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One of the biggest challenges faced during implementation of the new cloud-based employee onboarding system was transitioning employees, managers, and the HR team to using a completely new and different platform. Even with thorough training and documentation, change can be difficult for people. There was resistance from some end users who were comfortable with the old familiar paper-based processes and did not like being forced to learn something new. This led to decreased productivity initially as employees took extra time to familiarize themselves with the new system.

Persuading all stakeholders of the benefits of migrating to a cloud-based solution also proved challenging. While the benefits of increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved user experience were clear to project leaders and technology teams, convincing departments who were satisfied with existing workflows required substantial communication efforts. Board members initially questioned the security of moving sensitive employee data to the cloud. Extensive security evaluations and customizable privacy controls helped ease those concerns over time.

Integrating the new onboarding system with existing Legacy HRIS platforms presented technical obstacles. The old systems were based on outdated database architectures that did not support modern API integrations. Developers spent many extra hours reverse engineering legacy data formats and building custom adapters to enable synchronization of payroll, benefits, and personnel record changes between systems. Reliability issues occurred during the first few months of operation as edge cases were discovered and bugs surfaced around data conversion and validation rules.

Establishing single sign-on capabilities between the onboarding system and other internal tools like email and file sharing posed interface challenges. Varying authentication protocols across different vendors meant custom code was required on both sides of each integration. Many iterations of testing and debugging were needed to ensure a seamless login experience for end users moving between partner applications during their onboarding tasks.

Managing expectations around timelines for new features and enhancements also proved difficult. Stakeholders anxiously awaited functionality like custom approval workflows and electronic document signatures that took longer than planned to develop due to unforeseen complexity. Communicating realistic projected completion dates up front could have mitigated disappointment as targets were inevitably pushed back during development cycles.

Ensuring regulatory compliance across multiple international jurisdictions impacted scope. Data residency, accessibility standards, and privacy laws vary greatly between countries. Adhering to each location’s specific mandates added extensive configuration and testing work that drove overall project costs higher. This compliance work also slowed progress towards the initial go-live date. Some requested features needed to be postponed or modified to accommodate legal requirements for all regions.

Training internal super users and facilitating smooth knowledge transfer to new support staff took more time and iterations than anticipated. Real-world troubleshooting skills were gained slowly as the number and severity of post-launch issues decreased over subsequent months. Turnover in the project team meant regular updates were required to bring fresh engineers up to speed on logical flows, dependencies, and nuances across the complex system. Comprehensive documentation proved invaluable but required ongoing effort to keep current.

Migrating to a new cloud-based system while maintaining business operations involved significant change management, technical integration, regulatory, training, and expectation setting challenges. A methodical program of user adoption initiatives, iterative development cycles, centralized change control, and a focus on communication helped address hurdles over the long term rollout period. While goals were ambitious, steady progress was made towards harnessing new efficiencies through leveraging modern cloud technologies for employee onboarding organization-wide.


The shared responsibility model is a core concept in cloud security that outlines the division of responsibilities between cloud service providers and their customers. At a high level, this model suggests that cloud providers are responsible for security “of” the cloud, while customers are responsible for security “in” the cloud. The details of this model vary depending on the cloud service model and deployment model being used.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is considered the cloud service model where customers have the most responsibility. With IaaS, the cloud provider is responsible for securing the physical and environmental infrastructure that run the virtualized computing resources such as servers, storage, and networking. This includes the physical security of data centers, server, storage, and network device protection, continuous monitoring and vulnerability management of the hypervisor and operating systems.

The customer takes responsibility for everything abstracted above the hypervisor including guest operating systems, network configuration and firewall rules, encryption of data, security patching, identity and access management controls for their virtual servers and applications. Customers are also responsible for any data stored on their virtual disks or uploaded into object storage services. Data security while in transit also lies with the customer in most IaaS models.

Platform as a Service (PaaS) splits responsibilities differently as the provider now takes care of more layers including the OS and underlying infrastructure. With PaaS, the provider secures the operating system, hardware, storage and networking components. Customers are now responsible for securing their applications, data, identity controls, vulnerability management, penetration testing and configuration reviews for their applications. Responsibility for patching the runtime environment remains with the provider in most cases.

With Software as a Service (SaaS), the provider takes on the most responsibility securing the entire stack from the network and infrastructure to the operating system, software, application security controls and identity access management. Customers only bear responsibility for their data within the application and user access controls. Security of the application itself is entirely handled by the provider.

The deployment model being used along with the service model further refines the split of duties. Public cloud has the most clearly defined split where the provider and customer are distinct entities. Private cloud shifts some responsibilities to the cloud customer as they have greater administrative access. Hybrid and multi-cloud complicate assignments as workloads can span different providers and deployment types.

Some key responsibilities that typically fall under cloud providers across models include secure host environment configuration; infrastructure vulnerability management; system health and performance monitoring; logging and auditing access to networks, systems and applications; disaster recovery and business continuity; physical security of data centers; hardware maintenance and patching of system software.

Customers usually take lead in areas like encryption of data-at-rest and data-in-transit; authentication and authorization infrastructure for users, applications and services; vulnerability management of their workload software like databases and frameworks; configuration management and security hardening of virtual machines; adherence to security compliance regulations applicable to their industry and data classification levels; managing application access controls, input validation and privileges; incident response in coordination with providers.

Sharing responsibility effectively requires close cooperation and transparency between providers and customers. Customers need insights into provider security controls and oversight for assurance. Likewise, providers need informed participation from customers to secure workloads effectively and remediate issues in a shared environment. Security responsibilities are never completely moved but cooperation to secure respective domains enables stronger security for both parties in the cloud.

The takeaway is that the shared responsibility model allocates security duties in a clear but dynamic manner based on factors like deployment, service and in some cases operating models. It provides an overarching framework for defining security accountabilities but requires collaboration across the whole stack to achieve security in the cloud holistically.


One of the biggest challenges that students face is properly scoping the project. Cloud computing is a very broad field that touches on areas like infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, software as a service, and more. Students need to carefully identify the specific problem or application they want to focus on early in the process. Otherwise, there is a risk of the project becoming too broad or ambiguous in scope.

Related to project scoping is effectively managing expectations. Since this is a capstone project, there are expectations that it will demonstrate a high level of technical skills and knowledge. It’s also an academic exercise for students who are still learning. Setting realistic goals and delivering incremental work is important. It’s better to complete a well-designed smaller project than to bite off more than can reasonably be achieved.

Deadlines are also a major challenge. Capstone projects have strict deadline requirements to accommodate things like grading periods or project defenses. Cloud projects often involve Stand-up and configuring new infrastructure, which can be time consuming. Unanticipated complexities or delays accessing resources can cause schedule problems. Students need to plan schedules conservatively and communicate issues promptly.

Finding and accessing appropriate cloud resources within budget constraints can be difficult. Common cloud platforms have free tiers but expensive beyond that. Students need to right-size resources, estimate costs early, and may need to consider alternative free platform options. This requires research and planning that some students underestimate.

Designing for cloud-native principles like scalability, reliability, availability and maintainability is a steep learning curve for many. Students have to think differently than traditional applications, but may lack experience. Iterative development is needed plus guidance on best practices like microservices, immutable infrastructure, devops processes, monitoring etc.

Documentation and non-functional requirements are often given insufficient attention by students new to professional development. Things like security, logging, error handling, testing, deployment pipelines etc. are critical but take effort to implement properly for the cloud. Not fully addressing these can negatively affect grades.

Collaboration in teams can pose coordination and social challenges, especially if working virtually. Some students are not used to Agile methodologies and may struggle with tasks like estimating work, standups, managing dependencies and integrating each member’s work into a cohesive whole. Effective project management is needed.

Accessing cloud platform documentation and support resources varies greatly depending on the particular provider. Navigating and troubleshooting issues with an unfamiliar platform under time pressures is daunting. Important to leverage TAs, professors and user groups for help where possible.

Effective communication and establishing processes for managing expectations, scope, schedules and risks are important for student success. Iterative delivery, focusing on learning objectives over scope, and guidance from experienced faculty are also crucial for overcoming these common challenges. With proper support and realistic goal-setting, cloud capstone projects can still serve as an excellent learning experience despite inherent difficulties. Regular course corrections and adapting to challenges are part of the learning experience too.

While cloud computing capstone projects present exciting learning opportunities for students, they also commonly involve substantial difficulties related to project scoping and management, infrastructure setup, architectural design tradeoffs, collaboration, documentation and accessing support resources – all within the constraints of strict deadlines. With experience, students can overcome many challenges through disciplined processes, effective communication, and support from faculty and cloud providers. But it requires realistic expectations and focusing on incremental progress rather than perfection. With a well-designed plan and openness to course corrections, cloud capstones can succeed despite facing hurdles that are typical for student projects tackling new technologies.


Implementing and Testing a Cloud-Based Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI):

This project involved building a VDI environment using virtualization software like VMware Horizon, Citrix XenDesktop, or Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop and testing its functionality and performance. The student would deploy virtual desktops on a cloud infrastructure like AWS, Azure, or GCP. They would test features like connectivity, login/logout speed, application launching times, graphics capabilities, scalability etc. Detailed reports would be generated on the overall process, challenges faced, optimization done and results. This helped demonstrate skills in deploying and managing virtual desktop environments leveraging cloud technologies.

Building a Serverless Web or Mobile Application on AWS Lambda:

In this project, a student developed a simple web or mobile application that utilized AWS Lambda for serverless computing. Common tasks included building APIs using Lambda, DynamoDB for data storage, connecting user interfaces built using technologies like ReactJS, building in authentication and authorization via Cognito, adding image/file processing via S3 buckets etc. Comprehensive documentation and demos were provided highlighting how the application leveraged serverless computing to improve scalability and reduce operational overhead. This showcased skills in designing, developing and deploying applications using AWS serverless services.

Implementing a Disaster Recovery Solution using AWS or Azure:

The student designed and implemented a disaster recovery (DR) solution for critical systems or applications of an organization using cloud DR offerings. This involved activities like identifying critical systems, documenting RPO/RTO requirements, designing the replication architecture (active-passive or active-active), deploying required cloud infrastructure in the designated DR region, setting up replication between on-prem and cloud using tools like AWS Database Migration Service or Azure Site Recovery, testing failovers, and generating documents for DR processes. Students gained hands-on experience in designing and implementing cloud-based DR solutions leveraging services from AWS or Azure.

Developing an IoT Application on AWS IoT Core:

In this project, the student identified a potential IoT use case and developed a prototype solution on AWS IoT Core. Common implementations included building a smart door lock that could be remotely controlled and monitored, building a smart home solutions that could control lights, temperature etc. or implementing a supply chain solution tracking shipments. Key tasks involved designing the IoT architecture, provisioning devices, uploading device fingerprints and certificates, developing rules and APIs to process data, storing data in databases like DynamoDB, visualizing data with tools like Quicksight etc. Students demonstrated skills in end to end IoT application development on AWS leveraging its IoT platform and related services.

Implementing a Hybrid Cloud Solution Spanning On-Prem and Cloud:

The student designed and deployed a hybrid solution integrating on-prem and cloud infrastructure from a major public cloud provider. Common implementations included extending on-prem Active Directory to the cloud, implementing a hybrid WAN connectivity, building hybrid databases with on-prem and cloud instances, implementing hybrid backup and disaster recovery or building hybrid applications accessible from both environments. Key tasks included activities like networking/identity integration, data replication, performance/scalability testing across environments etc. Students gained expertise in implementing interconnectivity between on-prem and cloud environments leveraging hybrid cloud technologies.

As seen in the examples above,cloud computing capstone projects allow students to implement and showcase end-to-end solutions handling real-world use cases. Successful projects have clearly defined requirements and objectives, demonstrate hands-on technical skills in deploying cloud infrastructure and developing applications, provide thorough documentation of the process and address key pain-points with optimization. This helps crystallize learnings from the cloud computing program and prepares students for cloud jobs/certifications by implementing projects of relevance to the industry. Capstone projects are an effective way for students to gain practical cloud experience through self-directed applied learning experiences.


When presenting your cloud computing capstone project to a non-technical audience, it is important to keep in mind that they likely will not have an in-depth technical understanding of cloud concepts. Therefore, your presentation needs to be tailored to convey the key purposes, features, and benefits of your project in an accessible way without relying on technical jargon.

Begin your presentation by providing a brief, high-level overview of cloud computing as a concept. Explain that cloud computing involves delivering IT resources and services over the internet rather than through local servers or personal devices.define key cloud characteristics like on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. This foundational information will help the audience understand the overall context of your project.

After setting the stage on cloud computing, shift to introducing your specific capstone project. Start with a clear, concise statement of the main problem or need your project aimed to address. Give a brief narrative on how you came to identify this issue and decided cloud computing could provide a solution. Then, state your clearly defined project goal in simple, non-technical terms. For example, rather than saying “To build an IaaS platform for scalable web application hosting”, you may state “To create a cost-effective way for small businesses to develop and deploy their websites without needing their own server hardware.”

When describing the technical aspects and architecture of your project, focus on communicating the key components and their purposes without diving into technical specifics. Use simplified analogies and visuals like diagrams or screenshots to illustrate how different parts of your cloud solution work together. Weave in real-world, everyday examples when possible to help non-technical listeners relate concepts to their own experiences. Periodically check for understanding by asking if anyone needs any part further clarified.

Demonstrate the value and benefits of your project through clear before-and-after comparisons. Highlight how your cloud solution specifically addresses and improves upon the initial problem. Quantify benefits like reduced costs, improved flexibility/scalability, easier collaboration, etc. and provide concrete examples to bring these points to life. Consider including a short, dramatized scenario or user story showcasing how a hypothetical small business may utilize your solution. Case studies, statistics, and customer testimonials can also further validate your value proposition.

Next, discuss how your cloud solution was designed, developed, tested and implemented using an iterative approach. While technical details of coding, integration, security configurations etc. may not be important, conveying that solid software development practices were followed helps establish credibility. Explain how user and stakeholder feedback was incorporated throughout the process to refine and improve the final product. This demonstrates a well-planned, professionally-executed project.

In your conclusion, summarize the key outcomes and accomplishments of delivering your cloud computing capstone. Reiterate the problems addressed and benefits provided at a high level. State how your project demonstrated cloud computing concepts and technologies can be leveraged to create practical, real-world solutions. Thank any organizations, mentors or individuals who supported the project. Express your readiness to discuss specifics or answer any other questions.

During your presentation, focus on speaking with confidence while maintaining a conversational, approachable tone. Make eye contact with different members of the audience and occasionally smile to appear engaged and approachable. Use a relaxed posture and gestures to keep listeners attentive. Visual aids, a well-rehearsed delivery, and practicing time management will also help ensure an effective presentation experience for all involved. Following these guidelines will allow you to clearly communicate the purposes and merits of your cloud computing capstone project to a non-technical audience in an accessible, interest-holding manner.