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The IT department recognized that low morale among staff had become a significant issue that was negatively impacting productivity, retention, and the quality of work being done. A recent anonymous survey of all IT employees showed high levels of stress, lack of purpose in work tasks, poor communication from management, and not feeling valued or appreciated for their contributions. It was clear from these results that morale needed to be directly addressed as part of the strategic planning process if the department wanted to improve overall performance and better serve the needs of the organization.

As a starting point, the IT leadership team took the survey feedback seriously and reflected on how the department’s culture and management style may have contributed to the low morale. They committed to more open communication, being transparent about priorities and challenges, and soliciting ongoing input from employees about how things could be improved. Listening sessions were held where employees could candidly share their perspectives and suggestions without fear of repercussion. The leadership team also acknowledged where missteps had been made and pledged to do better going forward in supporting staff needs.

A key strategic initiative focused on defining the department’s values and mission in a way that better aligned individual roles with organizational goals. This included communicating openly about budget realities so people understood resourcing constraints and how their work made a difference. Performance reviews were restructured to emphasize achievements and career growth opportunities rather than just defects and outputs. Managers were trained on how to provide regular feedback, coach employees, and resolve issues collaboratively rather than punitively.

To address complaints about unclear priorities and constantly shifting work demands, formal project management practices were implemented. This involved advanced planning, status reporting, dedicated support resources, and clear acceptance criteria for deliverables. Self-managed teams were also established where possible to give staff more autonomy and ownership over their work. Managers took on more of a facilitating role to enable team success rather than micromanaging tasks.

Recognizing that compensation alone does not boost morale, there was also a strategic focus on quality of life issues. This meant being flexible about schedules where operations allowed, allowing some remote work options, investing in new technologies to reduce routine burdens, and adjusting service level agreements to be more achievable. Additional benefits were offered like paid volunteer time, an education assistance program, and longer-term disability coverage. Fun social events and community building activities were also organized regularly.

To gauge progress and continue refining efforts, quarterly anonymous pulse surveys were instituted to collect ongoing anonymous feedback from staff. Town hall meetings with leadership provided transparency into survey results and generated discussions about further improvements needed. Managers were evaluated partly based on their direct reports’ survey responses and perception of their leadership abilities. Rewards and recognition programs were also developed to call out exceptional efforts, new ideas that enhanced the work environment or IT service delivery.

After the first year of implementing this morale-focused strategic plan, results from the pulse surveys showed measurable improvements across many of the problem areas originally identified. Rates of voluntary turnover dropped significantly as staff reported feeling more engaged, supported and like their work had purpose. Productivity metrics like issue resolution times, change failure percentages and customer satisfaction also rose markedly. The leadership team saw the morale initiatives not just as a cost of doing business, but integral to retaining top talent and driving organizational success over the long term through high staff well-being and satisfaction. By directly addressing morale concerns in the strategy, the IT department set themselves up for much stronger performance and better fulfillment of their mission to serve.


Many capstone projects involve developing software applications to solve real-world problems. One example is a social networking application for senior citizens that was designed to help combat isolation and loneliness. The students conducted user interviews with seniors to understand their needs and pain points. They then developed a desktop and mobile application with features like photo sharing, local event calendars, group messaging boards, and video chat. The application was tested with senior focus groups and refined based on their feedback. The students wrote technical documentation, developed a marketing plan, and presented the project to potential community partners.

Another common type of capstone project is developing tools or systems to help non-profit organizations and local governments. For example, one group of students worked with a local food pantry to create a web application to manage their inventory and coordinate volunteer scheduling. The old paper-based system was inefficient and error-prone. The students designed a database to track all inventory items with expiration dates. They created an administrator interface to scan donations in and out, generate expiration alerts, and produce analytics on item needs. A client-facing section allowed volunteers to sign up for shifts online. The project helped the food pantry transition to a digital system and gain efficiencies to better serve the community.

Some students have worked on developing educational applications and games. One project was an interactive web-based science learning game for middle school students focused on environmental science concepts. The game incorporated interactive simulations, mini-games, and quizzes to teach topics like the carbon cycle, water pollution, and animal habitats. The students designed instructional frameworks aligned to state education standards. They leveraged game engines to create 3D virtual environments and programmed gameplay logic. User testing was done in local classrooms and feedback was used to refine the game experience. Upon completion, the website and game assets were handed off to a non-profit partner to continue developing and disseminating the educational resources.

In terms of platforms, many projects have utilized full-stack web development. For instance, one group created a web application for a local ambulance service to help coordinate emergency responses. Features included GPS-enabled vehicle tracking, call dispatching, automatic report generation and medical record integration. The backend was built with PHP/MySQL and included APIs to interface with external systems. The frontend utilized HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery to create an interactive mapping interface, responsive forms and dashboards. Another project was a B2B e-commerce platform for a toy manufacturer to streamline ordering and fulfillment. It featured an inventory database, customer portal, admin controls, and integrated payment processing. Such projects aim to solve concrete business needs through full-stack software solutions.

Some students have focused their capstone projects on artificial intelligence and machine learning topics. For example, one group trained convolutional neural networks to classify dermatological diseases from patient skin image datasets. They explored techniques like data augmentation and transfer learning using models pre-trained on ImageNet. The goal was to develop a tool to assist physicians with diagnosis. In another project, natural language processing techniques were used to build a chatbot for career counseling. Students collected text conversations to train recurrent neural networks to understand intents and converse about topics like resume building, interview preparation and further education options.

Regardless of the technical focus, all Utica College computer science capstone projects emphasize real-world problem solving. Students work directly with partners in the community to understand needs, propose solutions, implement prototypes or minimum viable products, and ensure their work provides tangible value. Comprehensive documentation, presentations to stakeholders, and iterative development based on feedback are also important components of the capstone experience. The goal is for students to demonstrate both technical skills and soft skills like project management, communication and collaboration that are crucial for technology careers.