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Capstone’s journey starts with a launch on a Rocket Lab Electron rocket from the company’s Launch Complex 1 on Mahia Peninsula in New Zealand. The Electron rocket will place Capstone into an elliptical transfer orbit with a low point, or perigee, of approximately 500 km and a high point, or apogee, of over 35,000 km after separating from the rocket’s second stage.

From this initial transfer orbit, Capstone will use its onboard electric propulsion system to gradually increase its orbit over several months. The spacecraft is equipped with a Hall effect thruster powered by kW-class solar electric propulsion. Hall thrusters accelerate ions using electric and magnetic fields to produce thrust efficiently over long periods of time with minimal propellant requirements. This propulsion method allows Capstone to slowly spiral its orbit outward through low-thrust maneuvers without needing chemical propellant burns common to traditional chemical rockets.

Once separated from the rocket, Capstone’s solar panels will deploy and begin recharging its onboard batteries to power the electric thruster. Over the course of several months, the spacecraft will make a series of short thruster burns to raise the low point of its orbit each revolution. During the first few weeks, the thruster will fire as needed to circularize the transfer orbit to approximately 1,000 km altitude. From this vantage point, mission controllers will check out the spacecraft and electric propulsion system in detail.

With the checkouts complete, a series of about 140 thruster burns over the next 3-4 months will systematically raise Capstone’s apogee to match the target lunar orbit altitude. The duration of each individual burn ranges from a few minutes to a couple hours with breaks in between as the spacecraft travels around the Earth. The increasing apogee altitude efficiently increases the overall orbital energy through these low-thrust maneuvers without requiring a high output chemical engine. By late 2022, the final apogee raise maneuvers will achieve the target altitude of over 54,000 km to complete the Earth orbital phase.

At the point when Capstone’s elliptical orbit passes through the location of the Moon’s orbit once per revolution, known as the orbital resonance point, the electric thruster will fire to perform the lunar orbit insertion burn. This multi-hour burn executed near the Moon’s location will change the orbit plane and reduce velocity just enough for lunar gravity to capture the spacecraft. After orbital insertion, Capstone will be in an elliptical lunar orbit approximately 500 km by 80,000 km, similar to the target rectilinear halo orbit but with higher perigee and apogee distances.

Over the following month, frequent but short electric thruster burns will fine tune the orbit, systematically decreasing both perigee and apogee altitudes to precisely match the target near rectilinear halo orbit parameters. The complex 6-dimensional orbital elements of inclination, right ascension of the ascending node, argument of perigee, mean anomaly, semimajor axis, and eccentricity must all be adjusted in tandem through coordinated thruster firings. Telemetry from Capstone will be closely monitored during orbit adjustment to precisely hit the desired orbital parameters.

When complete, Capstone will be in a halo orbit around the Earth-Moon L1 Lagrange point with a nominal altitude of just 10 km from the target orbit. At this point in late 2022, the technology demonstration mission objectives will be considered achieved with the spacecraft positioned in its optimum vantage point to characterize the dynamics and environment of this unique orbit. Capstone will then begin on-orbit operations to gather data for at least 6 months to validate the viability and performance of smallsat operations in cislunar space.

This ambitious but efficient trajectory allows a small spacecraft like Capstone to reach the first stable halo orbit around the Moon’s nearest Lagrange point using nothing but sunlight and low-thrust electric propulsion. The step-by-step process of raising unique transfer and intermediate orbits systematically injects just the right amount of orbital energy to place the probe into its destination six months after launch. The trajectory was optimized through extensive mission design and modeling to fulfill the technology demonstration goals while minimizing propellant mass and launch vehicle capability requirements. If successful, Capstone will pave the way for extended missions in cislunar space using similar propulsion strategies.


The key to ensuring your capstone project aligns with and fulfills the intended learning outcomes of your academic program is to carefully review the program outcomes and design your project specifically with those outcomes in mind. The outcomes were created by your program faculty and administration to encapsulate the core knowledge, skills, and abilities that students should demonstrate upon completion of the program. With clear alignment to the outcomes, your capstone project can serve as a culminating demonstration that you have achieved the intended educational goals of the program.

Start by obtaining a written list or description of the specific learning outcomes for your program from your program coordinator or handbook. Make sure you understand the meaning and expectations behind each learning outcome. Do not assume anything – if any aspect of an outcome is unclear, ask for clarification. With the outcomes clearly defined, you can then begin conceptualizing your capstone project.

Brainstorm potential project topics that are relevant to your field of study and that excite your interest. As you develop ideas, evaluate how each potential project topic could provide evidence that you have mastered the various learning outcomes. For example, if an outcome focuses on applying specific theoretical frameworks, include applying theory deliberately in your project methodology or analysis. If an outcome deals with effective communication, incorporate oral presentations, written reports, or other deliverables.

Once you have some viable project topics in mind, conduct additional research into each topic to gain a deeper understanding. Look for scholarly articles, reports, or other sources of information that will help you evaluate if a topic is feasible within the typical timeline and scope of a capstone project. This research will also help identify specific learning outcomes particularly relevant to each topic and how you could design the project to successfully fulfill those outcomes.

With further refinement, choose the project topic that best aligns across the broadest range of learning outcomes. Develop a preliminary project proposal outlining your topic, the specific outcomes directly addressed, key deliverables, a timeline, and any other required components. Meet with your capstone advisor or coordinator to review your proposal. They will be able to provide feedback on how well your project matches the intended outcomes and advise on modifications to strengthen the alignment if needed.

Incorporate changes suggested by your advisor and develop a full, formal capstone proposal. The proposal should clearly and thoroughly explain how each phase of the project from planning to completion will help demonstrate achievement of the program outcomes. Explicitly mapping outcomes to project components is crucial to gaining approval. Once approved, treat this proposal as your guiding plan and checklist to stay on track.

Throughout implementation, regularly revisit the intended learning outcomes to ensure your work remains focused on fulfilling rather than deviating from them. Share updates on your progress and get feedback from your advisor to confirm alignment is maintained as unexpected issues arise or ideas evolve. Keep deliverables, documentation of methods, and your final presentation structured with the outcomes prominently in mind.

Upon project conclusion, you will provide evidence of achievement of the program outcomes through your final paper, presentation or project submission. Take time to reflect on how the full experience informed your abilities in relation to each outcome. Ask your advisor to evaluate if you have successfully addressed the outcomes through your work. Make adjustments or clarifications as needed to receive their full approval that the capstone satisfactorily demonstrates your mastery of what the program intended to teach.

With diligent attention to carefully aligning your capstone project with the intended learning outcomes from its earliest concept through completion, you can feel confident that the project fulfills its purpose as a culminating demonstration of your educational achievement in the program. This strategic alignment also maximizes the project’s usefulness in verifying your qualifications for future opportunities. Following this approach will ensure your capstone hits the mark of what the program set out to accomplish through its intended learning outcomes.