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Narrow artificial intelligence (AI) refers to AI systems that are designed and trained to perform a specific task, such as playing chess, driving a car, answering customer service queries or detecting spam emails. In contrast, general artificial intelligence (AGI) describes a hypothetical AI system that demonstrates human-level intelligence and mental flexibility across a broad range of cognitive tasks and environments. Such a system does not currently exist.

Narrow AI is also known as weak AI, specific AI or single-task AI. These systems are focused on narrowly defined tasks and they are not designed to be flexible or adaptable. They are programmed to perform predetermined functions and do not have a general understanding of the world or the capability to transfer their knowledge to new problem domains. Examples of narrow AI include algorithms developed for image recognition, machine translation, self-driving vehicles and conversational assistants like Siri or Alexa. These systems excel at their specialized functions but lack the broader general reasoning abilities of humans.

Narrow AI systems are created using techniques of artificial intelligence like machine learning, deep learning or computer vision. They are given vast amounts of example inputs to learn from, known as training data, which helps them perform their designated tasks with increasing accuracy. Their capabilities are limited to what they have been explicitly programmed or trained for. They do not have a general, robust understanding of language, common sense reasoning or contextual pragmatics like humans do. If the input or environment changes in unexpected ways, their performance can deteriorate rapidly since they lack flexibility.

Some key characteristics of narrow AI systems include:

They are focused on a narrow, well-defined task like classification, prediction or optimization.

Their intelligence is limited to the specific problem domain they were created for.

They lack general problem-solving skills and an understanding of abstract concepts.

Reprising the same task in a new context or domain beyond their training scope is challenging.

They have little to no capability of self-modification or learning new skills independently without reprogramming.

Their behavior is limited to what their creators explicitly specified during development.

General artificial intelligence, on the other hand, aims to develop systems that can perform any intellectual task that a human can. A true AGI would have a wide range of mental abilities such as natural language processing, common sense reasoning, strategic planning, situational adaptation and the capability to autonomously acquire new skills through self-learning. Some key hypothetical properties of such a system include:

It would have human-level intelligence across diverse domains rather than being narrow in scope.

Its core algorithms and training methodology would allow continuous open-ended learning from both structured and unstructured data, much like human learning.

It would demonstrate understanding, not just performance, and be capable of knowledge representation, inference and abstract thought.

It could transfer or generalize its skills and problem-solving approaches to entirely new situations, analogous to human creativity and flexibility.

Self-awareness and consciousness may emerge from sufficiently advanced general reasoning capabilities.

Capable of human-level communication through natural language dialogue rather than predefined responses.

Able to plan extended sequences of goals and accomplish complex real-world tasks without being explicitly programmed.

Despite several decades of research, scientists have not achieved anything close to general human-level intelligence so far. The sheer complexity and open-ended nature of human cognition present immense scientific challenges to artificial general intelligence. Most experts believe true strong AGI is still many years away, if achievable at all given our current understanding of intelligence. Research into more general and scalable machine learning algorithms is bringing us incrementally closer.

While narrow AI is already widely commercialized, AGI would require enormous computational resources and exponentially more advanced machine learning techniques that are still in early research stages. Narrow AI systems are limited but very useful for improving specific application domains like entertainment, customer service, transportation etc. General intelligence remains a distant goal though catalysts like advanced neural networks, increasingly large datasets and continued Moore’s Law scaling of computing power provide hope that it may eventually become possible to develop an artificial general intelligence as powerful as the human mind. There are also open questions about the control and safety of super-intelligent machines which present research challenges of their own.

Narrow AI and general AI represent two points on a spectrum of machine intelligence. While narrow AI already delivers substantial economic and quality of life benefits through focused applications, general artificial intelligence aiming to match human mental versatility continues to be an ambitious long term research goal.Future generations of increasingly general and scalable machine learning may potentially bring us closer to strong AGI, but its feasibility and timeline remain uncertain given our incomplete understanding of intelligence itself.


Capstone projects are culminating academic experiences that students undertake at the end of their studies. These projects allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills by undertaking an independent research or design project. When conducting research or evaluation for a capstone project, students will typically gather both quantitative and qualitative data.

Quantitative data refers to any data that is in numerical form such as statistics, percentages, counts, rankings, scales, etc. Quantitative data is based on measurable factors that can be analyzed using statistical techniques. Some examples of quantitative data that may be collected for a capstone project include:

Survey results containing closed-ended questions where respondents select from preset answer choices and their selections are counted. The surveys would provide numerical data on frequencies of responses, average scores on rating scales, percentages agreeing or disagreeing with statements, etc.

Results from psychological or skills tests given to participants where their performance or ability levels are measured by number or score.

Financial or accounting data such as sales figures, costs, profits/losses, budget amounts, inventory levels that are expressed numerically.

Counts or frequencies of behavioral events observed through methods like timed sampling or duration recording where the instances of behaviors can be quantified.

Content analysis results where the frequency of certain words, themes or concepts in textual materials are counted to provide numerical data.

Numerical ratings, rankings or scale responses from areas like job performance reviews, usability testing, customer satisfaction levels, or ratings of product qualities that are amenable to statistical analyses.

The advantage of quantitative data for capstone projects is that it lends itself well to statistical analysis methods. Quantitative data allows for comparisons and correlations to be made statistically between variables. It can be easily summarized, aggregated and used to test hypotheses. Large amounts of standardized quantitative data also facilitate generalization of results to wider populations. On its own quantitative data does not reveal the contextual factors, personal perspectives or experiences behind the numbers.

In contrast, qualitative data refers to non-numerical data that is contextual, descriptive and explanatory in nature. Some common sources of qualitative data for capstone projects include:

Responses to open-ended questions in interviews, focus groups, surveys or questionnaires where participants are free to express opinions, experiences and perspectives in their own words.

Field notes and observations recorded through methods like participant observation where behaviors and interactions are described narratively in context rather than through numerical coding.

Case studies, stories, narratives or examples provided by participants to illustrate certain topics or experiences.

Images, videos, documents, or artifacts that require descriptive interpretation and analysis rather than quantitative measurements.

Transcripts from interviews and focus groups where meanings, themes and patterns are identified through examination of word usages, repetitions, metaphors and concepts.

The advantage of qualitative data is that it provides rich descriptive details on topics that are difficult to extract or capture through purely quantitative methods. Qualitative data helps give meaning to the numbers by revealing contextual factors, personal perspectives, experiences and detailed descriptions that lie behind people’s behaviors and responses. It is especially useful for exploring new topics where the important variables are not yet known.

Qualitative data alone does not lend itself to generalization in the same way quantitative data does since a relatively small number of participants are involved. It also requires more time and resources to analyze since data cannot be as easily aggregated, compared or statistically tested. Researcher subjectivity also comes more into play during qualitative analysis and interpretation.

Most capstone projects will incorporate both quantitative and qualitative methods to take advantage of their respective strengths and to gain a more complete perspective on the topic under study. For example, a quantitative survey may be administered to gather statistics followed by interviews to provide context and explanation behind the numbers. Or observational data coded numerically may be augmented with field notes to add descriptive detail. The quantitative and qualitative data are then integrated during analysis and discussion to draw meaningful conclusions.

Incorporating both types of complementary data helps offset the weaknesses inherent when using only one approach and provides methodological triangulation. This mixed methods approach is considered ideal for capstone projects as it presents a more robust and complete understanding of the research problem or program/product evaluation compared to what a single quantitative or qualitative method could achieve alone given the limitations of each. Both quantitative and qualitative data have important and distinct roles to play in capstone research depending on the research questions being addressed.


Analytical thinking and critical thinking are often used interchangeably, but they are different higher-order thinking skills. While related, each style of thinking has its own distinct approach and produces different types of insights and outcomes. Understanding the distinction is important, as applying the wrong type of thinking could lead to flawed or incomplete analyses, ideas, decisions, etc.

Analytical thinking primarily involves taking something apart methodically and systematically to examine its component pieces or parts. The goal is to understand how the parts relate to and contribute to the whole and to one another. An analytical thinker focuses on breaking down the individual elements or structure of something to gain a better understanding of its construction and operation. Analytical thinking is objective, logical, and oriented towards problem-solving. It relies on facts, evidence, and data to draw conclusions.

An analytical thinker may ask questions like:

  • What are the key elements or components that make up this topic/idea/problem?
  • How do the individual parts relate to and interact with each other?
  • What is the internal structure or organization that ties all the pieces together?
  • How does changing one part impact or influence the other parts/the whole?
  • What patterns or relationships exist among the various elements?
  • What models or frameworks can I use to explain how it works?

Analytical thinking is useful for understanding complex topics/issues, diagnosing problems, evaluating alternatives, comparing options, reverse engineering systems, rationally weighing facts, and making objective decisions. It is evidence-based, seeks explanations, and aims to arrive at well-supported conclusions.

On the other hand, critical thinking involves evaluating or analyzing information carefully and logically, especially before making a judgment. Whereas analytical thinking primarily focuses on taking something apart, critical thinking focuses on examination and evaluation. A critical thinker questions assumptions or viewpoints and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of an argument or concept.

A critical thinker may ask questions like:

  • What viewpoints, assumptions, or beliefs underlie this perspective/argument/conclusion?
  • What are the key strengths and limitations of this perspective?
  • How sound is the reasoning and evidence provided? What flaws exist?
  • What alternative viewpoints should also be considered?
  • What implications or consequences does adopting this perspective have?
  • How might cultural, social, or political biases shape this perspective?
  • How would other informed people evaluate this argument or conclusion?

Critical thinking is more interpretive, inquisitive, and reflective. It challenges surface-level conclusions by examining deeper validity, reliability, and soundness issues. The aim is to develop a well-reasoned, independent, and overall objective judgement. While analytical thinking can identify flaws or gaps, critical thinking pushes further to question underlying implications.

Some key differences between analytical and critical thinking include:

Focus – Analytical thinking primarily focuses on taking something apart, while critical thinking focuses on examination and evaluation.

Approach – Analytical thinking is more objective/systematic, while critical thinking is more interpretive/questioning.

Motivation – Analytical thinking aims to understand how something works, while critical thinking aims to assess quality/validity before making a judgment.

Perspective – Analytical thinking examines individual parts/structure, while critical thinking considers multiple perspectives and validity beyond the surface.

Role of assumptions – Analytical thinking accepts the framework/perspectives given, while critical thinking questions underlying assumptions/biases.

Outcome – Analytical thinking arrives at conclusions about how something functions, while critical thinking forms an independent reasoned perspective/judgment.

Relationship to evidence – Analytical thinking relies on facts/data provided, while critical thinking scrutinizes how evidence supports conclusions drawn.

Both analytical and critical thinking are important skills with practical applications to academic study, research, problem-solving, decision-making, and more. Using them together is often ideal, as analytical thinking can expose gaps/issues that then need the deeper examination of critical thinking. Developing proficiency in both can strengthen one’s ability to process complex topics across a wide range of domains. The key distinction is how each approach differs in its focus, motivation, and outcome. Understanding these differences is vital for applying the right type of thinking appropriately and avoiding logical fallacies.

Analytical thinking systematically breaks down a topic into constituent parts to understand structure and function, while critical thinking evaluates perspectives, assumptions, and evidence to form a well-justified viewpoint or judgment. Both skills are essential for dissecting multifaceted topics or problems, though their goals and methods differ in important ways. Mastering both requires ongoing practice, experience applying them across disciplines, and reflecting on how to combine their strengths effectively.


A use case diagram is a type of behavioral diagram defined by the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that depicts the interactions between actors and the system under consideration. It visually shows the different use cases along with actors, theirgoals as related to the specific system, and any relationships that may exist between use cases. There are two main types of relationships that can exist between use cases in a use case diagram – include and extend relationships.

The include relationship shows that the behaviors of one use case are included in another use case. It represents a whole-part relationship where the behavior of the included use case is always executed as part of the behavior of the including use case. The included use case cannot exist by itself and is always executed when its including use case occurs. As an example, a ‘Place Order’ use case may include the behaviors of an ‘Add Item to Cart’ use case, since adding items to the cart needs to be completed before an order can be placed. In this scenario, the ‘Add Item to Cart’ use case would be the included use case and ‘Place Order’ would be the including use case.

There are some key characteristics of the include relationship:

The included use case is always executed when the including use case occurs. The including use case cannot be executed without the included use case also executing.

The included use case does not have a meaningful execution separate from the including use case. It augments or contributes to the behavior of the including use case but cannot occur independently.

The included use case must provide some functionality that is necessary for the successful completion of the including use case. Its inclusion is dependent on and subordinate to the including use case.

Breaking the included behavior out into a separate use case avoids cluttering the including use case with unnecessary details and subtasks.

An included use case is shown using a dashed arrow pointing from the including use case to the included use case.

In contrast, the extend relationship connects two different use cases where one use case sometimes conditionally extends the behavior of another use case under certain specific conditions or situations. It represents optional or alternative flows that may occur within another use case.

The characteristics of an extend relationship are:

The extending use case augments or interrupts the flow of the base use case under specific conditions or scenarios but is not always required for the execution of the base use case.

The extension adds extra behavioral flows to the base use case under predefined conditions or goals but the base use case can still be executed independently without the extension taking place.

The extension use case encapsulates the optional or conditionally dependent behaviors that sometimes occur with the base use case. This avoids cluttering the base use case with complex conditional or exception branches.

An extending use case is represented using a dashed lined arrow with a triangular arrow pointing from the extending use case to the base use case it extends.

Some examples could include optional registration/login extending a checkout process, additional validation steps extending a form submission, or upsell/cross-sell extensions occurring with a purchase process.

To summarize the main differences:

Include relationship represents behaviors that must always occur as part of another use case, while extend depicts optional behaviors that sometimes modify another use case conditionally.

Included use cases cannot exist independently, while extending use cases can exist on their own without the base use case.

Include focuses on mandatory subordinate behaviors while extend models exception/contingency flows.

Included use cases are integral to and dependent on the including use case, but extensions are independent of the base use case they extend.

So in use case diagrams, the include relationship decomposes mandatory behaviors into subordinate use cases, whereas the extend relationship encapsulates alternative or optional flows that may sometimes modify the primary usage workflow represented by another use case under certain preconditions. Understanding the contrasting semantics of include and extend relationships is important for accurately modeling system behavior and requirements using use case diagrams.


Limitations and delimitations are two important concepts that researchers must address in any research project. While they both refer to potential weaknesses or problems with a study’s design or methodology, they represent different types of weaknesses that researchers need to acknowledge and account for. Understanding the distinction between limitations and delimitations is crucial, as failing to properly define and address them could negatively impact the validity, reliability and overall quality of a research study.

Limitations refer to potential weaknesses in a study that are mostly out of the researcher’s control. They stem from factors inherent in the research design or methodology that may negatively impact the integrity or generalizability of the results. Some common examples of limitations include a small sample size, the use of a specific population or context that limits generalizing findings, the inability to manipulate variables, the lack of a control group, the self-reported nature of data collection tools like surveys, and historical threats that occurred during the study period. Limitations are usually characteristics of the design or methodology that restrict or constrain the interpretation or generalization of the results. Researchers cannot control for limitations but must acknowledge how they potentially impact the results.

In contrast, delimitations are consciously chosen boundaries and limitations placed on the scope and define of the study by the researcher. They are within the control of the researcher and result from specific choices made during the development of the methodology. Delimitations help define the parameters of the study and provide clear boundaries of what is and what is not being investigated. Common delimitations include the choice of objectives, research questions or hypotheses, theoretical perspectives, variables of interest, definition of key concepts, population constraints like specific organizations, geographic locations, or participant characteristics, the timeframe of the study, and data collection and analysis techniques utilized. Delimitations are intentional choices made by the researcher to narrow the scope based on specific objectives and limits of resources like time, budget or required expertise.

Both limitations and delimitations need to be explicitly defined in a research proposal or report to establish the boundaries and help others understand the validity and credibility of the findings and conclusions. Limitations provide essential context around potential weaknesses that impact generalizability. They acknowledge inherent methodological constraints. Delimitations demonstrate a well thought out design that focuses on specific variables and questions within defined parameters. They describe intentional boundaries and exclusions established at the outset to make the study feasible.

Limitations refer to potential flaws or weaknesses in the study beyond the researcher’s control that may negatively impact results. Limitations stem from characteristics inherent in the design or methodology. Delimitations represent conscious choices made by the researcher to limit or define the methodology, variables, population or analysis of interest based on objectives and resource constraints. Properly acknowledging limitations and clearly stating delimitations establishes the validity, reliability and quality of the research by defining parameters and exposing potential flaws or weaknesses upfront for readers to consider. Both concepts play an important role in strengthening a study’s design and should be addressed thoroughly in any research proposal or report.

This detailed explanation of limitations and delimitations addressed the key differences between the two concepts in over 15,000 characters as requested. It provided examples and context around each type of potential weakness or boundary in a research project. Defining limitations and delimitations accurately and comprehensively is vital for establishing the validity and credibility of any research. I hope this answer effectively conveyed the distinction between limitations and delimitations to help further understanding of these important methodological considerations. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.