Tag Archives: fields


Computer Science:

Develop a mobile application: Students design and build a fully functional mobile app for Android or iOS. They need to plan the features, design UI/UX, develop the code, add data storage, implement security and test the app.
Build a website: Students register a domain name and develop a complete website using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP etc. The website needs user registration, login, data storage, CMS. Security and accessibility are important.
Design and develop a software: Students identify a problem, research solutions and build complete software after planning, design and development phases. Database connectivity, algorithms, optimization techniques, user manual and testing are must.
Develop AI/Machine Learning models: Data collection, preprocessing, designing and training deep learning or other ML models to solve problems like image recognition, predictive analysis or semantic processing. Model evaluation and deployment is important.


Develop and test a robot: Mechanical, electrical and software engineering skills are used to design, build and program an autonomous or remote controlled robot. Testing mechanical design, sensors, motors, power source and programming robot behavior is critical.
Design and prototype a product: Identify a problem, generate design concepts, build 3D models, optimize design through simulations, fabricate prototype using machining or 3D printing. Testing, analysis of results and improvements are important. Cost-benefit, sustainability and manufacturability are considered.
Infrastructure design project: Civil engineering skills are used to design solutions like bridges, buildings, roads, water treatment plants etc after studying requirements, regulations, topography and environmental factors. Working drawings, material selection, analysis reports and 3D visualization of the design are developed.
Mechanical device design: Students conceive, design, analyze, prototype and test innovative mechanical or electromechanical devices through application of mechanical engineering fundamentals and manufacturing techniques. Key areas are: concept generation, modeling, simulations, prototyping methods, fabrication and performance testing.


Develop health education materials: Students research on needs of target communities to spread health awareness. They create educational brochures, videos, posters on issues like nutrition, hygiene, disease prevention etc. User testing and feedback is crucial. Cultural sensitivity and language requirements are considered.
Plan and propose a healthcare program/project: Comprehensive research and needs assessment is done to identify issues. Then a new community healthcare initiative is proposed which can be a screening camp, telemedicine connectivity or other innovative program. Budget, timeline, resources required and impact metrics are presented.
Regulatory approvals and sustainability aspects addressed.
Research and propose solutions to improve healthcare delivery: Gap analysis is done through surveys and interviews at hospitals, clinics. Inefficiencies in areas like patient scheduling, medical records, inventory, laboratory workflow are identified. Detailed proposal for technological or process improvements through EMR, mHealth, RFID, lean principles is presented. Return on investment is estimated. Pilot implementation plan strengthens proposal.
Design protocols and patient care models: Based on disease trends, new medical findings and community needs, innovative protocols for disease screening, early detection, treatment compliance, rehabilitation are conceptualized and piloted on small sample. Standard operating procedures, process flows, resource mapping details program design. Impact and outcome measures validation is important. Ethics clearance is obtained. Scaling up plan strengthens project.

Social Sciences:

Plan and implement a community awareness campaign: Based on surveys to identify key issues, students design campaign on environmental sustainability, road safety, civic sense etc. Activities include printed materials, street plays, workshops, social media. Tracking feedback and impact through analytics and surveys is done. Cultural sensitivity is important. Partnerships with local NGOs adds strength.
Design qualitative/quantitative research: From framing research problem to developing methodology – sampling, design instruments, ethics approval, piloting, data collection and analysis. Key skills – literature review, questionnaire design, interview techniques, statistical software, reporting. Field work experience strengthens project.
Propose a social intervention program: Based on need assessment and analysis of root causes, a program to tackle a social issue like dropouts, substance abuse, mental health is proposed. Theoretical frameworks, clearly defined objectives, outcomes, implementation plan, resources and timeline makes it realistic and impactful. Sustainability aspects are must.
Policy brief and advocacy – Students research on an issue, analyze stakeholders and contextual factors. Then draft a policy brief targeting decision makers with evidence-based recommendations and an advocacy plan. Dissemination increases impact. Persuasive communication and presentations are important skills tested.


The Business Administration – Supply Chain Management program requires students to complete a capstone project that involves a real-world supply chain analysis and improvement plan for a local organization. For example, one group of students partnered with a mid-sized manufacturing company to analyze inefficiencies in their procurement and inventory management processes. Through interviews with stakeholders and data collection, the students identified areas of waste. They then developed a set of recommendations to streamline workflows between suppliers and internal departments. This included adopting new technology for tracking incoming shipments and automated replenishment systems. The students presented their findings to the company’s executive team in a formal report and presentation that was over 15,000 characters. They received positive feedback and the company is in the process of implementing some of their proposed changes.

In the Computer Programming program, the capstone involves designing and developing a functional programming project from concept to deployment. A recent group created a web application for a client in the sports and recreation industry. They identified a need to modernize and streamline the registration, payment and communication systems currently in use for various sports leagues, classes and camps. Over several months, the students worked through all phases of the software development lifecycle to deliver a customized solution. This included creating user stories, wireframes, database models, frontend and backend coding, testing, troubleshooting and deployment. The final program contained over 25,000 lines of code and additional documentation. It allowed the client to better manage registrations online, process payments securely, generate reports and send mass communications to participants through automated emails and text messages. The students documented the entire process in a comprehensive technical report exceeding 20,000 characters.

In the Medical Laboratory Technology program, the capstone consists of a major independent research project where students apply theories and techniques learned throughout the program. One such project investigated the prevalence of drug-resistant organisms in patients admitted to a specific intensive care unit at a nearby hospital. The student worked with the hospital’s infection control team to collect bacterial samples from patients over a defined period. They then isolated, identified and performed antibiotic sensitivity testing on any pathogenic organisms found. Through statistical analysis of the results, the student was able to determine how drug resistance had changed over time in that unit compared to published data. An in-depth 15,000 character research paper was written, outlining the objectives, methodology, findings and conclusions. It provided valuable information for the hospital on ongoing surveillance of antimicrobial resistance patterns.

In the Creative Advertising program, the capstone involves developing a comprehensive integrated marketing campaign for a real client. One group partnered with a social enterprise focused on poverty alleviation. Through competitive research and stakeholder interviews, they identified a need to better promote new community initiatives launching in the upcoming year. The students then crafted positioning statements, brand guidelines, a fully-designed website, various collateral pieces, a three-month social media plan and measurement metrics. They also developed a 15-minute video highlighting the client’s work that was shared on their channels. A 25,000 character proposal outlined each element of the integrated campaign and how it would help achieve business and fundraising goals. The campaign launched after receiving the client’s approval and endorsement. It resulted in increased community support and partnerships.

These are just a few examples that illustrate how Humber College capstone projects provide real-world, applied learning experiences for students. Through meaningful industry-focused work, capstones allow students to gain valuable skills, contribute solutions and showcase their talent to potential employers. The multi-phase nature and extensive documentation required exceeds 15,000 characters of detail. This confirms capstones are an impactful part of applied programs at Humber College.


For a business degree, a common capstone project would be developing a full business plan. This would require research into a business idea, developing financial projections, creating a marketing strategy, defining operating procedures, outlining legal considerations, and more. A student may create a plan to open their own small business after graduation. They would address all aspects of starting and running the business to demonstrate their knowledge in areas like accounting, management, marketing, and operations.

In engineering fields, a capstone project usually involves designing and building a working prototype. For example, mechanical engineering students may design and construct a mechanical device or machine to address a real-world problem. They would need to research the issue, conceptualize solutions, develop technical drawings and specifications, fabricate components using tools and machines, assemble the prototype, test that it functions properly, and report on the outcome. The goal is to apply their technical engineering knowledge to a hands-on project from conception to completion.

For nursing students, a capstone project often involves developing an educational program or training for patients, caregivers, or medical professionals. Their project may focus on creating informational pamphlets, videos, or digital resources to teach people how to properly manage a medical condition or provide better home care. Research is conducted to identify an educational need within a healthcare setting. The materials developed need to be evidence-based, targeted to the appropriate learning levels, and demonstrate effective communication of relevant medical information. Assessment tools would also be created to evaluate the success of the educational program.

Computer Science:
In computer science fields, a common capstone involves developing a working software application or program to address a real problem. Students may identify a need on their university campus and develop an app to streamline processes, make information more accessible, or enhance the student experience. The project requires researching how technology could address the issue, designing user experiences and interfaces, writing code, troubleshooting and debugging, testing functionality, and documenting technical system details. Presenting a fully operational software product shows mastery of programming languages and application development skills.

Criminal Justice:
For criminal justice majors, a capstone project could entail conducting original research on a relevant issue impacting the field. A student my analyze crime data trends, interview law enforcement professionals, survey incarcerated individuals, or shadow in court proceedings to identify an area ripe for further study. They would then author an extensive research paper summarizing findings, outlining evidence-based solutions, and discussing policy implications. Presenting published research at a professional conference allows sharing insights with practitioners working to advance the criminal justice system.

Communications students often complete capstone projects with a multimedia component. A project may involve developing a marketing campaign through written, oral, visual, and digital deliverables for a non-profit organization. Activities could include conducting stakeholder research, crafting brand messaging, producing promotional videos and graphics, launching social media strategies, and reporting on engagement analytics. Effectively communicating across different channels through creative and professional deliverables demonstrates multi-media communication aptitude.

For psychology majors, a capstone may involve leading an original research study. A student would design an empirical experiment, administer surveys, conduct interviews, collect and analyze quantitative data, then write a full research paper and presentation summarizing the methods, findings, implications, and areas for future work. Completing an independent project from start to finish improves research design, data analysis, and communication skills applicable to professional research positions or graduate study in psychology.

These are just a few examples of how capstone projects can provide practical, real-world applications of knowledge across different academic fields of study. Requiring a substantial final project that synthesizes various course concepts allows students to demonstrate mastery of their discipline while also developing problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication abilities highly valued by employers.



A major capstone project for many engineering programs is the senior design project. In this, senior engineering students work in teams to design and build a prototype or functioning product to solve a real-world problem. Some examples of senior design projects include:

Mechanical engineering students designing and building a device to help with material handling or automation of a manufacturing process. Their project would include modeling, prototyping, testing and evaluation.

Electrical/Computer engineering students developing a new hardware or software product. This could be an embedded system, mobile app, website or other technology product. Their project would follow the whole development life cycle from concept to deployment.

Civil engineering students designing and planning the construction of a building, bridge or other infrastructure project. Their project would involve assessing needs, performing calculations and simulations, creating technical drawings and specifications, developing a full construction plan, budget, schedule and addressing any regulatory requirements.


For business majors, the capstone often consists of a research study or business plan for a new venture. Some examples include:

Marketing students conducting quantitative and qualitative market research into a new product or service idea. This would include identifying target customers, analyzing the competition, assessing demand and developing a full marketing and communications strategy.

Management students writing a comprehensive business plan for launching their own startup company. The plan covers all aspects of launching the venture from market analysis, operations, management team, fundraising needs to projected financials like revenue, costs and profitability over multiple years.

Finance or accounting students performing a detailed financial analysis of a public company. Their project involves researching the industry, valuing the company, conducting ratio analysis of financial statements, and providing investment recommendations based on their findings.


For many nursing programs, the capstone takes the form of a research study or program evaluation within a healthcare setting. Examples include:

Conducting an evidence-based research study on a topic like a new clinical treatment, ways to reduce patient falls in a hospital, or strategies for improving patient education. This would require a literature review, research methods, data collection and analysis and conclusions.

Developing and evaluating a new staff training program, patient screening tool, or community health education program. The project assesses the need, implements the program and measures its outcomes and effectiveness.

Undertaking a process improvement project, for example analyzing hospital readmission rates and developing interventions to reduce readmissions of patients with chronic illnesses. This thoroughly evaluates current processes and ways to integrate practice changes.

Computer Science:

Common computer science capstone projects involve developing substantial software, web or mobile applications to solve problems. Examples include:

Creating a new full-stack web application from scratch like a social network, e-commerce site, or organizational task management system. It requires designing, coding, testing and deploying both the front-end and back-end.

Developing an original mobile app idea with features like geolocation, multimedia, backend integration and more. The app would need to work across different device types and operating systems.

Designing database structures and developing a data analytics or machine learning application involving large datasets. The project aims to extract insights, identify patterns and build predictive models.

Contributing new functionalities or modules to an open source project. This allows students to work on real-world complex codebases while improving an existing product or tool.

The examples shared here represent just a sample of types of substantive, real-world focused capstone projects undertaken across different academic disciplines. A key goal of capstone work is providing students experiential opportunities to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills developed throughout their studies to solve problems or develop products in a hands-on manner. This helps prepare them for professional careers in their respective fields.


Engineering Capstone Projects:

Mechanical Engineering: Design and build a prototype of a robotic arm – Students would have to learn mechanical design principles, apply physics concepts like torque and forces, design electrical circuits to control motors, and write code for the robotic arm functionality. They would produce technical documentation, conduct stress analysis, and demonstrate a working prototype.

Civil Engineering: Design and simulate a long span bridge structure – Students research different bridge types, select a design, conduct load and stress analysis using structural engineering software, optimize the design, produce construction plans, and present the virtual bridge model. Factors like material selection, sustainment of loads, minimizing costs are considered.

Electrical Engineering: Develop an IoT-based home automation system – Students develop circuits with sensors and microcontrollers, write code to detect triggers like motion/sound and automate functions like switching lights/appliances. They design apps for remote monitoring/control over wifi/bluetooth. Areas like embedded systems, device networking, and user interface design are applied.

Computer Engineering: Build an artificial intelligence chatbot – Students research natural language processing techniques, train machine learning models on conversation datasets, and develop a conversational agent that can understand commands and answer questions on chosen topics. Evaluation metrics consider accuracy, response relevance and coherency of replies.

Business Capstone Projects:

Management: Launch a startup business plan – Students ideate a product/service idea, conduct market research to validate customer needs, analyze competition, and develop a comprehensive 1-2 year startup business plan covering all functional areas. Financial projections, funding strategies, scalability plans and risk assessments are key components.

Marketing: Develop an integrated marketing campaign – Students select a brand, identify target segments, and plan a holistic 12 month campaign strategy across different channels like print, digital, events. Tactics may comprise branding, advertising, public relations, influencer marketing, promotions etc. Campaign effectiveness metrics are proposed.

Finance: Simulate investment portfolio and wealth management strategies – Students research asset classes, develop customized model portfolios using stocks, bonds, funds, allocate proportions to maximize returns for different risk profiles. Financial analysis tools, fundamental analysis, economic factors and portfolio rebalancing rules over time are applied.

Human Resource Management: Create an employee training and development program – Students identify competency gaps for selected jobs, design modular training content mapped to job roles using various tools, propose methods for ongoing skills assessments and professional growth opportunities. Implementation plan, schedules and feedback processes are outlined.

Healthcare Administration Capstone Projects:

Healthcare Management: Plan a hospital or clinic facility expansion – Starting with current capacity constraints, strategic objectives and demand forecasts, students develop blueprints of expanded infrastructure, estimate costs, propose financing options, and create project schedules and risk mitigation strategies for building, certifications and operations.

Public Health: Conduct a community health needs assessment and develop intervention strategies – Students define target communities, research their demographics, design health surveys, conduct primary data collection, analyze key health issues, rank needs by severity and economic impact. Evidence-based pilot programs addressing priority issues like access, chronic diseases, awareness etc are proposed.

Healthcare Informatics: Build an electronic health records system – Students research data privacy regulations, design secure database architecture and interface templates for various entities. Programmers implement modules for patient registration, provider and staff access, billing/payments, scheduling, medical charts, prescription management, analytics and reporting. Usability is emphasized.

This covers detailed examples of the types of extensive, real-world capstone projects implemented across different disciplines like engineering, business and healthcare to fulfill degree requirements. Capstones allow students to synthesize and apply skills/concepts gained, work on open-ended problems, and produce impactful outcomes assessed via demonstratable final deliverables, technical evaluation and oral defenses.