Tag Archives: demonstration


Yesterday’s planned protest demonstration in downtown turned chaotic after violence broke out between demonstrators and reporters covering the event. What was intended as a peaceful protest opposing recent restrictions on public gatherings took an unexpected turn after some in the crowd began targeting journalists at the scene.

The demonstration was organized by a loose coalition of activist groups unhappy with new limits imposed on public assemblies due to a recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the area. Rally organizers promoted the event on social media as a ‘peaceful protest for civil liberties’ but some attendees appeared more intent on confrontation than civil discourse. As demonstrators began marching through downtown streets calling for ‘freedom’ and railing against ‘government overreach,’ tensions began rising between them and members of the press documenting the event.

Chants of ‘fake news’ and ‘enemy of the people’ were soon directed at television reporters and photographers covering the demonstration live. When one print reporter attempted to interview some protest leaders about their objectives, a small mob began shoving and jostling the journalist aggressively. Nearby police rushed in to extract the reporter from the confrontation before things could escalate further. This altercation seemed to serve as a flashpoint, prompting more hostility from certain belligerent elements within the crowd toward credentialed members of the media.

Over the next hour, sporadic verbal and physical clashes broke out as rogue demonstrators specifically targeted reporters and videographers recording the protest’s progression. Video captured various individuals forcefully attempting to seize or damage camera equipment as crews from local TV stations tried to film from a safe distance. Some journalists reported being shoved, pushed, screamed at, and having objects like empty water bottles hurled at them. At one point, a masked man was seen lunging at a news photographer while wielding a large folding knife in a threatening manner. Screams erupted as terrified onlookers observed this brazen act of violence unfold.

Nearby law enforcement personnel responded immediately by tackling the knife-wielding assailant to the ground and disarming him. A struggle ensued as the suspect refused to relinquish the blade, causing minor injuries to one of the arresting officers. Once subdued, the man was identified as a 28-year old with a history of prior arrests for disorderly conduct and assault. He was booked on multiple new felony charges including aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Meanwhile, paramedics attended to the wounded journalist – a gash on his forearm required several stitches but thankfully was not life-threatening.

As this incident played out, other elements sought to de-escalate tensions and return order to what had derailed into chaos. Protest leaders used loudspeakers to plead for calm and non-violence, urging attendees to disperse peacefully. Reinforcements from the city police department arrived and began attempting to separate agitated participants from members of the press now hunkered together protected by a cordon of law enforcement. Unfortunately, by this juncture the anger had spread beyond a few instigators – many in the crowd remained hostile toward cameras and microphones as groups scattered in various directions.

Rocks and bottles were seen flying amid flurries of profanity aimed at anyone perceived as media. One TV crew had their satellite uplink vehicle damaged after a projectile shattered a window. Livestreams captured expletive-filled verbal assaults directed at reporters essentially doing their job under trying conditions. Mounted police moved in to disperse lingering clusters of demonstrators increasingly unreceptive to reason. Gradually, over the ensuing hour, order was restored and the atmosphere settled although tensions remained high.

The failed rally concluded leaving in its wake deeper divisions, harm, and questions still unanswered. Law enforcement continues investigating those responsible for organized acts of assault against members of the press. Civil rights groups condemned the violence directed at journalists simply covering a matter of public interest. Meanwhile politicians on both sides weighed in, some decrying ‘senseless mayhem’ while others opined on perceived provocateurs. For their part, many affected reporters vowed to continue their duties safeguarding transparency despite vocal hostility from certain segments.

Yet issues at the core remain – how to exercise principles of free expression constructively without endangering others or the broader social fabric. How, in an era of polarization, can trust be rebuilt between factions when bad actors on all sides seek primarily to inflame rather than resolve? And most importantly, how can the trajectory away from engagement and toward confrontation be reversed before further such incidents erupt and society fractures along fault lines increasingly incapable of civil conciliation? Answers seem far from clear as debates continue over the trajectory of civic life in a complex, uncertain period.


Students should start planning for their capstone demonstration early in the capstone project process. Beginning the planning process well in advance of the demonstration date allows students to carefully consider many important factors that will contribute to a successful demonstration.

First, students need to clearly identify the goals and objectives of their capstone project. Defining what problem or issue the project addresses and what results or outcomes it intends to achieve will help frame an effective demonstration. Students should be able to concisely communicate the purpose and value of their project work.

With clear goals established, students then need to carefully plan the format and structure of the demonstration itself. Decisions need to be made about what presentation method(s) will be used such as an oral presentation, slide deck, video, prototype demonstration, etc. Students also need to determine a logical flow and outline for the presentation content that introduces the problem/purpose, explains the process and work undertaken, highlights key results and outcomes, and summarizes conclusions. Ensuring the demonstration has a well-organized structure and progression will help maintain audience understanding and focus.

Students also need to pay close attention to the presentation delivery aspects. A practice session in front of a small test audience is invaluable for improving public speaking skills like eye contact, vocal variation, tone, pacing, handling questions, etc. Students should rehearse sufficiently so they feel comfortable and confident presenting without reading directly from slides or notes. Demonstrating poise and composure is important for establishing credibility.

Technical execution of any visual or demonstration components is also crucial. Students need to test all presentation technology and equipment well in advance to work out any issues. This includes ensuring computers, projectors, displays, videos, prototypes or simulations all function correctly during a live rehearsal. Having technical aspects run smoothly helps avoid unnecessary distractions or lost time during the live demonstration.

Consideration of the target audience and their needs/interests is also important when planning the demonstration. Tailoring content depth, examples used, demonstration form/style to the expected audience backgrounds and priorities helps maximize understanding and engagement. Students may need to clarify or simplify explanations for some audiences.

Along with clearly articulating “what was done”, students should plan to effectively convey “why it matters”. Demonstrating how the project contributes new knowledge or has practical real-world applications helps audiences appreciate the effort and value the work. Using relevant metrics, data, before/after comparisons, impact examples etc. strengthens this case for significance.

Another key factor for success is managing logistical factors like the demonstration location, timing, formatting, and any required approvals. Ensuring the chosen venue is properly booked and set up, and that expected attendees are notified of scheduling details alleviates stress. Formatting considerations include seating, lighting, audio/visual needs to complement the demonstration style.

Students should plan for questions by having knowledge of both technical and strategic aspects of their work. Anticipating likely questions from their intended audiences and practicing answers helps students maintain composure and articulate responses that further illustrate the value and applications of their efforts. Fielding questions confidently leaves a strong, positive final impression.

By taking time to fully define the capstone goal and targeted outcomes upfront, and then mapping out well in advance the presentation structure, content, logistics and delivery details, students can maximize their opportunity to clearly demonstrate the success of their capstone work through a polished, professional presentation. Comprehensive planning helps ensure all elements come together smoothly to favorably impress audiences and reinforce achievement of significant learning objectives through the project.