Author Archives: Evelina Rosser


One of the major challenges faced during the implementation of food waste reduction strategies was changing public behavior and mindsets around food. For many years, most people have viewed excess food as unimportant and not given much thought to wasting it. Things like clearing one’s plate, over-ordering at restaurants, or throwing out old leftovers and expired foods were ingrained habits. Shifting such habitual behaviors requires a significant mindset change, which can be difficult to achieve. It requires sustained education campaigns to raise awareness of the issue and its impacts, as well as motivation for people to adjust their daily food-related routines and habits.

Another behavioral challenge is that reducing food waste often requires more planning and coordination within households. Things like meticulously planning out meals, sticking to grocery lists, adjusting portion sizes, and making better use of leftovers necessitates more effort and time compared to past habits. While improving skills like meal planning, it is an adjustment that not everyone finds easy to make. For families with both parents working long hours, seeking convenience is also an understandable priority, leaving little time or energy for meticulous waste-reduction efforts.

From a business and operations perspective, one challenge is the lack of reliable data on food waste amounts. Most organizations, whether food manufacturers, grocery retailers or food service companies, have historically not tracked the scale of food that gets wasted within their facilities and supply chains. Without robust baseline data, it is difficult to analyze root causes, identify priorities and set meaningful targets for improvement. Some have also been hesitant to publicly share waste data for risk of reputational damage. The lack of common measurement standards has made industry-wide benchmarking and goal setting a challenge.

On the policy front, the mixed competencies shared between different levels and departments of government have made coordinated action difficult. Food waste touches on the responsibilities of agriculture, environment, waste collection, business regulations, public awareness campaigns and more. There is sometimes lack of clarity on who should take the lead, and duplication or gaps can occur between different actors. The complexity with multiple stakeholders across many domains further impedes swift, aligned policy progress to drive systemic changes.

Even when strategies are set, enforcement is a big challenge especially related to food date labeling policies. Standardizing and simplifying date labels to distinguish between ‘Best Before’ – indicating quality rather than safety – and ‘Use By’ date is an important intervention. Inconsistent application of new labeling rules by some in the vast food industry has undermined the effectiveness of this policy change to reduce consumer confusion and subsequent waste. Stronger compliance mechanisms are needed.

From a technological standpoint, while innovative solutions are emerging, scaling these up to have meaningful impact requires extensive investments of time and capital. Food redistribution through apps needs to overcome challenges like adequate coverage, logistical issues in arranging pick ups, necessity of refrigerated transportation, and standardizing quality parameters of donor and recipient organizations. Similarly, food waste valorization is still at a nascent, experimental phase with challenges of developing financially viable business models at commercial scale. These solutions are also capital intensive to set up advanced processing facilities.

Even simple measures like home composting have faced adoption challenges due to requirements like space, installation efforts, maintenance skills and concerns over pests and smells. Compostable packaging is not universally available and green bins for food scrap collection are not scaled up widely in all geographies to make participation easy. Expanded waste collection infrastructure requires substantial capital allocations by local governments already facing budget constraints.

From a supply chain coordination perspective, a key challenge is data and technology integration across the long and complex path food takes from farms to processing units to transport networks to retailers to finally consumers. Lack of end-to-end visibility impedes root cause analysis of where and why waste is originating. It also restricts opportunities for collaborative optimization of inventory, ordering and demand planning practices to minimize food left unconsumed at any stage. Silos between different entities and lack of incentives for open data sharing have hampered integrated solutions.

Reducing food waste faces behavioral, operational, policy-related, technological, financial as well as supply chain coordination challenges. It requires multifaceted, long-term efforts spanning awareness drives, standardized measurement, supportive regulations, scaled infrastructure, collaborative innovation and adaptability to local conditions. The complexity of root causes necessitates system-wide cooperation between industry, governments, researchers and communities to achieve meaningful impact over time. While progress has been made, continued dedication of resources and coordination between different stakeholders remains important to sustain momentum in tackling this massive global issue.


Coding Languages and Frameworks:

HTML/CSS – These core web technologies are essential for building any type of web application. HTML defines the content and structure, while CSS controls the design and layout. Many sites are built with just these languages.

JavaScript – As the core scripting language of the web, JavaScript is necessary for adding dynamic and interactive elements to web pages and applications. It is supported across all major browsers. Advanced JavaScript frameworks can be used to build complex single-page apps.

Python – A versatile programming language used widely in industry. Python can be used to build both front-end web apps using frameworks like Django and Flask, as well as back-end APIs and microservices. Python is also well-suited for data analysis, machine learning, and scripting tasks.

Java – The most popular language for traditional back-end web application development. The Spring framework is commonly used for creating enterprise-level Java web apps. Java can also be used to build Android mobile apps.

Swift/Objective-C – Required for building native iOS mobile apps running on iPhone and iPad. Swift is the primary language nowadays, replacing Objective-C, but it’s good to be familiar with both.

Kotlin – The preferred language for Android application development alongside Java. Kotlin code works directly with Android SDK and is fully interoperable with Java.

React – A JavaScript library for building complex user interfaces and single-page apps. React makes it easier to create interactive UIs and is commonly paired with frameworks like Redux. Widely used by Facebook, Instagram, and other big companies.

Angular – Another popular JavaScript framework, developed by Google. Similar capabilities to React but with a more fully-featured framework approach.

Node.js – A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js lets you write backend apps in JavaScript and is commonly used for REST API development alongside frameworks like Express.

Flutter – Google’s open-source mobile app SDK for building high-quality native applications for iOS and Android from a single codebase with the Dart programming language.

Development Environments:

Visual Studio Code – A free, lightweight but powerful source code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. Highly customizable and extensible.

Android Studio – The official IDE for developing Android apps.Provides an integrated environment for building Android apps with tools for compiling, debugging, and performance optimization.

Xcode – The official IDE for developing iOS apps on Mac systems. All development and deployment of apps is handled within Xcode.

PyCharm – A Python IDE developed by JetBrains, optimized for writing, debugging, and profiling Python code. Great for Django and Flask web development.

IntelliJ IDEA – A Java IDE that can also be used for Android, Python, JavaScript, etc. Very powerful but heavier than alternatives.


MySQL – The world’s most popular open-source relational database. Wide support and easy to use with many web frameworks.

Postgres – Another powerful open-source relational database used heavily in industry. Considered more robust than MySQL for complex requirements.

MongoDB – The dominant document-oriented NoSQL database. Flexible for unstructured data and frequently used with Node, Python and mobile backends.

Firebase – Google’s mobile platform with a realtime database well suited for mobile app development. Handles authentication, hosting, push notifications and more.

Testing & Deployment:

Jest – JavaScript testing framework primarily used with React apps. Easy to setup and runs fast with straightforward API.

JUnit – De facto unit testing standard for Java apps. Integrates cleanly with frameworks like Spring Boot.

Postman – Useful GUI tool for sending HTTP requests to test and document RESTful APIs during development.

Travis CI/GitHub Actions – Popular continuous integration services that can automate building/testing code and deploying releases when changes are pushed to GitHub.

Heroku – Leading cloud application platform. Makes it simple to deploy and host web/mobile backends written in most languages including Java, Python, Node, Ruby etc. Provides automated deploys from GitHub.

AWS – Industry-leading cloud provider offering comprehensive PaaS and IaaS services to deploy production apps at scale. Services like EC2, S3, API Gateway, Lambda,etc. More complex but powerful capabilities over Heroku.

Android Play Store/iOS App Store – Final deployment destinations for distributing production mobile apps to end users. Requires setting up signed release builds with their respective app stores.

With the vast selection of languages, frameworks, environments and tools listed above, students have everything they need available for free or at low cost to design, develop, test and ship a professional quality capstone project for the web or mobile. Carefully selecting the right stack based on the project requirements and one’s skills/interests will ensure success in completing an impactful application.


The Wharton Business Analytics Capstone course at the University of Pennsylvania is typically taken during a student’s final semester before graduating with their Bachelor of Science in Economics degree from Wharton. As the culminating course in Wharton’s Business Analytics concentration, the capstone aims to provide students hands-on experience in integrating the various business analytics skills and techniques they have learned throughout their prior coursework.

Given its advanced role in the business analytics curriculum, several prerequisites must be fulfilled before a student can enroll in the capstone course. Chief among these is the completion of the introductory and core business analytics classes. Students are required to have successfully finished the following four courses:

STAT 101 – Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
This entry-level course introduces students to core statistical concepts and methods used for business analytics. Key topics covered include probability distributions, statistical inference, regression analysis, and experimental design. Successful completion of STAT 101 demonstrates a student has obtained foundational statistical literacy.

OPIM 210 – Introduction to Marketing and Supply Chain Analytics
As a follow-up to STAT 101, OPIM 210 provides an overview of marketing and supply chain analytics applications. Students learn how to synthesize and analyze customer data, optimize inventory levels, and predict product demand using statistical techniques. Completing this course verifies students can apply statistics in business contexts.

OPIM 303 – Introduction to Analytics Modeling
OPIM 303 delves into predictive modeling methodologies central to business analytics such as logistic regression, decision trees, and time series forecasting. Students gain hands-on experience building models in R and interpreting results. Passing this class confirms a student’s proficiency with analytics modeling workflows.

OPIM 475 – Data Analysis and Prediction
The capstone’s direct prerequisite, OPIM 475 explores advanced analytics topics like unsupervised learning, recommender systems, and machine learning algorithms. Students apply their knowledge to a major semester-long business case requiring data wrangling, exploratory analysis, and model development. Passing this course demonstrates a student’s readiness for the capstone.

In addition to the core analytics course prerequisites, students must also have completed the associated lab sections that accompany STAT 101, OPIM 210, and OPIM 303. These half-credit labs give students supplementary practice implementing analytic methods in software like R, Python, SQL, and Tableau. Completing the labs ensures students have experience using analytics tools that will be heavily relied upon in the capstone.

To gain the full benefit of the project-focused capstone experience, students are recommended to have completed additional courses from Wharton’s business curriculum covering functions like finance, accounting, marketing, and operations. Exposure to these business domains helps students apply their analytics skills to solving real-world management problems. While no specific business courses beyond the core are mandatory, exposure is encouraged.

The culminating capstone course challenges students to integrate their business analytics training through a large team-based consulting project with a corporate partner. Students must also have senior standing, meaning they need to have accumulated at least 90 credits, to ensure sufficient time remains after the capstone to complete their degree. This senior standing prerequisite not only guarantees students’ availability to devote significant effort to the semester-long project but also verifies their general readiness to transition into industry upon graduation.

Once all the prerequisite coursework and senior standing are confirmed, student admission into the capstone is still not guaranteed, as spots are limited each semester to facilitate close faculty supervision of projects. Students must apply during the preceding semester by submitting their academic transcripts, resumes, and statements of interests. Admission is competitive based on prior academic performance in the core analytics classes. A minimum cumulative 3.3 GPA is also usually required to ensure students have demonstrated excellent analytical skills and problem-solving abilities.

To enroll in Wharton’s Business Analytics Capstone course, students must fulfill several prerequisites demonstrating their extensive training and high proficiency in the business analytics concentration. The core coursework requirements in statistics, predictive modeling, and data analysis provide theoretical foundations. Additional labs and business exposure offer practical tools and contexts. And senior standing verifies availability to fully engage in the multifaceted capstone consulting project experience. These comprehensive prerequisites ensure students enter the capstone well-equipped to excel and gain tremendous hands-on value from applying their analytics skills to solve real business problems.


When developing prototype medical devices, ensuring safety and functionality should be the top priorities for students. There are several important steps students can take to address these critical factors.

Testing, Testing, Testing – Extensive testing is crucial to evaluate a prototype device and refine any issues before human use. Students should create test plans and conduct tests in various simulated-use scenarios to identify potential problems. All components and systems should be rigorously tested to establish they work as intended and will not fail in a way that endangers a user. Regular testing throughout the development process allows issues to be found and addressed early.

Address Biocompatibility – Students must prove all materials used in the device that may contact tissues, fluids or other biomaterials are biocompatible and will not introduce toxicity or other harmful risks. This involves material selection, surface testing and interaction testing under simulated biological conditions over time. Any material of unknown biocompatibility should not be used.

Establish Design Controls – To ensure consistent and repeatable safety and performance, students should follow design control processes. This includes clearly defining design inputs and specifications upfront based on intended use and risks, using a phased design and development approach with gate reviews at each stage, conducting a hazard analysis, implementing validatable manufacturing and quality systems and more. Formal design controls provide oversight and management of risks.

Consider Human Factors – How users will interact with and respond to the device must be carefully evaluated. Usability testing involving intended users should be done to identify any human factors issues early such as unintuitive controls, sizing concerns or potential for user error. The design should incorporate reliable user interfaces and foolproof designs to prevent accidental harm. Instructions for use must be fully validated for comprehensibility as well.

Follow Risk Management Processes – A risk management process pursuant to international medical device safety standards should be implemented. This includes identifying and analyzing all reasonably foreseeable hazards and estimating/evaluating associated risks, then controlling these risks by priority through design changes, additional testing, warnings or other means. Residual risks must be reduced to acceptable levels before human exposure.

Conduct Animal or Initial Human Testing – Depending on the class of device and risks, it may be appropriate for students to conduct limited animal or initial human testing of the prototype under an approved Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee or Institutional Review Board protocol. This allows further evaluation of safety and performance in more realistic biological conditions before broader human clinical research. Strict protocols minimize risks.

Validate Sterility and Cleaning – For devices requiring sterilization or cleaning prior to reuse, students must fully validate appropriate sterilization/cleaning methods and equipment under worst case soil and bioburden conditions. Sterility assurance levels and cleaning efficacy must be established through processing validation as well as product shelf life testing as needed. Cross-contamination risks are unacceptable for medical devices.

Address Manufacturability – To ensure consistent safety and performance once scaled up, prototypes should incorporate design features suitable for manufacturing as well as be conceptually manufacturable through anticipated processes. Students should evaluate manufacturability factors and eliminate any unfeasible components or assembly steps identified. Production quality systems such as process validation help assure manufacturing results in an acceptably safe product.

Document All Activities – Throughout development, students must retain documentation on all activities demonstrating due diligence to address safety and functionality concerns. This includes detailed test plans and reports, risk analyses, design reviews, validations, changemanagement records and other essential documents. Complete records serve to prove care and analytical protocols were followed in line with regulations, standards and best practices.

By systematically addressing these factors, students can give their medical device prototypes the best chances of proving safety and functionality while also gaining valuable experience with disciplines required in medical technology product development. With thorough processes and documentation, they minimize risks in line with prevailing standards of care for developing medical devices.


One idea would be to conduct a quality improvement project at the medical facility where you work. For example, you could focus on improving patient outcomes for a particular diagnosis or medical condition. You would research best practices and develop an evidence-based intervention aimed at enhancing care processes or the standard of care. Some options may include implementing a new screening or assessment tool, developing an education program for patients or staff, creating a standardized treatment protocol, or utilizing technology like telehealth in a new way.

As part of your project, you would need to gather baseline data on the current outcomes and develop measurable goals for improvement. Then you would implement your intervention and evaluate the impact over a designated time period, analyzing post-intervention data to determine if your goals were met. The project should utilize nursing theory and leadership skills to strategically plan and execute the change. Your final paper would thoroughly document the evidence and steps taken, and reflect on the successes and limitations experienced. If successful, the quality improvement could potentially be sustained in your organization.

Another strong option would be to explore a topic related to nursing education through a program evaluation or curriculum development project. For instance, you may analyze the effectiveness of teaching methods or clinical placements in your nursing program by developing surveys for students and faculty. Based on the feedback and research, you could then design revisions to strengthen areas identified as opportunities. Alternatively, you could create an entirely new continuing education module, online course, or simulation experience for practicing nurses on an emerging healthcare issue.

The proposed changes would need to be supported by relevant literature and align with accreditation standards. Your role would be obtaining necessary approvals, implementing the educational intervention, and assessing outcomes such as knowledge gained, skill enhancement, or perceived impact on nursing practice. Besides reporting the evaluation results, your completed capstone would provide recommendations for integrating lessons learned on a longer-term basis. By addressing a real need in your university or health system, the project has potential to positively influence nursing education.

Nursing research is another broad category that lends itself well to capstone topics. You may choose to perform a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods study related to your specialty area. Some examples could be exploring nurses’ perceptions of a workplace issue through surveys and interviews, evaluating a relationship between nursing interventions and patient outcomes over time, or pilot testing an innovative care model to manage a health condition.

The research process would involve developing a well-articulated purpose statement and aims, creating a thorough literature review, obtaining necessary approvals from your Institutional Review Board, implementing planned recruitment strategies and data collection methods, analyzing quantitative and qualitative findings, and interpreting results within the scope of current evidence. Your final report would discuss how the new knowledge can advance nursing practice or be built upon in future scholarship. Conducting an original research study allows for making a scholarly contribution while strengthening critical inquiry skills.

A policy analysis could also serve as a relevant capstone project. You might examine an existing law, regulation, clinical practice guideline or position statement influencing nursing and healthcare delivery. Through legislative records review, evaluating stakeholder perspectives, and comparing to supportive research, you would aim to understand both intended and unintended consequences of the policy since implementation. Based on gaps identified, the analysis could then inform recommendations for revisions or areas requiring further monitoring and evaluation.

Besides implications at the organizational level, well-designed policy work sheds light on real world issues impacting patient outcomes and the nursing profession as a whole. Your policy paper would need to utilize an approved framework and have potential to influence future decision making if shared with stakeholders. Tackling a current clinical or systemic problem through policy change aligns well with nursing leadership and systems-based competencies.

The key aspects of a strong capstone project involve systematically planning and executing a scholarly work that addresses a relevant nursing practice or healthcare delivery issue. While topic ideas may vary, components such as a literature review, application of theory, development or evaluation of an intervention, data collection and analysis, discussion of results and conclusions all help demonstrate mastery of MSN program outcomes. Regardless of specific focus area, the depth, rigor and applicability of your final written report is what ultimately signifies preparedness for advanced nursing practice at the graduate level. With sufficient preparation and faculty guidance, the preceding examples provide a starting point for selecting a meaningful capstone experience.