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CodePipeline is an AWS service for automating code deployments. It facilitates a workflow where source code changes can be pulled from a code repository, run through a build/test stage, and automatically deployed to staging or production environments. This allows for continuous deployment of application code changes without manual intervention.

The basic process for deploying an e-commerce website using CodePipeline would involve the following high-level steps:

Setting up the Code Repository (around 1500 chars)

The first step is to host the source code for the e-commerce application in a version control system like GitHub, Bitbucket or AWS CodeCommit. This acts as the ‘source’ stage in CodePipeline. The code repository should contain the full application codebase, including backend code, front-end code, templates, configuration files etc. It is considered the ‘single source of truth’ for the application code.

Configuring the Build Stage (around 2000 chars)

The build stage in CodePipeline is where automated builds and tests of the application code are run. This stage needs to be configured by specifying a build tool or environment. For an e-commerce application, a common choice would be to use AWS CodeBuild, which provides build images configured with common build tools like Maven, Gradle, Node.js, Java etc. The CodeBuild project would define the build spec and environment to build and test the application code on each new change.

Specifying the Deployment Stages (around 2000 chars)

CodePipeline allows configuring multiple deployment stages/environments where the built application code can be deployed – like staging and production. Each stage needs infrastructure like EC2 instances, RDS databases provisioned for deploying the application code. CodeDeploy is commonly used to automate the deployment of application revisions from CodePipeline to these infrastructure environments. Parameters for deployment like file paths, commands etc need to be configured for each stage.

Configuring CodePipeline (around 2000 chars)

In CodePipeline, the various stages of the deployment workflow – source (code repo), build, test and deploy stages are chained together using a pipeline definition. This definition specifies the connections between stages, where to pull the source code from, how to initiate the build job, and how to trigger deployments. IAM roles need to granted necessary cross-service permissions for CodePipeline to pull source code, start build jobs, and trigger deployments. Webhooks orCron schedules can initiate new pipeline runs on code commits.

Deploying the Application Code (around 2000 chars)

Once CodePipeline is configured, any new commit pushed to the code repository will trigger an automated deployment. CodePipeline pulls the code, runs the build job which produces deployment packages. These packages are then deployed to staging first by CodeDeploy. Once staging deployment is successful and tests pass, the same code revision is automatically deployed to production. Both developers and DevOps teams can track the progress of code changes moving through the different pipeline stages until final production deployment.

Monitoring Deployments (around 1500 chars)

The deployment process through CodePipeline needs to be actively monitored. CloudWatch metrics and logs from CodeBuild, CodeDeploy provide insights into build job status, deployment activities and errors. CodePipeline also provides a visual dashboard to view the progress of a deployment from commits to production release. Alerts need to be configured through services like CloudWatch Alarms for faster mean-time-to-recovery if any stage fails. Regular evaluations and optimizations of the pipeline helps improve deployment speed, reliability and security over time.

This in summary covers the key steps involved to continuously deploy an e-commerce application using AWS CodePipeline – from setting up the source code repository, configuring build and deployment stages, creating the pipeline, monitoring the automated deployments and ensuring reliability of the process. The automated workflow frees up developers and Ops from manual release practices while keeping the infrastructure in sync with changing application code.


To start, you’ll need to sign up for a free GitHub account if you don’t already have one. GitHub is a powerful hosting service that allows you to store your project code in a remote Git repository in the cloud. This provides version control capabilities and makes collaboration on the project seamless.

Next, you’ll want to initialize your local project directory as a Git repository by running git init from the command line within your project folder. This tells Git to start tracking changes to files in this directory.

You should then create a dedicated Git branch for development work. The default branch is usually called “main” or “master”. To create a development branch, run git checkout -b dev. This switches your working files to the new branch and tracks changes separately from the main branch.

It’s also recommended to create a basic README.md file that describes your project. Commit this initial file by running git add README.md and then git commit -m “Initial commit”. The commit message should briefly explain what changes you made.

Now you’re ready to connect your local repository to GitHub. Go to your GitHub account and create a new repository with the same name as your local project folder. Do NOT initialize it with a README, .gitignore, or license.

After creating the empty repository on GitHub, you need to associate the existing local project directory with the new remote repository. Run git remote add origin https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/REPO_NAME.git where the URL is the SSH or HTTPS clone link for your new repo.

Push the code to GitHub with git push -u origin main. The -u flag sets the local main branch to track its remote counterpart. This establishes the link between your local working files and the repo on GitHub.

From now on, you’ll create feature branches for new pieces of work rather than committing directly to the development branch. For example, to start work on a user signup flow, do:

git checkout -b feature/user-signup

Make and test your code changes on this feature branch. Commit frequently with descriptive messages. For example:

git add . && git commit -m “Add form markup for user signup”

Once a feature is complete, you can merge it back into dev to consolidate changes. Checkout dev:

git checkout dev

Then merge and resolve any conflicts:

git merge –no-ff feature/user-signup

This retains the history of the feature branch rather than fast-forwarding.

You may choose to push dev to GitHub regularly to back it up remotely:

git push origin dev

When you’re ready for a release, merge dev into main:

git checkout main
git merge dev

Tag it with the version number:

git tag -a 1.0.0 -m “Version 1.0.0 release”

Then push main and tags to GitHub:

git push origin main –tags

Periodically pull changes from GitHub to incorporate any work from collaborators:

git checkout dev
git pull origin dev

You can also use GitHub’s interface to review code changes in pull requests before merging. Managing a project with Git/GitHub provides version control, easier collaboration, and a remote backup of your code. The branching workflow keeps features isolated until fully tested and merged into dev/main.

Some additional tips include adding a .gitignore to exclude unnecessary files like virtual environments or build artifacts. Also consider using GitHub’s wiki and issues features to centralize documentation and track tasks/bugs. Communicate progress regularly via commit messages and pull requests for transparency on progress.

Over time your Python project will grow more robust with modular code, testing, documentation, and more as you iterate on features and refine the architecture. Git and GitHub empower you to collaborate seamlessly while maintaining a complete history of changes to the codebase. With diligent version control practices, your capstone project will stay well organized throughout active development.

By establishing good habits of branching, committing regularly, and using robust tools like Git and GitHub – you can far more effectively plan, coordinate and complete large scale Python programming projects from initial planning through to completion and beyond. The structured development workflow will keep your project on the right track from start to finish and make ongoing improvements and collaboration a breeze.