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Mechanical Engineering Capstone: Design and prototype of a device to solve a real-world problem. Examples include designing a better wheelchair, mobility aid, or medical device. The project involves research, conceptual design, CAD drawings, prototypes, and testing.

Electrical/Computer Engineering Capstone: Design and implementation of an electronic system or software program. Projects may include designing circuit boards, embedded systems, mobile apps, software programs, databases etc. to solve problems. Extensive programming, coding, wiring, and testing is involved.

Civil Engineering Capstone: Design and planning for an infrastructure project like a bridge, road, building structure, or water system. Work involves preliminary engineering design, cost estimation, planning, permit processes, and presenting recommendations to stakeholders.

Biomedical Engineering Capstone: Design medical devices, conduct bioengineering research, or develop new medical technologies/treatments. Projects often involve collaborating with medical professionals and testing prototypes using living tissues or computer models. Rigorous testing and trials are required to ensure safety and efficacy.


Research Capstone: Conduct an original research study on a nursing or healthcare topic, formulate a proposal, get IRB approval, collect and analyze data, discuss findings. Submit in a formal research report/paper format.

Evidence-Based Practice Capstone: Identify a problem or gap in care related to a patient population. Search and appraise current literature to make an evidence-based recommendation for practice change. Develop an implementation plan and evaluate outcomes.

Community Health Capstone: Plan, implement and evaluate a community health promotion project. Activities may include assessments, program development, resource coordination, health education, outreach etc. Work directly with target populations and organizations.

Leadership/Management Capstone: Complete a project demonstrating nursing leadership and management competencies. Examples include starting a new program, improving quality/safety, conducting an organizational assessment and making recommendations.


Marketing Capstone: Develop a comprehensive marketing plan for a new or existing product/service. Conduct market research, analyze competitors, identify target audiences, and propose promotional strategies, pricing, distribution etc. May pilot initiatives.

Finance Capstone: Analyze financial performance of a public/private company. Produce investment recommendations and reports based on fundamentals analysis, technical indicators, macro factors. Or, develop financial models to evaluate new business opportunities.

Operations Management Capstone: Consult for a business to analyze and recommend improvements to internal operations/supply chain functions using process mapping, data analysis, forecasting etc. Suggest KPIs to measure change.

Entrepreneurship Capstone: Develop a full business plan for a new venture idea. Outline market opportunity, product design, operations, management team, financial projections etc. to secure funding/ investors.

Psychology/Social Work:

Social Service Program Capstone: Plan, develop, and evaluate a new social program/non-profit initiative. Research needs assessment, generate program theory/logic model, design implementation and evaluation frameworks.

Counseling/Clinical Capstone: Complete direct supervised practicum hours providing therapy/counseling. Refine clinical and case management skills. Receive feedback and supervision from licensed professionals.

Community Psychology Capstone: Address a social issue through a participatory action research project. Work collaboratively with partner agencies and affected groups. Common projects focus on underserved populations, advocacy, and social change.

Organizational Leadership Capstone: Internal consultation for a social services agency analyzing operations/service delivery. Make recommendations through program evaluations, needs assessments, stakeholder interviews to improve quality and client outcomes.

The above examples showcase the diversity of capstone projects across different academic disciplines. All involve applying knowledge and skills gained throughout the program to develop an applied, practice-based experience working directly with stakeholders and end users to solve real problems or recommend solutions. Capstones culminate in formal presentations, reports or other deliverables communicating the process and outcomes of the project.


A major capstone project in computer science would be developing a software application from start to finish. The student would come up with an idea for the app, design how it would work, select technologies to use like a programming language, database software, etc. Then they would spend the capstone timeframe writing the code to build out all of the functionality of the app according to the design. Some examples of software apps that could be built include:

A web or mobile app for a small business – Examples could include an app for a restaurant to allow online ordering and reservations, an e-commerce site for a retailer, a scheduling and task management app for a small construction company.

A game application – Students interested in game development could design and program a game like a puzzle, trivia, card, board or video game. This would allow them to showcase skills in areas like graphics, sound, gameplay mechanics, artificial intelligence, networking for multiplayer.

A data analysis or visualization tool – Examples may include an app to analyze customer data for trends and patterns, visualize financial data, map public datasets, or process scientific simulations. This gives opportunity to work with databases, programming algorithms, and data presentation.

An internet of things (IoT) device or system – Examples can be a smart home automation system controlling lights, thermostat, locks, a smart greenhouse environment controlling with sensors for moisture, temperature, a drone with camera and computer vision processing. This provides exposure to hardware, wireless communication protocols, embedded systems.

A resource sharing/marketplace platform – Examples include an on-campus ridesharing/food delivery app, tool/equipment rental marketplace, student tutoring/services marketplace, task crowdsourcing marketplace. Provides experience with payment systems, user accounts/profiles, reviews/ratings.

Another major capstone project type would be a large research study or paper involving:

Conducting a literature review on a topic like machine learning techniques, programming language trends, computer graphics, computer security to analyze the current state and make predictions. This demonstrates research abilities.

Implementing and comparing different algorithms (sorting, searching, modeling, etc.) to evaluate performance on standard benchmark datasets. This shows coding and analytical skills.

Proposing and prototyping a new technology, model, or approach through simulations/prototypes along with a risk analysis. Examples may include blockchain for recordkeeping, computer vision for medical diagnosis, natural language processing for personalized education. This provides innovative thinking experience.

Analyzing usage and privacy policies of major websites/apps by setting up accounts and cataloging data collection methods. This highlights privacy and ethical concerns understanding.

Designing a new computer architecture concept with performance/cost tradeoffs analyzed through simulations before hardware implementation. Shows systems design skills.

A few other examples of major capstone projects include developing:

A large website/web application with complex information architecture and collaborative functionalities.

Advanced computer security tools – Intrusion detection/prevention systems, encryption algorithms, malware analysis sandboxes, etc.

Scientific computing code libraries and parallelizable algorithms for high performance computing.

Low-level system programming projects involving operating systems, network protocols, embedded systems, database internals study.

A natural user interface with technologies like computer vision, speech recognition, haptic feedback, augmented/virtual reality.

Large-scale datasets and cloud-hosted data services/APIs for machine learning use cases.

In all of these capstone project examples, the key aspects demonstrated are independently researching and scoping a problem, designing technical specifications, implementing through programming and testing, documenting work, and presenting findings. The projects provide opportunities for hands-on learning beyond a traditional classroom setting to simulate real-world development experiences. By tackling ambitious yet achievable projects, computer science students can gain valuable skills and portfolio work to showcase their abilities to employers or graduate studies admissions.


Business Administration:

Strategic business plan for a startup company – Students conduct industry and market research to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for launching a new business venture. The plan covers company overview, products/services, marketing strategy, operations plan, management team, and financial projections.

Consulting project for a small business – Students are paired with a small local business and act as management consultants. They conduct an organizational assessment, identify issues or opportunities for improvement, and propose recommendations. A final report is presented to the business owner.

Social impact project – Students design and plan for the launch of a social venture or nonprofit organization to address a societal issue. The project entails extensive research on the social problem, target population, potential solutions, and development of an operational and financial model.


Design and prototyping of an engineering system – Common projects include designing and building prototypes for things like renewable energy systems, biomedical devices, automated systems, transportation solutions, etc. Work involves research, conceptual design, detailed design, building, testing, and evaluation.

Applied research project – Students work with an industry partner or research lab to conduct applied research on an engineering problem. Involves literature review, experimental design, data collection/analysis, and reporting of results. Partner provides guidance, equipment access, and sometimes funding.

Software engineering capstone – As a team, students work on a substantial software project from conception to completion. Work includes requirements analysis, system design, coding, testing, deployment, documentation, and presentation of the working software product.


Evidence-based practice project – Students identify a problem or issue in clinical practice, review the literature, and propose an evidence-based solution, protocol, or guideline. Involves research rigor expected in the nursing field. Presented to clinical stakeholders.

Community health assessment and intervention – Teams conduct a comprehensive assessment of the health needs of a community. Based on findings, they plan and implement an education or intervention project addressing a priority health issue. Assess project effectiveness through evaluation.

Leadership project – Take on a leadership role on a unit at their clinical site for the duration of the capstone. Lead a process improvement project, implement an education initiative for staff, or evaluate a new model of care delivery on the unit.


Curriculum design and implementation – Students design and implement a new curriculum, unit, or lesson plan for a course at their grade level or subject area. Lesson plans must meet state standards. Assessment of student learning outcomes.

Educational research project – Identify an issue in K-12 education, review literature, and propose evidence-based recommendations. Topics can range from best practices in special education to enhancing social-emotional learning to boosting STEM participation among underrepresented groups.

Community engagement project – Collaborate with a community organization, after-school program etc. to develop and teach an educational enrichment program. Assess impact on participants and student growth in planning, instruction and reflective practice.

Computer Science:

Software engineering capstone – Same concept as for engineering capstones, but focuses specifically on developing substantial software through team-based work. Products range from mobile apps and web services to databases, algorithms and more.

Security and privacy project – Assess vulnerabilities in an existing system, design countermeasures, and test their effectiveness. Or research latest technologies and propose privacy-enhanced solutions.

Applied AI/machine learning project – Work with industry/research partner on applying AI/ML techniques to address real-world problems in various domains like healthcare, transportation, education etc. Design models, analyze results and report findings.

As you can see, capstone projects provide an opportunity for students across different disciplines to synthesize their learning through substantial culminating projects that simulate real-world work experiences. The projects allow students to gain practical skills in areas like research, critical thinking, project management, collaboration, communication and more. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!