Tag Archives: methodologies


Design Science Research (DSR): DSR is a methodology focused on building and evaluating IT artifacts to solve identified organizational problems. It is commonly used in engineering, computer science, and information systems capstones. In DSR, students first identify and define a problem domain based on literature reviews and interviews. They then create an artifact like a software application, business process model, or algorithm. The artifact is rigorously evaluated and refined through iterative cycles of development, evaluation, and feedback. Students demonstrate how the artifact improves upon existing solutions in the problem domain.

Case Study: The case study methodology involves an in-depth exploration and analysis of a specific real-world event, process, organization, person, or other phenomenon of interest. Students select an organization or case to study, collect qualitative and quantitative data through methods like document analysis, surveys, interviews, and direct observation. The data is then rigorously analyzed using techniques like coding, matrices, and process tracing. Students identify key themes, develop evidenced conclusions, and make recommendations informed by the case analysis. Case studies are often used in business, public policy, and social science capstones.

Experimental Research: Experimental research involves the manipulation of an independent variable and observation of its effect on a dependent variable within a controlled environment. Students formulate hypotheses based on theories, conduct literature reviews, and develop a research design involving manipulated variables and control groups. Human subjects or analog systems are then exposed to different conditions of the independent variable. Dependent variables are measured and results statistically analyzed. Experimental research is common in science, technology, engineering and mathematics capstones to test causal relationships and advance scientific knowledge.

Systems Analysis: Systems analysis involves understanding a system as a complex whole comprised of interconnected and interdependent subsystems. Students identify the components, relationships, environment, and boundaries of the overall system through problem definition, data collection, process mapping, and model building. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques are used to analyze how well the system is currently functioning and identify areas for improvement. Recommendations target optimization or redesign of system processes, information flows, tasks, and technologies based on performance criteria. Systems analysis is frequently employed in engineering, computer science and business administration capstones.

Design Thinking: Design thinking provides a human-centered, solutions-focused approach to problem-solving through empathy, ideation, rapid prototyping and testing. Students start by deeply understanding user needs through immersive research techniques like ethnographic field studies and interviews. They then synthesize findings to define the design challenge and identify insights. Ideas are rapidly generated, refined and translated into rough prototypes which are evaluated through user testing. Prototypes undergo iterative improvement based on feedback until a final optimal design is determined. Design thinking is used in product design, IT, healthcare and public policy capstones to develop innovative solutions to complex problems.

Program Evaluation: Program evaluation assesses the design, implementation, and outcomes of intervention programs, policies or initiatives. Students work with a client organization to clarify the intended goals, theory of change and target populations/stakeholders of a given program. Mixed methods are used to collect data on program operations, quality, reach and early signs of impact or results. Students then analyze, interpret and synthesize findings to make judgments about program effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and sustainability. Recommendations target ways to improve program performance, demonstrate impacts or inform future efforts. Program evaluation is utilized in community development, education and social sciences capstones.

Action Research: Action research embedded students directly into an organization to collaboratively solve problems through iterative cycles of planning, action and fact-finding about the results of actions. Students work closely with organizational stakeholders to identify priorities and feasible areas for improvement projects. Simple interventions are planned and implemented on a small scale, followed by systematic collection of both qualitative and quantitative data to analyze what happened as a result. Findings are reflected upon to inform the next cycle of planning, action and data gathering until satisfactory solutions emerge. Action research reinforces academic learning through authentic collaboration with industry to address real organizational issues faced across many disciplines.

This covers some of the most widely-used methodologies seen in capstone projects across disciplines, with details about the defining characteristics, processes and purpose of each approach. All of these methodologies rigorously apply research-backed techniques to investigate phenomena and address practical problems through evidence-based solutions. Students benefit from gaining applied experience with these industry-standard methods for tackling complex challenges through disciplined inquiry.


Nursing capstone projects allow students to demonstrate their mastery of nursing knowledge and clinical skills by conducting an independent research project on a topic of relevance to the nursing profession. There are several research methodologies commonly used in nursing capstone projects.

A very common methodology is conducting a literature review. For a literature review, the student will identify a specific topic or issue within nursing and comprehensively review the existing published literature on that subject. This can involve evaluating and synthesizing dozens of research studies, journal articles, papers and other sources. Through a literature review, a student can explore what is already known on a topic, identify gaps in knowledge, emerging issues and determine recommendations for future areas of study. Literature reviews allow students to thoroughly analyze a topic without direct data collection.

Surveys are also frequently used in nursing capstone projects. A student will design a questionnaire or structured interview schedule to collect original data by surveying nurses, patients, caregivers or other relevant groups. Surveys are useful for gathering demographic information, opinions, experiences, behaviors, needs assessments and more. Students must clearly define a target population, determine an appropriate sample size, develop survey items and format, administer the survey in an ethical way, analyze the results and draw conclusions. Surveys can provide insights into perceptions and trends across a population.

Another common methodology is a pilot study, which involves implementing a small-scale preliminary study to test aspects of a proposed research design and methodology. For example, a student may pilot test a new patient education program, screening tool, clinical protocol or other innovative approach. Through a pilot study, they can evaluate feasibility, identify challenges or unintended outcomes, collect preliminary data and determine if a full-scale study is warranted. Pilot studies help refine a research idea before large-scale implementation and investment of resources.

Qualitative methodologies, which rely on observational techniques instead of numeric data, are also popular choices. Common options include focus groups, interviews and case studies. For instance, a student may conduct focus groups to explore patient experiences during care transitions or conduct one-on-one interviews to understand nurses’ views on self-care practices. These techniques generate rich narrative data useful for illuminating perspectives, generating hypotheses or contextualizing quantitative results. Case studies, which involve in-depth analysis of one or more exemplar cases, can highlight best practices.

Secondary data analysis is another methodology where students analyze existing data sets from sources such as large health surveys, electronic health records or national databases. Using statistical techniques, they may evaluate relationships between clinical variables, compare outcomes across populations or investigate trends over time. While they did not directly collect the raw data, secondary analysis allows exploration of valuable information sources.

Some students also conduct original quantitative research through observational or experimental studies. Observational studies examine relationships by measuring exposures, characteristics and outcomes without direct manipulation—for example, a correlational study of nurse staffing levels and patient satisfaction scores. Experimental designs directly manipulate variables and assign subjects randomly to control and intervention groups to test causal hypotheses—such as a randomized controlled trial testing the impact of a nursing intervention on patient morbidity. This ‘gold standard’ approach provides the strongest evidence but requires greater resources.

Nursing capstone projects employ a wide array of research methodologies commonly used in the healthcare field such as literature reviews, surveys, pilot studies, qualitative approaches, secondary data analysis and quantitative research designs. Students must select the design and methods strategically aligned with their research question, objectives, scope, population, available resources and intended implications. A solid methodology is key to conducting high-quality nursing research and knowledge generation through capstone projects.


Waterfall Model: The waterfall model is a traditional linear sequential approach to project management where progress flows in stages from one to the next. It is one of the earliest and most commonly used PM methodologies. In a capstone project context, it typically follows these phases: 1) Requirements – what needs to be developed is defined, 2) Design – a detailed plan for how the requirements will be met is created, 3) Implementation – the capstone product is built according to the design specifications, 4) Testing – the product is tested to ensure it meets requirements, 5) Implementation – the completed capstone product is handed over to stakeholders for use. Strengths include its simplicity and structure which provide clear deliverables and milestones. It does not allow for much flexibility or iteration if requirements change.

Agile Methodologies: Agile approaches to PM have grown in popularity for capstone projects as they allow for more flexibility and customer collaboration compared to Waterfall. Common Agile methodologies used include Scrum and Kanban. With Scrum, the capstone project is broken into 2-4 week Sprints where working software/deliverables are created, reviewed by stakeholders in a Sprint Review, and improvements defined for the next Sprint in a planning meeting. Daily stand-up meetings keep the team accountable. Kanban uses a pull-based system where tasks are pulled into different workflow states (To Do, Doing, Done) as team capacity allows versus assigning in blocks like Scrum Sprints. Both are iterative approaches adaptive to changing requirements.

Spiral Model: The spiral model takes elements of both Waterfall and Agile approaches. It follows four phases repeated in iterations or spirals – Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering, Evaluation. Each cycle produces deliverables while refining requirements and reducing risks. As concept and implementation evolve, riskier aspects are addressed first in subsequent spirals. It is well-suited for capstone projects that deal with uncertainty or complex problems. Students can prototype ideas to validate assumptions incrementally as understanding improves.

Lean Six Sigma: Six Sigma’s data-driven continuous improvement philosophy can enhance capstone project quality through its Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control (DMAIC) framework. Students clearly define project objectives and critical customer requirements. Process performance and defects are measured. Root causes of issues are analyzed statistically. Changes to remove waste and variation are implemented and controlled. The Lean portion focuses on optimizing value delivery and reducing non-value added activities through mapping and analysis of project workflow. Together they emphasize quality, efficiency and customer satisfaction.

PRINCE2: PRojects IN Controlled Environments version 2 (PRINCE2) provides a standardized structured approach applicable across industries. Its seven principles, themes and processes can help large multi-phase capstone group projects stay on track and achieve objectives. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined for the Project Manager, Project Board and Project Assurance quality check. Plans outline what needs to be achieved at each stage-gate review milestone. Changes to scope are managed via its configuration management. Documentation follows templates making information easy to understand at handovers between graduating classes on long-term projects.

Other less common but still relevant methodologies used for capstones depending on context include the V-Model for verification and validation in software projects, RUP – Rational Unified Process for iterative development, and DSDM – Dynamic Systems Development Method which prioritizes meeting user needs to gain early feedback for larger system-oriented student work. Regardless of methodology, good project communication, documentation and stakeholder involvement are key components of successful capstone program management.

Each methodology has relative strengths and weaknesses for different project contexts. Choosing the right one involves analyzing factors like scope, complexity, industry standards, skills available, resources and stakeholder needs for the capstone. Hybrid or tailored approaches often combine benefits from multiple methods. With proper training, any of the methodologies detailed here can help capstone teams deliver quality results through an organized project life cycle tailored for the academic learning environment.


DevOps and agile methodologies both aim to improve productivity and delivery in software development, but they have some key differences. DevOps focuses on collaboration between development and operations teams, while agile methodologies guide development processes and workflows. Let’s explore these differences in more depth:

DevOps is a set of practices that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and IT operations teams. The main goal of DevOps is to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery of new features and bug fixes in short cycles. It aims to break down the silos that traditionally existed between development and operations groups in an organization and instead promote shared goals and tools. Some core practices of DevOps include:

Automation – Automating as many IT processes as possible like deployments, testing, release management etc. to minimize manual toil and reduce the time between writing code and releasing it.

Monitoring – Implementing tools and practices to continuously monitor applications in production to catch issues early. This helps improve reliability.

Continuous Integration/Delivery – Integrating code changes frequently, preferably several times a day, and ensuring these changes can be released to production quickly in a reliable and repeatable manner.

Infrastructure as Code – Managing and provisioning servers, networks and middleware through code which allows infrastructure to be treated as “cattle not pets” and stood up quickly as needed.

Collaboration – Developers and ops working together in cross-functional teams from the very beginning of a project using shared tools and processes to build, test, deploy and monitor applications.

Agile methodologies on the other hand guide the development process through principles and frameworks. The main agile methodologies used for software projects include Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Extreme Programming (XP) etc. Some key aspects of agile include:

Incremental delivery – Prioritizing work into small, rapidly releasable increments rather than big, infrequent drops which allow for quicker feedback.

Adaptability – Welcoming changing requirements throughout development by rapidly responding to change rather than attempting to anticipate everything up front.

People-centricity – Recognizing individuals and interactions over processes and tools, empowering self-organizing teams.

Continuous improvement – Regular inspection and adaptation of processes based on learnings from previous iterations to continuously improve.

User focus – Collaboration between business and technical through the whole development lifecycle to build products that provide real user value.

While DevOps focuses on culture and tools to enable continuous delivery, agile provides a framework for development teams to follow an incremental process. Both are relevant and complementary for capstone projects:

DevOps ensures IT processes are automated and optimized to continuously deploy updates to the capstone application in production. This allows features to be added and bugs fixed in a rapid, reliable manner throughout the project duration.

Agile methodologies like Scrum provide structure for students to incrementally develop the capstone app through a series of timeboxed sprints, gathering feedback along the way from stakeholders like professors and external sponsors. Students self-organize within cross-functional teams to adapt to changing requirements.

Together DevOps and agile help students develop capstone projects that provide value throughout, not just at the end. They simulate real-world workflows and ensure projects are delivered iteratively to gain ongoing feedback for continuous improvement. This replicates industry best practices.

While DevOps centers around collaboration and tools to continuously deliver value, agile provides the framework for incremental, collaborative development processes. For capstone projects, a DevOps culture combined with an agile methodology ensures software can be rapidly updated and improved up until the final submission deadline, providing the most benefit to stakeholders along the way. Both methodologies are highly relevant to help students gain real-world software development experience for their academic projects and future careers.