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Virtual and augmented reality simulations are increasingly being used in nursing education programs to expose students to high-risk, low-frequency clinical scenarios in a safe environment. Some key VR simulations that have been developed and integrated into nursing curriculums include:

Labor and delivery simulations: These VR simulations allow nursing students to experience the process of labor and delivery from beginning to end without risk to real patients. Students can practice skills like fetal heart rate monitoring, assisting with delivery, and newborn care on virtual patients. Some programs have developed VR simulations that allow students to experience complications during delivery like shoulder dystocia, bleeding, or emergency c-sections to prepare them for handling high-pressure situations.

Post-operative patient care simulations: Virtual patients have been created to simulate caring for patients in the immediate postoperative period, allowing students to practice vital sign monitoring, pain management, ambulation assistance, and identifying/responding to post-op complications. Some simulations include augmented reality so students receive real-time feedback as they assess the virtual patient’s condition and intervene accordingly. Common post-op scenarios modeled include bowel resection, total joint replacement, and vascular surgery.

Pediatric simulations: Nursing students can practice pediatric-specific skills like infant examinations, pediatric medication administration, identifying abnormalities, and caring for children with conditions like asthma exacerbations through virtual pediatric patients of varying ages. Simulations of caring for hospitalized children integrate psychosocial components so students learn to communicate effectively with young patients and distressed family members.

Mental health simulations: To allow exposure to mental health conditions in a safe environment, VR simulations have been developed depicting interactions with virtual patients experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, suicidal ideation, and more. Students can practice therapeutic communication skills, behavioral de-escalation techniques, and monitoring for signs of deterioration through multiple virtual scenarios.

Acute neurological events: Simulations have been created to depict patients experiencing medical emergencies like stroke, seizure, intracranial hemorrhage, and meningitis. Students gain experience in rapidly assessing neurological status, intervening to stabilize airway/breathing/circulation, implementing acute treatments, and monitoring for complications and treatment responses of these types of events.

Palliative & end-of-life care simulations: Through immersive VR scenarios, nursing students can care for virtual patients at various stages of terminal illness while addressing complex psychosocial and spiritual needs of patients and families. Students practice skills like pain and symptom assessment, implementing comfort measures, engaging in difficult conversations about prognosis/goals of care, and providing bereavement support.

Inter-professional simulations: Some nursing programs have integrated VR into interprofessional education activities in partnership with other health programs. Complex virtual patient cases requiring combined nursing, physician, respiratory therapy, and pharmacist interventions provide an opportunity for different disciplines to communicate, problem-solve, and coordinate care together in a realistic simulated setting. This helps students begin practicing essential team-based care competencies early in their education.

Preliminary research evaluating the impact of VR simulation use in nursing education programs shows it provides a very effective experiential learning approach compared to traditional clinical experiences alone. Students report high satisfaction with VR and feeling better prepared for real clinical situations after virtual exposure. Educators also appreciate the ability for all students to participate in rare/irregular patient cases that may not occur frequently in clinical settings. As VR technology continues advancing, its applications in healthcare training will likely expand further to strengthen competency-based, experiential learning for nursing students.


A class scheduling system would allow students to browse class options, view schedules, and register for classes. It would also need to integrate with administrative functions like faculty roster management and classroom/resource allocation. Such a system could be developed as a web application leveraging modern front-end and back-end technologies.

On the front-end, a framework like React would be well-suited to build components and views for browsing classes, viewing schedules, performing searches, and handling registration/checkout flows. React is very popular, has a large ecosystem of third-party components, and facilitates building complex single-page applications. The views could be made responsive using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS.

For the administrative interfaces, traditional server-side rendered views using a framework like Laravel or Django may be preferable for their admin templates and access controls out of the box. A unified frontend in React interfacing with the same API as the admin views could also be implemented.

The back-end would require a database to store classes, schedules, users and associated metadata. A relational database like PostgreSQL or MySQL would be appropriate to model the different entities and their relationships. An object-document mapper (ODM) like Sequelize for PostgreSQL or Mongoose for MongoDB could provide an abstraction layer over the raw queries.

The application backend could be built using a full-stack JavaScript framework like Node.js/Express or Python/Django. These provide routing, middleware and tooling to build RESTful JSON APIs for the front-end to consume. Node.js has the advantage of offering a unified programming experience with the frontend. Other choices like Python, PHP or Java are also commonly used.

Security is important – user authentication would be required via credentials and OAuth/OIDC. Authorization policies for accessing administrative functionality should also be in place. Passport.js is a popular Node.js authentication middleware supporting different identity providers and OAuth2 flows.

Caching and data access objects should be implemented to avoid hitting the database on every request. A caching library like Redis could store frequently accessed data more efficiently. ORMs provide abstraction but additional query builders may help construct complex dynamic queries for browsing/searching classes.

Automated testing is critical for any application – unit tests validate business logic, integration tests exercise app functions, UI tests validate views. Frameworks like Jest, Mocha and React Testing Library help write reliable tests. Continuous integration using GitHub Actions or Jenkins runs tests on code changes.

In production, the application would require cloud hosting – popular choices include AWS (EC2, ECS, RDS), Google Cloud Platform and Azure. Containerization using Docker to package and deploy the app is common. Serverless technologies on AWS Lambda/API Gateway or Azure Functions handle automated scaling. Caching, databases and hosting can all be deployed as fully managed cloud services.

For optimal UX, integration with single-sign on (SSO) identity providers is valuable like campus Active Directory accounts. Interfaces with downstream administrative systems ensure consistency of class data. Accessibility standards help all users browse and register effectively. Complying with FERPA/privacy regulations is also important for student data.

Proper documentation generated from code comments ensures seamless onboarding. Configuration management with Git ensures stable deployments. Logging, monitoring and alerting tools provide operational visibility for support. An agile development approach with user research helps iteratively refine and expand functionality over time.

Modern frameworks, database, APIs, authentication, caching, testing, infrastructure automation, security practices and integration enable building a robust, scalable and accessible class scheduling application to streamline the registration experience for students and staff alike. Careful design informed by users maximizes value. With the right technologies and approach, the system can efficiently fulfill its core functions while remaining adaptable to evolving requirements.


One of the early efforts to develop cyber norms and confidence-building measures was the 2015 Report of the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security. This report established some consensus around the applicability of international law to state behavior in cyberspace. It affirmed that states should not conduct or knowingly support cyber operations that intentionally damage critical infrastructure or otherwise harm civilians. The report helped lay the groundwork for further international discussions on expanding norms of responsible state behavior in cyberspace.

Since that initial 2015 report, there have been ongoing multilateral efforts through forums like the UN Open-Ended Working Group, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and other bodies to develop new and strengthen existing cyber norms. Some of the cyber norms that have emerged through these discussions and begun to gain widespread acceptance include calls for states to: refrain from cyber operations that intentionally damage critical infrastructure or disrupt the public emergency response; protect electoral and political processes from cyber interference; uphold principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states; and consider the likelihood of collateral damage when conducting cyber operations.

In addition to norms, states have also sought to establish confidence-building measures that can reduce risks and misperceptions between states regarding cyber threats and state-sponsored activity. An early cyber CBM proposal came from the US and Russia in 2013, which suggested measures like inviting foreign experts to observe national cyber defense exercises, notifying other states of impending tests or network scans, and establishing communication channels for managing incidents or addressing vulnerabilities. While that initial US-Russia CBM proposal did not gain traction, the ideas have influenced subsequent discussions.

One notable confidence-building effort has been an ongoing series of cyber talks between the US and China since 2013. Through these discussions, the two powers have implemented practical CBMs like establishing a cybersecurity working group and hotline for managing crises, notifying each other of major cyber incidents, and hosting annual roundtables to increase transparency and discuss their national cyber policies. Observers see these US-China talks as helping to limit further escalation between the two countries in cyberspace, even as tensions remain high in other geostrategic issues.

On a broader scale, the UN has worked to develop a consensus set of global CBMs through the Open-Ended Working Group process. In 2021, the OEWG finalized 11 non-binding UN CBMs for countries to voluntarily adopt, covering areas like information exchanges on national cyber policies, building partnerships on cybercrime, cooperating on tracking and attributing cyber operations, establishing contacts for managing crises, and participating in international capacity building efforts. While these CBMs lack an enforcement mechanism, supporters argue they can promote stability if adopted widely.

Meanwhile, some regional blocs have also attempted tailored CBM frameworks. For instance, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe established a comprehensive set of cybersecurity CBMs in 2016 that 55 OSCE participating states can implement on a voluntary basis. These CBMs include transparency measures like exchanging details on national cyber strategies, creating points of contacts, and hosting consultations to reduce tensions. The ASEAN Regional Forum has also floated some modest CBM proposals focused more on norms of state behavior and cooperation on cybercrime.

While significant challenges remain, there has been progress in developing a basic framework of cyber norms and confidence-building measures through multilateral forums. Widespread adoption of existing CBM proposals could help improve stability between states by increasing transparency, managing risks, and lowering the probability of escalation from misunderstandings in cyberspace. As malicious cyber activities continue rising globally, further strengthening international consensus on responsible state behavior and trust-building will remain a high priority.


Implementing a PTSD treatment program for veterans:

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common among veterans returning from deployments overseas. Your capstone project could focus on developing and implementing an evidence-based PTSD treatment program specifically tailored for veterans at your local VA hospital or veterans center. You would research different treatment options for PTSD like cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure therapy. You would then work with mental health providers and administrators to design a program incorporating these interventions. You would need to determine staffing needs, create a curriculum and schedule for the program, develop participant screening and intake processes, and identify ways to measure outcomes. Your project would conclude by implementing the program for a pilot group of veterans and assessing the initial outcomes.

Reducing suicide risk among LGBTQ youth:

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) youth are at higher risk for suicidal thoughts and attempts compared to heterosexual youth. For your capstone, you could focus on implementing suicide prevention strategies targeting LGBTQ youth at a local high school. This would involve researching best practices for supporting and screening LGBTQ youth, providing training to school staff on LGBTQ issues and warning signs, creating LGBTQ-inclusive wellness programs, and designating confidential counselors as safe places for students. You would work with administrators, counselors and LGBTQ student groups to roll out these initiatives. The project would assess if implementation helped foster a more inclusive environment and reduce suicide risk perceptions among LGBTQ students.

Decreasing hospital readmissions among patients with schizophrenia:

People with schizophrenia often struggle with medication and symptom management after hospital discharge, increasing their risk of readmission. Your capstone could center on developing and testing an intensive community-based care coordination program to help stabilize schizophrenia patients once they leave inpatient care. This would involve creating a collaborative care team of nurses, case managers, prescribers, and community health workers. The team would provide in-home nursing visits, medication monitoring, individual therapy, illness management skills training, and help navigating community resources like support groups. Your project would recruit recent schizophrenia patient discharges and provide intensive care coordination for 3-6 months. Outcomes tracked could include rates of acute care visits, psychiatric hospital readmissions, and performance on psychiatric symptom and functionality scales.

Promoting coping skills and wellness among dementia family caregivers:

Caring for a loved one with dementia at home can take an emotional and physical toll on caregivers. Your capstone might create and evaluate a support program teaching coping strategies and self-care skills specifically for dementia family caregivers. This could involve hostings skills-building workshops covering stress management, communicating with persons with dementia, accessing community supports, establishing a care team, recognizing and responding to caregiver burnout, and making time for hobbies and social interaction. Satisfaction surveys, standardized depression and anxiety scales, and qualitative interviews could assess if participation improves caregivers’ mental health, coping abilities, and caregiving self-efficacy over 3-6 months. Referrals would come from local Alzheimer’s Association chapters, geriatric care managers, and memory disorder clinics.

Each of these capstone topic ideas would allow an in-depth exploration of an important mental health nursing issue, involve designing and evaluating a concrete intervention program, and make a contribution to improving outcomes, experiences or supports in a specific patient or client population. The project would require extensive research into best practices, collaboration with mental health providers and organizations in planning and implementation, collection of both quantitative and qualitative outcome data, and communication of findings through a formal written paper and oral presentation. Any of these topics could become an impactful nursing capstone with sufficiently detailed planning and execution over one academic term or year.


Developing a Website or Web Application (15965 chars) – A very common capstone project is for students to develop an entire website or web application from scratch. This allows them to showcase their skills in web development, including technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, databases, servers, and more. Some example project ideas include:

Building a social networking site like Facebook or LinkedIn. This would require designing user profiles, privacy settings, newsfeeds, messaging capabilities, and more. It tests skills in web dev, UX design, security, scaling, and databases.

Developing an e-commerce site like Amazon. Students would create a storefront, shopping cart functionality, payment processing integration, order management system, inventory tracking, analytics, and other features small businesses need.

Creating a content management system (CMS) like WordPress. Students design and code a platform for creating and managing websites without code. This shows skills in PHP, databases, APIs, authentication, and administration interfaces.

Building a SaaS application. Students design and develop software like project management, accounting, or CRM tools that can be accessed online. Skills tested include scalable architecture, multi-tenancy, customization, billing/payments, and API integration.

Developing Mobile Applications – Another popular capstone is designing and building a native or cross-platform mobile app. This demonstrates skills in mobile frameworks, UI/UX design principles for small screens, offline functionality, push notifications, location services and more. Some example projects include:

Creating an event finder or travel app that uses location services and maps APIs to display nearby points of interest.

Developing a study/flashcards app that allows creating and sharing decks of digital flashcards across different device platforms.

Building a photo/video sharing app with social features like filters, hashtags, comments and the ability to follow other users.

Designing a “super app” that combines several useful functions like ridesharing, food delivery, local services marketplace into one integrated mobile experience.

Developing Desktop Applications – For students focusing on areas like systems programming, embedded systems or desktop platforms, a capstone could involve coding cross-platform desktop apps using technologies like .NET, Java, Python or C++. Example projects:

Creating an image/photo editor with advanced filters, effects and organizational tools.

Building a multimedia player that supports different file formats, file browsing, playlists and streaming.

Developing an IDE-like text editor with features for syntax highlighting, code snippets, extensions and version control integration.

Designing a desktop database app for storing and visualizing data with advanced query capabilities and report generation.

Developing APIs and Libraries – Another common type of capstone focuses on designing, documenting and distributing APIs or libraries. This allows students to apply skills and knowledge around architecture, abstraction, encapsulation, security and documentation. Examples include:

Designing a library or SDK for a cloud service that makes common tasks simple through abstractions and encapsulation of complexity.

Creating a reusable geo-location or mapping API that can be integrated into other applications.

Building an image/audio/video processing library with common functions that other developers can easily leverage in their projects.

Open-sourcing a natural language processing or machine learning library with clean APIs and thorough documentation for developers.

Implementing Algorithms and Data Structures – For students wanting to dig into core CS principles, a capstone around implementing various algorithms or data structures from scratch shows mastery of fundamental concepts. Some example projects:

Coding a hash table with chaining from scratch and benchmarking performance against built-in implementations.

Implementing various sorting algorithms like merge, quick, heap and comparing running times with large data sets.

Creating self-balancing binary search trees from scratch with insertion, removal and traversal functions.

Building a primitives library with common data structures like stacks, queues, linked lists, graphs, tries from the ground up in C.

As you can see, there are many types of meaningful and impactful projects that computer science students have developed for their capstones. The key is to pick a project scope that allows thoroughly demonstrating core CS skills and knowledge gained throughout the program.