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Transportation agencies and urban planners will need to work closely together to ensure infrastructure and land use policies are adapted for the introduction of CAVs on public roads. Some of the key areas of coordination will include transportation network design, infrastructure upgrades, curb space management, parking requirements, and data sharing.

When it comes to transportation network design, agencies will need to consider how CAVs may impact traffic flow and congestion. As CAVs become more common, some lanes on roads may need to be redesigned for exclusive use by autonomous vehicles to optimize traffic flow. This could involve designating certain lanes for shared or priority use by CAVs, buses and high-occupancy vehicles. Planners will also need to model how changes to road and intersection design can take advantage of the improved safety and traffic management capabilities of connected vehicles. For example, reducing standard lane widths to add turning lanes or extend sidewalks.

In terms of infrastructure upgrades, transportation agencies will have to work closely with cities to prioritize upgrades to road signaling, lane markings and signs to support basic vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. This will allow CAVs to safely navigate intersections and adapt their speed based on real-time traffic conditions transmitted from infrastructure like traffic lights. Agencies will need to map out a plan for incrementally upgrading critical transportation corridors first based on traffic volume and congestion levels. Investments may also be needed in weather sensors along roadways to transmit data on precipitation or visibility to CAVs.

When it comes to curb space and parking requirements, cities will need to re-examine guidelines for on- and off-street parking, loading and pick-up/drop-off zones. With the advent of shared, autonomous and electric vehicles, demand for private parking is expected to decline over time. Curb space will still be needed for pickup/drop-off of people and deliveries. Cities may convert some spaces to quick-loading zones or dedicate certain curbs to autonomous shuttles and transportation network vehicles. Minimum parking requirements for new developments may also need to be reduced accordingly. This will require parking studies as well as coordination between transportation, planning and public works departments.

To effectively plan for CAV integration, transportation agencies also need access to relevant real-time city and vehicle data. This includes traffic volumes, congestion hotspots, vehicular trip origins/destinations and curb space activities. At the same time, cities need data from transportation agencies and CAV operators on fleet sizes, routing plans, dropping-off/picking up zones. Formal data sharing agreements and committees involving public agencies, private firms and research institutions can help establish protocols for sharing pertinent transportation data to support pilot programs and long-term CAV deployment strategies.

On the planning and policy side, transportation agencies and urban planners must ensure CAV integration supports broader community goals like sustainability, equity and livability. Tools like general plans, specific area plans and design guidelines will need amendments promoting transit-oriented development around shared CAV hubs. This could encourage a shift towards more compact, walkable development patterns less dependent on private vehicles. Planning departments may also develop strategies to deploy shared CAV services in an equitable manner. For example, ensuring underserved communities are prioritized for first-mile last-mile connection to fixed transit routes.

A cooperative and comprehensive approach between transportation agencies and urban planners is essential to responsibly guide the transition to an era of connectivity and automation. Regular collaboration through committees, public working groups and joint studies can help synchronize policies, coordinate multi-agency projects and ensure transportation infrastructure adapts to maximize the societal benefits of CAVs while mitigating any negative externalities. Continuous cooperation between stakeholders from government, academia and industry will also be important for future scenario assessment and deployment of other advanced technologies like drones and hyperloop systems in an integrated manner alongside CAVs. With proactive coordination, transportation agencies and cities can help ensure connected and autonomous vehicles are deployed strategically to create safer, more sustainable and accessible communities for all.

Transportation agencies must work closely with urban planners on issues ranging from road designs and infrastructure upgrades to parking reform and data sharing procedures. A collaborative governance framework recognizes CAVs both impact and are impacted by the larger built environment. Coordinated efforts can leverage coming autonomous technology to positively shape patterns of where and how we develop land along with how people and goods move throughout cities. By aligning CAV integration with broader city goals, transportation planners and agencies can facilitate well-planned deployment supporting livability, equity and sustainability.


The telegraph had a profound impact on the economic and cultural integration of the United States in the 19th century. When Samuel Morse sent the first telegraph message in 1844 declaring “What hath God wrought”, it marked the beginning of a new era of rapid communication. Prior to the telegraph, communication was slow and limited by transportation. Messages had to travel by stagecoach, boat, train or horseback, which could take days or weeks. The telegraph allowed near instant communication over long distances, which shrank the perceived size of the country and brought far flung regions closer together economically and culturally.

One of the most important economic impacts was on business and commerce. With the telegraph, businesses could quickly transmit orders, contracts, requests and inquiries across vast distances. Stock transactions and commodities trading became far more efficient. Merchants could check prices and availability of goods in other cities before ordering shipments. Banks could instantly verify deposits and transfer funds between branches in different states, accelerating growth of the national banking system. Farmers could check commodity prices in major urban markets before selling harvests. All of this integration and streamlining of communication greatly increased the fluidity and scale of interstate commerce. Industries like transportation, manufacturing and agriculture rapidly expanded as telegraph links enhanced coordination and economic activity across regions.

The rapid telegraph system had a monumental impact on transportation. Railroad companies relied on telegraph lines running alongside tracks to coordinate schedules, dispatch trains and prevent collisions. Telegraph operators helped manage train traffic in busy terminals. Passengers could notify family of arrival times. Ship captains received weather advisories, passenger lists and cargo manifests by telegraph before departure. The reduced uncertainty and increased efficiency massively grew passenger and freight transportation volumes between cities and across the country, deepening economic links. New telegraph-railroad networks emerged, uniting previously isolated areas into a true national marketplace.

Westward expansion accelerated as telegraph lines extended across the continent. Pioneer settlements gained near-instant contact with family and markets back East, reducing risks of isolation. Emigrants received encouraging reports on new settlements. Land speculators and prospective farmers obtained agricultural and economic data to choose destinations. Territorial governments coordinated more rapidly with East Coast authorities. Telegraph links were a primary driver of the Populist movements that vastly increased Western settlement. The completion of the transcontinental telegraph line in 1861 fully integrated the West Coast into the national economy and closed the phase of frontier isolation.

In addition to economic impacts, the telegraph fostered cultural integration by rapidly disseminating information nationally. Telegraph-based newspapers emerged as early as 1846, allowing rapid distribution of news stories across editions in different cities. News bulletins traveled in minutes rather than days. Citizens in all regions could learn of important events concurrently rather than weeks apart. During the American Civil War, telegraph lines provided near-real-time battlefield dispatches from the front, engendering intense national interest and participation. Telegraph networks facilitated the explosion of national brands in industries like publishing which previously varied regionally. Emerging regional identities and insular cultures broke down as information circulated ubiquitously across greater distances.

Entertainment and tourism also grew more nationally oriented. Telegraph booking agencies arose to plan railway excursions for leisure travelers across many states. Amusement parks and resorts flourished along telegraph axes. Poets, authors, playwrites and lecturers toured much more widely and developed national followings. Telegraphs permitted coordination of conventions, rallies and expositions that drew participants from across the country, raising political participation and integration. Through promoting travel, telegraph lines had a democratizing influence by exposing ever more citizens to diversity of other American regions. Common modes of communication and shared exposure to national news created a burgeoning sense of countrywide shared experience.

The telegraph had a transformational impact on integrating the United States economically and culturally in the 19th century. By facilitating rapid coordination and data transfer over vast distances, the telegraph accelerated the fluidity of commerce, scaled up industries, streamlined transportation networks, and emboldened westward expansion. Just as importantly, telegraph lines disseminated information virtually nationwide, reducing regional insularity and building common ground between previously isolated parts of the country. An emerging sense of national identity coalesced through universally experienced news, travel interconnectivity, and exposure to regional diversity across America. The telegraph largely eliminated the perception of the United States as a collection of independent economies by integrating it into a true national marketplace and polity.


The integration of quantitative and qualitative data is an important step in a mixed methods research study. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods have their strengths and weaknesses, so by combining both forms of data, researchers can gain a richer and more comprehensive understanding of the topic being studied compared to using either method alone.

For this study, the integration process will involve several steps. First, after the quantitative and qualitative components of the study have been completed independently, the researchers will review and summarize the key findings from each. For the quantitative part, this will involve analyzing the results of the surveys or other instruments to determine any statistically significant relationships or differences that emerged from the data. For the qualitative part, the findings will be synthesized from the analysis of interviews, observations, or other qualitative data sources to identify prominent themes, patterns, and categories.

Having summarized the individual results, the next step will be to look for points of convergence or agreement between the two datasets where similar findings emerged from both the quantitative and qualitative strands. For example, if the quantitative data showed a relationship between two variables and the qualitative data contained participant quotes supporting this relationship, this would represent a point of convergence. Looking for these points helps validate and corroborate the significance of the findings.

The researchers will also look for any divergent or inconsistent findings where the quantitative and qualitative results do not agree. When inconsistencies are found, the researchers will carefully examine potential reasons for the divergence such as limitations within one of the datasets, questions of validity, or possibilities that each method is simply capturing a different facet of the phenomenon. Understanding why discrepancies exist can shed further light on the nuances of the topic.

In addition to convergence and divergence, the integration will involve comparing and contrasting the quantitative and qualitative findings to uncover any complementarity between them. Here the researchers are interested in how the findings from one method elaboration, enhance, illustrate, or clarify the results from the other method. For example, qualitative themes may help explain statistically significant relationships from the quantitative results by providing context, description, and examples.

Bringing together the areas of convergence, divergence, and complementarity allows for a line of evidence to develop where different pieces of the overall picture provided by each method type are woven together into an integrated whole. This integrated whole represents more than just the sum of the individual quantitative and qualitative parts due to the new insights made possible through their comparison and contrast.

The researchers will also use the interplay between the different findings to re-examine their theoretical frameworks and research questions in an iterative process. Discrepant or unexpected findings may signal the need to refine existing theories or generate new hypotheses and questions for further exploration. This dialogue between data and theory is part of the unique strength of mixed methods approaches.

All integrated findings will be presented together thematically in a coherent narrative discussion rather than keeping the qualitative and quantitative results entirely separate. Direct quotes and descriptions from qualitative data sources may be used to exemplify quantitative results while statistics can help contextualize qualitative patterns. Combined visual models, joint displays, and figures will also be utilized to clearly demonstrate how the complementary insights from both strands work together.

A rigorous approach to integration is essential for mixed methods studies to produce innovative perspectives beyond those achievable through mono-method designs. This study will follow best practices for thoroughly combining and synthesizing quantitative and qualitative findings at multiple levels to develop a richly integrated understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. The end goal is to gain comprehensive knowledge through the synergy created when two distinct worldviews combine to provide more than the sum of the individual parts.


Continuous integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early. Setting up CI enables automated testing to run with every code change, catching bugs or issues quickly.

To set up CI, you will need a source code repository to store your code, a CI server to run your builds, and configuration to integrate your repository with the CI server. Some popular open source options are GitHub for the repository and Jenkins, GitLab CI, or Travis CI for the CI server. You can also use hosted CI/CD services that provide these tools together.

The first step is to store your code in a version control repository like GitHub. If you don’t already have one, create a new repository and commit your initial project code. Make sure all developers on the team have push/pull access to this shared codebase.

Next, you need to install and configure your chosen CI server software. If using an on-premise solution like Jenkins, install it on a build server machine following the vendor’s instructions. For SaaS CI tools, sign up and configure an account. During setup, connect the CI server to your repository via its API so it can detect new commits.

Now you need to set up a continuous integration pipeline – a series of steps that will run automated tests and tasks every time code is pushed. The basic pipeline for automated testing includes:

Checking out (downloading) the code from the repository after every push using the repository URL and credentials configured earlier. This fetches the latest changes.

Running automated tests against the newly checked out code. Popular unit testing frameworks include JUnit, Mocha, RSpec etc depending on your language/stack. Configure the CI server to execute npm test, ./gradlew test etc based on your project.

Reporting test results. Have the CI server publish success/failure reports to provide feedback on whether tests passed or failed after each build.

Potentially deploying to testing environments. Some teams use CI to also deploy stable builds to testing systems after tests pass, to run integration or UI tests.

Archiving build artifacts. Save logs, test reports, packages/binaries generated by the build for future reference.

Email notifications. Configure the CI server to email developers or operations teams after each build with its status.

You can define this automated pipeline in code using configuration files specific to your chosen CI server. Common formats include Jenkinsfile for Jenkins, .travis.yml for Travis etc. Define stages for the steps above and pin down the commands, scripts or tasks required for each stage.

Trigger the pipeline by making an initial commit to the repository that contains the configuration file. The CI server should detect the new commit, pull the source code and automatically run your defined stages one after the other.

Developers on the team can now focus on development and committing new changes without slowing down to run tests manually every time. As their commits are pushed, the automated pipeline will handle running tests without human involvement in between. This allows for quicker feedback on issues and faster iterations.

Some additional configuration you may want to add includes:

Caching node_modules or other dependencies between builds for better performance

Enabling parallel job execution to run unit/integration tests simultaneously

Defining environments and deploy stages to provision and deploy to environments like staging automatically after builds

Integrating with slack/teams for custom notifications beyond email

Badge status widgets to showcase build trends directly on READMEs

Gating deployment behind all tests passing to ensure quality

Code quality checks via linters, static analysis tools in addition to tests

Versioning and tagging releases automatically when builds are stable

Continuous integration enables teams to adopt test-driven development processes through automation. Bugs are found early in the commit cycle rather than late. The feedback loop is tightened and iteration speeds up considerably when testing happens seamlessly with every change. This paves the way for higher code quality, fewer defects and faster delivery of working software.


GitHub Actions makes it easy to automate software builds, tests, and deployments right from GitHub. Any time code is pushed to a repository, Actions can run jobs that build, test, deploy, or nearly anything else you can script. This allows you to set up continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) directly in your code repository without needing to provision or manage separate build servers.

The first step is to configure a workflow file in your repository that defines the jobs and steps to run. Workflows use a YAML format and are typically named .yml files stored in the .github/workflows directory. For example, a basic build and test workflow could be defined in .github/workflows/build-and-test.yml.

In the workflow YAML, you define a “jobs” section with individual “build” and “test” jobs. Each job specifies a name and runs on a specific operating system – typically Linux, macOS, or Windows. Within each job, you define “steps” which are individual commands or actions to run. Common steps include actions to check out the code, set up a build environment, run build commands, run tests, deploy code, and more.

For the build job, common steps would be to checkout the source code, restore cached dependencies, run a build command like npm install or dotnet build, cache artifacts like the built code for future jobs, and potentially publish build artifacts. For the test job, typical steps include restoring cached dependencies again, running tests with a command like npm test or dotnet test, and publishing test results.

Along with each job having operating system requirements, you can also define which branches or tags will trigger the workflow run. Commonly this is set to just the main branch like main so that every push to main automatically runs the jobs. But you have flexibility to run on other events too like pull requests, tags, or even scheduled times.

Once the workflow is defined, GitHub Actions will automatically run it every time code is pushed to the matching branches or tags. This provides continuous integration by building and testing the code anytime changes are introduced. The logs and results of each job are viewable on GitHub so you can monitor build failures or test regressions immediately.

For continuous deployment, you can define additional jobs in the workflow to deploy the built and tested code to various environments. Common deployment jobs deploy to staging or UAT environments for user acceptance testing, and production environments. Deployment steps make use of GitHub Actions deployment actions or scripts to deploy the code via technologies like AWS, Azure, Heroku, Netlify and more.

Deployment jobs would restore cached dependencies and artifacts from the build job. Then additional steps would configure the target environment, deploy the built artifacts, run deployment validation or smoke tests, and clean up resources after success or failure. Staging deployments can even trigger deployment previews that preview code changes before merging into production branches.

You have flexibility in deployment strategies too, such as manually triggering deployment jobs only when needed, automatic deployment on branch merges, or blue/green deployments that mitigate downtime. Secret environment variables are used to securely supply deployment credentials without checking sensitive values into GitHub. Rolling back deployments is also supported through manual job runs if needed.

GitHub Actions makes CI/CD setup very approachable by defining everything in code without additional infrastructure. Workflows are reusable across repositories too, so you can define templates for common tasks. A robust set of pre-built actions accelerate development through automated tasks for common languages and platforms. Actions can also integrate with other GitHub features like pull requests for code reviews.

GitHub Actions streamlines continuous integration and deployment entirely in GitHub without separate build servers. Defining reusable workflows in code enables automated building, testing, and deploying of applications anytime changes are introduced. Combined with GitHub’s features for code hosting, it provides developers an integrated workflow for optimizing code quality and delivery through every stage of the development process.