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Students should first determine the goal of showcasing their capstone project. Is it to highlight their skills and experience for employment opportunities, or to demonstrate their qualifications and accomplishments to potential graduate programs? The goal will help guide how they present and promote their project.

No matter the goal, students should document their entire capstone project process from start to finish. This includes a project proposal, documentation of the research and planning phases, any prototypes or iterations, and details on the final project outcomes. Having a comprehensive written report allows students to highlight the depth and breadth of their work. This report can be shared digitally with colleges and employers.

Students should also create a professional presentation that summarizes their project. This is important for both virtual and in-person opportunities to showcase the capstone, such as career fairs, admit days at colleges, or interviews. The presentation should give an overview of the project challenges and goals, process taken to complete it, results and any quantitative or qualitative data collected, as well as lessons learned. It’s best if this presentation is around 10-15 slides and takes 10-12 minutes to deliver. Practice it thoroughly.

In addition to a written report and presentation, students should develop promotional materials to accompany their capstone project. This includes an elevator pitch of 30-60 seconds to concisely explain the project that can be easily shared. A one-page project summary handout allows for quick reference of the key details. High-quality photos of any prototypes or end products related to the capstone help bring it to life. A short video, 2-3 minutes long, is also impactful for visual learners.

Students need to identify appropriate platforms and outlets to disseminate information about their capstone project. This involves direct outreach as well as utilizing digital and social media channels. Students can request informational interviews or join career fairs to directly meet with employers. College databases and alumni connections can also facilitate outreach. As for digital methods, thorough profiles on professional networking sites like LinkedIn highlighting the capstone experience are important. Students should upload their full written report and other materials to their online portfolios or personal websites for easy access. Promoting the project through social media like Twitter and Facebook using hashtags of the industry helps expand reach.

Once opportunities to showcase the capstone project arise, whether career fairs, info sessions or interviews, students need to be prepared to discuss it in-depth. They should have answers prepared for common questions like what problems they addressed, the process taken, challenges overcome, lessons learned, as well technical details if needed. Personal anecdotes that bring the experience to life are memorable. Students must effectively articulate how the skills gained through completing their capstone project qualify them for the potential employment or graduate program opportunities. Requesting feedback is another way to make a strong impression.

Following up after any showcase of their capstone project is critical for students. They should send a customized thank you email or note within 24 hours reiterating their interest and qualifications. Requesting to connect on LinkedIn is a nice touch. If a college or job doesn’t become available right away, students can follow up every few months with any new accomplishments to maintain top-of-mind awareness of their capstone experience and skills. Over time, with multiple modes of promotion and dedicated follow up, showcasing a standout capstone project can open meaningful doors for students.

By thoroughly documenting, professionally presenting, creatively promoting across appropriate channels, and thoughtfully following up on their capstone project experience, students have an excellent opportunity to differentiate themselves and showcase the value and qualifications gained to potential colleges and employers. With preparation and passion, a capstone has strong potential to help advance students’ academic and career goals.


Mobile application development is a growing field with many opportunities. For a successful capstone project showcasing one’s skills, students need to pick up proficiency in both hard and soft skills. On the technical side, mastering Java and Android APIs is a must. Students also need strong software engineering practices like version control, testing, and continuous integration.

In terms of Java skills, students should have a solid grasp of OOP concepts, know how to create well-designed classes and interact with various Android APIs. For example, strong skills in activities, services, content providers, broadcast receivers and SQLite database usage will be invaluable for building robust apps. Students also need experience with key Android frameworks like architecture components, app widgets, camera support etc. Handling common non-functional requirements like security, performance optimization, debugging are also important.

Version control usage is another area students must focus on. Whether it’s GitHub, BitBucket or another platform, version controlling the code and using features like branching enables easy contribution and code management. It also allows tracking changes over time. Students should learn how to use branching models appropriately for features, bug fixes etc. Commit messages need to properly summarize the changes to aid understanding code evolution for self and others.

Testing capabilities are a differentiator for capstone projects. Students should gain skills in writing unit tests using frameworks like JUnit and UI tests with Espressor or Appium. Writing tests early ensures code quality and prevents regressions. Coverage reporting gives confidence in results. Integration with build systems allows running tests on each change. Testing XML, JSON, network responses handling corner cases strengthens reliability.

Capstone projects also need Continuous Integration configured. Skills like setting up CI tools like Jenkins or Travis allows automating builds and running tests on each code commit. It rapidly identifies issues and ensures quality standards are met. Students must also pick up debugging techniques using log statements, breakpoints, profiling and monitoring tools. Debugging real devices is crucial to replicating issues.

Good coding practices like encapsulation, low coupling, high cohesion, compliance to standards leads to maintainable code. Design patterns provide well-understood solutions and must be applied appropriately. Code linting ensures uniformity and readability. Documentation of code, tests, APIs, builds and deployments are important for collaboration as well use by others later.

Project management related skills also help ship quality projects on time. Students need experience working in agile methodologies like scrum and kanban. Estimating and splitting work into user stories/tasks, tracking progress, reporting status and resolving impediments are crucial. UML, workflow diagrams assist planning and communication.

Soft skills are an important differentiator too. Communication and collaboration skills for working with stakeholders and team members are needed. Presentation skills help effective demos and discussions. Responding to feedback gracefully and driving positive discussions aid learning and career growth. Curiosity and willingness to learn from mistakes and experiences of others improves abilities.

Android skills also need abilities beyond code. Features like push notifications, location tracking, maps integration, Bluetooth/NFC, billing support require specific know-how. Device APIs for things like sensors, camera, storage demand practice. Connecting to REST APIs requires networking understanding. Security skills related to encryption, authentication are important in many apps. Quality attributes testing performance, accessibility, localization needs attention.

Focusing on both technical and soft abilities prepares students for roles like Android Developers, Software Engineers or Tech Leads in startups and companies. By selecting an interesting domain and purposefully developing these skills through a polished capstone app, students can stand out for internships and job opportunities in a competitive industry. A shipped final app with quality code is a great resume addition and helps students land that dream job! I hope this detailed answer provides a good understanding of the broad range of skills needed for a successful Android capstone project. Please let me know if any area requires more explanation.


Graduate students across many disciplines work on capstone projects that aim to address important real-world issues and problem through applied research and proposed solutions. These projects allow students to conduct independent research, analyze complex problems, and develop meaningful conclusions and recommendations based on their acquired knowledge and skills during their graduate studies. Some common types of problems addressed in capstone projects include:

Health issues – Projects focused on healthcare and public health often examine issues like improving access to care, addressing health disparities, developing new treatment approaches, promoting preventive strategies, and responding to infectious disease outbreaks. For example, a nursing capstone may evaluate models for expanding primary care services in underserved rural communities. A public health capstone could assess strategies for enhancing vaccination rates. Medical sciences capstones sometimes involve laboratory or clinical research developing new diagnostic tests or therapies.

Environmental challenges – Sustainable management of natural resources and protecting the environment are priorities that many capstones in environmental science, conservation, and earth sciences address. Common topics include combating climate change by measuring its local impacts and advancing mitigation/adaptation approaches, evaluating policies to reduce pollution and waste, analyzing land use plans to balance development and habitat protection, and assessing renewable energy potentials and infrastructure needs. For instance, a forestry capstone may model reforestation efforts after a wildfire. An environmental engineering capstone could propose improvements to urban stormwater management.

Social issues – Graduate programs in social work, education, criminal justice, public policy, and related fields regularly produce capstones aimed at tackling critical social problems. Examples include exploring restorative justice models for juvenile offenders, developing trauma-informed classroom techniques, crafting anti-poverty initiatives, enhancing foster care support systems, addressing educational inequities, assisting vulnerable populations like veterans or the elderly, reducing recidivism, and promoting social inclusion. A social work capstone may evaluate a shelter program for domestic violence survivors. An education leadership capstone could explore strategies for improving literacy rates.

Economic challenges – Issues like unemployment, income inequality, lack of affordable housing, small business support, workforce development, infrastructure needs, and economic diversification are priorities for many capstones in fields such as business administration, economics, urban planning, and public administration. For instance, an MBA capstone may propose a business plan for a startup company operating in an underserved market. An economic development capstone could analyze approaches for retraining displaced factory workers. An urban planning capstone may create a redevelopment proposal for a vacant downtown area.

Technology/infrastructure issues – As technology progresses rapidly, capstones in engineering, computer science, and related STEM programs regularly aim to apply research and innovation to problems involving transportation networks, communications systems, energy grids, manufacturing processes, construction materials, and more. Examples include designing assistive technologies to support those with disabilities, developing algorithmic tools to address cybersecurity threats, exploring renewable energy infrastructure for rural communities, employing IoT sensors to monitor infrastructure integrity, and creating systems to optimize traffic flow or public transit ridership. A civil engineering capstone may model improvements to an aging water treatment plant. A computer science capstone could build an app promoting civic engagement.

This sampling of topics illustrates how capstone projects provide graduate students opportunities to conduct applied research that directly addresses concrete problems encountered in their professional fields and communities. By focusing on real-world issues, these culminating academic experiences allow insights gained through advanced study to be put to practical use, evaluating challenges through rigorous analysis and proposing evidence-based solutions that could potentially be implemented. While individual projects may not solve immense societal dilemmas alone, collectively they promote applying multidisciplinary perspectives to improve people’s lives and advance pressing causes through innovative thinking and collaborative work.


Civil Engineering Capstone Projects:

One civil engineering capstone project involved redesigning a section of roadway to improve traffic flow and safety. The students analyzed traffic patterns and accident reports to determine areas of concern. They then designed solutions like widening lanes, adjusting signal timing, adding turn lanes, changing lane configurations, and improving signage and markings. Their redesign was presented to the local department of transportation for consideration.

Another civil engineering capstone team worked with the city to plan for future growth needs. They evaluated population projections, analyzed land use plans, and identified infrastructure improvement priorities like roads, bridges, utilities, parks, etc that would be required to support the growing population over the next 20-30 years. They developed a phased capital improvement plan with cost estimates to guide the city’s long term budgeting and project planning.

Computer Science Capstone Projects:

One computer science capstone group developed a web application to help non-profit organizations better manage their volunteer networks. The application included features like an online volunteer registration system, a calendar to schedule volunteer shifts, automated email reminders, and reporting tools to track volunteer hours. It was piloted by 3 local non-profits.

Another computer science team created an artificial intelligence chatbot for a major company. The chatbot was trained on a massive dataset of past customer service inquiries to answer frequent questions. It also had the ability to route more complex questions to a human agent. The project trained and tested multiple chatbot models to optimize natural language understanding and response generation.

Mechanical Engineering Capstone Projects:

One mechanical engineering capstone project involved redesigning the assembly process for a particular medical device to reduce manufacturing costs. The students analyzed the existing process, identified bottlenecks, and designed new jigs, fixtures and automation elements. Their proposed system was estimated to increase throughput by 30% while removing three labor intensive steps.

Another mechanical engineering capstone team worked with a manufacturer of off-road vehicles to develop a prototype for a new suspension system. Through modeling, simulation and testing, they refined their design to improve comfort, handling and durability over rough terrain. Their physical prototype was evaluated by the company for potential incorporation into future product lines.

Electrical Engineering Capstone Projects:

For their capstone, one electrical engineering group designed a smart irrigation system controller for commercial agricultural applications. The wireless controller used soil moisture and weather sensing along with data analytics to optimize watering schedules. It was estimated to save farms 15-20% on water usage.

Another electrical engineering team created a prototype assistive device for people with limited mobility. The device uses gesture recognition, voice command capabilities and a motorized wheelchair base to give users more independence. It was tested with potential clients and further interface/control refinements were recommended based on user feedback.

Industrial Design Capstone Projects:

One industrial design capstone focused on redesigning certain medical equipment to be more user-friendly for elderly patients. Through interviews and observations, the team identified pain points like small buttons, confusing interfaces and body strength requirements. Their concept models applied principles of universal design, simplified operation and incorporated assistive technologies.

Another industrial design project involved creating new product concepts for a toy company’s preschool line. The students explored trends, conducted child focus groups and developed 10 unique, patentable toy ideas targeting different niche markets and skill development areas. Three of the concepts showed the most commercial potential and were presented to the client.

These represent just a small sample of the diverse, impactful capstone projects undertaken across Georgia Tech’s colleges each year. The projects provide invaluable real-world experience in applying classroom learning to solve practical problems. They also allow students to build professional portfolios and make industry connections that aid career pursuits after graduation.


At Oregon State University, capstone projects serve as a culminating experience for students to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout their academic program. Capstone projects take on many forms, including applied research projects, design projects, performances, exhibits, clinical experiences, internships, community service projects, and more. All capstone projects are intended to allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of the learning outcomes for their degree through an intensive project or experience.

The evaluation and grading of capstone projects at OSU is meant to provide students with meaningful feedback on their work while also assigning a final grade that reflects their capstone achievement. The process involves several key stages and participants to ensure rigorous and fair assessment.

When students enroll in their capstone course, they work closely with a capstone advisor who is typically a faculty member in their major/program. The capstone advisor helps the student develop a clear capstone proposal that identifies the project goals, activities, timeline, and expected outcomes or deliverables. The proposal establishes the scope and expectations for the project that will guide the subsequent evaluation. The capstone advisor is responsible for approving the proposal.

Once the proposal is approved, students carry out their capstone work over the course of a term or academic year, depending on the program. They continue meeting regularly with their capstone advisor for guidance, feedback, and to discuss progress. The capstone advisor monitors the student’s work throughout and may periodically assess elements like preliminary drafts, updates, or work samples using rubrics. Their ongoing input helps students stay on track to meet expectations.

When the capstone work is complete, most programs require students to present their final project or experience to an evaluation committee. Committees typically include the capstone advisor along with other relevant faculty, community partners, or professionals. Committee membership varies by department but aims to bring diverse perspectives relevant to evaluating the work.

The purpose of the capstone presentation is for students to demonstrate how they addressed the proposal goals, to discuss what they learned, and to take questions. Presentations may take the form of reports, posters, performances, demonstrations, or other appropriate formats. Committees often use standardized rubrics to assess all required elements and provide structured feedback.

Following the presentation, committees convene privately to determine two key outcomes – whether the project met the minimum standards to pass, and the overall letter grade. Checklists and rubrics are again used to structure this discussion. Committees consider how well students demonstrated attainment of learning outcomes, the level of analysis, rigor of work, depth of insight, and overall achievement relative to expectations. The capstone advisor’s ongoing input and assessment carries substantial weight.

Once determined by consensus, evaluation committees submit their results including pass/no pass and the letter grade directly to the academic program. Programs have discretion over final grade assignment according to their policies. Grades may factor in both the committee’s recommendation and input from the capstone advisor over the full project duration. The program notifies students of the official results.

Students who do not pass either present again or are asked to improve deficiencies, depending on issues. Those dissatisfied with grades may follow standard departmental protocols for grade appeals. The multi-step evaluation process with involvement from advisor and committee aims to provide robust yet constructive judgment of student capstone work at OSU. The assessment is criterion-based to ensure consistency and fairness across projects and academic years.

Capstone experiences represent the pinnacle of a OSU student’s undergraduate education. The detailed grading process helps validate and recognize each student’s demonstration of expertise through a project designed, executed and presented according to expectations established within their own chosen field or discipline. Through capstones, OSU prepares graduates not just with specialized knowledge but also the higher-order skills of self-directed application to serve them in their careers and communities.