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GitHub is a great platform to showcase your work and skills to potential employers. Here are some tips on leveraging GitHub effectively to highlight your capstone project:

Create a public repository for your project. This allows anyone, including recruiters and hiring managers, to view your project code and documentation without needing access. Within the repository, include a detailed README file that describes your project. Explain what problem/issue it addresses, the technologies used, major features, any lessons learned, and how someone could run it locally. Well documented code is important for employers to understand your development process.

Use appropriate organization and file naming within the repository. Maintain a clean, logical folder structure and give files descriptive names so someone unfamiliar can easily understand the purpose of each file at a glance. Proper code organization demonstrates good development practices. You may also include screenshots or demo videos of your project in use within the repository to help visualizers understand what it does without needing to run it locally.

Highlight technical skills and accomplishments through code and commit history. Employers will look through your code and commit history to evaluate your abilities. Use consistent commit messages to understand the development timeline. Comments within the code explaining choices made, solutions to problems, or areas for potential improvement allow evaluators to see your thought processes. They also indicate you code and commit regularly which shows dedication to learning and progressing your skills over time.

Consider including additional documentation beyond just code. For example, designing mockups or wireframes during planning, prototype documentation, project plan or schedule, list of requirements or user stories addressed, database schema, API documentation if applicable. Extra documents provide more context into your full development process beyond just the end product code. They highlight organizational and communication abilities valued by employers.

Customize the repository description and README to capture an employer’s attention. Include a brief high-level overview of the project that clearly conveys what problem it solves and for whom. Highlight any notable achievements, lessons learned or challenges overcome during development. Mention relevant technologies, libraries or frameworks used to complete it. Employers will scan descriptions to quickly understand If a project demonstrates skills or experience they seek.

Directly link to your GitHub profile and highlight capstone project on your resume and in applications. Recruiters may check your profiles to learn more about your work and validate claims made on resumes or in interviews. On your resume, include a dedicated section for the capstone project with a description and directly link to the GitHub repo. This makes it easy for employers to immediately see the project when reviewing your application.

Keep the repository and content up to date. Continue improving and adding features to the project and documenting enhancements in commit messages and changelogs. Demonstrating ongoing development beyond just school coursework indicates continued passion in the skills showcased. Employers want to see candidates who consistently progress themselves and don’t consider education the end of their learning. It also keeps the repository active, making it more likely to be discovered.

Use GitHub features like wikis, issues, projects to further showcase understanding. For example, maintain user documentation on a wiki, demonstrate project management skills through organized issues and projects boards. Comments on code from others validate skills and understanding and spark technical discussions that employers may discover. Interactions on GitHub provide additional context into how well you can explain and teach concepts, as well as work with others.

GitHub provides an excellent platform to highlight your full capstone project and development process through code, documentation and activity history in a easily discoverable manner for employers. With a well structured and regularly maintained public repository, recruiters and hiring managers can quickly understand your top skills and accomplishments. It allows technical evaluators to dig deeper and really assess your abilities through documented work rather than just resume claims. Leveraging GitHub effectively can give your capstone project and application that added edge to stand out from other candidates.


The first step in developing an evidence-based practice project is to identify a clinical problem or question. This could be something you’ve noticed as an issue in your daily practice, an area your organization wants to improve, or a topic suggested by best practice guidelines. It’s important to clearly define the problem and make sure it is actually a problem that needs to be addressed rather than just an area of curiosity.

Once you have identified the clinical problem or question, the next step is to conduct a thorough literature review and search for the best available evidence. You will want to search multiple databases like PubMed, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library. Be sure to use clinical keywords and controlled vocabulary from topics like MeSH when searching. Your initial search should be broad to get an overview followed by more focused searches to drill down on the most relevant literature. Your goal is to find the highest levels of evidence like systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials on your topic.

As you find relevant research, you will want to critically appraise the quality and validity of each study. Things to consider include sample size, potential for bias, appropriate statistical analysis, generalizability of findings, consistency with other literature on the topic, and other factors. Only high quality studies directly related to answering your question should be included. It is also important to analyze any inconsistencies between studies. You may find the need to reach out to subject matter experts during this process if you have questions.

With the highest quality evidence compiled, the next step is to synthesize the key findings. Look for common themes, consistent recommendations, major knowledge gaps, and other takeaways. This synthesis will help you determine the best evidence-based recommendations and strategies to address the identified clinical problem. Be sure to document your entire literature review and appraisal process including all sources used whether ultimately included or not.

Now you can begin developing your proposed evidence-based practice change based on your synthesis. Clearly state the recommendation, how it is supported by research evidence, and how it is expected to resolve or improve the identified clinical problem. You should also consider any potential barriers to implementation like resources, workflow changes, stakeholder buy-in etc. and have strategies to address them. Developing a timeline, assigning roles and tracking methods are also important.

The next step is obtaining necessary approvals from your organization. This likely involves getting support from stakeholders, administrators, and committees. You will need to present your evidence, project plan, and anticipated outcomes convincingly to gain approval and support needed for implementation. Ensuring proper permission for any data collection is also important.

With all approvals and preparations complete, you can then pilot and implement your evidence-based practice change. Monitoring key indicators, collecting outcome data, and evaluating for unintended consequences during implementation are crucial. Make adjustments as needed based on what is learned.

You will analyze the results and outcomes of your project. Formally assessing if the clinical problem was resolved as anticipated and the project goals were achieved is important. Disseminating the results through presentations or publications allows sharing the new knowledge with others. Sustaining the evidence-based changes long term through policies, staff education, and continuous evaluation is the final step to help ensure the best outcomes continue. This rigorous, multi-step approach when followed helps integrate the best research evidence into improved patient care and outcomes.

Developing an evidence-based practice project involves identifying a problem, searching rigorously for the best evidence, critically appraising research, synthesizing key findings, developing a detailed proposal supported by evidence, obtaining necessary approvals, piloting changes, monitoring outcomes, evaluating results, and sharing lessons learned. Following this scientific process helps address issues through strategies most likely to benefit patients based on research. It is crucial for delivering high quality, current healthcare.


Capstone projects are a culminating academic experience that allows students to demonstrate their proficiency in skills learned throughout their coursework. For programs focused on business applications of technology, capstone projects often require students to practically apply their knowledge of Microsoft Office tools to solve real-world problems or address authentic business needs. This provides an in-depth performance assessment of students’ abilities to use Office programs like Access, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint in a professional context.

When it comes to assessing proficiency in Microsoft Access specifically, capstone projects typically involve the students designing and building a functional database application from start to finish. This could involve anything from a simple data tracking application to a more robust inventory management or customer relationship management system. Through the process of planning, designing, constructing, implementing, and documenting an Access database, students demonstrate competencies in various areas. Some examples of Access skills capstone projects assess include:

Database design skills – Students must conceptualize and map out how data will be logically structured and related through entity relationship diagrams and other design tools. This tests their understanding of database design principles like normalization.

Table and query creation abilities – Building the appropriate tables, fields, and validation rules to store data according to the design demonstrates proficiency in structuring databases. Writing effective queries to extract, organize, and present information from the database also tests query skills.

Form and report development expertise – Developing user-friendly forms for data entry, editing, and viewing using form controls and layouts assesses form design abilities. Creating formatted reports to output data in a readable format tests report creation skills.

Macro and VBA programming proficiency – Incorporating macros, procedures, and functions through VBA coding to automate tasks and add functionality and logic assesses programming skills in Access. Testing and debugging code is also part of the evaluation.

Database interface design skills – Making the final Access database easy-to-use, intuitive and professional through interface design choices like navigation forms, switchboards, ribbons, and themes assesses interface skills.

Database management knowledge – Implementing security, backup/restore plans, documentation, testing and conversion steps reflects an understanding of database management best practices.

Communication and presentation experience – Explaining and demonstrating the completed database through reports, slides and live presentations tests communication and user training competencies.

In addition to Microsoft Access assessment, capstone projects may also evaluate business application skills in Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Excel proficiency might be gauged through tasks like financial modeling, data analysis, forecasting and dashboard creation. Word expertise could be measured by producing formal documentation like system manuals, help files or research reports. PowerPoint mastery could be assessed through presenting project details, findings and lessons learned to stakeholders.

Generally, the evaluation rubrics used for capstone projects emphasize practical, real-world criteria over theoretical knowledge. Areas commonly assessed include scope or complexity of the database/project, quality of analysis, design, algorithms and documentation, demonstration of technical skills, clear communication for target audience, and reflection on lessons learned. Passing capstone projects require students to exhibit skills and understanding consistent with workplace expectations for database or generalist business professionals.

Through rigorous, hands-on application of Office tools in an extended project with real deliverables, capstone assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of how ready graduates are to hit the ground running in associated career fields. Students must show they can independently problem solve, manage a project, and apply the full range of technical and soft skills gained throughout their academic program in a professional context. This ensures programs deliver working proficiency aligned with business technology needs, making capstone projects a highly effective way to gauge student achievement of learning outcomes.


A policy analysis project and a program evaluation project are both common types of research and analytical projects that are undertaken in the public sector and in organizations that deliver public services. There are some key differences between the two in terms of their focus, goals, and methodology.

Policy analysis can be defined as the use of analytical tools and approaches to systematically evaluate public policy issues and potential solutions. The goal of a policy analysis project is to provide objective information to decision-makers regarding a policy issue or problem. This helps inform policymaking by assessing alternative policy options and identifying their likely consequences based on empirical research and impact assessment. Policy analysis projects typically involve defining and analyzing a policy issue or problem, outlining a set of alternative policy solutions or options to address it, and then assessing and comparing these alternatives based on certain criteria like cost, feasibility of implementation, impact, and likelihood of achieving the desired policy outcomes.

In contrast, a program evaluation project aims to systematically assess and provide feedback on the implementation, outputs, outcomes and impacts of an existing government program, initiative or intervention that is already in place. The key goal is to determine the effectiveness, efficiency and overall value of a program that is currently operational. Program evaluation uses research methods and analytical frameworks to collect empirical evidence on how well a program is working and whether it is achieving its intended goals and objectives. It helps improve existing programs by identifying areas of strength as well as weaknesses, challenges or unintended consequences. Program evaluations generally involve defining measurable indicators and outcomes, collecting and analyzing performance data, conducting stakeholder interviews and surveys, cost-benefit analysis, and making recommendations for program improvements or modifications based on the findings.

Some of the key differences between policy analysis and program evaluation include:

Focus – Policy analysis focuses on evaluating policy issues/problems and alternative solutions, while program evaluation assesses existing government programs/interventions.

Timing – Policy analysis is generally done before a decision is made to implement new policies, while program evaluation occurs after implementation to measure effectiveness.

Goals – The goal of policy analysis is to inform policymaking, whereas program evaluation aims to improve existing programs based on performance data.

Methodology – Policy analysis relies more on qualitative analytical techniques like issue scoping, option specification, impact assessment modeling etc. Program evaluation employs quantitative empirical methods like data collection, performance measurement, cost-benefit analysis etc. to rigorously test programs.

Recommendations – Policy analysis makes recommendations regarding which policy option is most suitable, while program evaluation provides feedback on how existing programs can be strengthened, modified or redesigned for better outcomes.

Audience – The audience and stakeholders that policy analysis reports target are typically policymakers and legislators. For program evaluation, the key audience includes program administrators and managers looking to enhance ongoing operations.

While there is some overlap between policy analysis and program evaluation, both serve distinct but important purposes. Policy analysis helps improve policy formulation, while program evaluation aims to enhance policy implementation. Together, they form a cyclic process that helps governments strengthen evidence-based decision making at different stages – from policy design to review of impact on the ground. The choice between undertaking a policy analysis project versus a program evaluation depends on clearly identifying whether the goal is exploring alternative policy solutions or assessing the performance of existing initiatives.

Policy analysis and program evaluation are complementary analytical tools used in the public policy space. They differ in their key objectives, focus areas, methods and types of recommendations. Understanding these differences is crucial for government agencies, think tanks and other organizations to appropriately apply these approaches and maximize their benefits for improving policies and programs.


The capstone project is typically the culminating experience for undergraduate students nearing the completion of their degree. It allows students to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout their course of study. Due to the comprehensive nature and importance of the capstone project, most academic programs appoint a capstone coordinator and committee to oversee the capstone process.

The capstone coordinator is a faculty or staff member who is responsible for managing all aspects of the capstone experience for students. The main roles and responsibilities of the capstone coordinator include:

Developing and revising the capstone program requirements, learning outcomes, and assessment criteria to ensure academic rigor and alignment with the program’s goals. This includes determining the structure of capstone courses, timelines, deliverables, and standards for successful completion.

Advising students on capstone topic selection and proposal development. This involves guiding students through the process of identifying a research question or project idea that is feasible for their level of experience and can be completed within the timeframe. The coordinator ensures topics are appropriate and meet the program’s expectations.

Assembling a capstone committee for each student consisting of 2-3 faculty members, typically from the student’s major/program. The committee provides guidance, feedback, and evaluation of the student’s capstone work.

Assisting with capstone committee scheduling to ensure meetings are arranged and faculty members’ time commitments are manageable. This can include reserving rooms for oral presentations and defenses.

Monitoring student progress throughout the capstone experience to help keep them on track. This may involve checking in periodically and reviewing drafts/deliverables to provide feedback and address any issues.

Facilitating the final oral presentation or defense meeting where students demonstrate and discuss their capstone work with their committee. The coordinator is responsible for setting expectations and protocols for this culminating experience.

Coordinating capstone evaluations to integrate feedback from committee members and determine if students have successfully met program standards. This includes submitting final grades or completion status.

Assessing the overall capstone program through student and committee feedback. This allows the coordinator to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in areas like learning outcomes, resources, and research/project options. Revisions may be proposed.

Managing administrative tasks such as capstone enrollment, maintaining student records and documentation, tracking deadlines, ordering supplies/services, and addressing logistic issues that arise.

Promoting and showcasing student capstone work through exhibits, publications, or other dissemination avenues based on university/program guidelines.

The capstone committee consists of typically 2-3 faculty members who provide subject matter expertise, guidance, and evaluation of each student’s individual capstone experience. For each student, the committee:

Assists in developing and approving the capstone topic/proposal to ensure feasibility and rigor. Feedback allows the student to refine their area of research or project focus.

Monitors progress through meetings where students share updates and committee members offer suggestions or questions to advance the work. This necessitates adequate time be allotted for student check-ins.

Evaluates initial capstone drafts/deliverables and provides constructive criticism to strengthen critical thinking, organization, writing skills, and overall quality before the final product.

Judges the final capstone presentation, demonstration, or defense. Committee members assess if learning objectives and program standards have been met through the completed work and student’s ability to discuss it.

Provides a capstone evaluation determining if the work merits completion of the degree based on preset rubrics. Committee feedback is compiled by the coordinator in awarding a final grade.

Advocates for university support and resources that aid students in conducting rigorous capstone research or projects representing their field of study.

Through their combined efforts, the capstone coordinator and committee ensure a high-quality experience where students can effectively apply their accumulated knowledge to a substantial undertaking before earning their degree. Proper administration and guidance is pivotal in supporting student success in this important culminating demonstration of learning.