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Transitioning the world’s energy systems to run entirely on clean, renewable sources faces significant challenges. While renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power are abundant, continuously increasing the contribution of variable and intermittent renewable sources like solar and wind presents infrastructure and integration challenges. Achieving a fully renewable grid will require overcoming technological, economic, and social obstacles.

One of the core technical challenges is intermittency. The sun doesn’t shine at night and the wind doesn’t always blow, so electricity generation from solar and wind installations fluctuates continuously based on weather conditions. This variability creates challenges for balancing electricity supply and demand. Utilities need to ensure there is enough generation capacity online at all times to meet electricity needs. With high shares of solar and wind power, mechanisms are required to balance output when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing, such as battery storage, demand response, hydrogen production, additional dispatchable generation capacity from sources like hydro, biomass or geothermal, or interconnectivity to share reserves over broader geographic regions. Scaling up these balancing solutions to enable 100% variability will require major infrastructure buildouts and technology advancements.

Energy storage is seen as a critical part of enabling higher shares of renewable sources on the grid by providing flexible capacity, but current battery technologies at the utility-scale remain expensive, with high upfront capital costs. Similarly, while pumped hydro storage provides bulk storage at low costs, suitable locations for new facilities are limited. Other storage options like compressed air, liquid air, and hydrogen have yet to be demonstrated at scale. Major investments in research and development are still needed to drive down costs and increase scalability of long-duration storage solutions.

The integration of renewable sources also necessitates upgrading grid infrastructure. Traditional centralized electricity systems are based on large, dispatchable power plants providing baseload supply. Accommodating two-way power flows from millions of distributed, variable generation sources will require modernizing transmission and distribution networks with advanced controls, communications, and automation equipment. Building out long-distance transmission lines is also challenging and faces social acceptance hurdles. Strengthening existing grids and expanding them as needed adds considerably to transition costs.

Another hurdle is ensuring there is always sufficient firm generation capacity available to meet peak demand during times when solar and wind output is low. Currently, gas-fired power plants typically fulfill this role, but continued reliance on fossil fuels for capacity needs hinders full decarbonization. Alternative sources like next-generation nuclear power, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, or low-carbon hydrogen could potentially fill this capacity need, but remain immature technologies at present. Deploying them at scale raises economic, social license, and waste management issues.

The scale of the infrastructure buildout required for a 100% renewable energy transition is massive. The IEA estimates global investment needs of over $4 trillion by 2050 for electricity sector capital expenditure alone. Such enormous infrastructure spending presents challenges related to financing, affordability, local economic impacts, and ensuring a just transition for affected communities and workers. Public acceptance and access to low-cost sustainable financing will be important factors in the pace of buildout.

Decarbonizing end uses such as transportation, buildings, and industry further multiply transition challenges and costs. Electrifying these sectors will place additional demand pressure on grids already balancing high shares of variable renewable sources. Alternatives like renewable hydrogen and synthetic fuels must overcome technological and economic hurdles to scale. Integrated planning across electricity and end-use sectors is crucial for a whole-systems approach but adds complexity.

Addressing these challenges will require breakthrough innovations, increased international collaboration, adaptation of policy and market frameworks, infrastructure investments at vast scales, and changes in social acceptance and consumer behaviors. The complexity and scope of transitioning to 100% renewable energy should not be underestimated. With committed action and focus on overcoming barriers, a full transition could help achieve climate change mitigation targets through globally coordinated efforts over coming decades. Continued progress on many technological and economic fronts will be paramount to realizing this vision of a fully renewable energy future.

Transitioning to 100% renewable energy at the scale needed faces considerable challenges relating to intermittency, energy storage, grid modernization, ensuring capacity adequacy, massive infrastructure buildout requirements, high costs, cross-sectoral complexities, and social acceptance factors. Major technology advancements, policy and market reforms, financial commitments, international cooperation and changes to systems-level planning will be indispensable for overcoming these obstacles to full decarbonization of global energy systems.