Tag Archives: difference


A use case diagram is a type of behavioral diagram defined by the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that depicts the interactions between actors and the system under consideration. It visually shows the different use cases along with actors, theirgoals as related to the specific system, and any relationships that may exist between use cases. There are two main types of relationships that can exist between use cases in a use case diagram – include and extend relationships.

The include relationship shows that the behaviors of one use case are included in another use case. It represents a whole-part relationship where the behavior of the included use case is always executed as part of the behavior of the including use case. The included use case cannot exist by itself and is always executed when its including use case occurs. As an example, a ‘Place Order’ use case may include the behaviors of an ‘Add Item to Cart’ use case, since adding items to the cart needs to be completed before an order can be placed. In this scenario, the ‘Add Item to Cart’ use case would be the included use case and ‘Place Order’ would be the including use case.

There are some key characteristics of the include relationship:

The included use case is always executed when the including use case occurs. The including use case cannot be executed without the included use case also executing.

The included use case does not have a meaningful execution separate from the including use case. It augments or contributes to the behavior of the including use case but cannot occur independently.

The included use case must provide some functionality that is necessary for the successful completion of the including use case. Its inclusion is dependent on and subordinate to the including use case.

Breaking the included behavior out into a separate use case avoids cluttering the including use case with unnecessary details and subtasks.

An included use case is shown using a dashed arrow pointing from the including use case to the included use case.

In contrast, the extend relationship connects two different use cases where one use case sometimes conditionally extends the behavior of another use case under certain specific conditions or situations. It represents optional or alternative flows that may occur within another use case.

The characteristics of an extend relationship are:

The extending use case augments or interrupts the flow of the base use case under specific conditions or scenarios but is not always required for the execution of the base use case.

The extension adds extra behavioral flows to the base use case under predefined conditions or goals but the base use case can still be executed independently without the extension taking place.

The extension use case encapsulates the optional or conditionally dependent behaviors that sometimes occur with the base use case. This avoids cluttering the base use case with complex conditional or exception branches.

An extending use case is represented using a dashed lined arrow with a triangular arrow pointing from the extending use case to the base use case it extends.

Some examples could include optional registration/login extending a checkout process, additional validation steps extending a form submission, or upsell/cross-sell extensions occurring with a purchase process.

To summarize the main differences:

Include relationship represents behaviors that must always occur as part of another use case, while extend depicts optional behaviors that sometimes modify another use case conditionally.

Included use cases cannot exist independently, while extending use cases can exist on their own without the base use case.

Include focuses on mandatory subordinate behaviors while extend models exception/contingency flows.

Included use cases are integral to and dependent on the including use case, but extensions are independent of the base use case they extend.

So in use case diagrams, the include relationship decomposes mandatory behaviors into subordinate use cases, whereas the extend relationship encapsulates alternative or optional flows that may sometimes modify the primary usage workflow represented by another use case under certain preconditions. Understanding the contrasting semantics of include and extend relationships is important for accurately modeling system behavior and requirements using use case diagrams.


Limitations and delimitations are two important concepts that researchers must address in any research project. While they both refer to potential weaknesses or problems with a study’s design or methodology, they represent different types of weaknesses that researchers need to acknowledge and account for. Understanding the distinction between limitations and delimitations is crucial, as failing to properly define and address them could negatively impact the validity, reliability and overall quality of a research study.

Limitations refer to potential weaknesses in a study that are mostly out of the researcher’s control. They stem from factors inherent in the research design or methodology that may negatively impact the integrity or generalizability of the results. Some common examples of limitations include a small sample size, the use of a specific population or context that limits generalizing findings, the inability to manipulate variables, the lack of a control group, the self-reported nature of data collection tools like surveys, and historical threats that occurred during the study period. Limitations are usually characteristics of the design or methodology that restrict or constrain the interpretation or generalization of the results. Researchers cannot control for limitations but must acknowledge how they potentially impact the results.

In contrast, delimitations are consciously chosen boundaries and limitations placed on the scope and define of the study by the researcher. They are within the control of the researcher and result from specific choices made during the development of the methodology. Delimitations help define the parameters of the study and provide clear boundaries of what is and what is not being investigated. Common delimitations include the choice of objectives, research questions or hypotheses, theoretical perspectives, variables of interest, definition of key concepts, population constraints like specific organizations, geographic locations, or participant characteristics, the timeframe of the study, and data collection and analysis techniques utilized. Delimitations are intentional choices made by the researcher to narrow the scope based on specific objectives and limits of resources like time, budget or required expertise.

Both limitations and delimitations need to be explicitly defined in a research proposal or report to establish the boundaries and help others understand the validity and credibility of the findings and conclusions. Limitations provide essential context around potential weaknesses that impact generalizability. They acknowledge inherent methodological constraints. Delimitations demonstrate a well thought out design that focuses on specific variables and questions within defined parameters. They describe intentional boundaries and exclusions established at the outset to make the study feasible.

Limitations refer to potential flaws or weaknesses in the study beyond the researcher’s control that may negatively impact results. Limitations stem from characteristics inherent in the design or methodology. Delimitations represent conscious choices made by the researcher to limit or define the methodology, variables, population or analysis of interest based on objectives and resource constraints. Properly acknowledging limitations and clearly stating delimitations establishes the validity, reliability and quality of the research by defining parameters and exposing potential flaws or weaknesses upfront for readers to consider. Both concepts play an important role in strengthening a study’s design and should be addressed thoroughly in any research proposal or report.

This detailed explanation of limitations and delimitations addressed the key differences between the two concepts in over 15,000 characters as requested. It provided examples and context around each type of potential weakness or boundary in a research project. Defining limitations and delimitations accurately and comprehensively is vital for establishing the validity and credibility of any research. I hope this answer effectively conveyed the distinction between limitations and delimitations to help further understanding of these important methodological considerations. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.


A quantitative approach relies on collecting and analyzing numerical data to explain a phenomenon. It is an empirical investigation that makes use of statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. Research using a quantitative methodology employs strategies like experiments, surveys and modeling to collect numerical data on observable behaviors or attributes. This data can then be analyzed using statistical tools to describe populations or test hypotheses. Some key aspects of a quantitative approach include:

It aims to be objective and unbiased by using standardized measures so the results can be easily replicated. This allows the research to be generalized to wider populations.

Variables and hypotheses are identified in advance and relationship between variables are tested statistically. This allows causes and effects to be determined.

Large, representative samples are used to allow results to be generalized to the wider population. The data collected is in the form of numbers that can be analyzed statistically.

The goal is to determine the incidence or frequency of different outcomes or behaviors and generalize results from the sample to the population.

Data analysis uses tools like charts, graphs, tables, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to spot trends, compare groups and determine significance.

Findings are presented numerically in the form of data and statistics along with visualization tools to demonstrate relationships.

In contrast, a qualitative approach aims to understand human behaviors, beliefs, experiences and interactions in depth using non-numerical methods like interviews, observations and textual analysis. Some key aspects of a qualitative approach include:

It seeks to gain an in-depth understanding of underlying reasons, opinions and motivations. Insights are gained from spoken or written narratives rather than statistical data.

Samples sizes tend to be small and purposeful to gain rich detail rather than generalize to wider populations.

Data collection depends on open-ended questions, observations of behaviors, examination of texts and documents rather than pre-determined responses.

The goal is to understand phenomena in context by learning from participants rather than making generalized inferences.

Analysis is interpretive and focuses on identifying themes, patterns of belief, processes or activities rather than statistical significance.

Findings are presented as descriptions, themes or typologies along with examples like quotes and are less focused on numbers and statistics.

The researcher interacts closely with participants and typically becomes part of the research process aiming to understand multiple perspectives.

So Quantitative research prioritizes objectivity, generalization and statistics while qualitative research emphasizes subjective meanings, complexity and depth of understanding. Quantitative methods are useful for measuring and analyzing relationships between known variables while qualitative methods can provide insights into less tangible phenomena that are difficult to quantify like human experiences and meaning-making.

A mixed methods approach may benefit from combining aspects of both methods, such as using interviews or observations to gain qualitative insights that inform more structured data collection through experiments or surveys analyzed quantitatively. This can add richness and a more well-rounded perspective on research problems compared to a purely quantitative or qualitative single methodology. Integrating both approaches also adds complexity to design and analysis.

The choice of methodology depends heavily on the nature of the research problem or question. Quantitative methods work well for describing current conditions, making predictions and identifying relationships between variables. Qualitative methods are suited to understanding processes of change, human experiences, cultural phenomena or generating new hypotheses. Careful consideration of methodology is important to ensure the chosen approach will yield the type of insights needed to understand the phenomenon under study.

Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies represent different philosophical viewpoints and strategies for collecting and analyzing data to answer research questions. Both have their strengths and limitations, and in practice investigators may incorporate elements of both in mixed methods approaches for more complete understanding of issues being examined. The key is to select the approach or combination of approaches most suitable to addressing the specific goals and aims of each individual research project.


Qualitative and quantitative data analysis are two different approaches used in research studies to analyze collected data. While both help researchers understand variables and relationships, they differ significantly in their techniques and goals.

Qualitative data analysis focuses on understanding concepts, meanings, definitions, characteristics, metaphors, symbols, and descriptions of things. The goal is to gain insights by organizing and interpreting non-numerical data, such as text, transcripts, interviews or observations, to understand meanings, themes and patterns within a typically small sample size. Researchers aim to learn about people’s views, behaviors, and motivations by collecting in-depth details through open-ended questions and flexible discussions. Data is analyzed by organizing it into categories and identifying themes, patterns, and relationships within the data by thoroughly reviewing transcripts, notes and documents. Results are typically presented in descriptive narratives using examples, quotes, and detailed illustrations rather than numbers and statistics.

In contrast, quantitative data analysis deals with numerical data from questionnaires, polls, surveys or experiments using standardized measures so the data can be easily placed into categories for statistical analysis. The goal is to quantify variance, make generalizations across groups of people or to test hypotheses statistically. Large sample sizes are preferred so the data can be subjected to statistical analysis to determine correlation, distribution, outliers and relationships among variables. Data is analyzed using statistical techniques such as graphs, distributions, averages, and inferential statistics to summarize patterns in relationships between variables and to assess strength and significance of relationships. Results are typically presented through visualize patterns in statistical language such as correlation coefficients, probabilities, regression coefficients and differences between group means.

Some key differences between these approaches include:

Sample Size – Qualitative typically uses small, non-random, purposefully selected samples to gain in-depth insights while quantitative relies on larger, random samples to make generalizations.

Data Collection – Qualitative flexibly collects open-ended data through methods like interviews, focus groups, and observations. Quantitative collects closed-ended data through structured methods like questionnaires and experiments.

Analysis Goals – Qualitative aims to understand meanings, experiences and views through themes and descriptions. Quantitative aims to measure, compare and generalize through statistical relationships and inferences.

Analysis Process – Qualitative organizes, sorts and groups data deductively into categories and themes to find patterns. Quantitative subjects numeric data to mathematical operations and statistical modeling and tests to answer targeted hypotheses.

Results – Qualitative presents results descriptively using quotes, examples and illustrations. Quantitative presents results using statistical parameters like percentages, averages, correlations and significance levels.

Generalizability – Qualitative findings may not be generalized to populations but can provide insights for similar cases. Quantitative statistical results can be generalized to populations given an appropriate random sample.

Strengths – Qualitative is strong for exploring why and how phenomena occur from perspectives of participants. Quantitative precisely measures variables’ influence and determines statistical significance of relationships.

Weaknesses – Qualitative results depend on researchers’ interpretations and small samples limit generalizing. Quantitative cannot determine motivations or meanings underlying responses and lacks context of open-ended answers.

In research, a combination of both qualitative and quantitative approaches may provide a more complete understanding by offsetting each method’s limitations and allowing quantitative statistical analysis to be enriched by qualitative contextual insights. Choosing between the approaches depends on the specific research problem, question and desired outcome.


Docking bike-share systems require that bikes are returned to and picked up from fixed bike docking stations. These traditional bike-share systems have a set number of docking stations situated around the city or campus that are used to anchor the bikes. When a user rents a bike, they must pick it up from an open dock at one of these stations. Then, when finished with their trip, the user returns the bike to an open dock at any station throughout the system. The presence of physical docks helps manage the bikes and keeps them from being left haphazardly abandoned on sidewalks. It also means users must end their trip at a designated station, which reduces flexibility.

Dockless bike-share systems, on the other hand, do not require bikes to be docked at fixed stations. Instead, dockless bikes can essentially be parked anywhere within the service area once the user is done. This paradigm shifting approach gave rise to many new dockless bike and scooter-share startups in recent years. Rather than using physical docks, dockless bikes are typically unlocked via a smartphone app. Users find available bikes scattered throughout the city using GPS tracking on the app. Once finished, they simply lock the bike through the app and leave it parked safely out of the way. Subsequent users can then locate nearby available bikes on the app map.

While dockless systems provide greater flexibility in ending and starting trips anywhere, it also means bikes are not anchored to fixed infrastructure and can potentially be left blocking sidewalks if carelessly parked. Some cities struggled initially to manage the sudden influx of dockless bikes abandoned everywhere. Vendors have since worked to address this issue through technology, education, and fines. The GPS and IoT components allow dockless operators to monitor bikes in real-time and incentivize proper parking. Users can also be charged fees if bikes are improperly parked.

In terms of operations, docking systems require significant upfront infrastructure investment to install all the stations. Maintaining and rebalancing empty docks is simpler since the hardware anchors the bikes. Dockless fleets, on the other hand, avoid infrastructure costs but operations are more complex. Staff must roam service areas everyday to redistribute bikes as needed from high-demand to low-demand zones based on usage patterns and parking demand. Tech platforms play a bigger role in fleet management through automated rebalancing optimizations. When improperly parked, dockless bikes also require manpower to retrieve and reposition correctly.

User experience also differs subtly between the two models. With docking systems, finding and accessing bikes is hassle-free since they are stationed permanently. Users must end trips at designated spots which reduces spontaneous flexibility. Dockless systems give maximum flexibility to start and end wherever, but finding available bikes nearby depends on how well distributed the fleet is by operators. Stations also provide some weather protection for docking bikes compared to fully exposed parking with dockless.

From a business operations perspective, docking bike-shares incur initial infrastructure costs but avoid complex fleet balancing requirements afterward. Dockless saves on these upfront station expenditures while rebalancing logistics are an ongoing cost. Overall success depends on how efficiently operators can redistribute high-demand stock to serve spontaneous local demand throughout the day. Bike and scooter condition maintenance is also more intensive for dockless fleets left exposed outdoors at all times.

Both docking and dockless bike-share systems have their own unique advantages and challenges to consider. Docking prioritizes a consistent user experience and fleet management through fixed infrastructure anchors. Dockless maximizes flexibility at the cost of more dynamic distributed operations. As technology and regulations continue improving dockless management, the two models may start to further converge withHybrid approaches incorporating elements of both. The best solution depends on local conditions, policies, resources and goals of each community transportation network.