Tag Archives: data


Glue is AWS’s fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service that makes it easy for customers to prepare and load data for analytics. At a high level, a Glue ETL job defines and coordinates the process of extracting data from one or more sources, transforming the data (such as filtering, joining, aggregating etc.), and loading the transformed data into target data stores.

Glue ETL jobs are defined using a visual, code-free interface or Apache Spark scripts written in Scala or Python. The job definition includes specification of the data sources, transformations to apply, and targets. When the job runs, Glue orchestrates all the required steps and ensures the data is extracted from sources, transformed as defined, and loaded to targets. Glue also handles resource provisioning, scheduling, monitoring and managing dependencies between jobs.

Data extraction is one of the key stages in a Glue ETL job. Users define the sources where the raw input data resides such as Amazon S3, JDBC-compliant databases etc. Glue uses connectors to extract the data from these sources. For example, the S3 connector allows Glue to crawl folders in S3 buckets, understand file formats, and read data from files during job execution. Database connectors like JDBC connectors allow Glue to issue SQL queries to extract data from databases. Users can also write custom extractors using libraries supported by Glue such as Python to programmatically extract data from other sources.

During extraction, Glue leverages various capabilities to optimize performance and handle large volumes of data. It uses column projections to extract only the required columns from databases which improves performance especially for wide tables. For S3, it implements multi-threaded extraction using asynchronous IO operations. It also supports checkpointing so that extraction resumes from the point of failure in case of job interruptions.

After extraction, the next stage is data transformation where the extracted raw data is cleaned, filtered, joined and aggregated to derive the transformed output. Glue provides a visual workflow editor and Apache Spark programming model to define transformations. In the visual editor, users can visually link extract and transform steps without writing code. For complex transformations, users can write Scala or Python scripts using Spark and Glue libraries to implement custom logic.

Some common transformation capabilities provided by Glue out of the box include – Filter to remove unnecessary or unwanted records; Join datasets on common keys; Aggregate data using functions like count, sum, average etc.; Enrich data through lookups; Validate and cleanse noisy or invalid data. Glue also allows creating temporary views of datasets to perform SQL style transformations. Transformations are Spark jobs so Glue leverages Spark’s distributed processing capabilities. It runs transformations in parallel across partitions of the dataset for highly scalable and efficient processing of large volumes of data.

Once data is extracted and transformed, the final stage is loading it to target data stores. Glue supports loading transformed data to many popular data targets like S3, Redshift, DynamoDB, RDS etc. Users specify the targets in the job definition. During runtime, Glue uses connectors for these targets to coordinate writing the processed data. For example, it utilizes the S3 connector to write partitioned/indexed output data to S3 for further analytics. Redshift and RDS connectors allow writing transformed data into analytical tables in these databases. Glue also provides options to catalog and register output data with Glue Data Catalog for governance and reuse across other downstream jobs/applications.

A Glue ETL job orchestrates all the data engineering tasks across the extract-transform-load pipeline. During runtime, Glue provisions and manages necessary Apache Spark resources, coordinates execution by optimally parallelizing across partitions, handles failures with robust checkpointing and retries. It provides end-to-end monitoring of jobs and integrates with other AWS services as needed at each stage for fully managed execution of ETL workflows. Glue automates most operational aspects of ETL so that data teams can focus on data preparation logic rather than worrying about infrastructure operations. The scalable and robust execution engine of Glue makes it ideal for continuous processing of vast volumes of data across cloud infrastructure.


Microsoft Excel: Excel is one of the most widely used tools for data visualization. It allows users to easily create basic charts and plots like bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, scatter plots, histograms etc. using the built-in charting functionalities. Excel supports a variety of chart types that help identify patterns, trends and relationships during the initial exploration of data. Some key advantages of using Excel include its ease of use, compatibility with other Office tools and the ability to quickly generate preliminary visualizations for small to moderate sized datasets.

Tableau: Tableau is a powerful and popular business intelligence and data visualization tool. It allows users to connect to a variety of data sources, perform calculations, and generate highly customized and interactive visualizations. Tableau supports various chart types including bar charts, line charts, scatter plots, maps, tree maps, heat maps etc. Additional features like filters, calculated fields, pop ups, dashboards etc. help perform in-depth analysis of data. Tableau also enables easy sharing of dashboards and stories. While it has a learning curve, Tableau is extremely valuable for detailed exploratory analysis of large and complex datasets across multiple dimensions.

Power BI: Power BI is a data analytics and visualization tool from Microsoft similar to Tableau. It enables interactive reporting and dashboards along with advanced data transformations and modeling capabilities. Power BI connects to numerous data sources and helps create intuitive reports, charts, KPIs visually explore relationships in the data. Some unique features include Q&A natural language queries, AI visuals and ArcGIS Maps integration. Power BI is best suited for enterprise business intelligence use cases involving large datasets from varied sources. Its integration with Office 365 and ability to publish reports online make it a powerful tool for collaborative analysis.

Python (Matplotlib, Seaborn, Bokeh): Python has emerged as one of the most popular languages for data science and analysis tasks. Key Python libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn and Bokeh provide functionalities to create a variety of publication-quality charts, plots and graphics. These help gain insights through visual exploration of relationships, trends and anomalies in datasets during EDA. Python libraries enable higher level of customizations compared to Excel or Tableau. They also have extensive documentation and an active developer community supporting advanced use cases. Jupyter Notebook further enhances Python’s capabilities for iterative and collaborative data analysis workflows.

R: Similar to Python, R is an extremely powerful and versatile programming language tailored for statistical computing and graphics. Base plotting functions and various contributed packages like ggplot2, lattice, shiny etc. in R enables sophisticated and publication-ready data visualization. R supports a wide range of static and interactive plots including histograms, scatter plots, box plots, density plots, maps, networks etc. It is especially useful for statistical and computational exploratory analysis involving modeling, forecasting and other predictive analytics tasks. R is a popular choice in academic research due to its statistical capabilities.

Qlik: Qlik is a business intelligence platform to explore, visualize and analyze enterprise data. Its associative data model engine allows users to intuitively interact with data using selections, filters and motions across multiple associated analyses. Qlik supports creating dashboards, apps and stories to visually represent key metrics, relationships and patterns in the data. Key features like expressions, flows and multi-dimensional analysis make Qlik extremely powerful for comprehensively exploring large datasets. Its ease of use, security and deployment models position it well for self-service analytics and governed data discovery in organizations.

So Excel, Tableau, Power BI, Python/R, and Qlik are some of the most common tools utilized by data scientists and analysts for the initial exploratory data analysis and hypothesis generation stage of a project. They enable visual data profiling through charts, graphs and dashboards to understand trends, outliers and statistical relationships present in datasets. The right choice often depends on factors like dataset size, required functionality, collaboration needs, existing tool expertise and deployment scenarios. A mix of these tools is also embraced in modern analytics workflows for seamless data exploration.


The first step is to gather customer data from your company’s CRM, billing, support and other operational systems. The key data points to collect include:

Customer profile information like age, gender, location, income etc. This will help identify demographic patterns in churn behavior.

Purchase and usage history over time. Features like number of purchases in last 6/12 months, monthly spend, most purchased categories/products etc. can indicate engagement level.

Payment and billing information. Features like number of late/missed payments, payment method, outstanding balance can correlate to churn risk.

Support and service interactions. Number of support tickets raised, responses received, issue resolution time etc. Poor support experience increases churn likelihood.

Marketing engagement data. Response to various marketing campaigns, email opens/clicks, website visits/actions etc. Disengaged customers are more prone to churning.

Contract terms and plan details. Features like contract length remaining, plan type (prepaid/postpaid), bundled services availed etc. Expiring contracts increase renewal chances.

The data needs to be extracted from disparate systems, cleaned and consolidated into a single Customer Master File with all the attributes mapped to a single customer identifier. Data quality checks need to be performed to identify missing, invalid or outliers in the data.

The consolidated data needs to be analyzed to understand patterns, outliers, correlations between variables, and identify potential predictive features. Exploratory data analysis using statistical techniques like distributions, box plots, histograms, correlations will provide insights.

Customer profiles need to be segmented using clustering algorithms like K-Means to group similar customer profiles. Association rule mining can uncover interesting patterns between attributes. These findings will help understand the target variable of churn better.

For modeling, the data needs to be split into train and test sets maintaining class distributions. Features need to be selected based on domain knowledge, statistical significance, correlations. Highly correlated features conveying similar information need to be removed to avoid multicollinearity issues.

Various classification algorithms like logistic regression, decision trees, random forest, gradient boosting machines, neural networks need to be evaluated on the training set. Their performance needs to be systematically compared on parameters like accuracy, precision, recall, AUC-ROC to identify the best model.

Hyperparameter tuning using grid search/random search is required to optimize model performance. Techniques like k-fold cross validation need to be employed to get unbiased performance estimates. The best model identified from this process needs to be evaluated on the hold-out test set.

The model output needs to be in the form of churn probability/score for each customer which can be mapped to churn risk labels like low, medium, high risk. These risk labels along with the feature importances and coefficients can provide actionable insights to product and marketing teams.

Periodic model monitoring and re-training is required to continually improve predictions as more customer behavior data becomes available over time. New features can be added and insignificant features removed based on ongoing data analysis. Retraining ensures model performance does not deteriorate over time.

The predicted risk scores need to be fed back into marketing systems to design and target personalized retention campaigns at the right customers. Campaign effectiveness can be measured by tracking actual churn rates post campaign roll-out. This closes the loop to continually enhance model and campaign performance.

With responsible use of customer data, predictive modeling combined with targeted marketing and service interventions can help significantly reduce customer churn rates thereby positively impacting business metrics like customer lifetime value,Reduce the acquisition cost of new customers. The insights from this data driven approach enable companies to better understand customer needs, strengthen engagement and build long term customer loyalty.


Kaggle Datasets: Kaggle is one of the largest data science communities and open data repositories in the world. It contains thousands of public datasets that cover a wide range of domains including healthcare, business, biology, social sciences, and more. Some particularly useful or interesting Kaggle datasets for capstone projects include:

Titanic dataset: Contains passenger information from the Titanic voyage to build predictive models to identify which passengers were more likely to survive. This is a classic introductory machine learning problem.
House Prices – Advanced Regression Techniques: Contains housing data to predict property values using techniques like random forest regression. A good test of more advanced techniques.
Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones: Includes smartphone sensor data to classify different physical activities like walking, sitting, etc. Good for exploring time series and sensor data.
Porto Seguro’s Safe Driver Prediction: Predict safe driving behavior from usage-based insurance data using techniques like XGBoost. A direct application to insurance industry.

US Government Data Sources: The US government collects and publishes troves of public data that are well-structured and authenticated. Some excellent sources include:

Census Data: Demographic and economic data from the US Census Bureau including decennial census, American Community Survey, economic census, etc. Rich datasets for exploring US population trends over time.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Data: Epidemiological data on diseases, risk factors, health behaviors from the national public health agency. Relevant for healthcare and life sciences projects.
Federated Electronic Biomedical Research Database (EBRD): Biomedical and clinical trial data maintained by the National Library of Medicine. Useful for projects involving healthcare, genetics, biomedicine.
NASA Data: Earth science datasets on climate, weather, oceans, natural hazards from NASA satellites and missions. Good for projects related to environmental monitoring, climate change, natural disasters.

UK Data Service: Run by University of Essex, this is a large collection of social and economic data from the UK primarily but also some international data. Some commonly used datasets include:

British Social Attitudes Survey: Public opinion polling on key social issues in the UK since 1983. Useful for trend analysis.
Understanding Society: Longitudinal survey following 40,000 UK households since 2009 on health, financial circumstances, employment, education. Comprehensive for studying changes over time.
Economic and Social Data Service Workplace Employee Relations Surveys: Datasets on employees, work satisfaction, etc. from 1998-2004. Valuable for organizational behavior analysis.

Financial and Economic Data:

FRED Economic Data (St. Louis Fed): Vast collection of US economic indicators like GDP, prices, employment, banking from 1917-present. Ideal for macroeconomic analyses, nowcasting/forecasting.
Quandl Stock and Market Data: Large database of stock price histories, market indices, company fundamentals, and market events for equity analysis projects.
IMF Data: Macroeconomic and finance data on 190 countries available from International Monetary Fund sources. Appropriate for cross-country comparative analyses.

Other Subject-Specific Data Sources: There are many specialized data repositories depending on the project domain like gene expression and biomedical data (Gene Expression Omnibus, Proteomics Identifications database), educational data (National Center for Education Statistics), transportation data (US DOT databases), and more. With diligent searches, relevant open datasets can almost always be found for capstone projects in any domain or subject area.

These publicly available data sources cover a broad range of domains and contain high quality datasets that are well-formatted and documented – making them ideally suited for data science capstone projects. Choosing datasets from these authoritative sources lends credibility to the analysis and insights generated. With thoughtful selection of the problem topic and matching of suitable datasets, students can design rigorous and impactful final projects to demonstrate their data skills and knowledge gained through their programs.


GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that allows users to host websites directly from GitHub repositories. It is commonly used to host single-page applications, personal portfolios, project documentation sites, and more. GitHub Pages is especially well-suited for publishing interactive data visualizations and reports for a few key reasons:

GitHub Pages sites are automatically rebuilt whenever updates are pushed to the repository. This makes it very simple to continuously deploy the latest versions of visualizations and reports without needing to manually redeploy them.

Sites hosted on GitHub Pages can be configured as github.io user or project pages that are served from GitHub’s global CDN, resulting in fast load times worldwide. This is important for ensuring interactive visualizations and dashboard loads quickly for users.

GitHub Pages supports hosting static sites generated with popular frameworks and libraries like Jekyll, Hugo, Vue, React, Angular, and more. This allows building visually-rich and highly interactive experiences using modern techniques while still taking advantage of GitHub Pages deployment.

Visualizations and reports hosted on GitHub Pages can integrate with other GitHub features and services. For example, embed visuals directly in README files, link to pages from wikis, trigger deploys from continuous integration workflows, and more.

To get started publishing data visualizations and reports on GitHub Pages, the basic workflow involves:

Choose a GitHub repository to house the site source code and content. Typically a dedicated username.github.io or projectname.github.io repository is used for github.io pages.

Set up the repository with the proper configuration files and site structure for your chosen framework (if using a static site generator). Common options are Jekyll, Hugo, or just plain HTML/CSS/JS.

Add your visualization code, data, and presentation pages. Popular options for building visuals include D3.js, Highcharts, Plotly, Leaflet, and others. Data can be directly embedded or loaded via REST APIs.

Configure GitHub Actions (or other CI) to trigger automated builds and deploys on code pushes. Common actions include building static sites, running tests, and deploying to the gh-pages branch.

Publish the site by pushing code to GitHub. GitHub Pages will rebuild and serve the site from the root repository or gh-pages branch. By default, it will be available at https://username.github.io/repository.

Once the basic site is setup, additional features like dashboards, dynamic filters, interactive reports and more can be built on top. Common approaches include:

Build single page apps with frameworks like React or Vue that allow rich interactivity while still utilizing GitHub Pages static hosting. Code is bundled for fast delivery.

Use a server-side rendering framework like Next.js to pre-render pages for SEO while still supporting interactivity. APIs fetch additional data on demand.

Embed visualizations built with libraries like D3, Highcharts or Plotly directly into site pages for a balance of static hosting and rich visualization features out of the box.

Store data and configuration options externally in a database, file storage or API to support highly dynamic/parameterized visuals and reports. Fetch and render data on the client.

Implement flexible UI components like collapsible filters, form builders, cross-filters and more using a library like React or directly with vanilla JS/CSS for highly customizable experiences.

Integrate with other GitHub features and services like wikis for documentation, GitHub Actions for deployments and hosting data/models, GitHub Discussions for feedback/support and more.

Consider accessibility, internationalization support and progressive enhancement to ensure a quality experience for all users. Validate designs using Lighthouse and other tools.

Add analytics using services like Google Analytics to understand usage patterns and room for improvement. Consider privacy as well.

GitHub Pages provides a very flexible, highly scalable and cost effective platform for deploying production-ready interactive data visualizations, reports and other sites at global scale. With the right technologies and design patterns, extremely rich and dynamic experiences can be created while still utilizing GitHub Pages hosting capabilities and leveraging other GitHub platform features.