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The Rutgers capstone project is an important culminating experience for senior undergraduate students at Rutgers University that allows them to apply the knowledge and skills gained from their entire college education through a substantial project or research experience. By providing students with this real-world, hands-on learning opportunity, the capstone project makes a significant contribution to strengthening Rutgers’ excellence as a research institution and enhancing its reputation among employers, graduate programs, and peers.

The capstone experience helps showcase the outstanding work being done by Rutgers students across diverse fields of study. Through capstone presentations, research posters, multi-media projects, performance productions, and other public dissemination of results, the quality of student work is put on display for the broader Rutgers community and beyond. This highlights the depth and breadth of learning taking place at Rutgers and the advanced capabilities of its graduates. When employers, graduate admissions officers, accrediting bodies, and university ranking organizations see evidence of the high-level research and creative accomplishments coming from undergraduate capstone work, it boosts perceptions of Rutgers as a top-tier public research institution.

The capstone experience also allows Rutgers to strengthen community and industry partnerships through many applied projects completed in collaboration with off-campus organizations. Local non-profits, government agencies, schools, and businesses partner with Rutgers classes and individual students to work on real problems of practice. In the process, these external stakeholders gain valuable insights and solutions while Rutgers students obtain rich experiential learning opportunities. These mutually-beneficial community-engaged projects aid Rutgers’ economic development and civic engagement missions. They foster goodwill that bolsters the university’s reputation outside of academia as a prestigious school making important contributions to the state and region.

The capstone provides evidence to accreditors that Rutgers is successfully assisting students in developing advanced competenciesbefitting of their undergraduate educations. Through capstone requirements and assessment rubrics, each school and department at Rutgers ensures that graduating students can apply higher-order cognitive skills like critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, communication abilities, ethical decision-making, and field-specific technical proficiencies. When accrediting bodiestasked with periodically reviewing Rutgers programs see clear structures and outcomes demonstrating the holistic education offered through the capstone experience, it strengthens the university’s case for maintaining its full accredited status-a key indicator of quality.

Completion of the capstone signals to employers and graduate programs that Rutgers undergraduates have gained genuine research training and hands-on experience that readies them for future success. Most Rutgers students complete some form of original research, data analysis, design project, performance, public scholarship or other intensive faculty-mentored work. Having the opportunity to delve deeply into an area of interest translates directly into enhanced career preparation andpost-graduate readiness. Employers seeking well-trained, job-ready candidates recognize the benefits of a “Rutgers education” that includes completion of a rigorous capstone at the culmination. Graduate programs also view capstone experiencefavorably as evidence applicants have effectively begun bridging the gap between undergraduate and advanced levels of scholarship.

The capstone experience further boosts Rutgers’ national prominence through the dissemination of student work in competitive off-campus venues. Each year, a number of Rutgers undergraduate capstone projects receive regional, national or international recognition through prestigious awards, special journal publications, gallery exhibitions, Broadway-style performances and other high-impact placements. For example, engineering teams progress to the final rounds of international design competitions, social work research finds its way into legislative policy briefings, and scientific discoveries lead to provisional patents. When Rutgers students effectively showcase their capstone work on big stages, it raises the profile of the university and its commitment to sparking transformative student-driven work.

Collectively, through requirements for significant faculty-mentored projects tied to real-world problems, the capstone experience provides clear evidence to all oversight bodies and stakeholders that a Rutgers degree represents a rigorous, well-rounded education culminating in advanced research skills. This enhances perceptions of Rutgers as a top public institution and reduces doubts about the worth of an undergraduate degree from the university. For all these reasons-from showcasing excellent student work to strengthening community partnerships to preparing competitive graduates-completion of the capstone experience makes an immense impact on continually elevating Rutgers’ prominent place in higher education and bolstering its excellent reputation.