Tag Archives: limitations


Scalability is one of the major issues blockchains need to address. As the number of transactions increases on a blockchain, the network can experience slower processing times and higher costs. The Bitcoin network, for example, can only process around 7 transactions per second due to the limitations of the proof-of-work consensus mechanism. In comparison, Visa processes around 1,700 transactions per second on average. The computational requirements of mining or validating new blocks also increases linearly as more nodes participate. This poses scalability challenges for blockchains to support widespread mainstream adoption.

A related issue is high transaction fees during periods of heavy network usage. When the Bitcoin network faces high transaction volume, users have to pay increasingly higher miner fees to get their transactions confirmed in a timely manner. This is not practical or feasible for small payment transactions. Ethereum has faced similar issues of high gas prices during times of network congestion as well. Achieving higher scalability through techniques such as sidechains, sharded architectures, and optimization of consensus algorithms is an active area of blockchain research and development.

Another challenge is slow transaction confirmation times, particularly for proof-of-work based blockchains. On average, it takes Bitcoin around 10 minutes to add a new block to the chain and confirm transactions. Other blockchains have even longer block times. For applications requiring real-time or near real-time transaction capabilities, such as retail payments, these delays are unacceptable. Fast confirmation is critical for providing a seamless experience to users. Achieving both security and speed is difficult, requiring alternative protocol optimizations.

Privacy and anonymity are lacking in today’s public blockchain networks. While transactions are pseudonymous, transaction amounts, balances, and addresses are publicly viewable by anyone. This lack of privacy has hindered the adoption of blockchain in industries that deal with sensitive data like healthcare and finance. New protocols will need to offer better privacy-preserving technologies like zero-knowledge proofs and anonymous transactions in order to meet regulatory standards across jurisdictions. Significant research progress must still be made in this area.

Security of decentralized applications also continues to remain challenging, with bugs and vulnerabilities commonly exploited if not implemented properly. Smart contracts are prone to attacks like reentrancy bugs and race conditions if not thoroughly stress tested, audited and secured. As blockchains lack centralized governance, vulnerabilities may persist for extended periods. Developers will need to focus more on security best practices from the start when designing decentralized applications, and users educated on associated risks.

Environmental sustainability is a concern for energy-intensive blockchains employing proof-of-work. The massive computational power required for mining on PoW networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum results in significant electricity usage that contributes to carbon emissions on a global scale. Estimates show the Bitcoin network alone uses more electricity annually than some medium-sized countries. Transition to alternative consensus mechanisms that consume less energy is a necessity for mass adoption. Many alternatives are still in development stages, however, and have not proven equal security guarantees as PoW so far.

Cross-chain interoperability has also been challenging, limiting the ability to transfer value and data between different blockchain networks in a secure and scalable manner. Enabling easy integration of separate blockchain ecosystems, platforms and applications through cross-chain bridges and protocols will be required to drive multi-faceted real-world usage. Various protocols are being worked on, such as Cosmos, Polkadot and Ethereum 2.0, but overall interoperability remains at a nascent stage still requiring further innovation, experimentation and maturation.

Lack of technical expertise in the blockchain field has delayed adoption. Blockchain technology remains relatively new and unfamiliar even to developers. Training and expanding the talent pool skilled in blockchain development, as well as raising cybersecurity proficiency overall, will play a crucial role in addressing challenges around scalability, privacy, security and advancing the core protocols. Increased knowledge transfer to academic institutions and the open-source community worldwide can help boost the foundation for further blockchain progress.

While significant advancements have been made in blockchain technology since Bitcoin’s creation over a decade ago, there are still several limitations preventing mainstream adoption at scale across industries. Continuous innovation is crucial to address the challenges of scalability, privacy, security, and other roadblocks through next-generation protocols and consensus mechanisms. Collaboration between the academic research community and blockchain developers will be integral to realize blockchain’s full transformational potential.


The researchers acknowledged that sampling data from only one hospital and with a relatively small sample size of 250 patients were limitations of the study that could impact the generalizability and reliability of the results. To help address these limitations, the researchers took several steps in the design, data collection, and analysis phases of the project.

In the study design phase, the researchers chose the hospital purposely as it was a large, urban, academic medical center that served a racially, ethnically, and economically diverse patient population from both the local community as well as patient referrals from other areas. This helped make the sample more representative of the broader population beyond just the local community served by that single hospital. The researchers only included patients across all departments of the hospital rather than focusing on specific diagnosis or treatment areas to get a broad cross-section of overall hospital patients.

Regarding sample size, while 250 patients was not a massive sample, it was a sufficient size to conduct statistical analyses and identify meaningful trends according to power calculations conducted during the study design. Also, to supplement the quantitative survey data from patients, the researchers conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with 20 patients to gain deeper insights into experiences that larger-scale surveys alone may miss. Interviewing a subset of the sample allowed for a mixed-methods approach that provided richer contextual understanding to support the quantitative findings.

During data collection, the researchers took efforts to maximize the response rate and reduce non-response bias that are risks with smaller samples. For the patient surveys, research assistants were present on various hospital units at varying times of day to approach all eligible patients during their stays, rather than relying on mail-back surveys. Monetary incentives were also provided to encourage participation. The quantitative survey included demographic questions so the researchers could analyze response patterns and identify any subgroups that may have been underrepresented to help address missing data issues.

For analysis and reporting of results, the researchers were transparent about the limitations of sampling from a single site and small sample size. They did not overgeneralize or overstate the applicability of findings but rather framed results asexploratory and in need of replication. Statistical significance was set at a more stringent level of p<0.01 rather than the typical p<0.05 to increase confidence given the moderate sample. Qualitative interview data was used to provide context and nuanced explanation for quantitative results rather than being reported separately. The researchers also performed several supplementary analytical tests to evaluate potential sampling bias. They compared their participant demographics to hospital patient demographics overall as an indicator of representativeness. Response patterns by demographic group were examined for non-response bias. They randomly split the sample in half and ran parallel analyses on each half to verify consistency of identified associations and trends, rather than assuming results would replicate with an independent sample. In their write-up and discussion of limitations, the researchers clearly acknowledged the constraints of the single-site setting and sample size. They argued their intentional sampling approach, mixed-methods design, response maximization efforts, more rigorous analysis, and supplementary tests provided meaningful initial insights with results that lay the necessary groundwork for future replication studies with larger, multi-site samples before making conclusive generalizations. The transparency around limitations and implications for applicability of findings model best practices for rigorously addressing challenges inherent to pilot and feasibility studies. Through careful attention in their methodology and analysis, the researchers took important steps to offset the acknowledged issues that could arise from their relatively small, single-site sample. Their comprehensive approach set the stage to begin exploring meaningful trends while also recognizing the need for future replication. The study provides an example of how initial feasibility research can be conducted and reported responsibly despite inherent sampling constraints.


Limitations and delimitations are two important concepts that researchers must address in any research project. While they both refer to potential weaknesses or problems with a study’s design or methodology, they represent different types of weaknesses that researchers need to acknowledge and account for. Understanding the distinction between limitations and delimitations is crucial, as failing to properly define and address them could negatively impact the validity, reliability and overall quality of a research study.

Limitations refer to potential weaknesses in a study that are mostly out of the researcher’s control. They stem from factors inherent in the research design or methodology that may negatively impact the integrity or generalizability of the results. Some common examples of limitations include a small sample size, the use of a specific population or context that limits generalizing findings, the inability to manipulate variables, the lack of a control group, the self-reported nature of data collection tools like surveys, and historical threats that occurred during the study period. Limitations are usually characteristics of the design or methodology that restrict or constrain the interpretation or generalization of the results. Researchers cannot control for limitations but must acknowledge how they potentially impact the results.

In contrast, delimitations are consciously chosen boundaries and limitations placed on the scope and define of the study by the researcher. They are within the control of the researcher and result from specific choices made during the development of the methodology. Delimitations help define the parameters of the study and provide clear boundaries of what is and what is not being investigated. Common delimitations include the choice of objectives, research questions or hypotheses, theoretical perspectives, variables of interest, definition of key concepts, population constraints like specific organizations, geographic locations, or participant characteristics, the timeframe of the study, and data collection and analysis techniques utilized. Delimitations are intentional choices made by the researcher to narrow the scope based on specific objectives and limits of resources like time, budget or required expertise.

Both limitations and delimitations need to be explicitly defined in a research proposal or report to establish the boundaries and help others understand the validity and credibility of the findings and conclusions. Limitations provide essential context around potential weaknesses that impact generalizability. They acknowledge inherent methodological constraints. Delimitations demonstrate a well thought out design that focuses on specific variables and questions within defined parameters. They describe intentional boundaries and exclusions established at the outset to make the study feasible.

Limitations refer to potential flaws or weaknesses in the study beyond the researcher’s control that may negatively impact results. Limitations stem from characteristics inherent in the design or methodology. Delimitations represent conscious choices made by the researcher to limit or define the methodology, variables, population or analysis of interest based on objectives and resource constraints. Properly acknowledging limitations and clearly stating delimitations establishes the validity, reliability and quality of the research by defining parameters and exposing potential flaws or weaknesses upfront for readers to consider. Both concepts play an important role in strengthening a study’s design and should be addressed thoroughly in any research proposal or report.

This detailed explanation of limitations and delimitations addressed the key differences between the two concepts in over 15,000 characters as requested. It provided examples and context around each type of potential weakness or boundary in a research project. Defining limitations and delimitations accurately and comprehensively is vital for establishing the validity and credibility of any research. I hope this answer effectively conveyed the distinction between limitations and delimitations to help further understanding of these important methodological considerations. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.


Liquid biopsy is a non-invasive approach to screening for cancer by analyzing blood samples to detect circulating tumor cells (CTCs), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), or extracellular vesicles that have been shed from tumors into the bloodstream. It holds promise as a way to monitor cancer recurrence and tumor evolution. Liquid biopsy also faces several key technical and biological challenges that currently limit its widespread clinical use for cancer screening.

One major limitation is that liquid biopsy has low tumor tissue sampling. Only a very small fraction of tumor DNA is released into the blood, usually measured in picograms per milliliter of blood. This makes the detection of genetic alterations and mutations challenging, as the tumor-derived DNA may only represent a tiny fraction of the total cell-free DNA in the blood. Improving the sensitivity and specificity of assays is an active area of research.

Another issue is heterogeneity within tumors. Cancer is known to be heterogeneous, with different mutations present in different regions of the same tumor. A blood draw may detect only a subset of the mutations if it samples DNA from just one or a few tumor sites. This could lead to false negatives if screening only detects common mutations but misses private mutations. Serial sampling may be needed over time to more fully characterize a tumor’s mutational profile.

Obtaining enough tumor-derived material for analysis is difficult in early-stage or small cancers that have not metastasized widely. Cells and DNA shed into the bloodstream may be below detectable levels if the primary tumor is localized and small in size. Liquid biopsy is generally better suited for later stage cancers with larger tumor burdens that shed more analyzable material systemically.

Distinguishing tumor-derived biomarkers from normal circulating components like cell-free DNA of non-tumor origin is challenging. Many genetic alterations detected may correspond to normal somatic mutations present at low levels in the blood even in healthy people. Statistical approaches are used to distinguish tumor signals from background noise.

The types and levels of circulating biomarkers can vary significantly between cancer types, tumor stages, and individual patients. No single benchmark has been established for what qualitatively or quantitatively indicates the presence of cancer. Patient-to-patient and disease variability complicate efforts to set universal detection thresholds.

Practical issues like sample preprocessing, storage and shipping logistics must be addressed. Proper protocols need to ensure collection tubes have sufficient preservatives, samples are centrifuged properly, and plasma is separated from whole blood within desired timeframes. Suboptimal handling can compromise analyte stability and test accuracy. Transportation logistics become more complex when specimens need relaying between multiple sites.

From a biological perspective, our understanding of tumor biology and answer release into the bloodstream remains incomplete. The dynamics of how, when and why certain cancers systematically disseminate or release biomarkers while others do not is still being uncovered. A more sophisticated grasp of these mechanisms could guide technical efforts like predicting optimal biomarker targets or sampling times.

Reimbursement policies also present hurdles since payers may consider liquid biopsy investigational until more definitive clinical utility data has been gathered in prospective trials. The cost-effectiveness of screening large populations is difficult to foresee without long term follow up on outcomes like morbidity or mortality.

While liquid biopsy is a transformative technology with significant potential, low tumor fractions in blood, tumor heterogeneity, variable shedding dynamics between cancers, differentiating signal from noise, standardizing platforms, and demonstrating clear management impacts remain areas that require ongoing research and validation. Technical improvements coupled with deeper biological insights may eventually help overcome many of these limitations to allow broader screening applications in the years ahead. But for now the technology remains better utilized monitoring known cancer patients rather than for general cancer screening of asymptomatic individuals. Continued progress is being made towards addressing the various challenges holding back clinical adoption.