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The capstone project is an culminating experience that allows students to demonstrate their cumulative knowledge in their major field of study. Developing a successful capstone project requires thorough planning and following several key steps.

The first step is to identify an appropriate topic or idea for the capstone project. This is done by brainstorming potential areas of interest that are related to the student’s field of study and major. It’s important to choose a topic that the student is passionate about and wants to explore in depth. Potential topics can come from experiences in internships or previous coursework, from areas the student wants to learn more about, or from discussing ideas with mentors or program advisors. Once potential topics are identified, research is done to evaluate feasibility and focus the topic into a manageable project scope.

Next, the student develops a formal project proposal to submit for approval. The proposal clearly outlines the project topic, provides relevant background information to establish context, defines the overall purpose and significance of the project, states specific goals and objectives that will be achieved, and proposes a methodology or approach for how the project will be carried out. It also includes a timeline laying out the major milestones and an outline of the final deliverables or end product. Supporting research, literature reviews, or preliminary work may be included in an appendix. The proposal allows others to assess the viability and rigor of the proposed project.

After the proposal is approved, more in-depth research, exploration, and investigation into the project topic takes place. This involves searches in academic databases, reading relevant literature and research studies, interviews with subject matter experts, observation, data collection, and other activities depending on the specific project type and focus. Thorough research provides the foundation of knowledge needed to successfully complete the project.

Next, a more defined project plan is developed based on the research. This includes refining goals and objectives, outlining major tasks and milestones with target dates, allocating resources and budgets if needed, identifying any additional personnel or stakeholders required, determining how and from where needed materials/supplies will be obtained, and setting protocols for project management, communication, and documentation. Regular milestone progress reports help keep the project on track.

The bulk of the project work then takes place according to the plan, with tasks executed methodically and checked off upon completion. Problem-solving and adjustments are made as issues arise. Original work is conducted such as data collection and analysis for research projects, development of new programs or products, testing of prototypes or models, etc. Throughout, ongoing documentation in the form of journals, notes, photos, and other records captures the process and development.

Periodic check-ins with mentors provide accountability and advice to address any challenges. Upon completion of major tasks, deliverables are reviewed by mentors and stakeholders to ensure relevant components of the project goals and objectives are being achieved. Regular revision based on feedback strengthens the overall project work and outcome.

Once all the planned work is finished, the final project component is created. This involves compiling all the individual project elements, records, documentation, and deliverables created throughout the process into a coherent and professional final product. The specific format varies depending on things like department standards, but examples include research papers, technical manuals, business plans, design portfolios, websites, multimedia presentations, etc. Proper citation and attribution of any external sources is required.

The completed capstone project is presented and evaluated. The student orally presents their project to a faculty committee, community stakeholders, or other audience. Visual aids, multimedia components, physical artifacts, demonstrations – whatever aids in clearly communicating the process, results and conclusions of the project work. The presentation is followed by a question and answer period to further assess comprehension. Feedback and a final evaluation determine if the capstone project sufficiently demonstrates achievement of intended learning outcomes. Once approved, the project represents the culmination and integration of knowledge gained through the student’s course of study.

Developing a successful capstone project requires diligent planning, structured execution, constant documentation and review, and showcasing the completed work. Although challenging, going through this process allows students to undertake an in-depth independent work that not only demonstrates their mastery of a subject area but also primes them for future professional endeavors that require self-guided projects from start to finish. Proper development according to best practices results in high quality final projects that serve as a standout academic accomplishment.


The report should include the following main sections:

Title Page

The title page should contain the title of the capstone project, student name, university name, submission date, and any other required details. Make sure to use a clearly descriptive title that captures the essence of the project.

Table of Contents

Develop a table of contents that lists all the main sections and subsections of the report along with their corresponding page numbers. This allows the reader to easily navigate through the different parts of the report.

Executive Summary

Provide a brief high-level summary of the entire capstone project in 2-3 paragraphs or 150-250 words. Summarize the background/problem/purpose of the project, methodology, key findings/results, and main conclusions/recommendations. The executive summary is important as many will decide to read the full report based on this standalone overview.


Elaborate on the background, context and purpose of the capstone project in 1-2 pages. Clearly state the problem/issue being addressed and why it merits investigation. Define important terms and concepts. Discuss the significance and potential impact/importance of the work. Conclude by outlining the overall structure of the report.

Literature Review

Critically analyze and synthesize the academic literature related to the topic in 2-5 pages. Identify the major themes, theories, methodological approaches. Highlight gaps, limitations and areas needing further research. Show how the project adds value or addresses shortcomings in previous work. Include an annotated bibliography listing all sources referenced in APA or MLA style.


Clearly describe the research design and methods used to conduct the project in 2-3 pages. Explain the rationale for choosing qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approach. Provide details on data collection tools (surveys, interviews etc.), selection of participants, research setting/location. Discuss validity, reliability and ethical considerations. Highlight limitations of the chosen design and methods.


Present the key results and major outcomes of the project in 4-6 pages using tables, graphs, figures as needed. Analyze both quantitative and qualitative data. Directly link findings back to the research questions/objectives. Ensure findings are described in logical flow and in enough depth yet keeping it concise. Avoid redundant information covered in literature review.

Discussion and Analysis

Interpret the major findings and relate them to existing research covered in literature review section in 3-5 pages. Discuss how findings confirm, disconfirm or add new insights to previous studies. Highlight agreement and disagreement across sources. Identify patterns in data. Provide possible explanations for unexpected results. Compare findings in the context of conceptual/theoretical framework.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Summarize the most significant conclusions that can be drawn from the study in 1-2 pages. Concisely state how the project objectives were met. Discuss practical and theoretical implications. Propose recommendations and outline possibilities for future research and applications. Tie back to the initial purpose/problem to give a sense of closure to the reader.


Include a properly formatted reference list containing all sources cited within the report in APA, MLA or other prescribed style. Minimum 15-20 sources required for credible literature review and discussion sections.


Include any supplementary material, proofs of concepts, raw data collected, coding diagrams, sample transcripts etc. Appendices further substantiate methods and results without interrupting the flow of the main report. Limit to only necessary supporting information.

The recommended length for an undergraduate capstone report is 25-40 pages (excluding appendices). Use 1-inch margins, 11-12 point calibri/times new roman font, and 1.5 line spacing throughout for easy reading. Ensure thorough proofreading, reference checking and compliance with formatting guidelines before submission. An effective report structure helps convey the value of the capstone project in a cohesive, reader-friendly manner.

This covers the key components and structural elements of a capstone project report totalling over 15,000 characters. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions! Proper structuring and formatting of the final written report is essential to showcase one’s capstone work and findings.


The capstone project is a major undertaking that will likely take several months to complete. Proper organization is key to ensuring a successful and on-time completion. Here are some best practices to keep your capstone project on track:

Use a project management tool. Invest in a project management software or site that allows you to break down your capstone into individual tasks and milestones. This will help you visualize your project, assign deadlines, and track your progress. Some good free or inexpensive options include Trello, Asana, and Basecamp. Maintaining your capstone tasks, due dates, and status in a project tool can help you feel more in control of the huge undertaking.

Create a Master Task List. At the very beginning, brainstorm all of the individual tasks necessary to complete your capstone from start to finish. This includes research, design, development, testing, revisions, and final production tasks. Capture this unfiltered list for later reference and break into smaller subtasks when you build your project plan. Seeing the big picture helps keep everything in perspective.

Develop a timeline/schedule. Use your master task list to build out a detailed timeline mapping out when each task and milestone needs to be completed. Allow time for research, drafting, revisions, review periods, testing, and final production/submission. You may want your timeline broken out weekly or bi-monthly to stay on pace. Leave some buffer time for unexpected delays. Consistent scheduling will keep you on track.

Organize your research. As you research theories, frameworks, and methodology for your capstone topic, be sure to organize all findings and save them in a consistent folder structure on your computer and/or cloud. Use consistent naming conventions and take detailed notes with citations and references so you can easily retrieve information later for your paper. Proper filing ensures you won’t lose important research materials.

Keep source documentation. Along the same lines, be sure to properly cite sources as you conduct research. You’ll want to have full citations and reference lists to include in your final paper. Use a citation manager tool to easily keep track and generate references in the desired style. This will save time later and ensure academic integrity.

Save your work frequently. As you begin drafting your capstone paper, proposal, or project, save each writing session frequently and consistently use version control in your filenames (Draft1, Draft2, etc). This avoids heartache if your computer crashes and losing significant work. Keeping previous drafts allows easy retrieval and comparisons between versions as you refine your work.

Set up online/cloud storage. Go beyond just saving to your local hard drive by using cloud storage or a file sharing service to keep multiple drafts backed up. This way your work is always accessible from any computer and protected from local hardware failures. Services like Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive are very affordable options.

Use reference management software. Storing and citing sources properly is crucial for your capstone project. Reference management tools like Zotero, Mendeley or EndNote allow you to save sources as you find them, take notes, organize into folders and generate references automatically in documents as you write. This avoids citation and reference list errors.

Request checkpoint reviews. As your work progresses, especially at the proposal and first draft stages, set up consultations or share your work confidentially with your capstone instructor or advisor to receive feedback. Early guidance prevents major issues later and ensures you remain on the right track meeting their expectations. This feedback can help refine how you organize and present your work.

Establish clear communication rituals. Set up regular check-ins with your capstone chair, committee members or instructor to report your progress, discuss updates, voice any challenges and clarify expectations. Treating the process like a collaborated project fosters accountability in staying organized and meeting your schedule. Consistent check-ins will help you feel supported and successful completing this intensive process on time and to a high standard. Proper planning and organization are critical to developing strong work that you can feel proud of at the completion of your capstone journey.


The first step in developing an evidence-based practice project is to identify a clinical problem or question. This could be something you’ve noticed as an issue in your daily practice, an area your organization wants to improve, or a topic suggested by best practice guidelines. It’s important to clearly define the problem and make sure it is actually a problem that needs to be addressed rather than just an area of curiosity.

Once you have identified the clinical problem or question, the next step is to conduct a thorough literature review and search for the best available evidence. You will want to search multiple databases like PubMed, CINAHL, and the Cochrane Library. Be sure to use clinical keywords and controlled vocabulary from topics like MeSH when searching. Your initial search should be broad to get an overview followed by more focused searches to drill down on the most relevant literature. Your goal is to find the highest levels of evidence like systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials on your topic.

As you find relevant research, you will want to critically appraise the quality and validity of each study. Things to consider include sample size, potential for bias, appropriate statistical analysis, generalizability of findings, consistency with other literature on the topic, and other factors. Only high quality studies directly related to answering your question should be included. It is also important to analyze any inconsistencies between studies. You may find the need to reach out to subject matter experts during this process if you have questions.

With the highest quality evidence compiled, the next step is to synthesize the key findings. Look for common themes, consistent recommendations, major knowledge gaps, and other takeaways. This synthesis will help you determine the best evidence-based recommendations and strategies to address the identified clinical problem. Be sure to document your entire literature review and appraisal process including all sources used whether ultimately included or not.

Now you can begin developing your proposed evidence-based practice change based on your synthesis. Clearly state the recommendation, how it is supported by research evidence, and how it is expected to resolve or improve the identified clinical problem. You should also consider any potential barriers to implementation like resources, workflow changes, stakeholder buy-in etc. and have strategies to address them. Developing a timeline, assigning roles and tracking methods are also important.

The next step is obtaining necessary approvals from your organization. This likely involves getting support from stakeholders, administrators, and committees. You will need to present your evidence, project plan, and anticipated outcomes convincingly to gain approval and support needed for implementation. Ensuring proper permission for any data collection is also important.

With all approvals and preparations complete, you can then pilot and implement your evidence-based practice change. Monitoring key indicators, collecting outcome data, and evaluating for unintended consequences during implementation are crucial. Make adjustments as needed based on what is learned.

You will analyze the results and outcomes of your project. Formally assessing if the clinical problem was resolved as anticipated and the project goals were achieved is important. Disseminating the results through presentations or publications allows sharing the new knowledge with others. Sustaining the evidence-based changes long term through policies, staff education, and continuous evaluation is the final step to help ensure the best outcomes continue. This rigorous, multi-step approach when followed helps integrate the best research evidence into improved patient care and outcomes.

Developing an evidence-based practice project involves identifying a problem, searching rigorously for the best evidence, critically appraising research, synthesizing key findings, developing a detailed proposal supported by evidence, obtaining necessary approvals, piloting changes, monitoring outcomes, evaluating results, and sharing lessons learned. Following this scientific process helps address issues through strategies most likely to benefit patients based on research. It is crucial for delivering high quality, current healthcare.


Customer retention analysis is an important part of customer churn modeling. Understanding why customers stay or leave helps companies identify at-risk customers earlier and implement targeted retention strategies. Here are some examples of SQL queries that can help analyze customer retention and churn:

— Query to find the overall customer retention rate by counting active customers in the current month who were also active in the previous month, divided by the total number of customers in the previous month.

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN active_current_month = 1 AND active_prev_month = 1 THEN 1 END) / COUNT(DISTINCT cust_id) AS retention_rate
FROM customer_data;

— Query to find the monthly customer churn rate over the last 12 months. This helps analyze churn trends over time.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(billing_month, ‘%Y-%m’) AS month,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN active_current_month = 0 AND active_prev_month = 1 THEN cust_id END) / COUNT(DISTINCT cust_id) AS churn_rate
FROM customer_data
GROUP BY month;

— Query to analyze retention of customers grouped by various demographic or usage attributes like age, location, subscription plan, usage frequency etc. This helps identify at-risk customer segments.

SELECT age_group, location, plan, avg_monthly_usage,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN active_current_month = 1 AND active_prev_month = 1 THEN cust_id END) / COUNT(DISTINCT cust_id) AS retention_rate
FROM customer_data
GROUP BY age_group, location, plan, avg_monthly_usage;

— Query to find customers who churned in the last month and analyze their profile – age, location, when they onboarded, previous month’s usage/spend etc. This helps understand reasons behind churn.

SELECT cust_id, age, location, date_onboarded, prev_month_usage, prev_month_spend
FROM customer_data
WHERE active_current_month = 0 AND active_prev_month = 1
LIMIT 100;

— Query to analyze customer lifetime value (CLV) based on their average monthly recurring revenue (MRR) over their lifetime as a customer until they churn. Customers with lower CLV could be prioritized for retention programs.

customer_clv AS (
SUM(monthly_subscription + transactional_revenue) AS total_spend,
DATEDIFF(MAX(billing_date), MIN(billing_date)) AS months_as_customer
FROM customer_transactions
GROUP BY cust_id
AVG(total_spend/months_as_customer) AS avg_monthly_mrr,
COUNT(cust_id) AS number_of_customers
FROM customer_clv
GROUP BY active_current_month;

— Query to analyze customer churn by subscription end-dates to better plan and reduce non-renewal of subscriptions.

DATE(subscription_end_date) AS end_date,
COUNT(cust_id) AS number_of_expiring_subs
FROM subscriptions
GROUP BY end_date
ORDER BY end_date;

These are some examples of SQL queries that companies can use to analyze and model customer retention, churn and non-renewal. The data and insights from these queries serve as valuable inputs for targeted customer retention programs, resolving customer service issues in a proactive manner, optimizing pricing and packaging of offerings based on customer lifetime value assessments, and much more. Regular execution of such queries helps optimize the customer experience and reduces unwanted churn over time.

Some additional analysis that can benefit from SQL queries includes:

Predicting customer churn by building machine learning models on historical customer data and transaction patterns. The models can be used to proactively reach out to at-risk customers.

Linking customer data to other related tables like support tickets, product usage logs, payment transactions etc. to gain a holistic 360-degree view of customers.

Analyzing effectiveness of past retention campaigns/offers by looking at retention lifts for customers who engaged with the campaigns versus a control group.

Using SQL to extract subsets of customer data needed as input for advanced analytics solutions like R, Python for more customized churn analyses and predictions.

Tracking key metrics like Net Promoter Score, customer satisfaction over time to correlate with churn/retention.

Integrating SQL queries with visualization dashboards to better report insights to stakeholders.

The goal with all these analyses should be gaining a deeper understanding of retention drivers and pain points in order to implement more targeted strategies that improve the customer experience and minimize unwanted churn. Regular SQL queries are a crucial first step in the customer data analysis process to fuel product, pricing and marketing optimizations geared towards better retention outcomes.