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While experimental evaluations have many merits, greatly expanding their scope and rigor also poses significant challenges that must be addressed. One major challenge is that true randomized controlled experiments are often difficult, costly, or unethical to implement on a large scale across many programs and policies. Certain programs are simply not amenable to control groups due to ethical or practical constraints. For example, it would not be feasible or appropriate to randomly assign some students to for-profit colleges while denying others the opportunity in order to evaluate impacts.

Relatedly, the desire for more rigorous evaluation often conflicts with real-world constraints around program design and rollout. Politicians and program administrators face pressures to launch new initiatives quickly to address pressing issues. This limits the ability to first design programs specifically to facilitate evaluation or to take the time needed to pilot and refine interventions before broader implementation. The reality is that most programs are not created primarily for research purposes. Retrofitting them later for more rigorous evaluation is challenging.

Expanding experimental evaluation substantially raises data demands. Large-scale randomized experiments require collecting extensive individual-level data over long periods on both program participants and control groups, as well as cleaning, linking, and analyzing massive datasets. This type of data infrastructure is costly to create, maintain over time, and gain approval to access for research purposes due to confidentiality concerns. Related privacy and ethical issues also arise around collecting, storing and sharing sensitive personal information on a wide scale.

There are also concerns about demand characteristics, coercion, and unintended behavioral responses in experimental designs when study populations realize they are part of an evaluation. Simply evaluating more programs more rigorously could potentially influence the nature and quality of service delivery. Staff may feel pressure to artificially boost measured outcomes, for example. Also, participants assigned to a control group aware they are not receiving a promoted service could behave differently than they otherwise would.

The generalizability of even very rigorously-evaluated programs also remains limited by contextual factors not captured in experiments. Results obtained from evaluating a given policy under specific conditions may not translate predictably if the same policy is implemented differently elsewhere with varying target populations, available resources, community characteristics, and so on. Likewise, evaluations focus on discrete policies or interventions but the impacts of any given program are often confounded by simultaneous changes in the broader environment over time. Sorting out the influence of contextual factors poses methodological challenges.

Calls to vastly scale up randomized experimental evaluations could paradoxically reduce their credibility and influence if not implemented judiciously. Done poorly or without constraint, “evaluation for evaluation’s sake” risks producing a mountain of low-quality, inconclusive results that policymakers rightly learn to ignore or discount. Experimental evaluations demand substantial expertise and resources to design well, avoid biases, and yield clear, robust findings – qualities that become rarer as the volume of evaluations grows without regard to proportional increases in funding and methodological support. There is also a risk of “diluting the brand” of experimental methods through low-quality imitations that undermine trust in the approach.

Substantially increasing both the scope and rigor of impact evaluations faces major obstacles around the logistical and ethical feasibility of implementing randomized controlled trials at scale across diverse policy contexts, as well as gaps in data infrastructure, unintended behavioral consequences of evaluation designs, limited generalizability, and the very real risk of diminishing returns from vastly expanding evaluation activity without commensurate safeguards for quality. If the goal is to generate sound evidence that directly informs real-world policy and practice, these challenges must be addressed systemically through coordinated long-term investments in methodology, capacity-building, and innovation.


The first step is to clearly define the problem or opportunity that the new product aims to address. Conduct user research through interviews, surveys, focus groups or observations to deeply understand customer needs, pain points, and how existing solutions may be lacking. Analyze this qualitative and quantitative data to identify strong opportunities for innovation and summarize the main problem statements or customer jobs to be done.

With the problem well understood, establish the key goals and objectives for the new product. What specific customer needs must it fulfill? What benefits will it provide compared to current alternatives? Define 2-3 high level goals that can be measured and showcase success. Determine any constraints the project must work within such as budget, timeline, manufacturing feasibility, regulatory issues, intellectual property considerations and target customer profile.

Develop product requirements that directly translate the customer needs into actionable tasks for the design team. Requirements should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Group requirements into must-have essentials versus nice-to-have enhancements. Prioritize based on alignment with project goals and customer importance. Validate requirements by vetting with potential users when possible.

Concept generation is the creative phase to ideate many potential solutions. Conduct brainstorming sessions individually and collectively to produce a wide range of ideas. Sketch early concepts, focusing first on function over form. Evaluate concepts against product requirements to identify most promising opportunities for further exploration. Group ideas that could be combined or built upon one another.

Refine the top ideas through iterative prototyping and testing. Quickly create low-fidelity throwaway prototypes using affordable materials like paper, cardboard or 3D printing. Obtain qualitative feedback on prototypes from potential customers. Continually evaluate and modify prototypes based on voice of customer input to converge on preferred direction. Prototyping allows exploring form, function, usability and perceptions of different options.

With customer-validated concepts in hand, develop more mature product design specifications. Detailed drawings, CAD models, written specifications and requirements documents will communicate the final product design to engineers. Simultaneously, prepare a business case analysis outlining the market opportunity and financial projections for the proposed product. Factor in development, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and other lifecycle costs.

Build higher fidelity prototype(s) to further validate critical assumptions. Operational prototypes should resemble the final product construction, look and function to rigorously test performance prior to tooling design investments. Obtain additional user and market feedback to identify any remaining weaknesses or improvements needed before commercialization. Prototyping reduces risk by revealing issues upfront.

Define a project plan and schedule to bring the product to life. Estimate timelines for engineering design, sourcing parts, manufacturing set up, quality testing, production ramp and initial distribution. Factor in dependencies and contingencies. Assign team member responsibilities and establish regular check-ins ensure progress. Production generally includes building low-run pilot lots, establishing quality metrics and tweaking designs based on real world manufacturing learnings.

Documentation is essential throughout the product development process. Carefully record all research findings, ideas generated, prototypes created, design details, test result, feedback received, specifications, project plans, costs incurred and other learnings. Compiling and sharing this documentation provides institutional knowledge that other teams can learn from while proving evidence of your work.

Scoping a new product design and prototyping project requires deeply understanding customer needs, generating innovative solutions, quickly building and testing physical models, refining concepts through iteration, planning the financial and production roadmap, documenting all work, and collaborating with potential users every step of the way. A structured yet adaptive process will help deliver a compelling product that creates value for both customers and your organization. Cross-functional collaboration, internal stakeholder support, adequate resourcing and a clear plan are fundamentals for success.


Clearly define the project scope and objectives. At the outset of a capstone project, it’s crucial for all stakeholders to come to a clear agreement about the defined objectives and deliverables for the project. This will establish a baseline to measure any potential scope creep against. The scope should outline what is included and excluded from the project, as well as the boundaries. It helps to document the agreed upon scope in a formal scope statement or agreement that all parties sign off on.

Create a detailed work breakdown structure. Breaking down the overall project into smaller, more manageable tasks and deliverables through a work breakdown structure (WBS) is an important way to plan for and control scope creep. The WBS maps out all of the work packages and individual work items needed to successfully complete the project objectives. It establishes clarity around the sequencing and dependencies of tasks. Any requests for new work can then be measured against the established WBS.

Establish a change control process. A formal change control process, with clearly defined procedures, is essential for managing requests to change or expand the project scope. Any stakeholder can request a scope change, but it should not be implemented until it has gone through the proper change control process. This includes documenting the proposed change, analyzing its impact, and getting formal approval from the relevant parties. Without an established process, scope creep can slide in gradually.

Perform periodic scope verification. The project manager should conduct routine scope verifications and reviews throughout the life of the project. This involves checking the project deliverables and work performed against the original scope baseline. Any variances can then be identified, reviewed, and addressed according to the change control process before they accumulate into significant scope creep. Scope verifications provide an opportunity for stakeholders to re-confirm their requirements have been interpreted correctly as well.

Use scope control tools. There are various tools that can help give structure and visibility to scope management activities, making it easier to identify and control scope creep. Examples include scope change logs to track all proposed changes, impact assessments to evaluate how changes may affect timelines and budgets, status reports comparing work progress to the baseline plan, and scope dashboards to display the current scope compared to targets. Scope performance reviews can then leverage these tools.

Establish clear priorities. When facing pressure that could contribute to scope creep, it’s important for everyone involved to understand which project objectives take priority over others. Trade-off discussions may need to occur if suggested changes would threaten the timely completion of priority deliverables. With agreement on clear priorities defined in the project scope, it’s easier to say no to lower priority “nice to haves” that spread resources too thin.

Provide regular communications. Frequent, transparent communications help manage stakeholder expectations and alleviate the perceived need for scope changes. Project status reports and meetings keep stakeholders in the loop on progress and any issues. It allows them to see first-hand how their additional requests could hinder delivering on commitments if not properly managed. Regular touchpoints also provide an opportunities to get stakeholder sign-off before changes accumulate.

Involve stakeholders proactively. Making stakeholders true partners in scope management, not just recipients of status updates, can further reductions requests for undue scope changes. Techniques like collaborative product planning sessions, requirements workshops, and change advisory boards give stakeholders visible influence in decision making. With buy-in and participation, they are less likely to later demand changes they weren’t a part of establishing from the start.

Effectively managing scope creep on capstone projects involves taking preventive measures through clear upfront planning and ongoing control activities, as well as ensuring transparency, communication, and stakeholder involvement throughout the project lifecycle. Using a combination of formal scope documentation, a work breakdown structure, a change control process, and scope verification reviews provides structure for assessing change requests against the approved baseline scope and minimizing uncontrolled growth.