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One of the most important things to consider is your own skills and experience level with Java. You want to choose a project that is challenging but not overly ambitious given your current abilities. A good capstone project will allow you to demonstrate and apply many of the key Java skills you have learned throughout your courses. It should give you the opportunity to work with core Java concepts like OOP principles, interfaces, inheritance, exceptions, generics, collections, streams, concurrency and more. The project scope should not be so huge that you end up feeling overwhelmed and unable to complete it.

Consider the types of applications and domains you find most interesting. This will help you stay motivated throughout the project. Some common areas for Java capstones include desktop apps, mobile apps, backend APIs and services, databases/ORM tools, web applications, games, business applications, data processing/analytics tools, scientific/engineering simulations and more. Picking a topic you genuinely care about will make the project more engaging.

Assess what types of additional technologies may need to be incorporated based on your project idea. Java is very flexible and commonly used with other languages, frameworks and tools. For example, if doing a web application you may want to learn servlets, JSP, JSF, Spring MVC etc. A database-focused project may require JDBC, Hibernate or Spring Data. Games often use libraries like LibGDX. Mobile projects often involveAndroid/iOS SDKs. Understand what additional skills you need to develop and factor this into your schedule.

Consider the availability of publicly available APIs, libraries, code samples or tutorials that could help support your project. Leveraging existing robust open source components is preferable to trying to develop everything from scratch as it allows you to focus more on the creative and problem-solving aspects. Be wary of choices that rely too heavily on copy-paste coding without understanding.

Assess your own time commitments over the duration of the project. Choose a scope that is realistically achievable within the given timeline, even if you encounter unexpected challenges along the way. Building something small but fully-featured is preferable to starting a hugely ambitious idea that may never be completed. You want to demonstrate strong software design and development practices, rather than biting off more than you can chew.

Consider how your project might potentially be expanded after the capstone deadline. Building something with potential for future enhancements allows you to envision continuing development after graduation. Good choices are ones with room to grow additional user stories, features, optimization, testing etc. This can also help with motivation if the “work” doesn’t need to entirely finish at the deadline.

Assess what types of testing strategies will be required for your application (unit, integration, UI/acceptance, performance, security etc.) and make sure you have the skills and time to implement thorough testing. Choose projects that are conducive to automation where possible. Testing is important for demonstrating software quality.

Consider the human, environmental and societal impacts and ethics of your potential application domains. While you want something interesting, also choose topics with mainly positive real-world applications and impacts. Avoid ideas that could enable harm, spread misinformation or violate privacy/security best practices.

Do preliminary research on your top project ideas to evaluate feasibility and scope. Talk to your instructor and peers for feedback. Refine your idea based on this input before fully committing. The goal is choosing something ambitious yet also practical to complete within constraints. Being flexible early helps avoid issues later.

The ideal capstone project allows you to showcase deep Java skills while working on something personally exciting and meaningful. Taking time upfront for exploration and planning based on your abilities helps ensure you undertake a successful, rewarding experience that demonstrates your growth and potential as a Java developer. The scope should challenge without overwhelming you through leverage of existing technologies, consideration for testing needs, and a focus on implementable outcomes. With a well-chosen idea, your capstone can serve as a portfolio piece highlighting your talents to future employers or opportunities for further study.