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Traditional higher education accreditation faces challenges in assessing the quality of emerging educational providers that offer new credential types like nanodegrees and microcredentials. Coding academies in particular offer short, intensive, skills-focused programs to teach software development outside the traditional degree framework. Meanwhile, universities and colleges are also experimenting with microcredentials to demonstrate mastery of specific skills or competencies.

For accreditors to properly evaluate these new models, they will need to broaden their standards and review processes. Where accreditation traditionally focused on evaluating institutions based on inputs like facilities and faculty credentials, it will now also need to consider competency-based outputs and student outcomes. Accreditors can draw lessons from the coding academy model that emphasizes demonstrating career readiness over credit hours or degree attainment.

A key first step for accreditors is to establish consistent definitions for terms like microcredentials and alternative providers. Without consensus on what these represent, it becomes difficult to regulate quality. Accreditors should convene stakeholders from traditional and non-traditional education to define domains, credential types, and expected learning outcomes. Common terminology is crucial to building acceptance of new credentials in the labor market and by employers.

Once definitions are clarified, accreditors must adapt their evaluation criteria. Historically, accreditation centered on traditional measures like curriculum design, faculty qualifications, library resources, and physical infrastructure. For non-degree programs, alternative inputs may be more relevant like training methodology, learning materials, placement rates, industry partnerships, and learner feedback. Accreditors need review standards that recognize the instructional design behind competency-based and experiential models not centered around courses or credit hours.

Accreditors also need processes flexible enough to evaluate providers delivering education in non-traditional ways. Coding academies for example may operate entirely online, offer training in flexible modules, and focus more on portfolio demonstration than exams or assignments. Assessment of learning outcomes and career readiness becomes particularly important for these models versus traditional measures of institutional resources. Accreditors will benefit from piloting new evaluation approaches tailored for competency-based and skills-focused credentials.

Extending accreditation to alternative providers protects learners and helps build the credibility of new credential types. The compliance burden of accreditation could discourage innovative models if requirements are not appropriately tailored. Accreditors might consider multiple tiers or categories of recognition accounting for differences in providers like size, funding model, degree of government recognition sought. They could develop fast-track or preliminary approval processes to help new programs demonstrate quality without discouraging experimentation.

Accreditors play a crucial role in raising standards across higher education and validating the value of credentials for students, employers and society. As new education models emerge, accreditation must thoughtfully adapt its processes and criteria to maintain this important oversight and quality assurance function, while still cultivating promising innovations. With care and stakeholder input, accreditors can extend their purview in a way that both protects learners and encourages continued growth of alternative pathways increasingly demanded in today’s changing job market.

For accreditation to properly evaluate emerging education models like coding academies and microcredentials, it needs to broaden its quality standards beyond traditional inputs to also consider competency-based outputs and student outcomes. Key steps include establishing common definitions, adapting evaluation criteria, piloting flexible assessment approaches, and ensuring requirements do not discourage needed innovation while still extending important consumer protections for alternative providers and credential types. Done right, accreditation can promote high-quality options outside traditional degrees in service of lifelong learning.


Scratch is one of the most popular and widely used coding tools for younger students and would be suitable for many middle school capstone projects. Developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab, Scratch allows students to program by dragging and dropping blocks of code to create interactive stories, games, and animations. It uses a visual, block-based programming language that does not require students to know any text-based syntax. This makes it very accessible for beginners. Scratch’s online community is also very active and encourages sharing of projects, which could help students get feedback and ideas on their capstone work. The platform is freely available at scratch.mit.edu.

Another good option is App Lab from Code.org. App Lab allows students to code games, animations and more using a simple drag-and-drop interface very similar to Scratch, but is web-based rather than a downloaded application. It also integrates with Code.org’s larger suite of curriculum and courses, which teachers can leverage for lesson planning and project ideas aligned to state standards. Like Scratch, App Lab has a large online sharing community as well. An advantage it has over Scratch is the ability to more easily add features like sound, images and interaction with device hardware like the camera. This could allow students to create more robust apps and games for their capstone project.

For students looking to do more complex programming beyond drag-and-drop, another recommended tool is Microsoft MakeCode. MakeCode has editors for creating projects using JavaScript/TypeScript, as well as specialized versions for microcontrollers like micro:bit and Circuit Playground Express that allow physical computing projects. The JavaScript editor in particular could work well for a more advanced middle school capstone project, as it allows for coding things like websites, games and more using real code. Many of Code.org’s courses are also compatible with MakeCode which can provide structure and ideas. The community is also very active online to help students with challenges. MakeCode allows students to share and remix each other’s projects too.

If the capstone involves hardware projects, the physical computing versions of MakeCode like micro:bit and Circuit Playground Express are excellent choices. These allow students to code microcontrollers to control lights, motors, sensors and more using block and text-based languages. This could enable projects like data logging devices, robots, interactive art installations and more. Both include extensive libraries of sample projects and are designed to be very beginner friendly. They also have large learning communities online for help and inspiration.

Another good programmable hardware option is littleBits. littleBits are magnetic snap-together electronic blocks like buttons, LEDs, motors and sensors that connect together using the contact points. The blocks can then be programmed by dragging color-coded magnetic wires between power, input and output blocks. This allows hands-on physical computing and circuitry projects without needing to solder or know electronics. Kits include pre-made project examples as well as an online library of community projects. Since there is no screen, littleBits is best combined with another coding tool if an interactive program is desired. It opens up many options for physical computing and tinkering types of projects.

All of these recommended tools – Scratch, App Lab, Microsoft MakeCode, micro:bit, Circuit Playground Express and littleBits – are suitable options for engaging middle school students in coding and leveraging the constructionist learning approach of learning by making capstone projects. When selecting a tool, considerations should include students’ experience levels, the type of project being undertaken, availability of resources, and how well a tool aligns to curriculum standards. Teachers can also find additional tools that work well, these provide a solid starting point and have large user communities for additional support. The most suitable tool will depend on each unique situation, but these are excellent choices to explore for computer science learning through personally meaningful capstone work.