Tag Archives: churn


The first step in developing an accurate customer churn prediction model is determining the relevant features or predictors that influence whether a customer will churn or not. To do this, I would gather as much customer data as possible from the company’s CRM, billing, marketing and support systems. Some of the most common and predictive features used in churn models include:

Demographic features like customer age, gender, location, income level, family status etc. These provide insights into a customer’s lifecycle stage and needs. Older customers or families with children tend to churn less.

Tenure or length of time as a customer. Customers who have been with the company longer are less likely to churn since switching costs increase over time.

Recency, frequency and monetary value of past transactions or interactions. Less engaged customers who purchase or interact infrequently are at higher risk. Total lifetime spend is also indicative of future churn.

Subscription/plan details like contract length, plan or package type, bundled services, price paid etc. More customized or expensive plans see lower churn. Expiring contracts represent a key risk period.

Payment or billing details like payment method, outstanding balances, late/missed payments, disputes etc. Non-autopaying customers or those with payment issues face higher churn risk.

Cancellation or cancellation request details if available. Notes on the reason for cancellation help identify root causes of churn that need addressing.

Support/complaint history like number of support contacts, issues raised, response time/resolution details. Frustrating support experiences increase the likelihood of churn.

Engagement or digital behavior metrics from website, app, email, chat, call etc. Less engaged touchpoints correlate to higher churn risk.

Marketing or promotional exposure history to identify the impact of different campaigns, offers, partnerships. Lack of touchpoints raises churn risk.

External factors like regional economic conditions, competitive intensity, market maturity that indirectly affect customer retention.

Once all relevant data is gathered from these varied sources, it needs cleansing, merging and transformation into a usable format for modeling. Variables indicating high multicollinearity may need feature selection or dimension reduction techniques. The final churn prediction feature set would then be compiled to train machine learning algorithms.

Some of the most widely used algorithms for customer churn prediction include logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, gradient boosted machines, neural networks and support vector machines. Each has its advantages depending on factors like data size, interpretability needs, computing power availability etc.

I would start by building basic logistic regression and decision tree models as baseline approaches to get a sense of variable importance and model performance. More advanced ensemble techniques like random forests and gradient boosted trees usually perform best by leveraging multiple decision trees to correct each other’s errors. Deep neural networks may overfit on smaller datasets and lack interpretability.

After model building, the next step would be evaluating model performance on a holdout validation dataset using metrics like AUC (Area Under the ROC Curve), lift curves, classification rates etc. AUC is widely preferred as it accounts for class imbalance. Precision-recall curves provide insights for different churn risk thresholds.

Hyperparameter tuning through gridsearch or Bayesian optimization further improves model fit by tweaking parameters like number of trees/leaves, learning rate, regularization etc. Techniques like stratified sampling, up/down-sampling or SMOTE also help address class imbalance issues inherent to churn prediction.

The final production-ready model would then be deployed through a web service API or dashboard to generate monthly churn risk scores for all customers. Follow-up targeted campaigns can then focus on high-risk customers to retain them through engagement, discounts or service improvements. Regular re-training on new incoming data also ensures the model keeps adapting to changing customer behaviors over time.

Periodic evaluation against actual future churn outcomes helps gauge model decay and identify new predictive features to include. A continuous closed feedback loop between modeling, campaigns and business operations is thus essential for ongoing churn management using robust, self-learning predictive models. Proper explanation of model outputs also maintains transparency and compliance.

Gathering diverse multi-channel customer data, handling class imbalance issues, leveraging the strengths of different powerful machine learning algorithms, continuous improvement through evaluation and re-training – all work together to develop highly accurate, actionable and sustainable customer churn prediction systems through this comprehensive approach. Please let me know if any part of the process needs further clarification or expansion.


One of the biggest challenges is understanding customer needs and behaviors. Customers are changing rapidly due to new technologies and evolving preferences. Telcos need deep customer insights to understand why customers churn and what would make them stay loyal. Gaining these insights can be difficult due to the large number of customers and complexity of factors affecting churn. Customers may not be transparent about their reasons for leaving. Telcos need to invest in advanced analytics of internal customer data as well as external industry data to develop a comprehensive perspective.

Implementing effective retention programs is another major challenge. Telcos have to choose the right mix of offers, incentives, engagement strategies etc. that appeal to different customer segments. Custom retention programs require substantial planning and testing before rollout. There are also ongoing efforts needed to optimize the programs based on customer response. It is difficult to get this right given the dynamic nature of the industry and customers. Retention programs also increase operational costs. Telcos need to ensure the cost of retaining customers is lower than the revenue lost from churn.

Lack of collaboration across departments also hampers churn reduction initiatives. While the customer service department may be focused on retention, other departments like sales, marketing, product management etc. are not always fully aligned to this objective. Silos within the organization can work against cohesive customer strategies. Telcos need to break down internal barriers and establish collaborative processes that put the customer at the center. This requires culture change and holds organizations accountable for collective churn goals.

In highly competitive markets, customer acquisition becomes a top priority for telcos compared to retention. Heavy focus on attracting new customers through promotions, incentives can distract from implementing robust retention programs. It is challenging for telcos to strike the right balance between the two objectives and ensure adequate weightage to both. Decision making gets split between short term goals of customer addition versus long term value from customer lifecycle management.

Technical and infrastructure limitations of telcos can also undermine churn reduction initiatives. For instance, legacy billing systems may not be equipped to handle complex pricing plans, discounts and retention offers in an agile manner. Outdated customer facing portals and apps fail to offer integrated and personalized experiences. Network glitches continue to be a pain point lowering customer satisfaction. Addressing these challenges requires telcos to make ongoing IT and network modernization investments which have long gestation periods and returns.

Winning back prior customers who have already churned (win-backs) is another important aspect of retention that requires nuanced approach. Telcos need to tread carefully because coming across as desperate may damage brand image. Implementing precision marketing programs targeting the right win-back prospects with right offers at the right time is a data and analytics intensive exercise. It needs specialized processes that view ex-customers differently from prospects or existing customers.

Partnership programs between telcos also pose retention challenges. For example, MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) partnerships allow telcos to expand subscriber base but create complicated multi-party scenarios impacting customer experience, pricing and promotions. Churn in one entity impacts others and troubleshooting becomes that much more difficult due to joint ownership of customers and interconnected systems. Similar issues emerge in international roaming partnerships as well. Cross-functional co-ordination is critical to success but adds multiple layers of complexity.

Addressing regulatory aspects relating to churn also tests telcos. In many regions, stringent customer lock-in and contract exit fee regulations have been brought in to safeguard consumer interests from aggressive retention practices. This shifts the playing field against telcos. They need to find innovative legal and compliant retention strategies without overstepping boundaries. Regulatory norms around porting numbers, data portability, interconnection programs further impact overall churn equations. Telcos are challenged to orient their initiatives as per the dynamic regulatory dictates.

While churn reduction is imperative for long term sustainability and growth of telcos, it is one of the toughest goals to achieve consistently given the myriad internal and external challenges. Overcoming these requires telcos to make churn a strategic priority, invest in deep customer understanding, empower collaborative multi-disciplinary efforts, continually modernize networks and IT systems along with pursuing regulated compliance-oriented initiatives. Effective execution demands careful planning, agile optimization and balancing short and long term priorities to deliver value to customers as well as shareholders.


Customer retention analysis is an important part of customer churn modeling. Understanding why customers stay or leave helps companies identify at-risk customers earlier and implement targeted retention strategies. Here are some examples of SQL queries that can help analyze customer retention and churn:

— Query to find the overall customer retention rate by counting active customers in the current month who were also active in the previous month, divided by the total number of customers in the previous month.

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN active_current_month = 1 AND active_prev_month = 1 THEN 1 END) / COUNT(DISTINCT cust_id) AS retention_rate
FROM customer_data;

— Query to find the monthly customer churn rate over the last 12 months. This helps analyze churn trends over time.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(billing_month, ‘%Y-%m’) AS month,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN active_current_month = 0 AND active_prev_month = 1 THEN cust_id END) / COUNT(DISTINCT cust_id) AS churn_rate
FROM customer_data
GROUP BY month;

— Query to analyze retention of customers grouped by various demographic or usage attributes like age, location, subscription plan, usage frequency etc. This helps identify at-risk customer segments.

SELECT age_group, location, plan, avg_monthly_usage,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN active_current_month = 1 AND active_prev_month = 1 THEN cust_id END) / COUNT(DISTINCT cust_id) AS retention_rate
FROM customer_data
GROUP BY age_group, location, plan, avg_monthly_usage;

— Query to find customers who churned in the last month and analyze their profile – age, location, when they onboarded, previous month’s usage/spend etc. This helps understand reasons behind churn.

SELECT cust_id, age, location, date_onboarded, prev_month_usage, prev_month_spend
FROM customer_data
WHERE active_current_month = 0 AND active_prev_month = 1
LIMIT 100;

— Query to analyze customer lifetime value (CLV) based on their average monthly recurring revenue (MRR) over their lifetime as a customer until they churn. Customers with lower CLV could be prioritized for retention programs.

customer_clv AS (
SUM(monthly_subscription + transactional_revenue) AS total_spend,
DATEDIFF(MAX(billing_date), MIN(billing_date)) AS months_as_customer
FROM customer_transactions
GROUP BY cust_id
AVG(total_spend/months_as_customer) AS avg_monthly_mrr,
COUNT(cust_id) AS number_of_customers
FROM customer_clv
GROUP BY active_current_month;

— Query to analyze customer churn by subscription end-dates to better plan and reduce non-renewal of subscriptions.

DATE(subscription_end_date) AS end_date,
COUNT(cust_id) AS number_of_expiring_subs
FROM subscriptions
GROUP BY end_date
ORDER BY end_date;

These are some examples of SQL queries that companies can use to analyze and model customer retention, churn and non-renewal. The data and insights from these queries serve as valuable inputs for targeted customer retention programs, resolving customer service issues in a proactive manner, optimizing pricing and packaging of offerings based on customer lifetime value assessments, and much more. Regular execution of such queries helps optimize the customer experience and reduces unwanted churn over time.

Some additional analysis that can benefit from SQL queries includes:

Predicting customer churn by building machine learning models on historical customer data and transaction patterns. The models can be used to proactively reach out to at-risk customers.

Linking customer data to other related tables like support tickets, product usage logs, payment transactions etc. to gain a holistic 360-degree view of customers.

Analyzing effectiveness of past retention campaigns/offers by looking at retention lifts for customers who engaged with the campaigns versus a control group.

Using SQL to extract subsets of customer data needed as input for advanced analytics solutions like R, Python for more customized churn analyses and predictions.

Tracking key metrics like Net Promoter Score, customer satisfaction over time to correlate with churn/retention.

Integrating SQL queries with visualization dashboards to better report insights to stakeholders.

The goal with all these analyses should be gaining a deeper understanding of retention drivers and pain points in order to implement more targeted strategies that improve the customer experience and minimize unwanted churn. Regular SQL queries are a crucial first step in the customer data analysis process to fuel product, pricing and marketing optimizations geared towards better retention outcomes.


Customer churn or customer attrition refers to the loss of customers or subscribers for a product or service of a business or organization. Visualizing customer data related to churn can help decision-makers gain meaningful insights to develop engagement and retention strategies. Some key visualizations that can beincluded in a churn prediction dashboard include:

Customer churn rate over time (line chart): This line chart shows the monthly or yearly customer churn rates over a period of time. It helps identify trends in the rates of customers leaving the business. The dashboard can allow selecting different cohorts or customer segments to compare their churn rates. This chart is often one of the first graphs seen on a churn dashboard to give an overview of how churn has changed.

Customer retention rate over time (line chart): Similar to the above chart, this line shows the retention rates of customers (customers who have not churned) over monthly or yearly intervals. It provides an alternative view of how well the business is retaining customers. Both retention and churn charts together give management a holistic view of customer loyalty patterns.

Customer churn by acquisition cohort (horizontal bar chart): This chart segments customers based on the year or time period they were acquired. It shows the churn rate of each acquisition cohort side by side in an easy to compare manner. It can help identify if older customers have higher churn or if certain acquisition periods were more successful at retaining customers. Making informed decisions about re-engaging past cohorts can help reduce churn.

Customer churn by subscription/plan type (pie or donut chart): When the business has multiple subscription or plan types for the product or service, this chart shows the distribution of customers who have churned according to their subscription type. It helps understand if particular plan types have inherently higher churn or if there are engagement issues for customers on specific plans.

Customer churn by various attributes (table or datasource filter): This interactive filtering view shows churn counts and rates according to various customer attributes like industry, region, size of business, etc. Management can select these filters to drill down and understand how churn varies according to different customer profile properties. Insights from this help create churn reduction strategies targeted at specific customer segments.

Customer behavior over time by churn status (dual line chart): This chart compares behavioral metrics of customers who churned (lines in red) versus those who were retained (lines in blue) over a period leading up to their churn/retention time. Behavioral metrics can include usage frequency, purchases made, support requests, etc. This visualization is very effective in identifying differences in engagement patterns between the two customer groups that can be monitored on an ongoing basis.

At risk customers (gauge or meter chart): This view depicts the count or percentage of customers identified as ‘at risk’ of churning by the prediction model in the near future (say 3-6 months). Seeing this number change over time helps assess the effectiveness of any new retention programs or incentives in keeping at-risk customers from real churn. Reducing this number remains a key measure of success.

Prediction accuracy over time (line chart): As the prediction model is retrained over time on new customer behavior data, this chart indicates how accurate it has become at identifying churners vs retainers. A rising blue line showing an increased percentage is ideal. Tracking model accuracy helps confirm it is learning as intended from ongoing customer interactions and past churn behavior.

These are some of the effective visualizations that can be incorporated into an insightful churn prediction dashboard. Proper filters and crosstabs need to be provided to allow drilling down and comparing across different sub-segments of the customer base. With regular monitoring and refinement, such a dashboard becomes a valuable management reporting solution for reducing churn. Key decisions around retention best practices, high-risk customers, acquisition campaign effectiveness and prediction model performance can all be made more data-driven with these visual analytics.