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Establish Clear Project Requirements and Guidelines
The first step is to establish very clear and detailed project requirements and guidelines that outline the standards and expectations for quality. This should include requirements for aspects like gameplay, graphics, sound, performance/optimization, story/theme, user experience, and more. Having well-defined requirements ensures students understand what is expected of a professional quality project.

Require Prototype Submissions and Feedback Cycles
Institutions should require regular prototype submissions throughout the capstone timeline to provide ongoing feedback. For example, requiring initial gameplay and level prototypes, graphics and UI prototypes, early builds, etc. This allows instructors to provide guidance and feedback on Meetings can also be held to discuss prototype feedback in detail. Multiple feedback and revision cycles help students iteratively improve projects to professional standards.

Include Formal Design Documentation
Students should be evaluated based on formal game design documentation like game design documents, system design documents, art bibles, sound designs, etc. These living documents should evolve along with the project and detail the vision, story, mechanics, features, technical requirements, and art style cohesively. Professional game studios rely heavily on documentation to ensure high quality and consistency.

Establish Technical Milestones and Demos
Technical milestones should be set for students to achieve stages like core gameplay complete, all planned features implemented, full content complete, final optimizations and polish passes. Projects would be assessed and must pass milestones to proceed. This also provides opportunities for technical demo sessions where others can playtest works in progress to surface issues. Meeting technical milestones ensures projects are production-ready at completion.

Mandate Source Control and Collaborative Tools
Version control and collaboration platforms like GitHub, Perforce or Slack should be mandated to simulate professional workflows. Having centralized repositories, branches, code reviews and documentation improves overall code/asset quality as well as team collaboration skills essential in game studios. Students learn to consistently integrate and merge team work through source control practices.

Conduct Formal Playtesting Sessions
Multiple formal playtesting sessions with both expert and non-expert players should be conducted as the project nears completion. Playtest feedback reports are used to further identify and address issues and needed improvements. Basic playtesting is inadequate to uncover all needed refinements and polish. Iterating after multiple formal sessions better ensures a high level of quality, balance, fun, and completeness in line with professional expectations.

Include External Evaluations or Scoring Rubrics
In addition to instructor assessments, projects may optionally undergo evaluation panels including industry professionals or alumni to provide additional expert perspective. Well-defined scoring rubrics based on requirements can also be used to grade projects against specific quality criteria. External or rubric-based evaluations increase the rigor and credibility of assessments. Students have additional motivation to achieve true professional standards of quality.

Provide One-on-One Mentoring
Individual mentoring and guidance from instructors helps ensure projects stay on track. Common issues can be addressed quickly before spiraling out of control. Students may meet regularly (e.g. biweekly) with their mentor to discuss milestones, blockers, reviews, and next steps. This personalized coaching further develops crucial non-technical professional skills while keeping projects on the critical path to success.

mandBy establishing clear expectations, iterative feedback cycles, documentation standards, technical milestones and demos, formal playtesting, external evaluations and one-on-one mentorship – institutions can be confident that capstone game projects are meeting the intended professional standards of quality, production discipline and technical competency required of the game industry. Taking a rigorous, iterative, data-driven approach closely simulating professional workflows and development culture helps students transition seamlessly into game studio roles upon graduation.