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Wipro sees enormous potential to leverage emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to transform its global supply chain operations and drive greater efficiencies. As one of the largest global sourcing companies in the world with a vast network of suppliers, manufacturing partners, shippers and clients, Wipro’s supply chain is tremendously complex with visibility and trust issues across the extended ecosystem.

Blockchain technology is well-suited to address these challenges by creating a distributed, shared immutable record of all supply chain transactions and events on an encrypted digital ledger. Wipro is exploring the development of a private permissioned blockchain network that connects all key entities in its supply chain on a single platform. This would enable instant, direct sharing of information between suppliers, manufacturers, shippers, clients and Wipro in a secure and transparent manner without any intermediaries.

All purchase orders, forecasts, inventory levels, shipment details, payments etc. can be recorded on the blockchain in real-time. This level of visibility and traceability allows Wipro and partners to better coordinate activities, proactively manage risks and disruptions, balance inventories more efficiently and automate manual processes. For example, purchase orders raised by Wipro get automatically transmitted over the blockchain network to suppliers who initiate manufacturing and log finished goods into blockchain-tracked warehouses.

Smart contracts programmed with business logic can then drive automated release of goods to shippers once invoices are paid. Clients have direct access to view shipment details, intervene if needed and release payments which again get recorded on the blockchain. Such a networked system promotes collaborative planning, faster fulfillment of demand swings and builds transparency critical for reducing disputes. The audit trail on the immutable blockchain also strengthens compliance with regulations like counterfeit elimination.

Over time, as transaction data accumulates on the blockchain, Wipro intends to apply advanced AI/ML techniques to gain valuable insights hidden within. Predictive forecasting models can analyze seasonality patterns and order histories to more accurately project client demands. Computer vision coupled with IoT sensor data from factory floors and warehouses would enable remote monitoring of manufacturing and inventory levels in real-time. Anomaly detection algorithms can flag issues at the earliest for quick resolution.

Suppliers identified as underperforming on quality or delivery metrics through predictive analytics may undergo capability building initiatives for continual improvement. Machine learning recommendations systems can also guide tactical sourcing and logistics decisions. For instance, optimal shipping routes and carrier selections based on predictive transit times, risks of delays etc. All these insights when embedded into supply chain processes and systems through automation stands to deliver significant efficiency and savings to Wipro.

Wipro aims to develop such an advanced digital supply network as a competitive differentiator and also shared platform to support clients looking to digitally transform their own supplier ecosystems. Opportunities exist to expand this shared network to encompass other stakeholders as well like freight forwarders, customs authorities etc. Over the next 3-5 years, Wipro will focus on gradually onboarding all strategic suppliers and key functions onto the blockchain network through change management efforts and incentivization. Parallel tech development will refine the system based on early pilots to maximize benefits across domains like sourcing, inventory, manufacturing, logistics and vendor performance management.

Challenges around encouraging voluntary participation across the fragmented global supply base, interoperability between disparate legacy systems and data privacy & governance would need careful attention. Steady progress in core areas like digitization of paper-based workflows, standardization of EDI protocols etc. will support blockchain enablement. Wipro is committed to pursue this ambitious digital supply chain initiative responsibly through an open innovation model involving partners, startups, academicians and clients. If successful, it has the potential to redefine efficiency, trust and collaboration within supply networks worldwide.


Adoption across the supply chain network: For blockchain to provide benefits in tracking and tracing products through the supply chain, it requires adoption and participation by all key parties involved – manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, retailers etc. Getting widespread adoption across a large and complex supply chain network can be challenging due to the need to educate partners on the technology and drive alignment around its implementation. Partners may have varying levels of technical competence and readiness to adopt new technologies. Building consensus across the network and overcoming issues of lack of interoperability between blockchain platforms used by different parties can hinder full-scale implementation.

Integration with legacy systems: Most supply chains have been built upon legacy systems and processes over many years. Integrating blockchain with these legacy ERP, inventory management, order tracking and other backend systems in a way that is seamless and maintains critical data exchange can be an obstacle. It may require sophisticated interface development, testing and deployment to avoid issues. Established processes and ways of working also need to evolve to fully capitalize on blockchain’s benefits, which may face organizational resistance. Ensuring security of data exchange between blockchain and legacy platforms is another consideration.

Maturing technology: Blockchain for supply chain is still an emerging application of the technology. While concepts have been proven, there are ongoing refinements to core blockchain protocols, development of platform standards, evolution of network architectures and understanding of application designs best suited for specific supply chain needs. The technology itself is maturing but not yet mature. Early implementations face risks associated with selecting platforms, standards that may evolve or become outdated over time. Early systems may require refactoring as understanding deepens.

Data and process migration: Migrating large volumes of critical supply chain data from legacy formats and systems to standardized data models for use with blockchain involves careful planning and execution. Ensuring completeness and quality of historical records is important for enabling traceability from the present back into the past. Process and procedures also need to be redesigned and embedded into smart contracts for automation. Change management associated with such large-scale migration initiatives can tax operational resources.

Scalability: Supply chains span the globe, involve thousands or more trading partners and process a huge volume of daily transactions. Ensuring the performance, scalability, uptime and stability of blockchain networks and platforms to support such scale, volume across geographically distributed locations is a significant challenge. Particularly for public blockchains, upgrades may be needed to core protocols, integration of side chains/state channels and adoption of new consensus models to achieve commercial-grade scalability.

Regulatory uncertainty: Regulations around data privacy, cross-border data transfers, requiring personally identifiable or sensitive data still need clarity in many jurisdictions. Blockchain’s transparency also poses risks if mandatory reporting regulations aren’t well-defined. Industries like food/pharma where traceability is critical are more compliant-focused than others, increasing regulatory barriers. Inter-jurisdictional differences further add to complexity. Emerging regulations need to sufficiently cover modern applications of distributed ledger technologies.

Lack of expertise: As an emerging domain, there is currently a lack of trained blockchain developers and IT experts with hands-on implementation experience of real-world supply chain networks. Hiring such talent commands a premium. Upskilling existing resources is also challenging due to limited availability of in-depth training programs focusing on supply chain applications. Building internal expertise requires time and significant investment. Over-dependence on third-party system integrators and vendors also brings risks.

These are some of the major technical, organizational and external challenges faced in implementing decentralized blockchain applications at scale across complex, global supply chain networks. Prudent evaluation and piloting with specific use cases, followed by phased rollout is advisable to overcome these issues and reap the envisioned rewards in the long run. Continuous learning through live projects helps advance the ecosystem.


Blockchain technology is still relatively new and developing. While it has shown tremendous promise to transform various industries by serving as a decentralized, distributed digital ledger, there are still many challenges to address for it to achieve widespread adoption.

One major challenge is scalability. As more transactions are added to existing blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the size of the ledger increases exponentially. This poses limitations on the number of transactions that can be processed per second. The Bitcoin network can currently handle around 7 transactions per second, while Ethereum can handle around 15. This is nowhere near the thousands or tens of thousands needed for applications requiring high transaction volumes like payments. Various solutions like sharding, state channels, and sidechains are being explored and developed to improve scalability but it remains a work in progress.

Related to scalability is the challenge of high transaction fees on major public blockchains during times of network congestion. The limited block size and capacity has led to increased fees when networks face heavy usage. This barrier makes decentralized digital assets and blockchain applications costly to use compared to traditional alternatives for small value transfers. Solutions to improve throughput without compromising decentralization are still maturing.

Security vulnerabilities in smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) is another concern holding back wider blockchain adoption. Major security breaches in smart contracts deployed on Ethereum have led to millions of dollars in losses. The irreversible nature of transactions once written on a blockchain makes bugs and exploits costly to fix. Developers need better tools, testing frameworks, and review processes to build more robust and secure smart contracts and DApps without compromising on vital factors like transparency.

Regulatory uncertainty is also a hurdle since existing laws do not clearly classify or handle virtual currencies and blockchain assets in many jurisdictions. Without clear regulations, there are concerns around investor protection, tax compliance, money laundering risks, and how to integrate decentralized ledger systems with legacy financial and legal frameworks. Regulators are still studying the technology to thoughtfully craft appropriate guidelines to encourage innovation while reducing risks.

Environmental sustainability is coming under growing scrutiny given the massive energy footprint of major proof-of-work blockchains like Bitcoin. The resource-intensive mining processes used for security and consensus in these networks require as much electricity as whole countries. This poses concerns on the long term viability of proof-of-work ledgers from an environmental perspective as cryptocurrency usage grows. Alternative consensus mechanisms need to be developed and implemented to reduce energy usage without compromising on decentralization.

User experience also needs improvements for blockchain and cryptocurrencies to gain wider traction beyond tech enthusiast communities. Complex wallet addresses, private keys that are hard to backup securely, confusing interfaces, lack of handy payment options are some UX barriers. Easier to use products, seamless merchant integrations, and better education could help address these hurdles and allow more users to participate in the digital asset economy.

Wider institutional adoption has been slower than initially hoped, though it is progressing gradually. Large corporations and financial institutions are still evaluating infrastructure needs and requirements before implementing blockchain solutions at scale. This evaluation phase needs to be navigated carefully by the blockchain industry to showcase compelling use-cases. Standards around digital identity, data privacy, auditability also need maturation for enterprises to feel comfortable transitioning from legacy systems to decentralized networks.

While blockchain’s potential to revolutionize many industries is significant, there remain major technical and non-technical challenges currently limiting its widescale adoption. Continuous research and development over the next few years to address hurdles around scalability, security, regulations, user experience and institutional comfort level will be critical for the technology to achieve its fullest potential globally and deliver on the vision of a decentralized future. Concerted efforts by academics, companies, developers and policymakers can help overcome these challenges but it will require time and resources to get the solutions mature and market-ready.