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One of the most important things to consider is your own skills and experience level with Java. You want to choose a project that is challenging but not overly ambitious given your current abilities. A good capstone project will allow you to demonstrate and apply many of the key Java skills you have learned throughout your courses. It should give you the opportunity to work with core Java concepts like OOP principles, interfaces, inheritance, exceptions, generics, collections, streams, concurrency and more. The project scope should not be so huge that you end up feeling overwhelmed and unable to complete it.

Consider the types of applications and domains you find most interesting. This will help you stay motivated throughout the project. Some common areas for Java capstones include desktop apps, mobile apps, backend APIs and services, databases/ORM tools, web applications, games, business applications, data processing/analytics tools, scientific/engineering simulations and more. Picking a topic you genuinely care about will make the project more engaging.

Assess what types of additional technologies may need to be incorporated based on your project idea. Java is very flexible and commonly used with other languages, frameworks and tools. For example, if doing a web application you may want to learn servlets, JSP, JSF, Spring MVC etc. A database-focused project may require JDBC, Hibernate or Spring Data. Games often use libraries like LibGDX. Mobile projects often involveAndroid/iOS SDKs. Understand what additional skills you need to develop and factor this into your schedule.

Consider the availability of publicly available APIs, libraries, code samples or tutorials that could help support your project. Leveraging existing robust open source components is preferable to trying to develop everything from scratch as it allows you to focus more on the creative and problem-solving aspects. Be wary of choices that rely too heavily on copy-paste coding without understanding.

Assess your own time commitments over the duration of the project. Choose a scope that is realistically achievable within the given timeline, even if you encounter unexpected challenges along the way. Building something small but fully-featured is preferable to starting a hugely ambitious idea that may never be completed. You want to demonstrate strong software design and development practices, rather than biting off more than you can chew.

Consider how your project might potentially be expanded after the capstone deadline. Building something with potential for future enhancements allows you to envision continuing development after graduation. Good choices are ones with room to grow additional user stories, features, optimization, testing etc. This can also help with motivation if the “work” doesn’t need to entirely finish at the deadline.

Assess what types of testing strategies will be required for your application (unit, integration, UI/acceptance, performance, security etc.) and make sure you have the skills and time to implement thorough testing. Choose projects that are conducive to automation where possible. Testing is important for demonstrating software quality.

Consider the human, environmental and societal impacts and ethics of your potential application domains. While you want something interesting, also choose topics with mainly positive real-world applications and impacts. Avoid ideas that could enable harm, spread misinformation or violate privacy/security best practices.

Do preliminary research on your top project ideas to evaluate feasibility and scope. Talk to your instructor and peers for feedback. Refine your idea based on this input before fully committing. The goal is choosing something ambitious yet also practical to complete within constraints. Being flexible early helps avoid issues later.

The ideal capstone project allows you to showcase deep Java skills while working on something personally exciting and meaningful. Taking time upfront for exploration and planning based on your abilities helps ensure you undertake a successful, rewarding experience that demonstrates your growth and potential as a Java developer. The scope should challenge without overwhelming you through leverage of existing technologies, consideration for testing needs, and a focus on implementable outcomes. With a well-chosen idea, your capstone can serve as a portfolio piece highlighting your talents to future employers or opportunities for further study.


Relevance and significance of the topic: You’ll want to choose a topic that is current, meaningful and relevant to the field of IT. Make sure it addresses an important issue, opportunity or problem within the IT industry. Selecting a timely topic that has real-world significance will make for a stronger and more impactful capstone project.

Your interests and strengths: Choose a topic that genuinely interests and excites you. You’ll be working on this project for a significant period of time, so you want it to be on something that motivates you. Also consider your strongest skills and interests when selecting a topic – this will help ensure you complete a high quality project that plays to your abilities. For example, if you have strong coding skills, a development-focused project may be a good fit.

Feasibility: Consider whether the scope of your topic is realistically achievable given the parameters and expectations of the capstone project. Most projects will need to be completed independently within a defined timeframe, so avoid topics that are too broad or complex. Make sure you can adequately research and complete the different components of the project within the capstone parameters. You may need to refine an interesting topic to make it reasonably achievable.

Use of appropriate methodology: Reflect on the types of methodologies, techniques or approaches that would be most relevant and effective for your topic. Some topics may require things like prototype development, qualitative research methods, technical testing or data analysis. Your project design should incorporate methodology that enables you to thoroughly explore your research question or problem. Consider whether data is available to support empirical topics.

Potential for innovation or problem-solving: Ideal capstone topics provide opportunities for innovative thinking or problem-solving. Look for a topic where you can propose novel technical solutions, critical analyses, designs, frameworks or strategies. Select something that allows you to recommend ideas or approaches that create value within your field of study. Backing an innovative or solutions-driven topic with thorough research and well-reasoned arguments can significantly strengthen a capstone project.

suitability for target audience: Think about who the target audience might be for reading your project – is it other students, academics, professionals or industry? Consider their interests and background when selecting a topic. For example, an overly academic or theoretical topic may not appeal to industry professionals. On the other hand, a topic too specific to a company may lack relevance for a more general audience. Aim for a topic with broad enough interest to engage your specific target readership.

Availability of resources and information: Assess whether enough quality information sources exist to sufficiently research your topic. There should be a wide range of relevant academic literature, case studies, statistics, reports and background information to explore the particular issue or question in depth. Speaking with your capstone supervisor can help determine if adequate research material is available before finalizing your topic. Not having sufficient supporting resources can negatively impact your ability to thoroughly investigate and analyze the subject.

Connection to learning outcomes: Review your program’s learning outcomes and reflect on how a potential topic may help demonstrate your command of the key graduate attributes and competencies. Topics that relate well to overall learning goals may be favored by instructors and assessment panels over those less clearly connected. Make sure your chosen subject allows you to evidence a range of important skills and knowledge required by your IT program.

The above factors cover important aspects to systematically evaluate when deciding on an IT capstone project topic. Considering relevance, feasibility, methods, innovation potential, resources, target audience and connection to learning outcomes can help select a manageable project that makes a compelling contribution to the field. With careful topic selection informed by these guidelines, you can set yourself up for success in delivering a high quality final research project.


Personal Interest – One of the most important factors is choosing a topic that you genuinely find interesting. Capstone projects involve a significant time commitment, often spanning an entire academic term. You’ll be much more motivated to dedicate long hours to a project that fascinates you rather than something you have little passion for. Picking a topic you already have some interest or background knowledge in will make the workload more engaging.

Feasibility – Consider if a topic is reasonably achievable given the time and resource constraints of a capstone project. Very large or complex topics may be difficult to sufficiently research, design and execute within a single academic term. It’s best to scope your topic to something that allows enough time for all required phases like planning, literature review, implementation, testing and documentation. Narrow or focused research questions are generally more feasible than overly broad or ambiguous ones.

Alignment with Learning Outcomes – Make sure the topic aligns with and will allow you to demonstrate the intended learning outcomes of the capstone. These are usually defined by your program or department and may include skills like critical thinking, design, problem solving, communication, project management and independent work. Choosing a topic closely related to your field of study helps show mastery of the subject matter.

Gap in Existing Research – Look for a topic that investigates an area lacking sufficient prior research, or approaches an existing problem from a new perspective. Demonstrating your project extends the current body of knowledge in the field shows higher-level thinking. There still needs to be enough existing literature and background information to support exploring the identified gap.

Potential for Positive Impact – Whenever possible, select topics that could potentially contribute value or make a positive impact if implemented or built upon by others in the future. “Real world” projects directly applicable to industry, government or community problems are ideal. More theoretical topics can also lay important groundwork if the knowledge adds to academic discourse or may inspire future applications.

Access to Resources – Consider if needed resources like data, participants, subject matter experts or specialized equipment could potentially be accessed during your project timeframe. Off-campus collaborators or field work may require lengthy approval processes. If certain resources seem out of reach, the topic may need adjustment or simplifying assumptions identified early on. Having backup research options is prudent if initial plans face obstacles.

Advisor Support – Discuss potential project ideas early with your capstone advisor to get feedback on feasibility and alignment with their expertise. Advisors will be more invested in helping guide a topic within their domain of knowledge. Their familiarity with the subject matter is invaluable for quality feedback, suggestions and helping you stay on track during implementation. Conflicts with their availability should also be considered up front.

Ethical Implications – Any topic involving human participants, sensitive personal information, intellectual property or biosafety issues requires extra scrutiny and mitigation of potential ethical concerns. Factors like privacy, data security, informed consent and risk of harm need addressed from the start. Projects with clear ethical risks may face greater challenges obtaining necessary approvals on time.

Intellectual Property Concerns – Topics proposing creative works, designs, inventions or proprietary methods require addressing intellectual property early regarding things like disclosure agreements, patenting processes or copyright. Understanding if and how any generated IP could be commercially applicable is important for both feasibility and potential impact assessment.

Considering personal interests balanced with realistic feasibility, resources available, benefits beyond your own learning, and alignment with program outcomes are key when selecting a capstone project topic. Early discussions with advisors also help refine ideas in line with their expertise and feedback before significant time or effort is invested into topics unlikely to succeed. With meticulous planning, your selected topic has high potential for a personally rewarding and impactful final experience before graduating.


When choosing a topic for your capstone project, there are several important factors to consider to ensure you select something that is manageable, meaningful, and allows you to demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skills. Choosing the right topic is crucial to the success of your final project. Here are some of the most important elements to reflect on.

Passion and Interest – One of the best ways to stay motivated through the challenges of a large capstone project is to choose a topic you are genuinely interested in and passionate about. Selecting a topic you find intriguing will better sustain your focus and drive to fully research and complete the work. Think about topics, issues, or ideas that really engage you on both an intellectual and personal level.

Scope – You need to choose a topic that can be adequately researched and investigated within the given timeframe and parameters for a capstone project. Be realistic about what can reasonably be accomplished. A topic that is too broad or expansive may be difficult to comprehensively cover whereas topics that are too narrow may lack depth or meaningful analysis. Consider the scope and scale required for different types of projects like research papers, designed artifacts, or other work.

Meaningful Analysis – Along with being a manageable size, your topic should allow for significant analysis, insights, conclusions or other intellectually rigorous work expected of a capstone project. Pick a topic where you can evaluate information critically, identify themes or debates, draw inferences, and generate logical discussions or arguments. Topics that mainly involve descriptive summaries of facts likely won’t meet expectations.

Expertise – Since capstone projects are intended to showcase your highest level of knowledge and skills learned throughout your program of study, choose a topic within your area of expertise. You should feel confident in your ability to deeply explore the issues and demonstrate expertise through the project work. Consider topics you have prior coursework or experience in investigating. A topic requiring additional background research may pose difficulties.

Relevance – Think about what is currently relevant and interesting within your field of study and to potential readers or audiences of your work. Choose a topic of importance, intrigue or consequence to the subject discipline. Timely and pertinent topics show greater understanding of current debates and trends. Making relevant connections will strengthen the impact and appeal of your work.

Novelty – While capstone projects should demonstrate expertise, they are also an opportunity to bring new insights to familiar topics or investigate lesser explored issues. Selecting a topic with an innovative angle, creative approach, or unique perspective can differentiate your work from other projects and help make an original contribution.

Access to Resources – Consider what types of research sources will be required for your topic and whether you will have access to information needed like data sets, case studies, subject experts to interview, site visits, or other materials. Inability to obtain required resources can compromise the viability of proposed topics or projects.

Potential Outcomes – Most importantly, choose a topic that allows meaningful application of methods and generation of outcomes aligned with the purpose and expectations of the particular capstone experience. For example, the topic should permit recommendations, conclusions, applications, insights or other expected types of potential findings. Simply exploring a topic without clear direction for analysis or outcomes fails to achieve project goals.

Faculty Advising – When possible in selecting a topic, consider what areas of expertise faculty advisors have to potentially support and evaluate your work. Developing a project that fits well within an advisor’s areas of knowledge and research interests improves their ability to provide guidance. Soliciting advisor input early also prevents choosing topics they don’t feel equipped to oversee.

Carefully evaluating all these key factors will help ensure your capstone project topic choice is well-suited to the end goal of demonstrating advanced intellectual and applied abilities expected at the culmination of study. With meaningful consideration of these important elements, students can select an engaging and impactful topic they will carry through to a successful project completion.


One of the most important factors to consider is choosing a topic that is interesting to you and that you are passionate about. Public health is a broad field that encompasses many diverse topics, so it’s crucial to select an area that genuinely interests and motivates you. You will be spending a significant amount of time working on this project, so choosing a topic you find fascinating will help sustain your interest and enthusiasm throughout the capstone process.

It’s also important to consider the relevance and significance of potential topics. Select a project that addresses an important public health issue or challenge and that could contribute meaningful insights. Conduct preliminary research to understand the scope of the problem and identify gaps in knowledge or methodology where your project could make an impactful contribution. Considering the broader significance of different topics will help ensure your project maximizes its value.

You must also choose a topic that is appropriately narrow and can be feasibly addressed within the typical scope of a capstone project. While important topics may seem broad, you will need to focus your project around a specific research question or well-defined objective that can realistically be studied within your timeframe and resource constraints. Scoping your topic narrowly enough will help guarantee a manageable scale.

Assess the available literature and data for potential topics. Some topics may have extensive previous research that a student project could build upon, whereas other important areas could lack adequate published studies or data sets to support a rigorous analysis. Make sure there are sufficient existing information sources to comprehensively review relevant literature and draw meaningful conclusions for your specific research purpose.

Consider your own strengths, skill set, and areas of expertise when choosing a topic. While there may be value in pushing your boundaries somewhat, you’ll want a project that plays to your interests and capabilities. Factors like your quantitative/qualitative strengths, methodological experience, accessibility of data sources, and substantive knowledge in particular topic domains should all inform your selection.

Also evaluate potential topics based on your faculty advisor’s expertise. Choosing a subject that falls within your assigned advisor’s areas of research and methodological skills will ensure they can provide the most useful guidance. Their familiarity with a topic will better enable support throughout your project. While pursuing topics beyond an advisor’s specialization may still be possible, alignment is preferable when feasible.

Think about how your capstone can complement and build upon other coursework and experiences in your degree program as well. Look for opportunities to deepen understandings developed previously or integrate across disciplines. Tying your project back to the overall knowledge and skills gained in your public health studies can strengthen its significance within the curriculum.

Consideration of ethical issues is also paramount. Any research question and methodology you propose must meet high standards for protecting human subjects and complying with institutional requirements. Some topics may present unique challenges to obtaining ethical approval or pose human subjects risks that would be difficult for an individual student project to navigate. Choosing a study that can readily satisfy ethical standards is advisable.

Assess potential opportunities for disseminating your work beyond just an academic paper or presentation to faculty. Look for topics and methods where findings could realistically inform practice or policy, or that may be of interest to professional conferences and journals. While publication or policy impact should not be the sole or primary aim, considering dissemination potential could maximize a project’s value and align with important public health goals of translating evidence into action.

When choosing your capstone project consider factors like personal interest, topic importance and contributions, realistic scope, available literature and data sources, your own skills and advisors’ expertise, complementing your degree program, ethics, and dissemination potential. Carefully reflecting on each allows selection of a meaningful project you can successfully complete within expectations.