available space, while OCR copies scanned images or PDF text into editable cells for further analysis and manipulation as standard Excel data types.

Excel templates gained support for multiple pages per template file for things like invoices and reports that need sequenced, structured layouts. Page setup options were enhanced to control formatting across pages using sections, watermarks, headers/footers. Along with conditional formatting, this improves templating of multi-section documents within Excel.

To support building robust models and distributed workbooks, Excel added offline capabilities that allow syncing of shared workbooks even when a user is working offline or on a plane with no connectivity. Updates are securely synced when the device is back online to share the latest changes.

Machine learning capabilities with automation were introduced through features like Custom Functions, which allow developers to code own Excel functions that tap into powerful ML algorithms for predictive insights. Integrated text and sentiment analysis functions provide AI-driven analysis of narrative data within worksheets.

Collaboration tools were enhanced to streamline working together on spreadsheets in real-time. Chat-enabled coediting allows simultaneous updates from multiple editors. Activity feed tracks changes across versions with comments. Excel can also integrate with Teams and SharePoint for seamless sharing and discussion of live Excel documents within Office 365 work streams.

This covers many of the key areas where Excel for Microsoft 365 has evolved with powerful new tools for productivity, automation, analysis, visualization, collaboration and management of data. These intelligent features enable knowledge workers to identify deeper patterns, have more meaningful conversations through visualized insights directly from within Excel.


Nursing capstone projects have helped advance the nursing profession in many ways by giving nursing students the opportunity to conduct original research or propose evidence-based practice changes through rigorous independent work at the culmination of their academic programs. While all capstones provide value in helping students demonstrate their acquired knowledge and skills, many also directly contribute new insights and innovations that have benefited patient care. Here are some examples:

One significant area nursing capstones have impacted is quality improvement initiatives. Many final projects focus on identifying issues with current practices and developing plans to enhance care delivery methods. One notable project proposed a new admission screening tool for patients at high risk of delirium. Testing proved the tool more accurately identified at-risk individuals, allowing earlier interventions shown to reduce delirium rates. The hospital implemented the screening tool organization-wide. Other projects have led to revised protocols for postoperative pain management, reducing readmission rates or improving patient satisfaction scores. Such evidence-based practice changes directly improve outcomes.

Capstones have also uncovered new knowledge and perspectives through original research. One explored nurses’ job satisfaction and its link to perceived supervisor support. The findings supported investing in leadership development programs to boost retention, a high-cost issue. Another studied providers’ compliance with central line-associated bloodstream infection prevention practices and determined targeted just-in-time education raised adherence rates. As a result, the institution adopted mandatory education modules shown by the research to curb these expensive and life-threatening infections. Insights like these add to the empirical understanding of important issues in nursing.

Other projects have illuminated under-discussed areas and populations. One assessed barriers to hospice care among Chinese Americans, an underserved group. It revealed cultural beliefs hindering acceptance and lack of in-language materials. As a result, the hospice developed new Chinese-language resources and outreach strategies shown through subsequent research to greatly increase enrollment among Chinese patients. Another researched the impact of childhood trauma on homeless young adults’ health, illuminating risks and needs often overlooked. Such studies draw attention to inadequately addressed issues, furthering equity in healthcare.

Some graduates have instituted entirely new programs found to effectively meet needs. One developed and pilot tested an early postoperative physical therapy protocol to prevent functional decline in elderly surgical patients. Data supported its ability to get patients mobilizing sooner with fewer complications versus standard care. The medical center adopted the program hospital-wide. Another proposed and implemented a chronic disease self-management workshop series. Long-term tracking showed reduced healthcare utilization and costs among participants versus non-participants, prompting the local health department to provide ongoing funding. Innovations like these establish new standards of effective care.

Some students have created useful resources applied beyond their institutions. One developed a decision-making guide for home health nurses assessing pressure injury risk and treatment strategies. The guide was endorsed by a national wound care organization for wide distribution. Others have published care protocols or educational materials on precepting students, cancer symptom management, diabetes care and more. These contributions disseminate evidence-based solutions increasing quality and accessibility of care.

Through examples like these, nursing capstones are directly bettering patient outcomes, advancing professional understanding, innovating care delivery and addressing inequities—substantively contributing to improvements in every aspect of the nursing profession and healthcare system. Their potential continues growing as new challenges arise. By providing a platform for applying knowledge toward original scholarship and practice change, capstones cultivate leaders driving the field forward in impactful ways. They represent a vital means of supporting the profession’s evolution and enhancing its service to individuals and populations.


Batteries play a crucial role in making renewable energy sources like solar and wind power more viable options for widespread grid integration. As the production and capability of batteries continues to improve, battery storage is becoming an increasingly important technology for enabling the large-scale adoption of intermittent renewable power sources. Various types of batteries are being developed and applied to store excess renewable energy and discharge it when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. Some of the most promising battery technologies currently being advanced for renewable energy storage applications include lithium-ion, redox flow, zinc-bromine, and sodium-based batteries.

Lithium-ion battery technology has seen tremendous advancements in recent decades and remains the dominant chemistry used for most electric vehicles and consumer electronics. For utility-scale energy storage, lithium-ion is also increasingly common due to its high energy density and relatively fast recharge rates. Manufacturers are working to drive down costs through innovations in materials and production processes. longer-lasting electrolytes and electrodes are extending cycle life. New lithium-ion chemistries using lithium iron phosphate, lithium titanate, and high-nickel cathodes offer improved safety characteristics compared to earlier generations. Startup companies like Ambri, Enervault, and CellCube are developing liquid metal batteries that could store renewable energy for weeks at a time at grid-scale with lithium-ion-like recharge speeds.

Redox flow batteries offer an alternative battery architecture well-suited for multi-megawatt, prolonged duration applications. With their liquid electrolytes circulating in external tanks disconnected from the battery structure, flow batteries can be scaled up or down according to power and storage needs. They also have a potentially longer lifespan than lithium-ion. Recent flow battery advancements include improved electrolyte chemistry and materials like all-vanadium, zinc-bromine, and polysulfide bromide designs that maintain high roundtrip efficiency over thousands of charge/discharge cycles. Companies such as Sumitomo Electric, Redflow, and ESS Inc are optimizing flow battery chemistries and system designs for renewable energy storage.

Beyond lithium-ion and flow batteries, other types are in earlier stages of commercialization but showing promise. Zinc-bromine batteries can deliver energy at competitive costs for multi-hour storage and are stable in high ambient temperatures. Form Energy is developing a low-cost iron-air battery suitable for seasonal storage of renewable energy for the grid. Ambient temperature sodium-ion and sodium-sulfur batteries offer lower costs than lithium-ion and could provide renewable energy storage measured in days rather than hours. These technologies are still in the demonstration phase but may gain traction if cost and performance targets are met.

All of these battery innovations aim to overcome challenges limiting renewable adoption like the intermittent nature of wind and solar resources. With sufficient energy storage capacity, renewable power can be available on-demand around the clock to displace fossil fuel generation. Batteries coupled with variable renewable sources improve power quality and grid stability compared to intermittent wind and solar alone. The goal of battery manufacturers is to achieve costs low enough that renewable energy plus storage becomes cheaper than new fossil fuel infrastructure over the lifetime of the projects. If scalable, economical battery storage solutions continue advancing, they have the potential to transform electricity grids worldwide and enable a transition to high shares of renewable energy.

Battery technology is rapidly progressing to enable the integration of higher levels of variable wind and solar power onto electricity grids. Lithium-ion remains strongly positioned for short-duration applications while newer battery types like redox flow, sodium, and iron-air show promise for longer-duration storage necessary for renewable energy at multi-day scale. With ongoing cost reductions and performance improvements, it’s realistic to envision a future with terawatt-scale amounts of wind and solar generation working symbiotically with battery storage to supply clean, reliable electricity around the clock. Further battery innovations will be integral to fully realizing that renewable energy future.


Capstone projects are a key part of the biomedical engineering curriculum that allow students to work on developing real solutions to pressing healthcare problems. These projects give students the opportunity to apply the classroom knowledge and technical skills they have gained throughout their education to design, build, test, and present innovative medical technologies, devices, diagnostics, or systems.

The products of capstone projects have the potential to make meaningful contributions to advancing biomedical engineering research and development. Students work directly with industry partners, clinical collaborators, professors, and others to identify unmet needs and develop prototypes or proof-of-concept projects that can help address those needs. While still in development rather than fully commercialized solutions, these student projects open doors for further research and development by experienced engineers and medical experts.

Many capstone projects directly respond to design briefs provided by industry, startups, hospitals, or clinics. Working with real-world stakeholders ensures students are focusing their efforts on problems of true clinical significance. Industry partners in particular can provide guidance on what technical specifications or regulatory requirements would be needed to eventually translate a student project into a commercial product. Having clinically- and commercially-informed input during the design process helps increase the chances capstone projects move the field forward in a meaningful way.

Some past examples help illustrate the potential impact of capstone projects. One project developed a low-cost infant warmer for use in rural areas without reliable electricity. Field testing in a developing country led to refinements that enhanced the device’s usefulness and safety. That project provided a foundation for further engineering to produce a next-generation infant warmer now being commercialized. Another project created a prototype for a portable, non-invasive glucose monitor. The resulting device showed promise in early feasibility studies and attracted follow-on funding to support more comprehensive clinical trials.

While not all projects will have such direct paths to commercialization or wide adoption, many push the boundaries of biomedical engineering knowledge and spur further inquiry. Presenting their work at academic conferences allows student teams to share their innovations, methods, challenges encountered, and lessons learned with the broader research community. Their projects can inspire new ideas in other investigators or highlight technical barriers still to be overcome. Peer-reviewed publications of capstone findings additionally disseminate student contributions for others to build upon.

Some teams opt to pursue protection of their intellectual property through patent applications before graduation. While patents can take many years to mature, provisional filings at minimum establish earlier conception dates and public disclosures for student inventions. This lays the groundwork should their work attract sponsorship after graduation for more extensive engineering and clinical testing. A few student patents have indeed blossomed into new medical startups or been licensed by existing companies.

Perhaps the greatest contribution of capstone projects is in developing future biomedical engineering leaders. The experience of conceptualizing, prototyping, validating and presenting original research instills practical skills that serve students well in industrial or academic careers. They gain an appreciation for the multidisciplinary collaboration, project management, and rigorous evaluation needed to translate engineering ideas into real-world medical impact. Many capstone participants cite their projects as most influential in deciding their subsequent career paths in medicine, academia, or the medical device industry. Several have even gone on to lead their own successful startup ventures.

Through their applied, hands-on nature, capstone projects allow biomedical engineering students to generate innovative solutions that can potentially help advance healthcare. While not all projects result in commercial products, many push the boundaries of knowledge or provide foundations for future research. By developing technical and problem-solving skills, capstone work additionally cultivates the next generation of biomedical engineers poised to continue driving progress. The potential long-term contributions of these projects to both scientific understanding and improved patient care make capstone experiences a vital part of biomedical engineering education.