Tag Archives: details


Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted database that lets you store and sync data between your users in realtime. It can be used to build very responsive mobile and web applications using synchronous connections and built-in support for offline capabilities. Some key ways it can be utilized in an app include:

Data storage and synchronization: The Realtime Database provides a true JSON-like data structure that can be used to store and sync user data like profiles, comments, likes, followers and more across multiple app users in realtime. Whenever data is written, it is synced across all connected clients immediately so all users see the same data simultaneously. This enables powerful collaboration and syncing use cases in apps.

User authentication: Firebase Authentication provides backend services for authenticating users to apps. It supports authentication using passwords, phone numbers, popular federated identity providers like Google, Facebook etc. Authenticated user data can then be stored and linked in the Realtime Database along with other data for that user like documents, files etc. This provides full user authentication and authorization support for apps.

Offline capabilities: The Realtime Database client libraries provide offline persistence of all sync data. So whether users have an internet connection or not, they can still read and write data locally which will then sync seamlessly in realtime once connectivity is back. This enables high-quality offline experiences in apps.

Realtime feature support: Realtime features like live polling, notifications and presence systems for chat/messaging apps can easily be built on top of Realtime Database’s realtime capabilities. Events like likes, comments etc can be broadcast instantly to only interested connected recipients via Realtime Database.

File/Image storage: Features like storing user profile images, files, medical records etc can be done by storing file metadata and URLs in Realtime Database while storing actual file contents in Firebase Cloud Storage. This integrated approach provides scalable file serving capabilities.

Cloud Functions: Cloud Functions for Firebase let developers run backend code in response to events from Realtime Database, Storage, Auth etc. This enables advanced business logic implementation like sending notifications, email confirmations, complex data processing etc that run based on database triggers.

Query and indexing: Realtime Database supports powerful queries of data allowing app features like searching, filtering, sorting and listing data. Combined with cloud functions, backend operations like pagination, rating aggregation etc can easily be implemented when data changes.

Security rules: Custom security rules define who can access, read and write data via the Realtime Database server. These enforce granular authorization at path-level and allow advanced privilege management to give full control over who can access what data.

App configuration and dynamic content: App configs, content, AB testing parameters etc can be stored as JSON and dynamically loaded from Realtime Database to support dynamic UI/UX and app customization. For e.g – storing dark mode settings, currently active marketing promos etc.

Some example app features that can leverage Realtime Database include:

Messaging/Chat apps – For storing messages, presence, profiles etc and enabling realtime messaging experiences.

Social networks – Storing user profiles, posts, comments, followers etc to enable feeds, notifications and a rich social graph.

Gaming apps – For game state management, leaderboards, matchmaking, player inventory etc in multiplayer games.

Collaborative docs – For building realtime collaborative editing apps for documents like Google Docs.

Delivery/ridesharing apps – For realtime vehicle/order tracking, notifications, estimated times etc.

Tournaments/contests – For realtime scoring, rankings and results in competitive apps and games.

Polls/voting – For enabling instant polling experiences across user bases.

CRM/ticketing apps – For customer support workflows involving realtime agent-customer communication.

So Firebase Realtime Database provides a performant, scalable and fully-managed NoSQL database in the cloud that simplifies building responsive data-centric applications with rich collaborative features by automatically syncing and storing app data for multiple clients in realtime.


GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate software builds, tests, and deployments right from GitHub. Any time code is pushed to a repository, Actions can run jobs that build, test, deploy, or nearly anything else you can script. This allows you to set up continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) directly in your code repository without needing to provision or manage separate build servers.

The first step is to configure a workflow file in your repository that defines the jobs and steps to run. Workflows use a YAML format and are typically named .yml files stored in the .github/workflows directory. For example, a basic build and test workflow could be defined in .github/workflows/build-and-test.yml.

In the workflow YAML, you define a “jobs” section with individual “build” and “test” jobs. Each job specifies a name and runs on a specific operating system – typically Linux, macOS, or Windows. Within each job, you define “steps” which are individual commands or actions to run. Common steps include actions to check out the code, set up a build environment, run build commands, run tests, deploy code, and more.

For the build job, common steps would be to checkout the source code, restore cached dependencies, run a build command like npm install or dotnet build, cache artifacts like the built code for future jobs, and potentially publish build artifacts. For the test job, typical steps include restoring cached dependencies again, running tests with a command like npm test or dotnet test, and publishing test results.

Along with each job having operating system requirements, you can also define which branches or tags will trigger the workflow run. Commonly this is set to just the main branch like main so that every push to main automatically runs the jobs. But you have flexibility to run on other events too like pull requests, tags, or even scheduled times.

Once the workflow is defined, GitHub Actions will automatically run it every time code is pushed to the matching branches or tags. This provides continuous integration by building and testing the code anytime changes are introduced. The logs and results of each job are viewable on GitHub so you can monitor build failures or test regressions immediately.

For continuous deployment, you can define additional jobs in the workflow to deploy the built and tested code to various environments. Common deployment jobs deploy to staging or UAT environments for user acceptance testing, and production environments. Deployment steps make use of GitHub Actions deployment actions or scripts to deploy the code via technologies like AWS, Azure, Heroku, Netlify and more.

Deployment jobs would restore cached dependencies and artifacts from the build job. Then additional steps would configure the target environment, deploy the built artifacts, run deployment validation or smoke tests, and clean up resources after success or failure. Staging deployments can even trigger deployment previews that preview code changes before merging into production branches.

You have flexibility in deployment strategies too, such as manually triggering deployment jobs only when needed, automatic deployment on branch merges, or blue/green deployments that mitigate downtime. Secret environment variables are used to securely supply deployment credentials without checking sensitive values into GitHub. Rolling back deployments is also supported through manual job runs if needed.

GitHub Actions makes CI/CD setup very approachable by defining everything in code without additional infrastructure. Workflows are reusable across repositories too, so you can define templates for common tasks. A robust set of pre-built actions accelerate development through automated tasks for common languages and platforms. Actions can also integrate with other GitHub features like pull requests for code reviews.

GitHub Actions streamlines continuous integration and deployment entirely in GitHub without separate build servers. Defining reusable workflows in code enables automated building, testing, and deploying of applications anytime changes are introduced. Combined with GitHub’s features for code hosting, it provides developers an integrated workflow for optimizing code quality and delivery through every stage of the development process.


The first step in developing a business improvement plan is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current business processes, operations, and overall performance. A student should identify key areas that need improvements through a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis. They should take an objective look at internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats. This will help pinpoint priority areas for enhancements.

Once the SWOT analysis is complete, the student should conduct an audit of the current processes and systems. This includes reviewing standard operating procedures, workflow diagrams, resource allocation, documentation processes, communication methods, inventory management, supply chain management, financial reports, customer feedback, employee surveys, etc. The audit helps identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, areas of redundancy, compliance issues, and other process problems. It is important to get perspectives from people at different levels of the organization like managers, frontline employees, customers to understand pain points.

After understanding the as-is system thoroughly, the student should then define clear and measurable goals and objectives for the business improvement plan. The goals need to be SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. For example, goals could include reducing production cycle time by 25%, improving on-time delivery performance to 95%, decreasing inventory holding costs by 20% etc. The goals help provide a target direction for improvements.

Next, the student should brainstorm potential solutions and options to meet the defined goals. This involves creative thinking to envision new and better ways of doing things. Business process reengineering principles should be applied to “rethink” and redesign processes from a clean slate. Ideas can be sought from employees, successful practices of competitors, industry best practices, technology implementations etc.

Each potential solution idea needs to be evaluated on implementation feasibility, time, cost, risk, and overall ability to achieve improvement goals. A decision matrix can be used to shortlist the most viable options. For the shortlisted options, the student should prepare detailed implementation plans covering requirements, timelines, assigned resources, dependencies, communication needs, change management needs etc.

Pilot testing of the selected solutions is advised before full implementation to identify glitches. Key performance indicators need to be identified to measure the success of implemented changes. For example, reduction in delivery time, increase in productivity, reduction in defect rates, cost savings etc. An important part of the plan is developing a communication strategy to inform and train employees about upcoming changes. Their involvement and buy-in is critical for success.

The next stage involves executing the improvement plan by implementing the selected solutions over the planned timeline. Regular monitoring and tracking of key metrics through production and MIS reports allows measuring progress against goals. Mid-course corrections may be required basis the results. Process documentation needs to be updated to reflect changes. Post-implementation support and encouragement helps sustain changes.

The entire initiative needs to be reviewed by conducting a post-implementation audit after a few months of operations with the changes. This helps determine if the objectives were fully or partially met. Lessons learned should be documented. The new processes and systems also need to be institutionalized through formal SOPs and training. Continuous improvement should be ingrained in the organizational culture. The business improvement plan needs to be reviewed and updated annually basis the evolving business and market conditions.

Developing a thoughtful, well-researched, and detailed business improvement plan through this step-by-step approach can help students devise and implement enhancements that boost productivity, quality, customer satisfaction and overall business performance. The plan serves as a roadmap to drive positive organizational transformation. Measuring results allows ensuring goals are met and benefits are realized as intended.


Prior to 2012, the process for applying to and being admitted into medical school in the United States lacked standardization across schools. Each medical school designed and implemented their own application, supporting documentation requirements, screening criteria, and interview process. This led to inefficiencies for applicants who had to navigate unique and sometimes inconsistent processes across the many schools they applied to each cycle. It also made it challenging for admissions committees to fairly evaluate and compare applicants.

To address these issues, in 2012 the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) implemented a major reform – a fully standardized and centralized application known as the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS). This new system collected a single application from each applicant and distributed verified application information and supporting documents to designated medical schools. It streamlined the process and allowed schools to spend more time evaluating candidates rather than processing paperwork.

Some key features of the new AMCAS application included:

A unified application form collecting basic biographical data, academic history, work and activities experience, and personal statements. This replaced individual forms previously used by each school.

A centralized process for verifying academic transcripts, calculating GPAs, and distributing verified information to designated schools. This ensured accuracy and consistency in reporting academic history.

Guidelines for standardized supporting documents including letters of recommendation, supplemental forms, and prerequisite coursework documentation. Schools could no longer require unique or additional documents.

Clear instructions and guidelines to help applicants understand requirements and navigate the process. This improved user experience over the complex, school-by-school approach previously.

Streamlined fees allowing applicants to apply to multiple schools with one payment to AMCAS rather than separate fees to each institution. This saved applicants significant costs.

In addition to the standardized application, the AAMC implemented guidelines to encourage medical schools to adopt common screening practices when reviewing applications. Some of the key selection process reforms included:

Screening applicants based primarily on academic metrics (GPA, MCAT scores), research experience, community service or advocacy experience, etc. rather than “soft” personal factors to promote fairness and reduce bias.

Establishing common cut-offs for screening based on metrics like minimum GPAs and MCAT scores required to be considered for an interview. This allowed direct comparison of academically prepared candidates.

Conducting timely first-round screenings of all applicants by mid-October to ensure fairness in scheduling limited interview slots. Late screenings put some candidates at a disadvantage.

Standardizing interview formats with common questions and evaluation rubrics to provide comparable data for final admission decisions. Previously, unique school-designed interviews made comparisons difficult.

Testing technical skills through new computer-based assessments of skills like diagnostic reasoning and clinical knowledge to identify strong performers beyond just metrics.

Conducting national surveys of accepted applicants to track applicant flow, compare admissions yields across institutions, and analyze application trends to inform future process improvements.

The AMCAS application and these selection process guidelines transformed medical school admissions in the U.S. within just a few years of implementation. Studies show they addressed prior inefficiencies and inconsistencies. Applicants could complete one standardized application and know their packages would receive equal consideration from all participating schools based on common metrics and practices. This allowed focus on academic achievements and personal fit for medicine rather than procedural hoops.

While individual schools still evaluated candidates holistically and conducted independent admission decisions as before, the reformed system established important national standards for fairness, consistency and comparability. It simplified the application process for candidates and streamlined initial screening for admissions staff. The centralized AMCAS application along with common selection guidance continues to be refined annually based on feedback, ensuring ongoing process improvements. The reforms have brought much needed standardization and transparency to U.S. medical school admissions.


The company underwent a significant digital transformation initiative over the past 12 months to upgrade its existing technologies and systems. This was done to keep up with rapidly changing technological advancements, customer demands and preferences, as well as be able to respond faster to disruptions.

On the infrastructure side, the entire data center housing the company’s servers and storage was migrated from an on-premise model to a cloud-based infrastructure hosted on Microsoft Azure. This provided numerous advantages like reduced capital expenditure on hardware maintenance and upgrades, infinite scalability based on requirements, built-in high availability and disaster recovery features, easier management and monitoring. All virtual servers running applications and databases were migrated as-is to Azure without any downtime using Azure migration services.

The network infrastructure across all offices locally and globally was also upgraded. The outdated VPN routers and switches were replaced by new software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) technology from Cisco. This provided a centralized management of the entire globally distributed network with features like automated path selection based on link performance, application-level visibility and controls, built-in security capabilities. Remote access for employees was enabled through Cisco AnyConnect VPN client instead of the earlier hardware-based VPN devices.

The company’s main Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which was an on-premise infrastructure of SAP ECC 6.0, was migrated to SAP S/4HANA Cloud hosted on Azure. This provided the benefits of the latest SAP technology like simplified data model, new capabilities like predictive analytics, real-time analytics directly from transactions and improved user experience. Critical business processes like procurement, order management, financials, production planning were streamlined after redesigning them as per S/4HANA standards.

Other legacy client-server applications for functions like CRM, project management, HR, expense management etc. were also migrated to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) models like Salesforce, MS Project Online and Workday respectively. This relieved the burden of managing these complex on-premise systems in-house and provided a much more user-friendly experience for remote users. Regular upgrades, enhancements and integrations are now managed by the SaaS vendors directly.

On the endpoint management front, the company shifted from traditional on-premise endpoint management software and anti-virus solutions to the Microsoft Intune service for mobile device management along with Microsoft Defender antivirus. All laptops and desktops were enrolled into Intune which provided features like remote wiping, configuration management, application deployment, inventory tracking on a single view. Defender antivirus was installed across all machines replacing the earlier McAfee solutions for unified protection.

The company’s website platform was rearchitected from a monolithic architecture to a microservices-based model and migrated to AWS. Individual functions like user profiles, shopping carts, master data management etc. were broken out as independently deployable services with REST APIs. This provided scalability, easier maintenance and round-the-clock availability. The front-end website code was upgraded from classic ASP to modern ASP.NET core framework for better performance and security.

Machine learning and AI capabilities were introduced by leveraging Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Machine Learning services. A recommendation engine was built using deep learning models based on customer purchase history which is integrated into the online shopping experience. Predictive maintenance of manufacturing equipment is done through IoT sensors feeding data to ML models for anomaly detection and predictive failure alerts.

On the collaboration front, the entire team moved to O365 including SharePoint Online, Teams, Stream along with upgraded hardware in the form of Surface devices. This facilitated remote working at scale along with seamless communication and content sharing across globally distributed teams during the pandemic.

Through these wide-ranging IT infrastructure upgrades, the company has transformed into a secure, scalable and future-ready digital enterprise leveraging the latest cloud services from Microsoft, AWS and other SaaS providers. This has empowered faster innovation, better customer experiences and business resilience.