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The scalability and costs associated with producing bioenergy at larger commercial scales is dependent on a variety of factors related to the specific biomass feedstock, conversion technology, location, and intended energy products. In general though, as the scale of bioenergy production increases there are opportunities to lower the costs per unit of energy output through economies of scale.

Larger facilities are able to amortize capital equipment and infrastructure costs over higher volumes of biomass throughput. This reduces the capital expense per ton of biomass or gallon/MMBtu of biofuel/biopower. Bigger also usually means more automated, which lowers operating labor costs. Purchasing feedstocks and other inputs in larger bulk quantities can yield price discounts as well. Transportation logistics become more efficient with bigger volumes moved per load.

Scaling up also faces challenges that impact costs. Larger facilities require bigger land areas to produce sufficient feedstock supply. This often means infrastructure like roads must be developed for transporting feedstocks over longer distances, raising costs. Finding very large contiguous tracts of land suited for energy crops or residue harvest can also drive up feedstock supply system costs. Permits and regulations may be more complex for bigger facilities.

The types of feedstocks used also influence scalability and costs. Dedicated energy crops like switchgrass are considered very scalable since advanced harvesting equipment can efficiently handle high volumes on large land areas. Establishing new perennial crops requires significant upfront investment. Agricultural residues have lower risk/cost but variable/seasonal supply. Waste biomass streams like forest residues or municipal solid waste provide low risk feedstock, but volumes can fluctuate or transport may be over longer distances.

Conversion technologies also impact costs at larger scales differently. Thermochemical routes like gasification or pyrolysis can more easily scale to very large volumes compared to biochemical processes which may have technological bottlenecks at higher throughputs. But biochemical platforms can valorize a wider array of lignocellulosic feedstocks more consistently. Both technologies continue to realize cost reductions as scales increase and learning improves designs.

Location is another factor – facilities sited close to plentiful, low-cost feedstock supplies and energy/product markets will have inherent scalability and cost advantages over more remote locations. Proximity to infrastructure like rail, barge, ports is also important to reduce transport costs. Favorable policy support mechanisms and market incentives like a carbon price can also influence the economics of scaling up.

Early commercial-scale facilities from 25-100 dry tons/day for biochemical refineries up to 300,000-500,000 tons/year for biomass power have demonstrated capital costs ranging from $25-50 million up to $500 million depending on scale and technology. At very large scales of 1-5 million dry tons/year, facilities could reach over $1 billion in capital costs.

Studies have shown that even at large scales, advanced biomass conversion technologies could achieve production costs competitive with fossil alternatives under the right conditions. For example, cellulosic ethanol plants processing over 1000 dry tons/day using technologies projected for 2025 could achieve ethanol production costs below $2/gallon. And giant co-fired biomass power facilities exceeding 500,000 tons/year may reach generation costs below 5 cents/kWh.

The scalability of bioenergy production is proven, with larger scales generally enabling lower costs per unit of energy output. Further technology improvements, supply chain development, supportive policies, and market demand can help realize the full potential of cost-competitive, sustainable bioenergy production across major commercial scales exceeding 1 million tons per year input capacity. Though challenges remain, the opportunities for lowered costs through economies of scale indicate the viability of very large bioenergy facilities playing an important long-term role in renewable energy portfolios.


The production and use of sustainable aviation biofuels aims to provide a low-carbon alternative to conventional jet fuel to help reduce the environmental impacts of aviation. Scaling up sustainable aviation biofuel production and use would not be without its own environmental impacts that would need to be carefully managed. Some of the key potential environmental impacts that could result from large-scale production and use of sustainable aviation biofuels include:

Land use change – A significant amount of agricultural land and feedstock would be required to produce aviation biofuels at a large, commercial scale. This could result in indirect land use change impacts if vegetable oils, sugar crops, or other food/feed crops are used as feedstocks. Land may be converted from forests, grasslands or other ecosystems to cropland to produce biofuel feedstocks, resulting in loss of habitat, biodiversity and carbon stocks. Feedstocks from waste oils or non-edible crops grown on marginal lands could help minimize land use change impacts. Careful land use planning would be needed.

Water usage – Certain feedstock crops like corn, sugarcane, palm oil require significant quantities of water for irrigation. Large-scale production of these feedstocks could put pressure on local water resources, especially in water-stressed regions. Process water would also be needed at biorefineries. Water usage and impacts on local aquifers and watersheds would need to be carefully monitored and managed.

Fertilizer and pesticide runoff – Increased use of fertilizers and pesticides could be needed to optimize yields of biofuel feedstock crops at a commercial scale. This could increase the risks of agricultural chemicals running off farmlands and polluting waterways, contributing to eutrophication, algal blooms, loss of aquatic biodiversity and risks to human health. Best management practices would need to be implemented to minimize runoff risks.

GHG emissions – While produced and used sustainably, aviation biofuels can reduce GHG emissions vs fossil jet fuel. Factors like feedstock production, refining process energy use, transportation impacts need to be optimized to maximize lifecycle GHG savings. Some feedstock options like palm oil may cause high emissions through deforestation if not produced responsibly on already cleared lands. Continuous efforts are required to improve biofuel sustainability.

Impacts on soil health – Intensive cultivation of certain feedstock crops like corn or sugarcane could deplete soil nutrients or increase risks of soil erosion if not managed properly, especially over large areas. This could affect long-term soil productivity and health. Cropping practices need to employ techniques like cover cropping, reduced tillage, nutrient management to maintain soil carbon stocks and quality.

Biodiversity impacts – Monoculture cultivation of biofuel crops carries risks to biodiversity by reducing habitat for other species and planting non-native species. Genetically modified feedstock crops also pose risks that need assessment. Growing biofuel feedstocks on marginal lands or as part of diverse cropping systems can help reduce pressures on biodiversity. Regulatory safeguards may be required.

Food security impacts – Large-scale diversion of crops, agricultural lands or water resources for biofuel production could theoretically impact global food security by reducing availability or increasing prices of food commodities if not properly governed. Sustainable aviation fuels employ non-edible waste and residues or purpose-grown non-food crops to avoid direct competition for food. Indirect impacts would still need monitoring and mitigation.

Responsible and sustainable production of biofuel feedstocks and advanced technologies for refining can help minimize many environmental impacts of scaling up aviation biofuels. But careful governance, incentives for best practices, life cycle analysis and continuous improvements will be crucial to maximize benefits and avert unintended consequences. Vigilant monitoring of impacts with appropriate mitigation measures in place will also be important as volumes increase to commercial levels. With the right safeguards and efforts towards sustainability, aviation biofuels can provide meaningful reductions in carbon emissions to help decarbonize air travel over the long run.