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Nursing capstone projects conducted by students in their final year of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) programs have great potential to add to the body of evidence that can inform practices, programs, and policies in the field. As a requirement for graduation, capstone projects allow students the opportunity to explore a topic of their choice related to nursing in significant depth through primary research. The results of these projects, when disseminated properly, can provide real-world data that can advance evidence-based practices in the profession.

There are several ways in which nursing student capstone projects can contribute valuable evidence. First, capstone topics frequently focus on implementing evidence-based interventions or programs on a small scale within the clinical settings where students complete their practicums. For example, a student may evaluate a new patient education approach, staff training protocol, discharge planning process, or care coordination model. If shown to achieve positive outcomes, these pilot programs demonstrated through capstone research could serve as models to be adopted more broadly within an organization or healthcare system. The projects essentially function as a low-risk testing ground for evidence-based innovations before wider implementation.

Secondly, many capstone projects examine patient outcomes related to existing nursing practices, treatments, or models of care. For instance, a student may study the efficacy of a particular treatment regimen for a certain diagnosis, postoperative recovery associated with different surgical approaches, or relationships between nursing interventions and complications. This type of outcomes research generated by capstones adds to the body of evidence informing decisions about clinical guidelines and standards of practice. It also helps identify areas where practices could be improved to achieve better results.

Some nursing students use their capstones as an opportunity to survey clinicians, patients, or other stakeholders to assess things like satisfaction with services, awareness of available resources, barriers to optimal care, and unmet needs. This feedback gathered through capstone research may point to gaps or weaknesses in existing programs that could be addressed through policy changes. It also provides a mechanism to evaluate the impact of previous changes. Results of surveys and needs assessments contribute important evidence to guide decisions about developing or modifying healthcare services, community resources, and support systems.

Capstone projects further assist with developing evidence to support advocacy and address larger systemic issues in healthcare. For example, a student may study disparities in access to services, social determinants of health in a population, impact of regulatory policies, allocation of resources, or gaps between guidelines and real-world practices. Research on this macro level through capstones sheds light on policy-level factors influencing outcomes and identifies areas for systemic improvements through legislative or regulatory action. It gives nursing students an opportunity to assume increased leadership roles as evidence-based advocates for their patients and profession.

As requirements for graduation, nursing capstones are formally evaluated which provides quality assurance that the resulting evidence is valid and methodologically rigorous. Students undergo an extensive process to design sound research proposals that are reviewed and approved by academic advisors with advanced research expertise. Capstones also integrate scientific writing standards to ensure findings are clearly communicated and data interpreted appropriately. The end products are therefore trustworthy contributions that healthcare organizations, clinical leaders, lawmakers, and other stakeholders can safely incorporate into decision making.

Nursing capstone projects represent a considerable untapped resource for generating valuable evidence to advance evidence-based practices, programs and policies in the profession. By giving students hands-on experiences implementing pilot programs, evaluating outcomes, assessing needs, and addressing broader systemic issues, capstones produce real-world data that can be used to guide continuous quality improvement across all levels of the increasingly complex healthcare system. With proper dissemination, the results of these student research projects have great potential to positively impact patient care and strengthen the nursing profession overall.


Capstone projects are an integral part of the degree programs at WGU and are designed to directly contribute to students’ future careers in several important ways. The capstone is meant to serve as a culminating academic and applied experience before students graduate and often reflect a real-world project they may encounter in their professional work.

Many capstones require students to identify a problem or issue in their field of study and propose a solution. This allows students to practice critical skills like problem-solving, research, analysis, project planning and implementation that are highly valued by employers. Students also get experience explaining technical concepts to a non-technical audience through their written reports and presentations. Being able to clearly communicate one’s ideas is a transferable soft skill that benefits students regardless of their specific career path.

As the capstone project centers around an applied work-related challenge, students are able to network with professionals in their industry for advice and mentorship throughout the process. This provides an opportunity for job-shadowing, informational interviews and potential industry connections that may lead to job opportunities. The projects also allow students to add real work samples to their resume and portfolios that demonstrate their qualifications and skills to future hiring managers.

Many capstones also involve working directly with organizational partners in the community. For example, nursing students may partner with a clinic to help address a health issue through community outreach programs. This experience gives students membership in professional associations and a better understanding of workplace culture, which is valuable for students entering the job market. The partnerships also offer a way for organizations to scout potential new hires from engaged student capstone participants.

The self-directed nature of capstone projects cultivates important intrapersonal skills in time management, prioritization, self-motivation and resiliency that translate well to professional responsibilities. As the final assessment before graduation, capstones signify to employers that students have mastered high-level competencies within their field of study after devoting dozens of hours to an intensive, consequential project. Passing a capstone serves as a signal to future employers that WGU graduates can successfully complete major, career-aligned undertakings independently.

Considering the rising costs and student loan debt associated with higher education, employers also value degrees from WGU because of their emphasis on competency-based learning and immediate career applicability. The meaningful, skills-based capstone experience aligns well with this educational approach and philosophy. According to surveys, both students and employers agree the capstones allow graduates to hit the ground running in their first jobs with relevant experience under their belts.

Some capstones result in work that can be built upon after graduation as well. For example, computer science students may create functional websites or code that lead to the launch of start-up companies and freelance work. The exposure also helps expand students’ professional networks, which is invaluable for learning about career opportunities and advancement. The tangible, skills-focused nature of capstone projects directly transfers learning into applicable experience that serves WGU graduates very well in their job searches and early careers.

In fact, recent alumni surveys found the vast majority of WGU graduatesSecure feel their capstone projects contributed either “quite a bit” or “a great deal” to their confidence and competence in the workplace. WGU is also proud that over 90% of its online graduates secure jobs within six months of earning their degrees. While multiple factors play a role, speaking with hiring managers reveals the applied, portfolio-building nature of capstones makes WGU graduates attractive candidates who are career-ready from day one. Capstones provide proof of students’ mastery and an ideal representation of the practical, career-focused education WGU provides. The meaningful, skills-based experiences cultivated through capstone projects greatly enhance students’ preparedness and competitiveness for future career success.


Capstone projects focused on developing and implementing nature-based solutions have tremendous potential to help address the climate crisis by removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and minimizing future emissions. Nature-based solutions, also known as natural climate solutions, harness the power of natural ecosystems like forests, wetlands, grasslands and agricultural lands to combat and adapt to climate change in sustainable ways. When incorporated into capstone projects, they can provide hands-on learning opportunities for students to directly engage in climate action while researching, designing and establishing projects that deliver real climate benefits.

Some key ways that capstone projects centered on nature-based solutions can contribute to greenhouse gas removal and mitigation include:

Reforestation and afforestation – Planting new trees through reforestation of degraded lands or afforestation on lands that historically have not been forested can sequester significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere as the trees grow. Capstone teams could research the most suitable locations, tree varieties and planting/maintenance techniques before implementing reforestation initiatives to maximize carbon uptake over many decades or centuries. Just one reforestation project capturing 1,000 tons of carbon would be equivalent to removing over 200 cars from the road for a year.

Soil carbon sequestration – Managing lands to increase their soil organic carbon content, such as through reduced tillage practices, cover cropping, mulching, compost application and other regenerative agricultural techniques, can trap carbon in the soil. Capstone projects could test varying soil management strategies on different plots of land to track improvements in soil carbon storage over time through measurements. Even minor increases in soil carbon on a large scale could offset substantial emissions annually.

Restoration of coastal habitats – Wetlands, seagrasses and mangroves are among the most carbon-rich ecosystems on Earth, storing massive amounts of “blue carbon” in their soils and biomass. Capstone teams could launch pilot restoration efforts by planting native species to revive degraded coastal habitats, then monitor the regeneration of carbon stocks and accretion of new carbon sediments over months and years. Projects on just several hectares could sequester the same amount of carbon as removing thousands of gas-powered cars.

Improved grassland management – Well-managed grazing lands and pastures can act as significant carbon sinks. Through rotational/mobility grazing practices and interplanting legumes, capstone groups might demonstrate increased above- and below-ground biomass production and carbon storage compared to traditional overgrazing. This promotes carbon drawdown and livestock productivity with fewer emissions from less fertilizer use.

Renewable energy and electrification – By implementing small-scale renewable energy projects like solar panel installations or upgrades to electric appliances, capstone work can directly curb greenhouse gas emissions associated with fossil fuel use. The energy produced displaces more polluting sources while creating educational exhibits to share knowledge on sustainable solutions.

Monitoring and verification – To track progress and ensure projects maintain intended benefits over the long run, capstone teams could establish baseline carbon measurements before proposed activities and design ongoing audit plans. They might then periodically reassess carbon stocks to verify storage levels align with prior projections. Monitoring delivers accountability while revealing ways to continuously strengthen climate impacts.

Hands-on learning through well-crafted capstone projects applying validated nature-based approaches offers a meaningful route for students to gain practical skills in greenhouse gas accounting, project planning and hands-on conservation delivery. When pursued at sufficient scale, nature-based solutions could provide over one-third of the climate mitigation needed by 2030 according to scientific analyses. Capstone work in this area not only equips future climate leaders, but makes strides towards stabilizing the Earth’s climate itself.


Capstone projects are a key part of the biomedical engineering curriculum that allow students to work on developing real solutions to pressing healthcare problems. These projects give students the opportunity to apply the classroom knowledge and technical skills they have gained throughout their education to design, build, test, and present innovative medical technologies, devices, diagnostics, or systems.

The products of capstone projects have the potential to make meaningful contributions to advancing biomedical engineering research and development. Students work directly with industry partners, clinical collaborators, professors, and others to identify unmet needs and develop prototypes or proof-of-concept projects that can help address those needs. While still in development rather than fully commercialized solutions, these student projects open doors for further research and development by experienced engineers and medical experts.

Many capstone projects directly respond to design briefs provided by industry, startups, hospitals, or clinics. Working with real-world stakeholders ensures students are focusing their efforts on problems of true clinical significance. Industry partners in particular can provide guidance on what technical specifications or regulatory requirements would be needed to eventually translate a student project into a commercial product. Having clinically- and commercially-informed input during the design process helps increase the chances capstone projects move the field forward in a meaningful way.

Some past examples help illustrate the potential impact of capstone projects. One project developed a low-cost infant warmer for use in rural areas without reliable electricity. Field testing in a developing country led to refinements that enhanced the device’s usefulness and safety. That project provided a foundation for further engineering to produce a next-generation infant warmer now being commercialized. Another project created a prototype for a portable, non-invasive glucose monitor. The resulting device showed promise in early feasibility studies and attracted follow-on funding to support more comprehensive clinical trials.

While not all projects will have such direct paths to commercialization or wide adoption, many push the boundaries of biomedical engineering knowledge and spur further inquiry. Presenting their work at academic conferences allows student teams to share their innovations, methods, challenges encountered, and lessons learned with the broader research community. Their projects can inspire new ideas in other investigators or highlight technical barriers still to be overcome. Peer-reviewed publications of capstone findings additionally disseminate student contributions for others to build upon.

Some teams opt to pursue protection of their intellectual property through patent applications before graduation. While patents can take many years to mature, provisional filings at minimum establish earlier conception dates and public disclosures for student inventions. This lays the groundwork should their work attract sponsorship after graduation for more extensive engineering and clinical testing. A few student patents have indeed blossomed into new medical startups or been licensed by existing companies.

Perhaps the greatest contribution of capstone projects is in developing future biomedical engineering leaders. The experience of conceptualizing, prototyping, validating and presenting original research instills practical skills that serve students well in industrial or academic careers. They gain an appreciation for the multidisciplinary collaboration, project management, and rigorous evaluation needed to translate engineering ideas into real-world medical impact. Many capstone participants cite their projects as most influential in deciding their subsequent career paths in medicine, academia, or the medical device industry. Several have even gone on to lead their own successful startup ventures.

Through their applied, hands-on nature, capstone projects allow biomedical engineering students to generate innovative solutions that can potentially help advance healthcare. While not all projects result in commercial products, many push the boundaries of knowledge or provide foundations for future research. By developing technical and problem-solving skills, capstone work additionally cultivates the next generation of biomedical engineers poised to continue driving progress. The potential long-term contributions of these projects to both scientific understanding and improved patient care make capstone experiences a vital part of biomedical engineering education.


A capstone project focused on self-driving vehicle research has great potential to increase awareness and interest in this emerging field. There are several ways such a project could help promote and advance autonomous vehicle technology.

First, a well-designed capstone project would provide an opportunity to educate the general public about the current status of self-driving car research and development. The project could outline the various technologies that enable autonomous driving like computer vision, sensors, mapping software, and artificial intelligence. It could explain how these different components work together to allow a vehicle to navigate roads and make decisions without human input. By helping people understand the technological challenges and progress being made, a capstone raises awareness of this complex but exciting area of research.

A capstone allows hands-on exploration of self-driving technology that sparks interest. For example, students could build a small autonomous car from an off-the-shelf kit and write code for basic navigation behaviors. This type of project lets people experience autonomous systems firsthand rather than just reading about them. Seeing a self-driving model in action, even on a small scale, makes the concepts more tangible and interesting. Hands-on learning is highly engaging and can inspire further learning.

A capstone could also profile pioneers in autonomous vehicle research to highlight career opportunities. Covering innovators at major companies and universities developing self-driving cars shows the breadth of occupations involved beyond just engineering. Profiles may feature computer scientists, designers, policy experts, entrepreneurs and more to appeal to different interests. Showcasing exciting work and important roles within this field generates interest in pursuing related careers. Promoting job prospects is especially motivating for students and helps attract diverse talent interested in shaping emerging technologies.

A capstone provides an outlet to address challenges and unresolved issues in autonomous driving. Discussing topics like software liability, cybersecurity risks, privacy concerns, and accessibility issues raises awareness of complex societal discussions around Self-driving vehicles. Covering open problems and ethical debates surrounding autonomy piques interest by presenting unfinished frontiers still requiring effort and innovation. Highlighting opportunities for further progress and contributions inspires continued learning and involvement.

A well-executed capstone could also stimulate interest by discussing potential long term impacts and applications of self-driving vehicles. Examples include improved road safety, expanded mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities, optimized city infrastructure, reduced traffic congestion and environmental benefits. Looking further into the future, applications may involve autonomous delivery drones, robo-taxis, and self-piloted cargo ships. Painting a vision of how autonomous systems could enhance lives sparks imagination and motivates pursuing involvement to help shape that future.

A capstone provides an outlet to showcase the project outcomes and findings to a broader audience through various dissemination channels. For instance, results may be presented at a local tech conference or published in an online publication. Video documentaries, demonstrations or exhibits open to the public spread insights from the project. Leveraging distribution platforms raises the profile and visibility of self-driving research, potentially igniting interest in others who learn about it through these outreach efforts. Wide sharing of informative, engaging work multiplies the potential positive impact.

A thoughtfully designed capstone project centered around self-driving vehicles has the power to substantially increase awareness and interest in this important area of research. Through educating the public, promoting hands-on learning, profiling career paths, addressing challenges, envisioning long term impacts and disseminating findings — such a project can effectively spark curiosity and inspire further involvement that advances the field. With autonomous systems poised to transform transportation and beyond, well-executed capstone work makes a valuable contribution.