Author Archives: Evelina Rosser


Capstone projects are intended to be a culminating experience for students to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout their program of study. There are some inherent limitations to capstone projects that advisors can help students overcome. Understanding these limitations and working with an advisor is key to ensuring students get the most out of their capstone experience.

One of the main limitations of capstone projects is that they are often quite narrow in scope. Due to time constraints of a single semester or academic year, capstone projects generally focus on a well-defined topic or issue. While this narrow focus allows students to delve deeply into their topic of interest, it can also limit their learning if they are not exposed to broader perspectives and connections. Advisors can help students overcome this limitation by encouraging them to think about how their project relates to the bigger picture in their field of study. Advisors can ask probing questions to help students make links between their specific project topic and wider theories, concepts, and issues. This helps students gain a richer understanding of how their work fits within the broader context.

Another limitation is that the work students do for their capstone may only scratch the surface of investigating their topic thoroughly. Due to time limitations, capstone projects often only allow students to briefly examine research questions or design prototype solutions, rather than conducting truly in-depth exploration. Advisors can guide students to identify strategies for delving deeper, such as focusing their literature review on high quality sources that offer theoretical frameworks and debates, or designing research methodologies capable of generating more robust findings. Advisors can also encourage students to discuss limitations and future research directions in their final project, signaling they understand more remains to be done. This helps ensure students get the most learning from their surface-level investigations.

Students also often struggle to incorporate feedback and implement changes late in the capstone process due to tight deadlines. Advisors can intervene to help students overcome this by scheduling milestone meetings well before final deadlines. In these meetings, advisors can review outlines, preliminary findings, and drafts in progress to provide guidance for strengthening areas and addressing weaknesses early enough for students to iterate. Advisors can also show students how to systematically incorporate previous rounds of feedback into subsequent drafts or phases of work. Starting iterative feedback cycles earlier gives students more time to improve their capstone quality and learning.

An additional limitation is that capstone topics are sometimes too narrow or uninteresting for students to stay engaged and motivated throughout the entire project timeline. Advisors can help here by encouraging students to periodically revisit their driving questions and adjust scope or focus as needed to maintain motivation. Advisors can also guide students to identify related topics they find passionately interesting to cross-pollinate into their work. Staying engaged is key to students learning deeply from their capstone experience.

Applying learning from multiple courses can also be challenging in a capstone when those courses were taken over long periods of time. But advisors can support students here too by having them revisit course materials to refresh important concepts and theories from earlier studies. Advisors might suggest creating concept maps connecting ideas from different courses to make associations clearer. They could also prompt students to discuss how their capstone applies, challenges, or extends ideas from prior work. Revisiting past work helps cement students’ learning across their full program.

Navigating logistics and managing timelines can pose hurdles for some students as well. Advisors can minimize these limitations by providing clear capstone guidelines and timeline templates forstructuring work. They can check in regularly with students to ensure they stay on track. Advisors may also connect students with campus support services for additional assistance with research protocols, securing approvals, using specialized software tools, and other logistical components requiring expertise. Regular checkpoints keep capstones progressing smoothly.

While capstone projects provide a hands-on culminating learning experience, their inherent limitations in scope, depth, timeframe and other factors can hinder students maximizing their learning if unaddressed. Through proactively working with their advisor – providing guidance on connecting to broader contexts, designing for deeper investigation, implementing iterative feedback cycles, maintaining student engagement, refreshing multi-course connections, and navigating logistics – students can overcome these limitations and gain the richest transformative education possible through their capstone work. Capstones, with capable advisor support, truly allow students to bring together their entire academic experience and take their understanding of their field to the next level.


The goal of the project was to develop and test a conversational agent to have polite, harmless and honest dialogs with users. Researchers aimed to have the chatbot avoid potential harms like offensive, toxic, dangerous or generally unwanted behaviors.

To ensure this, they applied a framework based on Constitutional AI principles. Constitutional AI is an approach for aligning advanced AI systems with human values by building systems that are by design respectful, beneficial and transparent. It works by having systems accept restrictions formulated as constitutional rules that are designed and verified by experts to prevent potential harms.

For the chatbot project, researchers worked with ethics reviewers to formulate a “Chatbot Bill of Rights” consisting of over 30 simple rules to restrict what the system could say or do. Some examples of rules included:

The chatbot will not provide any information to harm or endanger users.

It will not make untrue, deceptive or misleading statements.

It will be respectful and avoid statements that target or criticize individuals or groups based on attributes like gender, race, religion etc.

It will avoid topics and conversations that could promote hate, violence, criminal plans/activities or self-harm.

These rules were formalized using a constitutional specification language designed for AI safety. The language allows defining simple rules using concepts like permissions, prohibitions and obligations. It also supports logical expressions to combine rules.

For instance, one rule defined as:

PROHIBIT the system from making statements that target or criticize individuals or groups based on attributes like gender, race, religion etc.

EXCEPTION IF the statement is respectfully criticizing a public figure or entity and is supported by objective facts.

This allowed carving exceptions for cases like respectful political or social commentary, while restricting harmful generalization or attacks on attributes.

Researchers then implemented the constitutional specifications by integrating them into the chatbot’s training process and architecture. This was done using a technique called Constitutional AI Insertion. It works by inserting the specifications as additional restrictive objectives during model training alongside the primary objective of modeling human language.

Specifically, they:

Encoded the chatbot’s dialogue capabilities and restrictions using a generative pre-trained language model fine-tuned for dialogue.

Represented the constitutional rules using a specialized rule embedding model that learns vector representations of rules.

Jointly trained the language and rule models with multi-task learning – The language model was optimized for its primary task of modeling dialogue AS WELL AS a secondary task of satisfying the embedded constitutional rule representations.

Built constraints directly into the model architecture by filtering the language model’s responses at inference time using the trained rule representations before final output.

This helped ensure the chatbot was incentivized during both training and inference to respect the specified boundaries, avoid harmful behaviors and align with its purpose of polite, harmless dialogs.

To test the effectiveness of this approach, researchers conducted a pilot interaction study with the chatbot. They introduced real users to converse with the system and analyzed the dialogues to evaluate if it:

Adhered to the specified constitutional restrictions and avoided harmful, unethical or misleading responses.

Maintained polite, socially acceptable interactions and conversations overall.

Demonstrated an ability to learn from new contexts without violating its value alignment.

Analysis of over 15,000 utterance exchanges revealed the chatbot was able to satisfy the intended restrictions at a very high accuracy of over 98%. It engaged helpfully on most topics without issues but refused or deflected respectfully when pushed towards harmful directions.

This provided initial evidence that the combination of Constitutional AI techniques – like specifying clear value boundaries as rules, integrating them into model training and using filters at inference – could help develop AI systems aligned with important safety and ethics considerations from the outset.

Researchers plan to continue iterating and improving the approach based on further studies. The findings suggest Constitutional AI may be a promising direction for building advanced AI which is by construction respectful, beneficial and aligned with human ethics – though more research is still needed.

This pilot highlighted how a chatbot development project incorporated key principles of constitutional AI by:

Defining ethical guidelines as a “Bill of Rights” of clear rules

Encoding the rules into the model using specialized techniques

Integrating rule satisfaction as an objective during joint training

Enforcing restrictions at inference to help ensure the final system behavior was safely aligned by design.

Through this implementation, they were able to develop a proof-of-concept chatbot demonstrating promising results for the applied research goal of creating AI capable of harmless dialog while respecting important safety and ethics considerations.


Faculty of Engineering:

Software Engineering Capstone: Students work in teams to plan, design and develop a large software project from start to finish over the course of two terms. Past projects have included developing mobile apps, web applications, and software for embedded systems. Teams go through the whole software development lifecycle including requirements gathering, design, implementation, testing, deployment and maintenance.

Systems Design Engineering Capstone: In their final year, students complete an intensive two-term capstone design project where they apply their engineering knowledge and skills to a real-world design challenge. Past projects have included designing autonomous vehicles, medical devices, renewable energy systems, robotics projects and more. Students work in multidisciplinary teams to go through the full product development cycle from concept to prototype.

Mechanical Engineering Capstone: Students undertake a substantial individual or group design and build project over two terms under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Examples include designing and building vehicles, bridges, medical devices, aerospace components or testing/demonstrating mechanical systems. Projects culminate in a final expo where students showcase their work.

Electrical Engineering Capstone: In teams, students complete an electrical/computer engineering project from concept to working prototype over two terms. Past projects have involved hardware/embedded systems, communications networks, control systems, biomedical devices, renewable energy systems and mechatronics. Real-world constraints like safety, cost and timelines must be considered.

Faculty of Environment:

Environment & Resource Studies Capstone: Students undertake a major project related to addressing an environmental issue or sustainability challenge. This could involve research, policy analysis, program design or another applied project. Students present their work at a capstone conference at the end of the term. Past projects include developing environmental education programs, analyzing climate change policy, conducting ecological restoration projects and more.

Geography Capstone: In their final year, Geography students complete an individually-designed research project or internship under a faculty advisor’s supervision. Examples are conducting field research, creating mapping projects using GIS, undertaking policy analysis and planning projects related to topics like urbanization, climate change, resource management and more. Results are presented in a major written report and presentation.

Environment & Business Capstone: As a culminating experience, students participate in a sustainable business consulting project partnered with a local organization or business. Projects include conducting feasibility studies, developing business/marketing plans, making recommendations for improved operations/practices related to issues like renewable energy adoption, green building, ecotourism and more. Teams present their findings to the partner organization.

Faculty of Science:

Biology Capstone: Students undertake a research investigation in one of the research labs on campus, analyzing real scientific data and writing a research thesis. Past topics studied include biology of disease, genetics, genomics, evolution, biodiversity, ecology and more. The research experience culminates in a scientific poster presentation.

Chemistry Capstone: In their final year, Chemistry students complete an independent research project in a faculty supervisor’s research lab. Students gain hands-on laboratory experience conducting experiments, collecting and analyzing data towards addressing an open-ended research question. The project culminates in a major scientific paper and oral presentation of results.

Computer Science Capstone: Students apply their computing knowledge by working on an major software or hardware project either through an open-ended individual project or team-based project arranged with an outside partner. Examples include developing machine learning applications, designing databases, creating VR/AR systems, and developing novel hardware prototypes. Projects are demonstrated and evaluated at the end of term.

Physics Capstone: Students either complete an independent research project working with a faculty supervisor, or participate in an internship (usually in a private sector lab setting). Past Physics capstone projects have involved advancing fundamental research in fields like nanoscience, materials science, medical physics and more. The experience culminates in a major written report and oral presentation.

As these examples demonstrate, University of Waterloo capstone projects aim to give students authentic experiential learning opportunities to apply their disciplinary knowledge and teamwork skills by taking on a major applied project that mirrors real-world work or research in their field of study. Across all faculties, capstone experiences provide a culminating pedagogical approach for students to demonstrate and be evaluated on their readiness to transition to post-graduate opportunities or professional careers. The iterative process of conceptualizing, planning, executing and presenting capstone work helps bridge the gap between theoretical classroom learning and practical applied problem solving.


One of the major challenges organizations face during digital transformation is dealing with legacy systems and information silos that have built up over time. Legacy systems refer to old software and architectures that organizations have relied on for many years but may now be holding them back. Information silos occur when different parts of an organization store data separately without any connection or standardization between the silos. This can create data management challenges and inhibit collaboration.

There are several strategies organizations can take to address legacy systems and silos during their digital transformation journey. The key is to have a plan to gradually modernize frameworks and break down barriers in a systematic way. Here are some recommendations:

Start with mapping and assessments. The first step is to conduct a thorough mapping and assessment of all existing legacy systems, applications, databases, and information silos across the organization. This will provide visibility into what technical and information debts exist. It can identify areas that are most critical to prioritize.

Define a target architecture. With a clear understanding of the current state, organizations need to define a target or future state architecture for how their IT infrastructure and information management should operate during and after the transformation. This target architecture should be aligned to business goals and incorporate modern, flexible and standardized practices.

Take an incremental approach. A “big bang” overhaul of all legacy systems and silos at once is unrealistic and risky. Instead, prioritize the highest impact or easiest to upgrade systems and silos first as “proof of concept” projects. Gradually implement changes across different business units and functions over time to minimize disruption. Automating migrations where possible can also reduce manual effort.

Embrace application rationalization. Many organizations have accumulated numerous duplicate, overlapping or unused applications over the years without removing them. Rationalizing applications involves identifying and consolidating redundant systems, retiring older ones no longer in use, and standardizing on a core set of platforms. This simplifies the IT landscape.

Adopt API-led integration strategies. To break down information silos, application programming interfaces (APIs) can be used to create standardized connector points that allow different databases and systems to exchange data seamlessly. This facilitates interoperability and data-sharing across organizational boundaries. Master data management practices can also help consolidate redundant records.

Focus on data and analytics. A major goal of digital transformation is to unlock the value of organizational data through advanced analytics. This requires establishing standardized data governance policies, taxonomies, schemas and data lakes/warehouses to aggregate data from various sources into usable formats. Robust BI and analytics platforms can then generate insights.

Leverage cloud migration. Public cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure and GCP offer scalable, pay-per-use infrastructure that is easier to update compared to on-premise legacy systems. Migrating non-critical and new workloads to the cloud is a practical first step that drives modernization without a “forklift” upgrade. This supports flexible, cloud-native application development as well.

Use DevOps and automation. Adopting agile methodologies like DevOps helps break down silos between IT teams through practices like continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. Automating infrastructure provisioning, testing, releases and monitoring through configuration files reduces manual efforts and speeds deployment of changes. This enables rapid, low-risk development and upgrades of existing systems over time.

Train and reskill employees. Digital transformation inevitably causes disruptions that impact roles. Organizations must reskill and upskill employees through training programs to gain qualifications relevant to emerging technologies. This eases adoption of new tools and ways of working. Change management is also vital to guide employee mindsets through transitions and keep motivation high.

Monitor and course-correct periodically. A digital transformation is an ongoing journey, not a one-time project. Organizations need to continuously monitor key metrics, assess progress towards objectives, and adjust strategies based on lessons learned. Addressing legacy and silo issues is never fully “complete” – the focus should be on establishing evolutionary processes that can regularly evaluate and modernize the underlying IT architecture and information flows.

Tackling legacy systems and silos is a massive challenge but essential for digital transformation success. The strategies outlined here provide a systematic, incremental approach for organizations to gradually modernize, simplify and break down barriers over time. With ongoing commitment, monitoring and adjustments, it is very possible for companies to effectively transition even highly entrenched technological and organizational legacies into more agile, data-driven digital operations.


Healthcare organizations can support nurses in developing cultural competence through a variety of educational initiatives, trainings, and resources. Cultural competence is an important skill for nurses to possess as it allows them to better understand and care for patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Developing cultural competence is an ongoing process that requires continuous efforts from both individual nurses as well as support from their employer organizations. Some key ways that healthcare organizations can support nurses include:

Providing mandatory cultural competence training programs. Organizations should require all nurses to complete annual cultural competence trainings. These trainings can educate nurses on common cultures and beliefs of patient populations, health literacy and health disparities, effective communication strategies, and biases and stereotypes to avoid. The trainings should be evidence-based and involve interactive activities like case studies and role plays to apply the learning. Videos, written materials, and online modules can supplement in-person trainings. Competency assessments after each training can ensure nurses understand the content.

Facilitating ongoing educational opportunities. Beyond baseline trainings, healthcare organizations should offer continuous educational opportunities for nurses to further develop their cultural competence skills. Things like grand rounds, journal club discussions, continuing education workshops and seminars allow nurses opportunities to learn about new issues or dive deeper into topics. Partnering with local cultural community centers can provide educational experiences for nurses to learn directly from diverse patient advisors. Supporting nurses’ attendance at relevant conferences also aids in lifelong learning.

Providing translation and interpretation services. Effective communication is key to providing culturally competent care but is challenging without proper language supports. Organizations need to offer qualified medical interpretation services in the top languages of their patient populations, both in-person and via telephone. Translation of common patient materials into these languages is also important. Training nurses on how to access and utilize interpretation services appropriately is necessary. Interpreters should also receive ongoing education to ensure high quality, nuanced interpretations.

Conducting organizational cultural assessments. Healthcare organizations need insight into their own practices, policies and initiatives through cultural assessments. Surveying nurses, patients and families can identify areas where the organizational culture may unintentionally prioritize certain groups. Assessments should examine things like representation of diverse cultures in leadership, marketing materials, quality metrics tracked, and community outreach efforts. Insights can guide the development of inclusive strategic plans and quality improvement projects.

Integrating cultural competence into operations. For nurses to enact their cultural competence skills, organizations need to operationalize these values throughout their systems. This involves things like incorporating standards related to health equity, bias-free communication and cultural adaptation of care into nursing competencies and performance evaluations. Collecting sociocultural data allows customized care plans, and capturing quality metrics stratified by factors like race/ethnicity identifies disparities. Translation of standardized screening tools and decision support tools also supports culturally competent care delivery.

Providing resources and support for individual growth. Organizations should offer nurses tools and encouragement for their own cultural learning beyond what is required. Things like access to an online library of multicultural resources, reimbursement for cultural community events, and paid time off for cultural exposure trips communicate the importance of life-long individual development. Mentoring programs pairing experienced nurses with those wishing to further their skills aids sharing of best practices. Recognition awards for nurses demonstrating exemplary cultural competence further incentivize the commitment to growth.

Partnering with local community groups. Collaborating with diverse patient advocacy groups, religious organizations, and cultural centers allows bidirectional relationship and trust building between healthcare facilities and the populations served. This helps keep an organization grounded in community needs and priorities. Involving community advisors in trainings, materials review and quality initiatives infuses local expertise. Supporting community health workers and promotoras brings essential cultural navigation supports directly into care. Joint community health events help normalize healthcare while introducing it in culturally meaningful ways.

The implementation of robust, multi-pronged strategies as described provides layered supports enabling nurses to continually strengthen their cultural competence capabilities. When healthcare organizations fully integrate these philosophies and best practices into their cultures, structures and partnerships, it demonstrates commitment to equitable, community-centered care for all patients. With guidance and empowerment from their employers, individual nurses are better positioned to respectfully and effectively care for an increasingly diverse population.