Tag Archives: models


Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs): RNNs are very popular for natural language processing tasks like chatbots as they can learn long-term dependencies in sequential data like text. Some common RNN variants used for chatbots include –

Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks: LSTM networks are a type of RNN that is well-suited for learning from experiences (e.g. large amounts of conversational data). They can capture long-term dependencies better than traditional RNNs as they avoid the vanishing gradient problem. LSTM networks have memory cells that allow them to remember inputs for long periods of time. This ability makes them very useful for modeling sequential data like natural language. LSTM based chatbots can retain contextual information from previous sentences or turns in a conversation to have more natural and coherent dialogues.

Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) networks: GRU is another type of RNN architecture proposed as a simplification of LSTM. Like LSTMs, GRUs have gating units that allows them to learn long-term dependencies. However, GRUs have fewer parameters than LSTMs, making them faster to train and requiring less computational resources. For some tasks, GRUs have been shown to perform comparable to or even better than LSTMs. GRU based models are commonly used for chatbots, particularly for resource constrained applications.

Bidirectional RNNs: Bidirectional RNNs use two separate hidden layers – one processes the sequence forward and the other backward. This allows the model to have access to both past and future context at every time step. Bidirectional RNNs have been shown to perform better than unidirectional RNNs on certain tasks like part-of-speech tagging, chunking, name entity recognition and language modeling. They are widely used as the base architectures for developing contextual chatbots.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Just like how CNNs have been very successful in computer vision tasks, they have also found use in natural language processing. CNNs are able to automatically learn hierarchical representations and meaningful features from text. They have been used to develop various natural language models for classification, sequence labeling etc. CNN-RNN combinations have also proven very effective for tasks involving both visual and textual inputs like image captioning. For chatbots, CNNs pre-trained on large unlabeled text corpora can help extract highly representative semantic features to power conversations.

Transformers: Transformers like BERT, GPT, T5 etc. based on the attention mechanism have emerged as one of the most powerful deep learning architectures for NLP. The transformer encoder-decoder architecture allows modeling of both the context and the response in a conversation without relying on sequence length or position information. This makes Transformers very well-suited for modeling human conversations. Contemporary chatbots are now commonly built using large pre-trained transformer models that are further fine-tuned on dialog data. Models like GPT-3 have shown very human-like capabilities for open-domain question answering without any hand-crafted rules or additional learning.

Deep reinforcement learning models: Deep reinforcement learning provides a way to train goal-driven agents through rewards and punishment signals. Models like the deep Q-network (DQN) can be used to develop chatbots that learn successful conversational strategies by maximizing long-term rewards through dialog simulations. Deep reinforcement agents can learn optimal policies to decide the next action (like responding appropriately, asking clarifying questions etc.) based on the current dialog state and history. This allows developing goal-oriented task-based chatbots with skills that humans can train through samples of ideal and failed conversations. The models get better through practice by trial-and-error without being explicitly programmed.

Knowledge graphs and ontologies: For task-oriented goal-driven chatbots, static knowledge bases defining entities, relations, properties etc. has proven beneficial. Knowledge graphs represent information in a graph structure where nodes denote entities or concepts and edges indicate relations between them. Ontologies define formal vocabularies that help chatbots comprehend domains. Connecting conversations to a knowledge graph using NER and entity linking allows chatbots to retrieve and internally reason over relevant information, aiding responses. Knowledge graphs guide learning by providing external semantic priors which help generalize to unseen inputs during operation.

Unsupervised learning techniques like clustering help discover hidden representations in dialog data for use in response generation. This is useful for open-domain settings where labeled data may be limited. Hybrid deep learning models combining techniques like RNNs, CNNs, Transformers, RL with unsupervised learning and static knowledge graphs usually provide the best performances. Significant progress continues to be made in scaling capabilities, contextual understanding and multi-task dialogue with the advent of large pre-trained language models. Chatbot development remains an active research area with new models and techniques constantly emerging.


To evaluate the performance of the various regression models, I utilized multiple evaluation metrics and performed both internal and external validation of the models. For internal validation, I split the original dataset into a training and validation set to fine-tune the hyperparameters of each model. I used a 70%/30% split for the training and validation sets. For the training set, I fit each regression model (linear regression, lasso regression, ridge regression, elastic net regression, random forest regression, gradient boosting regression) and tuned the hyperparameters, such as the alpha and lambda values for regularization, number of trees and depth for ensemble methods, etc. using grid search cross-validation on the training set only.

This gave me optimized hyperparameters for each model that were specifically tailored to the training dataset. I then used these optimized models to make predictions on the held-out validation set to get an internal estimate of model performance during the model selection process. For model evaluation on the validation set, I calculated several different metrics including:

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) – to measure the average magnitude of errors in a set of predictions, without considering their direction. This metric identifies the average error independent of direction, penalizing all the individual differences equally.

Mean Squared Error (MSE) – the average squared difference between the estimated values and the actual value. MSE is a risk function, corresponding to the expected value of the squared error loss. It measures the average of the squares of the errors – the average squared difference between the estimated values and actual value. MSE penalizes larger errors, comparing them to smaller errors. This metric is highly sensitive to outliers.

Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) – corresponds to the standard deviation of the residuals (prediction errors). RMSE serves to aggregate the magnitudes of the errors in predictions for various cases in a dataset. It indicates the sample standard deviation of the differences between predicted values and observed values. RMSE penalizes larger errors more, so it indicates the error across different cases.

R-squared (R2) – measures the closeness of the data points to the fitted regression line. It is a statistical measure that represents the proportion of the variance for a dependent variable that is explained by an independent variable or variables in a regression model. R2 ranges from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating less unexplained variance. R2 of 1 means the regression line perfectly fits the data.

By calculating multiple performance metrics on the validation set for each regression model, I was able to judge which model was performing the best overall on new, previously unseen data during the internal model selection process. The model with the lowest MAE, MSE, and RMSE and highest R2 was generally considered the best model internally.

In addition to internal validation, I also performed external validation by randomly removing 20% of the original dataset as an external test set, making sure no data from this set was used in any part of the model building process – neither for training nor validation. I then fit the final optimized models on the full training set and predicted on the external test set, again calculating evaluation metrics. This step allowed me to get an unbiased estimate of how each model would generalize to completely new data, simulating real-world application of the models.

Some key points about the external validation process:

The test set remained untouched during any part of model fitting, tuning, or validation
The final selected models from the internal validation step were refitted on the full training data
Performance was then evaluated on the external test set
This estimate of out-of-sample performance was a better indicator of true real-world generalization ability

By conducting both internal validation by splitting into training and validation sets, as well as external validation using a test set entirely separated from model building, I was able to more rigorously and objectively evaluate and compare the performance of different regression techniques. This process helped me identify not just the model that performed best on the data it was trained on, but more importantly, the model that was able to generalize best to new unseen examples, giving the most reliable predictive performance in real applications. The model with the best and most consistent performance across internal validation metrics, and external test set evaluation was selected as the optimal regression algorithm for the given problem and dataset.

This systematic process of evaluating regression techniques using multiple performance metrics on internal validation sets as well as truly external test data, allowed for fair model selection based on reliable estimates of true out-of-sample predictive ability. It helped guard against issues like overfitting to the test/validation data, and pick the technique that was robustly generalizable rather than just achieving high scores due to memorization on a specific data split. This multi-stage validation methodology produced the most confident assessment of how each regression model would perform in practice on new real examples.


The predictive models were evaluated using different classification and regression performance metrics depending on the type of dataset – whether it contained categorical/discrete class labels or continuous target variables. For classification problems with discrete class labels, the most commonly used metrics included accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score and AUC-ROC.

Accuracy is the proportion of true predictions (both true positives and true negatives) out of the total number of cases evaluated. It provides an overall view of how well the model predicts the class. It does not provide insights into errors and can be misleading if the classes are imbalanced.

Precision calculates the number of correct positive predictions made by the model out of all the positive predictions. It tells us what proportion of positive predictions were actually correct. A high precision relates to a low false positive rate, which is important for some applications.

Recall calculates the number of correct positive predictions made by the model out of all the actual positive cases in the dataset. It indicates what proportion of actual positive cases were predicted correctly as positive by the model. A model with high recall has a low false negative rate.

The F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, and provides an overall view of accuracy by considering both precision and recall. It reaches its best value at 1 and worst at 0.

AUC-ROC calculates the entire area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, which plots the true positive rate against the false positive rate at various threshold settings. The higher the AUC, the better the model is at distinguishing between classes. An AUC of 0.5 represents a random classifier.

For regression problems with continuous target variables, the main metrics used were Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE) and R-squared.

MAE is the mean of the absolute values of the errors – the differences between the actual and predicted values. It measures the average magnitude of the errors in a set of predictions, without considering their direction. Lower values mean better predictions.

MSE is the mean of the squared errors, and is most frequently used due to its intuitive interpretation as an average error energy. It amplifies larger errors compared to MAE. Lower values indicate better predictions.

R-squared calculates how close the data are to the fitted regression line and is a measure of how well future outcomes are likely to be predicted by the model. Its best value is 1, indicating a perfect fit of the regression to the actual data.

These metrics were calculated for the different predictive models on designated test datasets that were held out and not used during model building or hyperparameter tuning. This approach helped evaluate how well the models would generalize to new, previously unseen data samples.

For classification models, precision, recall, F1 and AUC-ROC were the primary metrics whereas for regression tasks MAE, MSE and R-squared formed the core evaluation criteria. Accuracy was also calculated for classification but other metrics provided a more robust assessment of model performance especially when dealing with imbalanced class distributions.

The metric values were tracked and compared across different predictive algorithms, model architectures, hyperparameters and preprocessing/feature engineering techniques to help identify the best performing combinations. Benchmark metric thresholds were also established based on domain expertise and prior literature to determine whether a given model’s predictive capabilities could be considered satisfactory or required further refinement.

Ensembling and stacking approaches that combined the outputs of different base models were also experimented with to achieve further boosts in predictive performance. The same evaluation metrics on holdout test sets helped compare the performance of ensembles versus single best models.

This rigorous and standardized process of model building, validation and evaluation on independent datasets helped ensure the predictive models achieved good real-world generalization capability and avoided issues like overfitting to the training data. The experimentally identified best models could then be deployed with confidence on new incoming real-world data samples.


Traditional higher education accreditation faces challenges in assessing the quality of emerging educational providers that offer new credential types like nanodegrees and microcredentials. Coding academies in particular offer short, intensive, skills-focused programs to teach software development outside the traditional degree framework. Meanwhile, universities and colleges are also experimenting with microcredentials to demonstrate mastery of specific skills or competencies.

For accreditors to properly evaluate these new models, they will need to broaden their standards and review processes. Where accreditation traditionally focused on evaluating institutions based on inputs like facilities and faculty credentials, it will now also need to consider competency-based outputs and student outcomes. Accreditors can draw lessons from the coding academy model that emphasizes demonstrating career readiness over credit hours or degree attainment.

A key first step for accreditors is to establish consistent definitions for terms like microcredentials and alternative providers. Without consensus on what these represent, it becomes difficult to regulate quality. Accreditors should convene stakeholders from traditional and non-traditional education to define domains, credential types, and expected learning outcomes. Common terminology is crucial to building acceptance of new credentials in the labor market and by employers.

Once definitions are clarified, accreditors must adapt their evaluation criteria. Historically, accreditation centered on traditional measures like curriculum design, faculty qualifications, library resources, and physical infrastructure. For non-degree programs, alternative inputs may be more relevant like training methodology, learning materials, placement rates, industry partnerships, and learner feedback. Accreditors need review standards that recognize the instructional design behind competency-based and experiential models not centered around courses or credit hours.

Accreditors also need processes flexible enough to evaluate providers delivering education in non-traditional ways. Coding academies for example may operate entirely online, offer training in flexible modules, and focus more on portfolio demonstration than exams or assignments. Assessment of learning outcomes and career readiness becomes particularly important for these models versus traditional measures of institutional resources. Accreditors will benefit from piloting new evaluation approaches tailored for competency-based and skills-focused credentials.

Extending accreditation to alternative providers protects learners and helps build the credibility of new credential types. The compliance burden of accreditation could discourage innovative models if requirements are not appropriately tailored. Accreditors might consider multiple tiers or categories of recognition accounting for differences in providers like size, funding model, degree of government recognition sought. They could develop fast-track or preliminary approval processes to help new programs demonstrate quality without discouraging experimentation.

Accreditors play a crucial role in raising standards across higher education and validating the value of credentials for students, employers and society. As new education models emerge, accreditation must thoughtfully adapt its processes and criteria to maintain this important oversight and quality assurance function, while still cultivating promising innovations. With care and stakeholder input, accreditors can extend their purview in a way that both protects learners and encourages continued growth of alternative pathways increasingly demanded in today’s changing job market.

For accreditation to properly evaluate emerging education models like coding academies and microcredentials, it needs to broaden its quality standards beyond traditional inputs to also consider competency-based outputs and student outcomes. Key steps include establishing common definitions, adapting evaluation criteria, piloting flexible assessment approaches, and ensuring requirements do not discourage needed innovation while still extending important consumer protections for alternative providers and credential types. Done right, accreditation can promote high-quality options outside traditional degrees in service of lifelong learning.


The students would need to obtain historical data on the variable they are trying to forecast. This could be things like past monthly or quarterly sales figures, stock prices, weather data, or other time series data. They would split the historical data into two parts – a training set and a testing set.

The training set would contain the earliest data and would be used to develop and train each of the forecasting models. Common models students may consider include simple exponential smoothing, Holt’s linear trend method, Brown’s exponential smoothing approach, ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) models, and regression models with lagged predictor variables. For each model, the students would select the optimal parameters like the alpha level in simple exponential smoothing or the p, d, q parameters in ARIMA.

Once the models have been developed on the training set, the students would then forecast future periods using each model but only using the information available up to the end of the training set. These forecasts would be compared to the actual data in the testing set to evaluate accuracy. Some common metrics that could be used include:

Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) – This calculates the average of the percentage errors between each forecast and the actual value. It provides an easy to understand measure of accuracy with a lower score indicating better forecasts.

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) – Similar to MAPE but without calculating the percentage, instead just looking at the average of the absolute errors.

Mean Squared Error (MSE) – Errors are squared before averaging so larger errors are weighted more heavily than small errors. This focuses evaluation on avoiding large forecast misses even if some smaller errors occur. MSE needs to be interpreted carefully as the scale is not as intuitive as MAPE or MAD.

Mean Absolute Scaled Error (MASE) – Accounts for the difficulty of the time series by comparing forecast errors to a naive “random walk” forecast. A MASE below 1 indicates the model is better than the naive forecast.

The students would calculate accuracy metrics like MAPE, MAD, MSE, and MASE for each model over the test period forecasts. They may also produce graphs to visually compare the actual values to each model’s forecasts to assess accuracy over time. Performance could also be evaluated at different forecast horizons like 1-period ahead, 3-period ahead, 6-period ahead forecasts to see if accuracy degrades smoothly or if some models hold up better farther into the future.

Additional analysis may include conducting Diebold-Mariano tests to statistically compare model accuracy and determine if differences in the error metrics between pairs of models are statistically significant or could be due to chance. They could also perform residual diagnostics on the forecast errors to check if any patterns remain that could be exploited to potentially develop an even more accurate model.

After comprehensively evaluating accuracy over the test set using multiple error metrics and statistical comparisons, the students would identify which forecasting model or models provided the most accurate and reliable forecasts based on the historical data available. No single metric alone would determine the best model, but rather the preponderance of evidence across the board in terms of MAPE, MAD, MSE, MASE, visual forecasts, statistical tests, and residual analysis.

The students would report their analysis, including details on developing each model type, describing the accuracy metrics calculated, presenting the results visually through tables and graphs, discussing their statistical findings, and making a conclusion on the most accurate model indicated by this thorough ex-post evaluation process. This would provide them significant insight into forecasting, model selection, and evaluation that they could apply in practice when working with real time-series data challenges.

While accuracy alone cannot guarantee a model’s future performance, this process allows the students to rigorously benchmark the performance of alternative techniques on historical data. It not only identifies the empirical ex-post leader, but also highlights how much more accurate or less accurate other methods were so they can better understand the practical value and predictive limitations of different approaches. This in-depth workflow conveys the types of analysis real-world data scientists and business analysts would carry out to select the optimal forecasting technique.