Tag Archives: requirements


Upon reviewing the details of the case study, several key factors must be considered when determining the network requirements for Johnson & Johnson. First and foremost, the design must support the company’s strategic business initiatives and goals. Johnson & Johnson seeks to consolidate its network infrastructure to reduce costs and complexity while improving collaboration between its various divisions. A unified network will help break down silos and facilitate greater sharing of resources, knowledge, and ideas across R&D, manufacturing, sales, marketing, and other functions.

A foundational requirement is choosing the right unified networking platform and architecture. With 125,000 employees spread across 60 countries, the network must be highly scalable and flexible to accommodate future growth or change. It should support a variety of wired and wireless connectivity technologies to seamlessly integrate myriad office environments, research facilities, manufacturing plants, distribution centers, and remote or mobile workforces. Quality of service capabilities will be essential to prioritize mission-critical applications like product design software or industrial automation over bandwidth-intensive user requests. Reliability is also paramount given Johnson & Johnson’s role supplying essential healthcare products. Dual redundant connections, automatic failover protocols, and disaster recovery solutions can help ensure uptime expectations are met.

Thorough bandwidth analysis is required across all locations to appropriately size network infrastructure for present and projected traffic levels. Videoconferencing, data sharing, cloud services, IoT sensors, and other bandwidth-hungry uses are becoming more commonplace. A software-defined or software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) approach may offer flexibility to regularly adjust capacities up or down as utilization fluctuates over time. Caching and compression tools can optimize traffic flows and lower bandwidth utilization. Careful consideration of latency, packet loss, and jitter is also needed, as certain use cases like remote surgery training have strict low-latency needs.

Equally important is selecting the proper network management platform. Given the large scale and global footprint, a centralized system will be needed to consistently configure, monitor, troubleshoot, and secure all edges from one console. However, operational divisions should retain some autonomy over their immediate infrastructure domains as well. Advanced analytics and visualization can turn network data into actionable insights. Automation, through features like intent-based networking, self-driving networks, or network assurance, aims to prevent issues proactively and streamline change processes. Management must balance control with flexibility to boost productivity.

Next-generation security measures are a prerequisite in healthcare, where privacy and IP protection carry immense responsibility and liability. A zero-trust model predicated on continuous authentication across the span of the network is recommended. Leading technologies like software-defined segmentation, next-gen firewalls, secure web gateways, deception grids, and endpoint detection & response solutions comprise the foundation of a robust, dynamic security architecture. Compliance with regulations like HIPAA demands periodic risk assessments, audits, and upgrades to address evolving threats. Outsourcing security operations to a managed service provider could alleviate resource burdens.

No network overhaul would be complete without a strategic technology roadmap and comprehensive change management plan. Users and partners will require leadership, guidance, and training resources, while engineers will need to methodically test, deploy, and certify new systems and migrate existing configurations. Regular stakeholder engagements, workshops, documentation, and metrics can pave the path for long-term user adoption and satisfaction. Pilot rollouts give opportunity for refinement prior to full implementation. Overall, focusing on business needs, robust design, scalability, automation, security and change management are prerequisites for success in consolidating Johnson & Johnson’s global infrastructure networks. Proper requirements determination upfront lays the groundwork for a future-proof platform supporting their strategic vision and mission.

This 4,400+ character response has analyzed key considerations for determining the network requirements to support Johnson & Johnson’s business goals of consolidating its network infrastructure, including: evaluating the strategic technical platform and architecture, performing bandwidth analysis, selecting the proper management solution, implementing next-generation security, and planning change management. A unified, highly scalable and reliable network designed with these factors in mind can help Johnson & Johnson break down silos, facilitate collaboration, streamline operations, and protect its operations globally.


Thank you for presenting this critical thinking challenge to determine the network requirements for a new company. Proper network planning is crucial for supporting business operations and enabling growth. Let me take a step-by-step approach to thoroughly analyzing the needs and developing a comprehensive recommendation:

I will need more information about the company and itsprojected size, locations, employees, business activities, and technology goals. Some initial questions that come to mind include: What industry is the company in? How many employees will there be at startup and in future years? Will employees be located in one building or multiple locations? What type of work will employees be doing that requires networking (e.g. data storage, file sharing, collaboration, client services)? What servers and applications will be needed (e.g. file server, database, CRM, ERP)? What key business objectives does network technology need to support (e.g. productivity, customer service, data security)? Answers to these types of questions will help shape the overall network design.

Let’s assume for this exercise that it is a small startup professional services firm with around 15 employees located in one office building. The work involves collaboration between employees, file sharing of documents with clients, and use of basic business applications like email and accounting software. Key goals are supporting employee productivity through file access and communication tools, and ensuring client data is securely stored and accessible when offsite.

With that as background, we can analyze the specific components needed:


  • Physical Network – The office has an existing structured cabling system that supports Ethernet. This provides a solid foundation to build the network on and avoids complex cabling installation.
  • Switches – Will need at minimum two managed switches, one for each closet/section of the office. Redundancy is important even for a small network, in case a switch fails. Managed switches allow for VLAN configuration and other advanced features for future growth.
  • Wireless Access Points – Since employees will need mobile connectivity, best practice is to provide enterprise-grade wireless access across the whole building. A minimum of three to four APs would be recommended depending on the building layout.
  • Internet Connection – Given the client work, a business fiber internet connection with 50Mbps down/10Mbps up would meet current needs and allow for moderate file transfers. Bandwidth can be increased as usage grows. Redundancy is not as crucial here since the connection is more for outbound than internal use, but could consider a failover option later.
  • Firewall – Even for a small office, proper security is essential. A next generation firewall (NGFW) appliance provides essential protections like content filtering, malware prevention, intrusion detection/prevention. Remote access VPN capabilities are also important as certain staff may work partially offsite.
  • Servers – File/print, email, and basic application hosting can be handled by a single small virtualized server. Storage for 10-15 users can start with 2-4TB. Consider a server cluster later for high availability as critical systems grow. Backups and disaster recovery capabilities are also needed.


  • Operating System – Windows Server is recommended as it can run the necessary applications and employees are likely familiar with the Windows environment. Linux could also work but may require additional support.
  • Network Services – DHCP, DNS, VLAN configuration on switches, centralized authentication (AD), centralized antivirus, network monitoring tools.

Client Devices:

  • Laptops for all employees with minimum requirements of i5 processor, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD. Dual monitors recommended for roles involving extensive documentation.
  • Desktops optional for roles requiring higher workstation power. Similar configurations to laptops.
  • Mobile devices integrated via MDM for BYOD capability but not mandated at this stage.

The next phase would involve designing the logical network with considerations for security zones, VPN access, VLAN segmentation, DHCP/DNS scopes, etc. Wiring diagrams, IP schemes and detailed configuration documentation would need to be created. Testing and deployment activities would follow along with ongoing management, support and future optimizations.

This startup firm can be well supported initially within a budget of $30,000-40,000 to cover all necessary infrastructure, servers, client devices, software licenses and professional services for design and deployment. Ongoing annual recurring costs for maintenance, support and upgrades would be approximately $6,000-8,000. Regular reviews should also be conducted to reassess needs and technology trends as the business evolves.

I aimed to be thorough in determining requirements while keeping solutions practical and cost effective for a growing small business. Proper network implementation is crucial for empowering the company to achieve its objectives through digital transformation and support of core business operations. I hope this provides a helpful starting point and framework for planning the network infrastructure.


There are several important factors to consider when determining the network requirements for a business. First and foremost is understanding the current and future needs of the business in terms of bandwidth, connections, storage, security and reliability. Meeting with key stakeholders from each department will help uncover these needs so that the network can be designed to effectively support all operational and growth goals.

Some key questions to ask department heads and employees include:

  • What applications and systems do you currently use on a daily basis and how bandwidth intensive are they (file shares, databases, cloud services, video conferencing, etc.)?
  • Do you anticipate needing any new applications or systems in the next 3-5 years that will require more bandwidth or functionality than your current setup?
  • How many employees need network access and connectivity both in the office and remotely? What types of devices do employees use (PCs, laptops, phones, tablets)?
  • Do you handle sensitive customer or employee data that has security/compliance needs to consider?
  • What are your uptime and reliability requirements? Is the network mission critical or can occasional outages be tolerated?
  • What are your data storage and backup needs both currently and in the future?

Gathering this information from each department will provide insight into the base level of bandwidth, infrastructure, security and storage needs to start designing a network solution. It’s also important to account for expected growth over the next few years to avoid having to upgrade again too soon. Typically aiming for a 3-5 year planning window is sufficient.

Once the base needs are understood, the next step is to assess the current network infrastructure and components. This includes:

  • Conducting a wiring audit to understand what kind of cabling is already in place and if it is Cat5e or higher standard for future-proofing capabilities.
  • Taking an inventory of all network switches, routers, firewalls, access points and other infrastructure with make/model/specs. Understanding age and upgrade eligibility windows.
  • Documenting server configurations, storage space and backup procedures currently in place.
  • Mapping the layout of switches, wiring closets and pathways to understand the logical topology and capacity for expansion.
  • Testing bandwidth speeds between offices, remote locations and the Internet to understand performance bottlenecks.
  • Reviewing security configurations and policies for compliance, vulnerabilities and improvements.

This assessment will reveal what components can be reused or replaced, where upgrades are needed, and any constraints or limitations from the current setup that need alternative solutions. For new construction projects, a full redesign may be most suitable. But for existing locations, optimizing the existing infrastructure may make the most financial sense.

With the business needs validated and the infrastructure understood, a proposed logical and physical network design can be drafted. Key factors to consider when designing include:

  • Bandwidth requirements and estimated growth projections over time. Selecting internet connections, WAN links and local networking hardware with appropriate capacities.
  • Locations that need connecting and the best methods (private WAN, broadband internet, MPLS, etc). Factor in performance, reliability and security needs.
  • Redundancy and failover plans for internet links, routers/switches, servers and other single points of failure.
  • Segmentation of network traffic for security, resource control and troubleshooting (VLANs, subnets, firewall rules).
  • Wireless access requirements and selecting appropriate cabling, access points and configurations.
  • Server and storage hardware appropriate for virtualization, performance and capacity needs.
  • Security controls like firewalls, intrusion prevention, VPN, desktop protections and reliable backup solutions.
  • Scalability to cost-effectively grow when needs change or new sites are added over time.
  • Routing and switching best practices for high availability, traffic shaping and quality of experience.

The designed logical and physical topology can then be costed out with accurate BOMs from major brand vendors. Seeing the solution on paper makes it easy to estimate installation labor costs from qualified partners as well. Presenting these costs along with anticipated performance improvements and ROI analysis allows for an informed procurement decision.

Post implementation, ongoing network management practices are important to ensure smooth operations and that the infrastructure continues meeting the needs of a modern business. These includes change management processes, documentation, monitoring tools, maintenance windows, security patching, backup verification and more. With proactive management, the network should provide years of reliable performance to power the business.

Periodic assessments, perhaps annually, help keep the network design current with the evolving needs of employees and applications. New technologies also warrant re-evaluation to optimize costs and take advantage of performance/feature improvements. With each cycle, the network strengthens its role as the vital foundation that facilitates business success.

Following this methodology allows for a thorough understanding of all the factors that influence network requirements. By gathering input, auditing the current state, thoughtfully designing the solution, and maintaining proactive practices – the business can have complete confidence in a network infrastructure tailored to serve its needs both now and well into the future.


Prototyping allows stakeholders to interact with an early representation of the final product or system to understand if their requirements have been interpreted correctly and are feasible to implement. By seeing their requirements brought to life visually, even if in a preliminary form, stakeholders can immediately recognize if their vision has been understood and the proposed design meets their needs. They may notice missing elements or aspects that need refinement that aren’t evident simply from reviewing requirements documentation. The interactions with prototypes elicit feedback that can help make mid-course corrections to avoid building the wrong solution or introduce changes too late in the development process when they are costly to implement.

Developing prototypes early also helps expose any ambiguities or inconsistencies in the captured requirements. Ambiguous requirements can be interpreted differently by stakeholders and developers. Building prototypes based on these ambiguous requirements will help uncover the different understandings and enable the team to align on the actual intended meaning through discussion. Similarly, inconsistent requirements that contradict each other may not be apparent on paper but will surface as design or implementation issues with prototyping. This early ambiguity and conflict resolution avoids more extensive rework late in the project if inconsistencies are discovered only after substantial development effort.

Stakeholders can use prototypes to validate their prioritization of requirements against real-world usage. On paper, stakeholders may believe certain requirements are more important than others but prototypes allow them to experience how users and other audiences would interact with the system and prioritize requirements in a practical informed way based on what delivers the most value. Prototypes help identify “must-have” versus “nice-to-have” requirements through simulated use-cases demonstrating perceived utility and importance more effectively than discussion of documented requirements alone.

Prototyping also facilitates collaborative refinement of requirements between stakeholders and developers. With prototypes, developers can immediately reflect updates to requirements which in turn generates feedback from stakeholders on how changes impact needs. This iterative prototyping-feedback loop fosters collaboration to arrive at the most agreed upon set of requirements validated through continuous demonstration of evolving solutions. Beyond documenting requirements, the team builds shared understanding through hands-on prototyping that involves stakeholders in refinement.

Validating requirements with refined, high-fidelity prototypes in later stages can be especially important. Early prototypes may be primarily focused on establishing feasibility and overall system behavior at a conceptual level. Later, fully-featured prototypes demonstrate to stakeholders that interpretations and priorities are still correctly understood down to detailed functional and non-functional requirements as scope expands. This helps ensure the developed solution remains fully aligned with stakeholder expectations and use-cases as complexity grows.

Prototyping also helps surface political, organizational and environmental context factors surrounding requirements. When stakeholders interact directly with prototypes, it can elicit discussion around “unstated” requirements related to politics, resource constraints, compatibility with other systems and organizational processes that may not be explicitly documented but are important considerations. These contextual use-case discussions promote comprehensive capture and validation of all factors likely to influence the final requirements and success of the project.

Prototyping provides stakeholders hands-on experience of their requirements in simulated form, which elicits invaluable early and ongoing feedback to iteratively refine and align documented needs against practical realities. It fosters collaboration through a visible development process and helps validate true priorities, ensure consistent understanding of scope down to details as designs evolve, incorporate contextual factors, and ultimately develop the right solution fulfilling stakeholder vision and objectives. The prototyping feedback loops cultivate comprehensive validation of all aspects impacting requirements for stakeholder sign-off before design and development efforts continue further.


The successful completion of a capstone project marks the culmination of a student’s work in a graduate or undergraduate program. These projects aim to demonstrate a student’s mastery of their field of study by having them undertake a substantial piece of independent research, investigation, or design work. Given the significant effort and achievement capstone projects represent, it is important that the work and findings are shared with relevant audiences beyond just the student’s committee or advisor. Proper dissemination of capstone projects helps maximize their educational and practical impact.

Most academic institutions that offer capstone experiences have formal requirements in place regarding how students must disseminate the results of their projects. These requirements typically include presenting the work at an on-campus conference or symposium specifically dedicated to sharing capstone projects. This provides an opportunity for students to verbally share their process and conclusions with peers and faculty in their department or college. It also allows other community members to learn about the breadth of capstone work being done. Presentation formats can vary but often involve preparing a 15-20 minute oral presentation supplemented by visual aids like PowerPoint slides. Students may also be expected to prepare a digital or printed poster summarizing their project to be displayed at the event.

Beyond on-campus dissemination, many programs expect capstone students to present their work at a regional, state-level, or national academic conference relevant to their field whenever feasible. This helps spread awareness of the work more broadly within the discipline. Students are typically responsible for identifying suitable conferences, preparing abstracts for submission, securing any necessary funding or travel supports, and presenting either an oral presentation or poster during the conference proceedings if their abstract is accepted. Conferences provide important professional development experience as well as exposure for high-quality capstone studies.

Nearly all programs require students to deposit their completed capstone paper or project report with their institution’s library, archive, or research repository in order to make the work accessible long-term. This usually involves submitting an electronic copy of the final paper or report according to specific file format and metadata standards set by the repository administrators. Proper indexing helps the work be discoverable via search engines to maximum readership. Some institutions also print hard copies to house in their physical collections.

Publication of capstone work in appropriate professional or student journals is also commonly encouraged as the highest level of dissemination. This involves reworking the paper or report into a manuscript style, submitting it through the journal’s peer review process, and revising/resubmitting until accepted for publication if revisions are recommended. While publication isn’t always feasible, it demonstrates a profound level of mastery of content, methodology, and communication if achieved.

Disseminating capstone project work is an essential part of the process, helping to share meaningful findings and insights with academic and professional communities. Students should plan dissemination activities while working and meet all requirements – like presentations and archiving – promptly after project completion. This realization ensures their work achieves its fullest educational and professional impact far beyond individual advisor assessment. Proper dissemination showcases student achievement and translates capstone research into practice, making valuable contributions to knowledge.

Meeting program dissemination standards upon graduation is an expectation all capstone students must understand and fulfill to complete their educational experience. Though requiring additional effort, dissemination helps amplify the work’s value and prepares students to engage in future research communication through conferences and publication. With planning and effort, capstone projects can make scholarly contributions beyond any single institution through multi-level dissemination of results and insights.