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The capstone committee or supervisor plays an integral role in guiding and overseeing a student’s capstone project from start to finish. A capstone project is often a culminating academic experience that allows students toward the end of their degree program to demonstrate their knowledge and skills by completing a substantive project or piece of work. The capstone committee is typically made up of multiple faculty members, as well as possibly other experts in the student’s field of study, who work collectively to advise and assess the student’s capstone work.

Some of the key responsibilities of a capstone committee include initially approving the student’s proposed capstone project topic or research question. The committee will want to ensure the topic is sufficiently challenging and will allow the student to showcase high-level abilities expected of someone completing their degree program. They may provide feedback to steer the topic in a more appropriate direction if needed. Once the topic is approved, the committee takes on an advising role, meeting periodically with the student to provide guidance on aspects like developing the project scope and timeline, researching and analyzing the topic, and determining appropriate methodologies and approaches.

Committee members can point the student toward important resources that may inform their work and help them avoid potential pitfalls or dead ends. They also evaluate written project proposals or plans to ensure the student has adequately outlined their activities and timeframe. Throughout the capstone process, the committee helps keep the student on track toward completion while challenging them to think critically and at a high level. Committee meetings allow for constructive feedback that can strengthen various components of the student’s work, from the quality of their research up through drafts of their final reporting.

Committee members often play an important quality control role. They want to see that the student is producing work befitting the academic level of a graduating student. This may involve ensuring sources and information are properly cited, methodologies and data analyses are conducted appropriately, and conclusions are supported. Committees help verify that appropriate research ethics are followed as well. At the end of the project timeline, the capstone committee evaluates the student’s completed work, generally through a final oral presentation and written report or other tangible output.

Members will assess whether the project met its proposed objectives and research question at a depth demonstrating the student’s accumulated knowledge. The committee then determines if the work is of passing quality warranting completion of the capstone requirement. In some cases of deficiencies, the committee may require revisions be made before final sign-off. In their summative role, the committee also provides a grade or other assessment of the student’s capstone performance that factors into determining if all graduation requirements were satisfactorily fulfilled.

The chair or lead of a capstone committee takes on additional responsibilities of coordinating the committee members and activities. This includes organizing initial and periodic meetings; communicating clearly about expectations, timelines, and feedback with the student; and collecting input from all members to determine final assessments. For larger committees, the chair ensures open communication flows between members as well. They guide the process from proposal stage through final evaluation rating. Committees may include an appointed capstone supervisor who works most closely with the individual student, periodically meeting one-on-one in addition to full committee meetings.

This supervisor helps the student problem solve challenges, tracks progress, and acts as a direct liaison to the broader committee. The capstone committee and supervisor play a vital quality control and guidance function to help students complete a culminating academic experience that allows demonstration of their highest abilities gained through their degree program. By providing oversight and input throughout the project life cycle, the committee helps foster work of a professional caliber that can benefit both the student and their future employers or graduate studies.