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BC Hydro expects electricity demand in British Columbia to grow significantly in the coming decades as the population increases and transportation and building sectors transition away from fossil fuels towards more electricity-powered solutions like electric vehicles and electric heating. To adequately meet this rising demand while maintaining a reliable and affordable electricity system, BC Hydro has developed an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) which outlines various strategies for managing increased demand.

One of the key focus areas in the IRP is on conservation and reducing energy usage. BC Hydro has very ambitious conservation targets, aiming to reduce energy use per capita by 1.5% annually over the next 20 years through various programs that encourage more efficient use of electricity. This includes rebates for efficient appliances and electronics, lighting upgrades, insulation retrofits for homes and buildings, and behavior change initiatives. Conservation is seen as the most cost-effective way to avoid or delay new infrastructure investments. BC Hydro expects conservation efforts could help offset up to 70% of expected load growth by 2040.

To supplement conservation, BC Hydro also has plans to develop significant new sources of renewable and clean electricity generation. This includes continuing to maximize the potential of large hydropower facilities like the Site C dam project underway in northeast BC. But BC Hydro is also turning to other renewable resources to add new capacity, such as substantial amounts of wind and solar power. The IRP envisions between 1,000-2,000 MW of new wind and solar capacity being brought online in the next 10-15 years.

Tapping more remote reservoirs for mini-hydro projects and pursuing geothermal energy are also part of BC Hydro’s diversification strategy. And a major initiative is pursuing electricity imports from independent power producers using run-of-river hydro, wind, and other renewables. BC Hydro has implemented a Standing Offer Program and Clean Power Call to attract private investments that align with their clean power objectives. By 2040 renewable energy could account for over 95% of BC Hydro’s total generating capacity.

Modernizing BC Hydro’s existing power grid infrastructure is another focus. Upgrades are planned across the province to enhance transmission capacity and distribution networks to deliver power more efficiently. This includes targeted reinforcement projects in fast growth regions as well as implementing more demand response and automated grid technologies to optimize capacity utilization. Microgrids and localized storage are also being piloted as strategies to defer expansion of centralized infrastructure into remote areas.

Advancing new clean electricity applications like electric vehicles, heat pumps and emerging technologies is identified as a key driver of future load. To support this transition BC Hydro’s strategy addresses accommodating charging infrastructure, time-varying rates, and flexible load and grid interaction opportunities. The utility is also piloting vehicle-to-grid capabilities and other virtual power plant demonstrations to leverage EV batteries as distributed energy resources.

While BC Hydro expects conservation, renewables and grid improvements can supply 80-90% of expected demand growth through 2040, some gas-fired generation may still be needed to ensure reliability during periods of peak demand or renewable intermittency. The IRP contemplates using existing gas plants more strategically and potentially adding limited incremental gas capacity in the long-term if cost effective compared to other options. The preference is for any new resources to be as clean, renewable and consistent with BC’s climate goals as possible.

Through diligent implementation of its IRP, BC Hydro aims to remain a world leader in clean electricity while successfully managing the challenges and opportunities posed by increasing demand into the future. Ongoing monitoring, review and adjustments to priorities and programs will be key to optimally balancing environmental, social and economic factors during this important transition period for BC’s electricity system over the coming decades.


As the business expands and user traffic to the platform increases, it will be essential to have an infrastructure and architecture in place that can reliably scale to support higher loads. There are several approaches that can be taken to ensure the platform has sufficient capacity and performance as demand grows over time.

One of the key aspects is to use a cloud hosting provider or infrastructure as a service (IaaS) model that allows for horizontal scalability. This means the ability to easily add more computing resources like servers, storage, and databases on demand to match traffic levels. Cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud offer this elasticity through their compute and database services. The application architecture needs to be designed from the start to take advantage of a cloud infrastructure and allow workloads to be distributed across multiple server instances.

A microservices architecture is well-suited for scaling in the cloud. The monolithic application should be broken up into independently deployable microservices that each perform a specific task. For example, separate services for user authentication, content storage, processing payments, etc. This allows individual services or components to scale independently based on their needs. Load balancers can distribute incoming traffic evenly across replicated instances of each microservice. Caching and queuing should also be implemented where applicable to avoid bottlenecks.

Database scalability needs to be a primary consideration as well. A relational database like PostgreSQL or MySQL may work for early loads but will hit scaling limits as user counts grow large. For increased performance and scalability, a NoSQL database like MongoDB or Cassandra could be a better choice. These are highly scalable, provide better performance at massive scales, and are able to distribute data across servers more easily. read replicas and sharding techniques can spread the load across multiple database nodes.

Code optimizations, intelligent query planning, and proper indexing in databases are also critical for handling higher loads efficiently. Asynchronous operations, batch processing, and query caching where possible will reduce the real-time workload on database servers. Services should also implement retries, timeout handling, circuit breaking and other patterns for fault tolerance since problems are more likely at larger scale.

To monitor performance, metrics need to be collected from all levels of the platform infrastructure, services and databases. A time-series database like InfluxDB can store these metrics and power dashboards for monitoring. Alerts using a tool like Prometheus can warn of issues before they impact users. Logging should provide a audit trail and debug-ability. APM tools like Datadog provide end-to-end performance monitoring of transactions as they flow through services.

On the front-end, a load balancer like Nginx or Apache Traffic Server can distribute client requests to application servers. Caching static files, templates, API responses etc using a CDN like Cloudflare will reduce front-end overhead. API and backend services should implement pagination, batching, caching layers to optimize for high throughput. Front-end code bundles should be compressed and minified for efficient downloads.

Auto-scaling is important so capacity rises and falls based on live traffic patterns without manual intervention. Cloud providers offer auto-scaling rules for compute and database resources. Horizontal pod autoscaling in Kubernetes makes it easy to automatically add or remove replica pods hosting application containers based on monitored metrics. Load tests simulating growth projections should be regularly run to verify scaling headroom.

As users and traffic may surge unpredictably like during promotions, spikes can be buffered using queueing systems. Services can also be deployed across multiple availability zones or regions for redundancy, with failovers and load balancing between them. A content delivery network across POPs globally ensures low latency for geo-dispersed users.

Adopting a cloud-native and microservice architecture, using auto-scaling and NoSQL databases, continuous integration/deployment to upgrade capacity smoothly as needed, metrics/monitoring, caching, and other optimizations enable building an infinitely scalable platform to support ever-growing business demands reliably over the long run. A well-scaled infrastructure lays the foundation for handling unexpected increases in load as the user base expands.