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There are several major challenges faced in implementing carbon sequestration techniques on a large scale. One of the biggest challenges is the cost associated with capturing and storing carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology is currently very expensive to deploy, requiring significant capital investments in new infrastructure and equipment. The cost of capturing CO2 from large industrial sources like power plants or cement factories can add over 30-100% to the cost of electricity depending on the source and capture technology used. Transportation and storage of large volumes of compressed CO2 also require new pipeline networks or shipping infrastructure which drive up costs further. According to estimates, CCS may need to be implemented on over 5000 large facilities globally to make a sizeable dent in emissions, requiring trillions of dollars in investments. Achieving economy of scale to drastically bring down costs is a major hurdle for commercial and widespread deployment of CCS.

Reliably and safely storing carbon dioxide underground for very long durations, potentially hundreds or thousands of years, poses significant technical challenges. Suitable geological sites need to be identified which have appropriate rock formations with adequate porosity to safely immobilize vast volumes of compressed supercritical CO2 without any risk of leakage back into the atmosphere. Extensive site characterization studies are necessary to understand storage capacity, geomechanics, fluid flow dynamics etc. Monitoring stored CO2 plumes and ensuring no migration or leakages over millennial timescales requires ongoing observations, which also drive up costs. Permanent sequestration security is difficult to guarantee scientifically, with unknown risks from unforeseen geological changes or human intrusions centuries from now. Public acceptance of underground carbon storage also remains weak due to concerns over potential health, environmental or safety risks from future CO2 leaks.

Utilizing captured carbon for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations, whereby CO2 is injected into aging oil fields to displace more oil, can improve the economics of CCS to some extent. However, EOR potential is limited by available declining oil fields, with only a fraction of stored CO2 volumes likely to be used this way. Most storage would still require long term geological sequestration without EOR benefits. Lack of existing CO2 transport infrastructure also hampers wider EOR deployment as pipelines need to be laid connecting capture facilities to faraway oil basins. Even with EOR the fundamental challenge of high upfront costs for carbon capture remains unsolved.

Large scale utilization of carbon in products and fuels also faces many challenges compared to geological storage or EOR. Technologies are currently at early stages of development and tend to be small-scale. Captured CO2 has to compete with abundant natural carbon sources for product synthesis. Economic viability at scale against alternatives like renewable energy is uncertain. The carbon dioxide would essentially be circulating in intermediate products before eventual release back to the atmosphere over time. Permanent long term storage targets are harder to achieve compared to underground geological solutions.

Land requirements for important carbon farming and forestry based sequestration techniques can also conflict with pressures on agricultural lands to meet growing food demands. Reliance on biological carbon removal faces significant uncertainties due to climate change impacts on forests and crops. Permanence of terrestrial storage is less guaranteed compared to geological solutions as stored carbon can be re-emitted by processes like forest fires or decomposition after harvesting. Large boosts in annual carbon removal are difficult by these means alone.

Overcoming these various technical, economic, social and environmental challenges is crucial for widespread adoption of carbon sequestration and management of greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Major research and development investments over long periods will be required to significantly bring down costs while assuring safety, public confidence and scale of deployment needed to impact the climate crisis through carbon dioxide removal strategies. Global collaboration on shared technological and infrastructure solutions may help expedite progress, but uncertainties and risks are inevitably high especially given the urgency of climate mitigation needs over the next few decades according to scientific assessments. Carbon sequestration offers potential opportunities but has a very long way to go before being deployed at scales necessary for climate stabilization goals.

High costs, technical and safety uncertainties of long term storage, limited utilisation/storage options, land constraints, permanence issues and lack of infrastructure are some of the major implementation challenges faced for carbon sequestration methods today. Overcoming performance barriers, gaining public trust and deploying at gigatonne scales annually present immense obstacles that will require focused global efforts spanning generations to achieve. The climate problem’s severity and solutions’ complexity therefore demand immediate action along with ongoing improvements in cost, scale and approach to carbon management through technological and wider socio-economic transformation.


One of the major potential challenges in implementing AI in healthcare is ensuring the privacy and security of patient data. Healthcare datasets contain incredibly sensitive personal information like medical records, diagnosis histories, images, genetic sequences, and more. If this data is used to train AI systems, it introduces risks around how that data is collected, stored, accessed, and potentially re-identified if it was to be breached or leaked. Strong legal and technical safeguards would need to be put in place to ensure patient data privacy and bring confidence to patients that their information is being properly protected according to regulations like HIPAA.

Related to data privacy is the issue of data bias. If the data used to train AI systems reflects biases in the real world, those biases could potentially be learned and reinforced by the AI. For example, if a medical imaging dataset is skewed towards images of certain demographics and does not represent all patient populations, the AI may perform poorly on under-represented groups. Ensuring healthcare data used for AI reflects the true diversity of patients is important to avoid discrimination and help deliver equitable, unbiased care. Techniques like fair machine learning need to be utilized.

Gaining trust and acceptance from both medical professionals and patients will also be a major challenge. There is understandable skepticism that needs to be overcome regarding whether AI can really be helpful, harmless, and honest. Extensive testing and validation of AI systems will need to show they perform at least as well as doctors in making accurate diagnoses and treatment recommendations. Standards also need to be established around how transparent, explainable and accountable the AI’s decisions are. Doctors and patients will need confidence that AI arrives at its conclusions in reasonable, clearly justified ways before widely adopting and relying on such technology in critical healthcare contexts.

The rate of advance in medical research also poses a challenge for AI. Healthcare knowledge and best practices are constantly evolving as new studies are published, treatments approved, and guidelines developed. AI systems trained on past data may struggle to keep up with this rapid pace of new information without frequent retraining. Developing AI that can effectively leverage the latest available evidence and continuously learn from new datasets will be important so the technology does not become quickly outdated. Techniques like transfer learning and continual learning need advancement to address this issue.

Limited availability and high cost of annotated healthcare data is another challenge. The detailed, complex data needed to effectively train advanced AI systems comes at a cost of human time, effort and domain expertise to properly label and curate. While datasets in other domains like images already contain millions of annotated examples, similar sized medical datasets are scarce. This limitation can slow progress and hinder the ability to develop highly specialized models for different diseases, body systems or medical specialties. Innovations in data annotation tools and crowdsourcing approaches may help address this constraint over time.

Interoperability between different healthcare providers, systems and technologies is also a concern. For AI to truly enable more integrated, holistic care, there needs to be agreements on common data standards and the ability to seamlessly share and aggregate information across disparate databases, applications and equipment. Ensuring AI systems can leverage structured and unstructured data from any source requires significant work on issues like semantic interoperability, terminology mapping and distributed data management – all while maintaining privacy and security. Lack of integration could result in suboptimal, fragmented AI only useful within limited clinical contexts.

Determining reimbursement and business models for AI in healthcare delivery represents another challenge. For AI to become widely adopted, stakeholders need convincing use cases that demonstrate clear return on investment or cost savings. Measuring the impact and value of AI, especially for applications enhancing clinical decision support or improving longitudinal health outcomes, is complex. Finding accepted frameworks for quantifying AI’s benefits that satisfy both providers and payers will need attention to ensure technology deployment moves forward.

While AI has tremendous potential to advance healthcare if implemented appropriately, there are also many technical, scientific, social and economic barriers that require careful consideration and ongoing effort to address. A balanced, multi-stakeholder approach focused on privacy, ethics, transparency, interoperability and demonstrating value will be important for overcoming these challenges to ultimately bring the benefits of AI to patients. Only by acknowledging both the opportunities and risks can the technology be developed and applied responsibly in service of improving people’s health and lives.


Baker’s Dozen will face challenges with executing their plan to expand into 5 new locations within the next two years. Rapid expansion comes with many risks that could threaten the success of the business if not properly managed. First, they will need to ensure they have the financial resources and access to capital to fund the buildout of the new locations. Significant capital expenditures will be required for commercial real estate, equipment, supplies, and hiring new staff. If growth is too aggressive and costs are underestimated, it could strain the company’s cash flows and profitability.

Second, finding and securing high quality retail spaces in prime locations will be difficult. Commercial real estate, especially for food-based businesses, is very competitive. It may take time to locate the right spaces that meet their criteria of size, visibility, traffic patterns, and demographics. Lease negotiations could also prove challenging if market demand is high. Temporary delays in opening new locations would put them off pace from their expansion goals.

Third, ramping up operations and support functions to scale with the increased size of the business poses operational risks. Hiring and training qualified managers and staff for the new locations will be a human resources challenge. Ensuring consistent quality, service standards and culture across a larger footprint is difficult without institutionalized processes, training programs and oversight functions in place. Supply chain and inventory management systems would also need to be upgraded. Issues like understaffing, poor training or weak oversight could temporarily impact the customer experience as new locations launch.

Fourth, expanding into new markets requires caution. Demand may not be as strong or customer preferences different than existing markets. Surveys, focus groups and test markets could help reduce these risks but do not guarantee success in every new area. Selecting the right high potential markets based on demographics, density and competition is important. Entering regions where the brand is unknown brings marketing challenges to build awareness and trial among new customers. Initial sales could be lower than projections if the market potential is underestimated.

Fifth, keeping a consistent brand image and customer experience across both existing and new locations is a brand management challenge. As new territories and managers are onboarded, maintaining standardized operating procedures, product quality, store layouts, cleanliness and service levels requires significant effort. Customers familiar with one location may be disappointed by small differences in another location. Rapid growth can also temporarily strain a company’s ability to enforce consistent controls and monitor performance across a larger footprint. Identifying and mitigating differences quickly is important to protect the brand.

Sixth, competition is a threat to any expansion effort. The baked goods industry has low barriers to entry, so new competitors could emerge in targeted growth markets. Customers may choose alternatives, particularly if awareness of Baker’s Dozen is still developing in new territories. Pricing strategies need to balance growth objectives with competitive pressures. Aggressive promotion and campaigns would be needed to gain trial among customers with many choices. Market share gains are not guaranteed and performance could come in below projections if competitive responses are underestimated.

Seventh, retaining key talent as the organization grows larger is difficult but important for continuity. High performing managers, bakers and customer-facing staff are critical to executing the expansion effort and maintaining standards. Rapid growth may outpace the supply of qualified workers, requiring training of new and less experienced staff. Keeping compensation, training programs and culture engaging as the business scales will be important to retaining top performers in both existing and new roles. Staff turnover during expansion could disrupt operations if not appropriately managed.

Executing ambitious expansion comes with several risks that must be effectively managed to ensure the strategic plan’s success. Baker’s Dozen will need strong leadership, governance, operational excellence and financial flexibility to navigate these potential challenges as they undertake aggressive growth. With the right resources, strategies and controls, they can mitigate threats to their business and take advantage of new market opportunities. They must be prepared for potential issues that rapid expansion could introduce and be ready to respond quickly if problems arise.


One of the biggest challenges is understanding customer needs and behaviors. Customers are changing rapidly due to new technologies and evolving preferences. Telcos need deep customer insights to understand why customers churn and what would make them stay loyal. Gaining these insights can be difficult due to the large number of customers and complexity of factors affecting churn. Customers may not be transparent about their reasons for leaving. Telcos need to invest in advanced analytics of internal customer data as well as external industry data to develop a comprehensive perspective.

Implementing effective retention programs is another major challenge. Telcos have to choose the right mix of offers, incentives, engagement strategies etc. that appeal to different customer segments. Custom retention programs require substantial planning and testing before rollout. There are also ongoing efforts needed to optimize the programs based on customer response. It is difficult to get this right given the dynamic nature of the industry and customers. Retention programs also increase operational costs. Telcos need to ensure the cost of retaining customers is lower than the revenue lost from churn.

Lack of collaboration across departments also hampers churn reduction initiatives. While the customer service department may be focused on retention, other departments like sales, marketing, product management etc. are not always fully aligned to this objective. Silos within the organization can work against cohesive customer strategies. Telcos need to break down internal barriers and establish collaborative processes that put the customer at the center. This requires culture change and holds organizations accountable for collective churn goals.

In highly competitive markets, customer acquisition becomes a top priority for telcos compared to retention. Heavy focus on attracting new customers through promotions, incentives can distract from implementing robust retention programs. It is challenging for telcos to strike the right balance between the two objectives and ensure adequate weightage to both. Decision making gets split between short term goals of customer addition versus long term value from customer lifecycle management.

Technical and infrastructure limitations of telcos can also undermine churn reduction initiatives. For instance, legacy billing systems may not be equipped to handle complex pricing plans, discounts and retention offers in an agile manner. Outdated customer facing portals and apps fail to offer integrated and personalized experiences. Network glitches continue to be a pain point lowering customer satisfaction. Addressing these challenges requires telcos to make ongoing IT and network modernization investments which have long gestation periods and returns.

Winning back prior customers who have already churned (win-backs) is another important aspect of retention that requires nuanced approach. Telcos need to tread carefully because coming across as desperate may damage brand image. Implementing precision marketing programs targeting the right win-back prospects with right offers at the right time is a data and analytics intensive exercise. It needs specialized processes that view ex-customers differently from prospects or existing customers.

Partnership programs between telcos also pose retention challenges. For example, MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) partnerships allow telcos to expand subscriber base but create complicated multi-party scenarios impacting customer experience, pricing and promotions. Churn in one entity impacts others and troubleshooting becomes that much more difficult due to joint ownership of customers and interconnected systems. Similar issues emerge in international roaming partnerships as well. Cross-functional co-ordination is critical to success but adds multiple layers of complexity.

Addressing regulatory aspects relating to churn also tests telcos. In many regions, stringent customer lock-in and contract exit fee regulations have been brought in to safeguard consumer interests from aggressive retention practices. This shifts the playing field against telcos. They need to find innovative legal and compliant retention strategies without overstepping boundaries. Regulatory norms around porting numbers, data portability, interconnection programs further impact overall churn equations. Telcos are challenged to orient their initiatives as per the dynamic regulatory dictates.

While churn reduction is imperative for long term sustainability and growth of telcos, it is one of the toughest goals to achieve consistently given the myriad internal and external challenges. Overcoming these requires telcos to make churn a strategic priority, invest in deep customer understanding, empower collaborative multi-disciplinary efforts, continually modernize networks and IT systems along with pursuing regulated compliance-oriented initiatives. Effective execution demands careful planning, agile optimization and balancing short and long term priorities to deliver value to customers as well as shareholders.


One of the major challenges in adopting AI technologies in banking and finance is getting the required data in sufficient volumes and quality to train complex machine learning models. The financial services industry handles highly sensitive customer data related to transactions, investments, loans etc. Banking regulations like GDPR impose strict rules around how customer data can be collected and used. Getting the consent of customers to use their transaction data for training AI systems at scale is a big hurdle. Historical internal banking data may not always be complete, standardized or labeled properly for machine training. Cleansing, anonymizing and preparing large datasets for AI takes significant effort.

Another challenge is integrating AI systems with legacy infrastructure. Most banks have decades old mainframe and database systems that still handle their core functions. These legacy systems were not designed to support advanced AI capabilities. Connecting new AI platforms to retrieve, process and feed insights back into existing operational workflows requires extensive custom software development and infrastructure upgrades. Testing the integrated system at scale without disrupting live operations further increases costs and risks of implementation.

Hiring and retaining skilled talent to develop, manage and maintain advanced AI systems is also difficult for banks and financial firms. There is a worldwide shortage of professionals with deep expertise in fields like machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. Competing with well-funded technology companies for top tier talent makes it challenging for banks to build dedicated in-house AI teams. The highly specialized skill sets required for building explainable and accurate AI further reduce the potential talent pool. High attrition rates also increase employment and training costs.

Ensuring explainability, transparency, accountability and auditability of automated decisions made by “black-box” AI algorithms is another major issue that limits responsible adoption of advanced technologies in banking. As AI systems make critical decisions that impact areas like loan approvals, investment recommendations and fraud detection, regulators expect banks to be able to explain the precise reasoning behind each determination. Complex deep learning models that excel at pattern recognition may fail to provide a logical step-by-step justification for their results. This can potentially reduce customer and regulator trust in AI-powered decisions. Trade-offs between performance and explainability pose difficult challenges.

Implementing advanced AI also requires significant upfront investments and long payback periods which discourage risk-averse banks and financial institutions. Costs related to data preparation, custom software development, AI infrastructure, specialized recruitment and ongoing management are huge. Clear business cases demonstrating ROI through quantifiable metrics like reduced costs, increased revenues or better risk management are needed to justify large AI budget proposals internally. Benefits accruing from initial AI projects may take years to materialize fully. Short-term thinking in the financial sector hinders committment of capital for disruptive initiatives like AI with long gestation periods.

Change management complexities is another hurdle as AI transformation impacts people, processes and culture within banks. Widespread AI adoption may cause jobs to be displaced or redefined. Employees need to be retrained which needs careful change management. AI also changes ways customers are engaged, supported and served. Gradual evolution versus big bang changes and addressing organizational inertia, biases and anxieties around new technologies requires nuanced change leadership. Overcoming resistance to change at different levels hampers smooth AI transitions in banks.

Data sovereignty and localization laws further complicate deployment of advanced AI capabilities for global banks. Countries impose their own rules around where customer data can be stored, processed and who has access. Building AI solutions that comply with diverse and sometimes conflicting international regulations significantly increases costs and fragmentation. Lack of global standards impedes efficient scaling of AI policies, models and platforms. Geopolitical risks around certain technologies also create regulatory uncertainties. Navigating the complex legal and compliance landscape poses major administration overheads for international banks.

Key barriers in applying AI at scale across the banking and finance industry include – lack of high quality labeled data, integrating AI safely with legacy systems, finding and retaining specialized skills, ensuring transparent and trusted decision making capabilities, securing large upfront investments with long paybacks, managing organizational change effectively, and complying with diverse and evolving regulatory requirements globally. Prudent risk management is important while leveraging AI to tackle these multidimensional challenges and reap the promised benefits over time.