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Scalability is one of the major issues blockchains need to address. As the number of transactions increases on a blockchain, the network can experience slower processing times and higher costs. The Bitcoin network, for example, can only process around 7 transactions per second due to the limitations of the proof-of-work consensus mechanism. In comparison, Visa processes around 1,700 transactions per second on average. The computational requirements of mining or validating new blocks also increases linearly as more nodes participate. This poses scalability challenges for blockchains to support widespread mainstream adoption.

A related issue is high transaction fees during periods of heavy network usage. When the Bitcoin network faces high transaction volume, users have to pay increasingly higher miner fees to get their transactions confirmed in a timely manner. This is not practical or feasible for small payment transactions. Ethereum has faced similar issues of high gas prices during times of network congestion as well. Achieving higher scalability through techniques such as sidechains, sharded architectures, and optimization of consensus algorithms is an active area of blockchain research and development.

Another challenge is slow transaction confirmation times, particularly for proof-of-work based blockchains. On average, it takes Bitcoin around 10 minutes to add a new block to the chain and confirm transactions. Other blockchains have even longer block times. For applications requiring real-time or near real-time transaction capabilities, such as retail payments, these delays are unacceptable. Fast confirmation is critical for providing a seamless experience to users. Achieving both security and speed is difficult, requiring alternative protocol optimizations.

Privacy and anonymity are lacking in today’s public blockchain networks. While transactions are pseudonymous, transaction amounts, balances, and addresses are publicly viewable by anyone. This lack of privacy has hindered the adoption of blockchain in industries that deal with sensitive data like healthcare and finance. New protocols will need to offer better privacy-preserving technologies like zero-knowledge proofs and anonymous transactions in order to meet regulatory standards across jurisdictions. Significant research progress must still be made in this area.

Security of decentralized applications also continues to remain challenging, with bugs and vulnerabilities commonly exploited if not implemented properly. Smart contracts are prone to attacks like reentrancy bugs and race conditions if not thoroughly stress tested, audited and secured. As blockchains lack centralized governance, vulnerabilities may persist for extended periods. Developers will need to focus more on security best practices from the start when designing decentralized applications, and users educated on associated risks.

Environmental sustainability is a concern for energy-intensive blockchains employing proof-of-work. The massive computational power required for mining on PoW networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum results in significant electricity usage that contributes to carbon emissions on a global scale. Estimates show the Bitcoin network alone uses more electricity annually than some medium-sized countries. Transition to alternative consensus mechanisms that consume less energy is a necessity for mass adoption. Many alternatives are still in development stages, however, and have not proven equal security guarantees as PoW so far.

Cross-chain interoperability has also been challenging, limiting the ability to transfer value and data between different blockchain networks in a secure and scalable manner. Enabling easy integration of separate blockchain ecosystems, platforms and applications through cross-chain bridges and protocols will be required to drive multi-faceted real-world usage. Various protocols are being worked on, such as Cosmos, Polkadot and Ethereum 2.0, but overall interoperability remains at a nascent stage still requiring further innovation, experimentation and maturation.

Lack of technical expertise in the blockchain field has delayed adoption. Blockchain technology remains relatively new and unfamiliar even to developers. Training and expanding the talent pool skilled in blockchain development, as well as raising cybersecurity proficiency overall, will play a crucial role in addressing challenges around scalability, privacy, security and advancing the core protocols. Increased knowledge transfer to academic institutions and the open-source community worldwide can help boost the foundation for further blockchain progress.

While significant advancements have been made in blockchain technology since Bitcoin’s creation over a decade ago, there are still several limitations preventing mainstream adoption at scale across industries. Continuous innovation is crucial to address the challenges of scalability, privacy, security, and other roadblocks through next-generation protocols and consensus mechanisms. Collaboration between the academic research community and blockchain developers will be integral to realize blockchain’s full transformational potential.


Amazon – Amazon is one of the largest and most well-known companies experimenting with drones for delivery purposes. In 2013, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled plans for a delivery drone service called Prime Air that would deliver small packages under 5 pounds to customers in under 30 minutes. Amazon has been actively developing and testing their drone technology and delivery systems. In late 2021, they unveiled their newest drone design called the MK27-2 which can fly up to 15 miles and deliver packages under 5 pounds in under an hour. The service has not fully launched yet as they are still working with regulators on safety and privacy related issues.

UPS – UPS joined the commercial drone delivery industry in 2019 by acquiring drone startup CyPhy Works. Since then, they have conducted several drone delivery pilot programs for healthcare organizations. In 2021, they partnered with CVS and Kaiser Permanente to conduct drone deliveries of prescriptions, medical supplies, and personal protective equipment to remote healthcare facilities. UPS drones have a payload capacity of 5 pounds and can travel up to 50 miles. The company argues that drones will help make healthcare more accessible in remote rural areas.

FedEx – FedEx has been testing drones for commercial deliveries through their subsidiary FedEx Cross Border. They are focusing on delivering goods across borders where traditional delivery methods face limitations or delays. In 2021, FedEx Cross Border partnered with Publicis Sapient and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia to conduct a series of trials delivering parcels, biological samples, and other goods between Australia and neighboring islands. The drones have a range of 50+ miles and can carry up to 5 pounds. FedEx believes cross-border deliveries are an ideal initial use case for their drone delivery network.

The infamous drone crash near San Diego airport in 2020 involved an incident where a Skydio drone unintentionally transitioned into a busy terminal area and came within about 100 feet of a commercial airliner on short final approach to land.

While Skydio has made great strides in autonomous drone technology their drones were not designed nor authorized for operation near active airports and airspace. Such incidents underscore the continued safety risks when drones venture into areas not suitable for their intended purposes or capabilities.

Skydio focuses more on mapping, surveying, and industrial inspection services rather than package delivery like Amazon. They are recognized as a global leader in autonomous drone technology and their advanced autonomy systems allow their drones to avoid obstacles, fly autonomously, and complete inspection tasks safely without an onboard pilot. Some of their key commercial clients and use cases include:

Inspecting wind turbines, cell towers, and other infrastructure for clients like Duke Energy, AT&T, and Verizon. Skydio drones can document defects and assess repair needs autonomously.

Mapping and surveying agricultural land and crops for organizations like J.R. Simplot to aid in irrigation, spraying, and harvest operations. The drones provide accurate 3D maps and analyze crop health.

Assisting first responders during disasters by autonomously inspecting buildings for survivors or hazards. San Diego Gas & Electric has used Skydio drones after wildfires to expedite damage assessments of power infrastructure.

Helping construction firms monitor progress at job sites through automated data collection. Clients like AECOM, Swinerton, and Hensel Phelps use drones to capture progress photos without disrupting work.

So while Skydio drones are not directly involved in package deliveries presently, their automated solutions are enabling critical commercial services across industries like energy, agriculture, emergency response, and construction. The emphasis on autonomy and safety sets them apart from delivery-focused competitors.

There are also many smaller drone service providers focused on niche commercial applications across different industries. A few examples include:

DRONERESPONDERS – Provides on-demand aerial search and rescue services to first responders using drones. They assist in natural disaster recovery efforts and search operations for missing persons.

DRONEBASED – Offers precision agriculture services to farms using drones and computer vision algorithms. Their drones monitor fields, detect anomalies, and help optimize irrigation, spraying and yields.

AERIUM ANALYTICS – focuses on industrial inspections using drones. They inspect infrastructure like oil rigs, solar farms and wind turbines and provide analytics to predict maintenance needs and equipment life.

While companies like Amazon, FedEx and UPS are pioneering drone deliveries, others are effectively utilizing drones for inventory, surveying, inspection, public safety and agriculture. The commercial drone market continues to expand with increasing adoption across diverse industries. Drones provide new solutions for data collection and monitoring that can improve operations and efficiencies. Full realization of drone potentials still depends on addressing technological challenges and evolving regulations around operations and safety.


Finance and Banking:

Fraud detection – AI and machine learning models are able to analyze large amounts of customer transactions and identify potentially fraudulent activity much faster than humans. This helps banks and financial institutions prevent fraud and money laundering.

Trading – Many investment banks and hedge funds now use AI to analyze market trends and macroeconomic signals to inform automated trading strategies. Algorithms constantly monitor markets for opportunities.

Personal financial management – AI tools allow customers to better track spending, automatically categorize transactions, and generate budgets/savings plans based on past financial behavior. This helps people gain more control over their money.

Robo-advisors – Automated investment platforms use AI to gather customer risk profiles and financial goals then build and manage personalized portfolios without human financial advisors. This has expanded access to affordable financial advice.

Credit assessment – AI evaluates thousands of data points about applicants to quickly assess creditworthiness and catch errors or missing information in applications that people may overlook. This streamlines the approval process.


Contract review – AI sifts through contracts, agreements and other legal documents to identify key clauses, obligations and other importantdetails. This accelerates legal review of deals, cases and regulations.

Legal research – Powerful AI systems have immense knowledge bases of laws, cases, regulations and other legal information. Lawyers can search for relevant precedents, get summaries of case law on topics or monitor new regulations—speeding up research.

eDiscovery – During litigation, AI helps analyze vast amounts of documents, emails, records and other potential evidence submitted for discovery. It can find and surface the most relevant information for attorneys among millions of documents.

Automated document generation – AI is being used to generate basic legal documents like non-disclosure agreements, wills and patent applications based on responses to interview questions. This expands low-cost access to legal services.


Production quality control – AI vision systems monitor manufacturing processes in real-time, identify defects on production lines and trigger fixes before defective products make it to customers. This enhances quality.

Predictive maintenance – Sensor data from machines is analyzed with AI to detect performance issues, predict mechanical failures and schedule repairs. This minimizes downtime and unplanned outages.

Supply chain optimization – AI finds patterns in demand trends, lead times and more to continuously optimize procurement, inventory levels, transport routes and other factors for highest efficiency.

Production process efficiency – AI algorithms help configure flexible robot assembly lines for highest throughput. It also improves energy/resource usage in manufacturing facilities through automation and predictive controls.


Autonomous vehicles – AI drives development of fully self-driving cars, trucks, ships and aircraft through computer vision, planning and control. This improves safety while saving fuel and expanding mobility options.

Traffic management – Cities now use AI to monitor traffic flows, predict congestion, optimize light sequences and guide drivers to less busy routes via apps like Waze. This eases traffic.

Predictive transportation – Public transit agencies use AI models to anticipate maintenance needs, demand patterns and schedule vehicles/crews most efficiently based on historical usage and external event data.

Drone delivery – AI enables drones to navigate autonomously, detect obstacles, plan flight paths and potentially deliver goods short distances in future to cut emissions from vehicular delivery.

Shared mobility – AI optimizes vehicle sharing through dynamic pricing, routing, rebalancing and demand forecasts to maximize fleet utilization for services like Uber, Lyft and electric scooters/bikes.

That provides a sampling of examples demonstrating how AI is already being widely applied across finance, law, manufacturing, transportation and other industries beyond healthcare, education and marketing/advertising to improve efficiency, safety, productivity and access to services. The opportunities for beneficial innovation with AI will likely continue expanding into many new domains that haven’t even been conceived yet as the technology advances further. Widespread AI adoption will undoubtedly help drive substantial economic and societal gains in coming years if properly managed.


Blockchain technology is still relatively new and developing. While it has shown tremendous promise to transform various industries by serving as a decentralized, distributed digital ledger, there are still many challenges to address for it to achieve widespread adoption.

One major challenge is scalability. As more transactions are added to existing blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the size of the ledger increases exponentially. This poses limitations on the number of transactions that can be processed per second. The Bitcoin network can currently handle around 7 transactions per second, while Ethereum can handle around 15. This is nowhere near the thousands or tens of thousands needed for applications requiring high transaction volumes like payments. Various solutions like sharding, state channels, and sidechains are being explored and developed to improve scalability but it remains a work in progress.

Related to scalability is the challenge of high transaction fees on major public blockchains during times of network congestion. The limited block size and capacity has led to increased fees when networks face heavy usage. This barrier makes decentralized digital assets and blockchain applications costly to use compared to traditional alternatives for small value transfers. Solutions to improve throughput without compromising decentralization are still maturing.

Security vulnerabilities in smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) is another concern holding back wider blockchain adoption. Major security breaches in smart contracts deployed on Ethereum have led to millions of dollars in losses. The irreversible nature of transactions once written on a blockchain makes bugs and exploits costly to fix. Developers need better tools, testing frameworks, and review processes to build more robust and secure smart contracts and DApps without compromising on vital factors like transparency.

Regulatory uncertainty is also a hurdle since existing laws do not clearly classify or handle virtual currencies and blockchain assets in many jurisdictions. Without clear regulations, there are concerns around investor protection, tax compliance, money laundering risks, and how to integrate decentralized ledger systems with legacy financial and legal frameworks. Regulators are still studying the technology to thoughtfully craft appropriate guidelines to encourage innovation while reducing risks.

Environmental sustainability is coming under growing scrutiny given the massive energy footprint of major proof-of-work blockchains like Bitcoin. The resource-intensive mining processes used for security and consensus in these networks require as much electricity as whole countries. This poses concerns on the long term viability of proof-of-work ledgers from an environmental perspective as cryptocurrency usage grows. Alternative consensus mechanisms need to be developed and implemented to reduce energy usage without compromising on decentralization.

User experience also needs improvements for blockchain and cryptocurrencies to gain wider traction beyond tech enthusiast communities. Complex wallet addresses, private keys that are hard to backup securely, confusing interfaces, lack of handy payment options are some UX barriers. Easier to use products, seamless merchant integrations, and better education could help address these hurdles and allow more users to participate in the digital asset economy.

Wider institutional adoption has been slower than initially hoped, though it is progressing gradually. Large corporations and financial institutions are still evaluating infrastructure needs and requirements before implementing blockchain solutions at scale. This evaluation phase needs to be navigated carefully by the blockchain industry to showcase compelling use-cases. Standards around digital identity, data privacy, auditability also need maturation for enterprises to feel comfortable transitioning from legacy systems to decentralized networks.

While blockchain’s potential to revolutionize many industries is significant, there remain major technical and non-technical challenges currently limiting its widescale adoption. Continuous research and development over the next few years to address hurdles around scalability, security, regulations, user experience and institutional comfort level will be critical for the technology to achieve its fullest potential globally and deliver on the vision of a decentralized future. Concerted efforts by academics, companies, developers and policymakers can help overcome these challenges but it will require time and resources to get the solutions mature and market-ready.