Tag Archives: materials


Bamboo: Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world and can be harvested within 5-10 years. It is a grass rather than a wood, so it is very renewable. Structurally, bamboo is as strong as wood or steel. It can be used for flooring, furniture, beams, scaffolding and more. Bamboo grows quickly without pesticides or fertilizers so it has low environmental impact. Its strength and renewability make it a excellent sustainable building material.

Hemp: Hemp is a variant of cannabis that is grown for its strong fibers rather than its psychoactive compounds. Hemp grows very densely and absorbs more CO2 than trees. It has high tensile strength and can be used to make durable, environmentally friendly concrete blocks that are strong enough for load-bearing walls. Hemp fibers mixed into concrete or plaster improve acoustics and fire resistance of the finished material. The blocks are very energy efficient to produce with minimal embodied energy or waste produced.

Straw bale: Straw bale construction involves stacking tightly compressed straw bales and plastering them with a lime-based plaster to form walls. Straw is an agricultural byproduct that would otherwise be burned as waste. The bale walls have outstanding insulation properties, keeping buildings naturally cool in summer and warm in winter without requiring much energy for heating and cooling. They are non-toxic, pest resistant and fire retardant. Their texture also has natural beauty. Over time the plaster eventually petrifies the straw into an almost stone-like material.

Rammed earth: Rammed earth construction uses gravel, sand, clay and natural pigments that are densely packed into molds or forms to create load-bearing walls. The materials are all locally sourced, providing thermal mass for natural temperature regulation. Rammed earth has a low embodied energy and sequesters carbon in the building materials. Unlike concrete, it is breathable and allows moisture to evaporate so does not trap damp. With a smooth finish the walls resemble adobe and the technique has been used for centuries worldwide.

Mud/cob/adobe: These traditional earthen building techniques utilize the same locally excavated sand, clay, gravel and straw but form the walls differently than rammed earth. The wet mixture is either hand-formed into blocks called adobe or compacted into walls called cob or mud building. The natural materials are all renewable and sequester carbon as the walls dry. Thermal performance is outstanding with respiratory walls. Earthen walls also have anti-microbial properties supporting healthier indoor air quality.

Lime/limecrete: Lime is a binding agent made by heating limestone, a abundant natural material. Mixed with sand and gravel it forms the ancient building material limecrete or lime concrete. Lime has self-healing properties allowing cracks to close over time, improving longevity. It regulates indoor humidity and has antibacterial properties. The heat-curing process sequesters more CO2 than Portland cement curing. Lime also has a lower carbon footprint to produce than cement and allows structures to breathe naturally.

Wood: Sustainably harvested and certified wood is a renewable resource if sourced responsibly from managed forests. Wood provides excellent warmth, beauty, flexibility and has a low initial embodied energy to produce compared to other materials. New technologies also allow the use of agricultural waste wood fibers that would normally be burned as fuel. Cross-laminated timber (CLT) made from these fibers provides a strong, flexible building system suitable for multi-storey construction that sequesters the carbon stored in the plant fibers.

There are a growing number of additional sustainable construction materials in development as the industry innovates to reduce its environmental impact, such as mycelium-based materials like mushroom brick, agricultural waste fiber composites, and carbon sequestering geopolymer cements. Using locally available renewable and low-embodied energy materials wherever possible supports green, healthy construction practices that minimize waste and operational energy demands. The materials described can form the basis of structures that have smaller ecological footprints through their production, use and eventual reintegration with the biosphere at end-of-life.


There are several effective ways that individuals can encourage businesses to move towards more sustainable packaging options. One of the most impactful approaches is for consumers to directly contact companies and express their preferences and concerns over packaging choices.

Individuals can call or write emails and letters to customer service departments, marketing teams, and CEO offices at major retailers and consumer goods companies. The message should focus on how certain types of non-recyclable or hard-to-recycle packaging is problematic from an environmental perspective. Request that the business commits to transitioning away from problematic materials like single-use plastics to more eco-friendly alternatives. Offering suggestions on preferred sustainable materials like recycled content, recyclable/compostable options can help guide companies towards solutions.

It’s also effective to specifically mention packaging on products you regularly purchase from that company. Express that you appreciate other brands that use sustainable packaging and that you would purchase more from companies that make the switch. Highlight how improved packaging aligns with your personal values as a consumer. Larger companies take consumer preferences seriously, so clear communication of sustainable packaging priorities can impact purchasing and product design decisions over the long run.

In addition to direct outreach, individuals have influence through online reviews and social media engagement. Leaving reviews on company websites, Facebook pages, or other digital forums about packaging concerns lets others know your stance and puts indirect pressure on businesses. You can share compliments for brands you feel are leading in this space. On Twitter and other platforms, tagging companies in posts about their packaging choices empowers more people to participate in the discussion. Reviews and social sharing that goes viral can significantly shape corporate decisions.

Emailing and tagging elected officials and regulatory agencies like the EPA about the need for laws and policies supporting sustainable packaging alternatives is another approach. Outlining how various materials burden taxpayers through waste management programs builds the case for reforms. Individual influence accumulates when many citizens advocate the same policy priorities related to reducing toxic and hard-to-handle waste. Regulatory bodies may then opt to place restrictions, incentives or bans that shift business practices on a systemic level.

Signing petitions for sustainable packaging standards or joining advocacy organizations working on these issues lends further strength in numbers. Petitions demonstrate the scale of public interest, while active groups maintain ongoing dialogue with companies, monitor commitments, and spotlight leaders and laggards. Their collective voice and research expertise compliments what individuals communicate directly to businesses.

Consumers should also vote with their dollars by patronizing brands that use recycled, recyclable, or compostable options whenever possible. Spending habits that reward more eco-friendly packaging sends a strong market signal for companies to follow suit or risk losing sales. Individual purchasing power, even in small amounts per person, compels businesses over the long run if enough customers prioritize sustainability in shopping decisions.

Word-of-mouth promotion for certain brands and packaging serves as “unpaid advertising” that multiplies an individual’s impact. Mentions to family, friends and on social media spreads awareness of options for greener shopping, putting additional gentle pressure on competitors to change. Leading with questions and suggestions versus accusations establishes a constructive dialogue around the issue. With patience and consistency, individuals have viable means to encourage meaningful shifts in corporate practices over time through informed participation.

Direct communication with retailers, reviews, petitions, advocacy, policy support and purchasing power give individuals multiple avenues to positively steer businesses towards more sustainable packaging options at scale. While corporate change may happen gradually, consistent messages from consumers focused on preferred solutions can and do motivate improved environmental leadership when many voices unite behind shared priorities for reducing waste and toxins from unnecessary materials. With strategic, solution-oriented engagement, individuals have real potential to make a difference.