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Digital transformation has already revolutionized many industries, and forward-thinking companies that have embraced the new digital capabilities are reaping tremendous benefits. Here are some compelling examples of companies that have undergone successful digital transformations:

Amazon – One of the earliest and most successful companies to embrace digital transformation, Amazon strategically built its business around digital platforms and capabilities from the start. By leveraging e-commerce, AWS cloud services, big data analytics, and other digital technologies, Amazon has transformed retail shopping and become one of the world’s most valuable companies. It all started with selling books online in the mid-1990s and has since expanded into many other product categories, digital subscriptions, online grocery delivery, and much more through continuous digital innovation.

Disney – The iconic entertainment brand Disney recognized that to remain relevant for future generations, it needed to update its business model for the digital age. Over the past decade, Disney has invested heavily in digital initiatives like its streaming services Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+. It is using data analytics and digital marketing to engage consumers globally. The company is also developing new location-based digital experiences at its theme parks. By embracing digital, Disney is transforming the ways it creates and delivers magical storytelling experiences.

John Deere – As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of agricultural and construction equipment, John Deere faced the challenge of digitally transforming an industry traditionally based around big machinery. The company invested in the Internet of Things, computer vision, automation, and data science to create “smart” connected equipment and farming management software and services. This “smart industrial” initiative is helping farmers operate more efficiently and sustainably. For John Deere, digital transformation is revolutionizing how it serves customers and powers new revenue streams in software, services, and precision agriculture.

Coca-Cola – The iconic beverage brand is using digital technologies to transform every aspect of its business and customer relationships. Leveraging IoT sensors, it is gaining real-time insights into beverage demand in stores. AI and predictive analytics help optimize inventory and logistics planning. Digital marketing programs like mobile apps allow one-to-one engagement with consumers. Integration of VR/AR into its Freestyle soda dispensers is enhancing the in-store experience. And data-driven R&D helps launch innovative new products. Coca-Cola’s digital evolution is refreshingly redefining how it delights customers.

Starbucks – The global coffee shop chain established itself as a “third space” destination through digital innovation. Its mobile app allows customers to order and pay in advance, earning loyalty points for frequent visits. Store associates utilize mobile devices and backend systems to optimize operations. AI helps recommend personalized orders. And data analytics provide insights to refine the customer experience globally. By successfully digitizing physical retail through technology, Starbucks continues to innovate and strengthen connections with its digitally-savvy consumer base.

PayPal – Originally conceived as a solution for securely facilitating online payments, PayPal expanded its digital capabilities and vision. It launched Venmo as a trendsetting peer-to-peer payments app popular with millennials. Acquisitions of companies like Braintree added digital payment technologies for physical and mobile commerce. PayPal leverages big data to prevent fraud while simplifying money movement globally. It is transforming into a full-service digital wallet and financial services platform. PayPal shows how continuous digital evolution can disrupt traditional industries and better serve modern consumer needs.

Ikea – The iconic furniture brand faced challenges transitioning customers accustomed to its massive physical showrooms to online shopping. Ikea launched an e-commerce site integrated with virtual and augmented reality tools that allow consumers to visualize how furniture will look in their homes before purchase. It also introduced smaller urban store formats and plans to open mini IKEA stores in large cities. Advanced digital design and manufacturing technologies help launch more customized, sustainable product lines. By leveraging both physical and digital innovations, Ikea is transforming the home shopping experience for omni-channel consumers.

There are many other compelling examples of companies from diverse industries that have successfully undergone digital transformations. By proactively embracing new technologies, tools, and ways of working, these organizations are leveraging digital capabilities to power innovation, strengthen customer relationships, expand into new markets, optimize operations, and drive long-term growth and competitive advantage in the modern digital economy. Continuous digital evolution will be essential for companies to remain relevant and thrive in the future.


It is common for employees to resist changes brought about by digital transformation as it often requires adapting to new technologies, processes and ways of working. To overcome this resistance and gain employee buy-in, companies need to effectively communicate the need for change while also addressing employee concerns through participation and support.

Communication is key. Companies must clearly articulate why the changes are necessary by describing the business drivers and objectives of the digital transformation program. They need to paint a compelling vision of how the changes will benefit both the organization and employees in the long run. For example, how new technologies will enable employees to be more productive and innovative or how it will help the company remain competitive and secure jobs. Effective communication also involves listening to understand employee perspectives and concerns to help shape change management strategies.

Companies should focus communication efforts on explaining how exactly day to day work will change and what employees specifically need to learn or do differently. Vague communication breeds uncertainty and resistance. Demonstrating new systems or tools and allowing hands-on practice sessions can help employees feel more comfortable with upcoming changes. Companies also need to communicate frequently throughout the process as digital transformation is ongoing. Status updates keep employees informed and trusting in the direction of change.

Participation and involvement are important to gain employee support. Companies should find avenues for employees at all levels to provide input into change proposals before they are implemented. Employees will be more accepting of changes they feel have considered their needs and suggestions. Companies can create change agent teams consisting of representatives from different departments to understand varied perspectives and co-create solutions. Pilot programs allow feedback that can be incorporated before full roll-outs.

Training and reskilling support must be provided to help employees adapt. Digital skills gaps create anxiety over job security. Companies need to assess skills required by new technologies and design comprehensive training programs, accessible both online and offline, to upskill employees. Training quality and availability should be communicated. Reskilling shows commitment to employees and highlights opportunities for career progression. Companies must also empower employees by giving them time, resources and autonomy to experiment with new tools to develop confidence.

Acknowledging natural resistance and allaying fears is important. Reassure employees that not all existing roles will disappear overnight and the company wants to help people succeed in transformation. Find new roles for employees whose jobs are significantly impacted to retain talent and experience. Address top fears upfront through career coaching and internal job posting programs. Discuss transition support like redeployment rather than assuring no job losses which breeds distrust if roles do change significantly.

Leadership buy-in and visibility is crucial too. Digital ambition must resonate from the top-down with managers participating in training, championing changes and setting an example. Leaders need to acknowledge discomfort and regularly thank employees for efforts. Small wins and successes achieved along the way helps motivate employees through challenging periods of change. Recognition and rewards for embracing new technologies and productivity improvements gained drives further participation.

Involving employees through transparent participation and tailored support addresses the root causes of most resistance – lack of understanding, skills gaps and job security fears. An empathy-driven, partnership approach helps employees see themselves as collaborators in transformation rather than subjects of it. With change managed proactively through two-way communication and consistent leadership commitment, companies can overcome resistance and gain employees as advocates for digital progress. Building trust and skills readies the workforce to embrace ongoing innovation as a competitive necessity.


Glue is AWS’s fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that makes it easy for customers to prepare and load data for analytics. At a high level, a Glue ETL job defines and coordinates the process of extracting data from one or more sources, transforming the data (such as filtering, joining, aggregating etc.), and loading the transformed data into target data stores.

Glue ETL jobs are defined using a visual, code-free interface or Apache Spark scripts written in Scala or Python. The job definition includes specification of the data sources, transformations to apply, and targets. When the job runs, Glue orchestrates all the required steps and ensures the data is extracted from sources, transformed as defined, and loaded to targets. Glue also handles resource provisioning, scheduling, monitoring and managing dependencies between jobs.

Data extraction is one of the key stages in a Glue ETL job. Users define the sources where the raw input data resides such as Amazon S3, JDBC-compliant databases etc. Glue uses connectors to extract the data from these sources. For example, the S3 connector allows Glue to crawl folders in S3 buckets, understand file formats, and read data from files during job execution. Database connectors like JDBC connectors allow Glue to issue SQL queries to extract data from databases. Users can also write custom extractors using libraries supported by Glue such as Python to programmatically extract data from other sources.

During extraction, Glue leverages various capabilities to optimize performance and handle large volumes of data. It uses column projections to extract only the required columns from databases which improves performance especially for wide tables. For S3, it implements multi-threaded extraction using asynchronous IO operations. It also supports checkpointing so that extraction resumes from the point of failure in case of job interruptions.

After extraction, the next stage is data transformation where the extracted raw data is cleaned, filtered, joined and aggregated to derive the transformed output. Glue provides a visual workflow editor and Apache Spark programming model to define transformations. In the visual editor, users can visually link extract and transform steps without writing code. For complex transformations, users can write Scala or Python scripts using Spark and Glue libraries to implement custom logic.

Some common transformation capabilities provided by Glue out of the box include – Filter to remove unnecessary or unwanted records; Join datasets on common keys; Aggregate data using functions like count, sum, average etc.; Enrich data through lookups; Validate and cleanse noisy or invalid data. Glue also allows creating temporary views of datasets to perform SQL style transformations. Transformations are Spark jobs so Glue leverages Spark’s distributed processing capabilities. It runs transformations in parallel across partitions of the dataset for highly scalable and efficient processing of large volumes of data.

Once data is extracted and transformed, the final stage is loading it to target data stores. Glue supports loading transformed data to many popular data targets like S3, Redshift, DynamoDB, RDS etc. Users specify the targets in the job definition. During runtime, Glue uses connectors for these targets to coordinate writing the processed data. For example, it utilizes the S3 connector to write partitioned/indexed output data to S3 for further analytics. Redshift and RDS connectors allow writing transformed data into analytical tables in these databases. Glue also provides options to catalog and register output data with Glue Data Catalog for governance and reuse across other downstream jobs/applications.

A Glue ETL job orchestrates all the data engineering tasks across the extract-transform-load pipeline. During runtime, Glue provisions and manages necessary Apache Spark resources, coordinates execution by optimally parallelizing across partitions, handles failures with robust checkpointing and retries. It provides end-to-end monitoring of jobs and integrates with other AWS services as needed at each stage for fully managed execution of ETL workflows. Glue automates most operational aspects of ETL so that data teams can focus on data preparation logic rather than worrying about infrastructure operations. The scalable and robust execution engine of Glue makes it ideal for continuous processing of vast volumes of data across cloud infrastructure.