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Reddit has encountered a number of controversies since its founding in 2005 that have involved issues related to content posted by users, subreddit bans or restrictions, and how the company moderates content and policies. Some of the major controversies Reddit has faced include:

Jailbait Subreddit Controversy (2011) – One of the earliest major controversies involved the “r/jailbait” subreddit, which was created in 2008. The subreddit focused on sexualized images of underage girls and while it did not feature outright nudity, it was the subject of criticism for promoting the sexualization of minors. In 2011, violentacrez, a prolific Reddit user who had created numerous objectionable subreddits, was outed by Gawker which sparked wider attention to and criticism of r/jailbait. Reddit shut the subreddit down in October 2011 due to the controversy and negative press attention it brought.

Fat People Hate Ban (2015) – In 2015, Reddit banned several subreddits as part of an expansion of its harassment policy, including the “FatPeopleHate” subreddit which was devoted to hating fat individuals. The ban sparked significant controversy among some Reddit users who felt it violated principles of free speech. Supporters argued the subreddit promoted harassment, while critics saw it as banning a community for its views. The controversy led to protests on the platform and allegations Reddit was compromising its principles. It highlighted challenges around moderating offensive content.

The_Donald Controversies (2016-Present) – The prominent r/The_Donald pro-Trump subreddit has been an ongoing source of controversy since 2016 due to content and behavior of some users. Posts and comments perceived as racist, xenophobic, or threatening have led to accusations the subreddit fosters an atmosphere of hate. Moderators have also been accused of inconsistent enforcement of site-wide rules. The subreddit’s influence over Reddit politics remains controversial among some. Critics argue it receive preferential treatment due to its size, though the company denies giving it special treatment.

Pizzagate & Las Vegas Conspiracies (2016-2017) – In late 2016, a conspiracy theory dubbed “Pizzagate” emerged on Reddit where users posited a child sex ring was being operated in the basement of a D.C. pizzeria tied to prominent Democrats. It inspired a man to fire an assault rifle in the restaurant. Reddit eventually banned the Pizzagate subreddit, but the site still struggle with tackling the spread of disinformation and conspiracy theories on platforms. A similar issue emerged after the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting when Reddit users circulated unfounded conspiracy theories about the motive.

T_D Encourages Violence Posts (2019) – In June 2019, Reddit came under criticism after users found comments on The_Donald like “keep your rifle by your side” and “God I hope so” in response to comments about civil war. The controversy increased pressure on Reddit to more consistently enforce policies against content that promotes harm. However, T_D remained active at the time.

Anti-Evil Actions Under Scrutiny (2020) – Reddit’s “Anti-Evil Operations” team, which aims to reduce harm on the site, came under scrutiny in 2020 for allegedly uneven enforcement. Several left-leaning political subreddits like ChapoTrapHouse were banned that year despite not directly calling for violence, fueling allegations of political bias. The bans triggered more debate around how Reddit enforced vague rules regarding harmful behaviors and hate.

WallStreetBets Controversies (2021) – The surge in popularity of the r/WallStreetBets subreddit during the “GameStop short squeeze” attracted unprecedented mainstream attention to Reddit in 2021 but also controversies. Some questioned if social media hype fueled a “pump and dump” stock manipulation scheme. When moderators implemented temporary content restrictions to scale with rapid growth, it also triggered a backlash and allegations of censorship. The episode highlighted challenges with viral crowdsourced investment campaigns on digital platforms.

Anti-Vax Misinformation (2021-Present) – More recently, Reddit has faced criticism for allegedly not doing enough to curb the spread of COVID-19 anti-vaccine misinformation on its platform. Studies found its top COVID-19 misinformation subreddits have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. While Reddit insists it takes action against rules-breaking posts, critics argue more should be done to limit the reach of health misinformation during a public health crisis when lives are at stake. How to balance open discussion and limiting harmful untruths remains an ongoing challenge.

As this brief retrospective highlights, controversies have dogged Reddit throughout its existence largely due to the scale of user-generated content it hosts and the difficult balancing act of moderating discussions around contentious or objectionable topics. While the company maintains it aims to uphold principles of open discussion, it is also pressured to curb the spread of misinformation, conspiracies and behaviors that could inspire real-world harm. Striking the right approach remains an ongoing work-in-progress, suggesting Reddit and other platforms may continually face controversies as societal debates evolve.


Reddit is an online discussion platform where communities known as subreddits cover a vast range of topics. With over 50 million daily active users, moderating content and addressing issues like misinformation and harassment at such a massive scale presents significant challenges. Over the years Reddit has introduced several policy changes and tools to help curb the spread of inaccurate information and abusive behavior on the site.

One of the first major policy updates came in 2017 when Reddit introduced sitewide rules banning content that incites or glorifies violence. This was an important step in clearly defining what kind of harmful speech would not be tolerated. The site then updated their rules again in 2018 to more explicitly prohibit doxing, or posting private or confidential information about individuals without their consent. Doxing had been a tactic used by some to target and harass others.

As the spread of conspiracy theories and politically polarized misinformation increasingly became issues in recent years, Reddit enacted new content policy bans. In 2020, they prohibited spreading demonstrably false claims that could significantly undermine participation or trust in democratic systems. Specifically calling out QAnon conspiracy forums, Reddit banned their communities later that year which had been platforms for spreading inaccurate claims. In 2021, they expanded this to ban spreading medically unverified information capable of directly causing physical harm.

On the technical front, Reddit has rolled out tools using both human and machine learning models to help address policy violations at scale. In 2018 they introduced an online abuse report form to streamline the process for users to flag concerns. Audio and photo fingerprinting technologies were added in 2020 to automatically detect and prevent reposting of doxed or revenge porn images. Behind the scenes, Reddit also uses automated systems that rely on natural language processing to analyze reported comments and flag those most likely to contain targeted harassment, threats or inappropriate references for human review.

Reddit’s volunteer moderator community plays a crucial role in curbing misinformation and abuse within individual subreddits as well. To empower moderators, Reddit enhanced moderator tools in recent years. For example, in 2021 ‘Crowd Control’ was rolled out, allowing mod teams to temporarily restrict participation on their subreddits just to regular, long-standing members during major events to curb brigading from outsiders. AutoMod, a tool for setting rule-based filters, was also given more configuration options.

A key step has been increasing communication and transparency with moderators. In 2020 Reddit launched a feedback forum where moderators can openly discuss policy changes and provide input to Reddit admins. A ‘Mod Highlights’ series was started in 2021 where Reddit admins spotlight different moderator teams and the work they do. Such open channels help build understanding and reassure volunteer mod teams they have an avenue to voice concerns over site policies and content issues within their communities.

Addressing “misinformation superspreaders”, or accounts dedicated to intentionally spreading false claims, has also been a focus. In 2021, Reddit updated their site-wide block toolbox to allow ignoring entire communities, not just individual accounts. Other signals like an account’s age, karma, and participation across multiple subreddits are increasingly factored into automated systems detecting and limiting the reach of superspreader accounts.

Looking ahead,Reddit is working to enhance trust and transparency around content recommendations. Changes are being explored to provide more context about why certain subreddits may appear in a user’s feed. This could reduce the chances of accidentally exposing people to problematic communities. Reddit is also in the process of launching official transparency reports with aggregated data on content removals and account suspensions due to policy violations.

Through a combination of new policies, technical solutions, empowering volunteer moderators, and increased transparency – Reddit has made important strides in curbing the spread of misinformation and abuse on their platform over recent years. With the challenges constantly evolving at their massive scale, continuing to enhance safeguards and accountability will remain an ongoing effort. Open dialogue between Reddit and experienced moderators also sets an example of how online communities can work collaboratively to strengthen protections.